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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1

CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1

JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNAL 1 October, evening.--I found Thomas Snelling in his house at Bethnal Green, but unhappily he was not in a condition to remember anything. The very prospect of beer which my expected coming had opened to him had proved too much, and he had begun too early on his expected debauch. I learned, however, from his wife, who seemed a decent, poor soul, that he was only the assistant of Smollet, who of the two mates was the responsible person. So off I drove to Walworth, and found Mr. Joseph Smollet at home and in his shirtsleeves, taking a late tea out of a saucer. He is a decent, intelligent fellow, distinctly a good, reliable type of workman, and with a headpiece of his own. He remembered all about the incident of the boxes, and from a wonderful dog-eared notebook, which he produced from some mysterious receptacle about the seat of his trousers, and which had hieroglyphical entries in thick, half-obliterated pencil, he gave me the destinations of the boxes. There were, he said, six in the cartload which he took from Carfax and left at 197 Chicksand Street, Mile End New Town, and another six which he deposited at Jamaica Lane, Bermondsey. If then the Count meant to scatter these ghastly refuges of his over London, these places were chosen as the first of delivery, so that later he might distribute more fully. The systematic manner in which this was done made me think that he could not mean to confine himself to two sides of London. He was now fixed on the far east on the northern shore, on the east of the southern shore, and on the south. The north and west were surely never meant to be left out of his diabolical scheme, let alone the City itself and the very heart of fashionable London in the south-west and west. I went back to Smollet, and asked him if he could tell us if any other boxes had been taken from Carfax.

He replied, "Well guv'nor, you've treated me very 'an'some", I had given him half a sovereign, "an I'll tell yer all I know. I heard a man by the name of Bloxam say four nights ago in the 'Are an' 'Ounds, in Pincher's Alley, as 'ow he an' his mate 'ad 'ad a rare dusty job in a old 'ouse at Purfleet. There ain't a many such jobs as this 'ere, an' I'm thinkin' that maybe Sam Bloxam could tell ye summut." I asked if he could tell me where to find him. I told him that if he could get me the address it would be worth another half sovereign to him. So he gulped down the rest of his tea and stood up, saying that he was going to begin the search then and there.

At the door he stopped, and said, "Look 'ere, guv'nor, there ain't no sense in me a keepin' you 'ere. I may find Sam soon, or I mayn't, but anyhow he ain't like to be in a way to tell ye much tonight. Sam is a rare one when he starts on the booze. If you can give me a envelope with a stamp on it, and put yer address on it, I'll find out where Sam is to be found and post it ye tonight. But ye'd better be up arter 'im soon in the mornin', never mind the booze the night afore."

CHAPTER 20 - Jonathan Harker's Journal, part 1 CAPÍTULO 20 - Diario de Jonathan Harker, parte 1

JONATHAN HARKER'S JOURNAL 1 October, evening.--I found Thomas Snelling in his house at Bethnal Green, but unhappily he was not in a condition to remember anything. |||||Snelling||||||||||||||||| 1 de outubro, à noite - Encontrei Thomas Snelling na sua casa em Bethnal Green, mas infelizmente não estava em condições de se lembrar de nada. The very prospect of beer which my expected coming had opened to him had proved too much, and he had begun too early on his expected debauch. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||Schwelgerei ||||||||||||||||||||||||||orgía de bebida لقد أثبتت احتمالية وجود البيرة التي فتحت جئتي المتوقعة له الكثير ، وقد بدأ في وقت مبكر جدًا في فجره المتوقع. A própria perspectiva de cerveja que minha expectativa de chegada lhe havia aberto havia se revelado muito, e ele começara cedo demais em sua expectativa de deboche. I learned, however, from his wife, who seemed a decent, poor soul, that he was only the assistant of Smollet, who of the two mates was the responsible person. |||||||||||||||||||Smollet||||||||| Soube, no entanto, pela sua mulher, que parecia ser uma pobre alma decente, que ele era apenas o assistente de Smollet, que dos dois companheiros era a pessoa responsável. Bununla birlikte, dürüst, fakir bir ruh gibi görünen karısından, iki eşten sorumlu kişi olan Smollet'in yalnızca asistanı olduğunu öğrendim. So off I drove to Walworth, and found Mr. Joseph Smollet at home and in his shirtsleeves, taking a late tea out of a saucer. ||||||||||||||||||||||||Untertasse ||||||||||||||||||||||||platillo لذلك خرجت بالسيارة إلى والورث ، ووجدت السيد جوزيف سموليت في المنزل وفي قمصانه ، وأخذ الشاي المتأخر من طبق. Assim, dirigi-me a Walworth e encontrei o Sr. Joseph Smollet em casa, em mangas de camisa, a tomar um chá tardio num pires. He is a decent, intelligent fellow, distinctly a good, reliable type of workman, and with a headpiece of his own. ||||||||||||||||Verstand||| ||||||||||||||||good intellect||| ||||inteligente|||||fiable|||||||||| إنه زميل محترم وذكي ، ومن الواضح أنه نوع جيد وموثوق به من العمال ، وله غطاء رأس خاص به. É um tipo decente e inteligente, claramente um trabalhador bom e fiável, e com um capacete próprio. He  remembered all about the incident of the boxes, and from a wonderful dog-eared notebook, which he produced from some mysterious receptacle about the seat of his trousers, and which had hieroglyphical entries in thick, half-obliterated pencil, he gave me the destinations of the boxes. ||||||||||||||abgewetzt||||||||||||||||||hieroglyphisch|Einträge||||||||||Ziele||| ||||||||||||||worn-out|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||destinos de||| Lembrava-se de tudo o que se passara com as caixas e, de um maravilhoso caderno com orelhas de cão, que tirou de um misterioso recetáculo sobre o assento das suas calças, e que tinha registos hieroglíficos a lápis grosso e meio apagado, deu-me os destinos das caixas. There were, he said, six in the cartload which he took from Carfax and left at 197 Chicksand Street, Mile End New Town, and another six which he deposited at Jamaica Lane, Bermondsey. |||||||Wagenladung|||||||||Chicksand Straße|||||||||||||Jamaica Lane||Bermondsey |||||||carga de carro|||||||||||||||||||||||| Segundo ele, havia seis na carga que retirou de Carfax e deixou em 197 Chicksand Street, Mile End New Town, e outros seis que depositou em Jamaica Lane, Bermondsey. If then the Count meant to scatter these ghastly refuges of his over London, these places were chosen as the first of delivery, so that later he might distribute more fully. ||||||verstreuen|||Zufluchts||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||dispersar|||||||||||||||||||||||| إذا كان الكونت بعد ذلك يهدف إلى تشتيت هذه الملاجئ المروعة في رحلته عبر لندن ، فقد تم اختيار هذه الأماكن كأول طريقة للتسليم ، حتى يتسنى له لاحقًا توزيعها بالكامل. Se, então, o Conde pretendia espalhar estes seus refúgios medonhos por Londres, estes locais foram escolhidos como os primeiros a serem entregues, para que mais tarde pudesse distribuir de forma mais completa. The systematic manner in which this was done made me think that he could not mean to confine himself to two sides of London. A maneira sistemática com que isso foi feito me fez pensar que ele não poderia se limitar a dois lados de Londres. He was now fixed on the far east on the northern shore, on the east of the southern shore, and on the south. لقد تم تثبيته الآن في أقصى الشرق على الشاطئ الشمالي ، وفي الشرق من الشاطئ الجنوبي ، وفي الجنوب. Fixava-se agora no extremo leste da margem norte, no leste da margem sul e no sul. The north and west were surely never meant to be left out of his diabolical scheme, let alone the City itself and the very heart of fashionable London in the south-west and west. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||modischen||||||| من المؤكد أن الشمال والغرب لم يقصد بهما أبداً التخلي عن مخططه الشيطاني ، ناهيك عن المدينة نفسها وقلب مدينة لندن العصرية في الجنوب الغربي والغرب. O norte e o oeste certamente nunca foram deixados de fora de seu plano diabólico, muito menos a própria cidade e o próprio coração da moda de Londres no sudoeste e oeste. I went back to Smollet, and asked him if he could tell us if any other boxes had been taken from Carfax. Voltei a contactar Smollet e perguntei-lhe se podia dizer-nos se tinham sido retiradas outras caixas do Carfax.

