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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13

CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13

There was a considerable pause, and then he said slowly, "Then I suppose I must only shift my ground of request. Let me ask for this concession, boon, privilege, what you will. I am content to implore in such a case, not on personal grounds, but for the sake of others. I am not at liberty to give you the whole of my reasons, but you may, I assure you, take it from me that they are good ones, sound and unselfish, and spring from the highest sense of duty.

"Could you look, sir, into my heart, you would approve to the full the sentiments which animate me. Nay, more, you would count me amongst the best and truest of your friends." Again he looked at us all keenly. I had a growing conviction that this sudden change of his entire intellectual method was but yet another phase of his madness, and so determined to let him go on a little longer, knowing from experience that he would, like all lunatics, give himself away in the end. Van Helsing was gazing at him with a look of utmost intensity, his bushy eyebrows almost meeting with the fixed concentration of his look. He said to Renfield in a tone which did not surprise me at the time, but only when I thought of it afterwards, for it was as of one addressing an equal, "Can you not tell frankly your real reason for wishing to be free tonight? I will undertake that if you will satisfy even me, a stranger, without prejudice, and with the habit of keeping an open mind, Dr. Seward will give you, at his own risk and on his own responsibility, the privilege you seek." He shook his head sadly, and with a look of poignant regret on his face. The Professor went on, "Come, sir, bethink yourself. You claim the privilege of reason in the highest degree, since you seek to impress us with your complete reasonableness. You do this, whose sanity we have reason to doubt, since you are not yet released from medical treatment for this very defect. If you will not help us in our effort to choose the wisest course, how can we perform the duty which you yourself put upon us? Be wise, and help us, and if we can we shall aid you to achieve your wish." He still shook his head as he said, "Dr. Van Helsing, I have nothing to say. Your argument is complete, and if I were free to speak I should not hesitate a moment, but I am not my own master in the matter. I can only ask you to trust me. If I am refused, the responsibility does not rest with me." I thought it was now time to end the scene, which was becoming too comically grave, so I went towards the door, simply saying, "Come, my friends, we have work to do. Good night."

CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 13 CAPÍTULO 18 - Diario del Dr. Seward, parte 13

There was a considerable pause, and then he said slowly, "Then I suppose I must only shift my ground of request. ||||||||||||||||||Standpunkt|| ||||||||||||||||cambiar|||| كان هناك توقف كبير ، ثم قال ببطء ، "ثم أفترض أنني يجب أن أتحول فقط عن طلبي. Houve uma pausa considerável e, depois, ele disse lentamente: "Então, suponho que só tenho de mudar o meu motivo de pedido. Önemli bir duraklama oldu ve sonra yavaşça, "O zaman sanırım sadece talep gerekçemi değiştirmeliyim. Let me ask for this concession, boon, privilege, what you will. ||||||favor|||| |||||concesión|don regalo|||| اسمحوا لي أن أطلب هذا التنازل ، نعمة ، امتياز ، ماذا تريد. Deixem-me pedir esta concessão, bênção, privilégio, o que quiserem. I am content to implore in such a case, not on personal grounds, but for the sake of others. ich||zufrieden|||||||||||||||| |estoy||||||||||||||||| أنا راضٍ لأدعو في مثل هذه الحالة ، ليس لأسباب شخصية ، ولكن من أجل الآخرين. Nesse caso, contento-me em implorar, não por razões pessoais, mas por causa dos outros. I am not at liberty to give you the whole of my reasons, but you may, I assure you, take it from me that they are good ones, sound and unselfish, and spring from the highest sense of duty. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