He replied, "Well guv'nor, you've treated me very 'an'some", I had given him half a sovereign, "an I'll tell yer all I know. أجاب: "حسنًا ، لقد عاملتني كثيرًا ، لقد أعطيته نصف ملك" ، سأقول لك كل ما أعرفه. Ele respondeu: "Bem, chefe, trataste-me muito bem", eu tinha-lhe dado meio soberano, "e vou contar-te tudo o que sei. I heard a man by the name of Bloxam say four nights ago in the 'Are an' 'Ounds, in Pincher's Alley, as 'ow he an' his mate 'ad 'ad a rare dusty job in a old 'ouse at Purfleet. ||||||||Bloxam|||||||||Hounds||Pinchers Gasse||||||||||||||||||| Ouvi um homem chamado Bloxam dizer, há quatro noites, no 'Are an' 'Ounds, em Pincher's Alley, que ele e o seu companheiro tinham tido um trabalho raro e empoeirado numa velha casa em Purfleet. There ain't a many such jobs as this 'ere, an' I'm thinkin' that maybe Sam Bloxam could tell ye summut." Não há muitos trabalhos como este aqui, e estou a pensar que talvez Sam Bloxam possa dizer-vos alguma coisa". I asked if he could tell me where to find him. Perguntei-lhe se me podia dizer onde o podia encontrar. I told him that if he could get me the address it would be worth another half sovereign to him. Disse-lhe que, se me conseguisse arranjar a morada, valeria mais meio soberano para ele. So he gulped down the rest of his tea and stood up, saying that he was going to begin the search then and there. ||schluckte||||||||||||||||||||| ||tragó de un sorbo||||||||||||||||||||| Então, engoliu o resto do chá e levantou-se, dizendo que ia começar a busca ali mesmo.

At the door he stopped, and said, "Look 'ere, guv'nor, there ain't no sense in me a keepin' you 'ere. À porta, parou e disse: "Olhe lá, patrão, não faz sentido eu mantê-lo aqui. I may find Sam soon, or I mayn't, but anyhow he ain't like to be in a way to tell ye much tonight. Talvez encontre o Sam em breve, ou talvez não, mas de qualquer modo ele não deve estar em condições de vos dizer muito esta noite. Sam is a rare one when he starts on the booze. ||||||||||alcohol O Sam é raro quando começa a beber. If you can give me a envelope with a stamp on it, and put yer address on it, I'll find out where Sam is to be found and post it ye tonight. ||||||sobre||||||||||||||||||||||||| Se me puderem dar um envelope com selo e colocar a vossa morada, eu descubro onde se encontra o Sam e envio-vos esta noite. But ye'd better be up arter 'im soon in the mornin', never mind the booze the night afore." ||||||||||||||alcohol||| Mas é melhor você acordar logo, logo pela manhã, não importa a bebida da noite antes. "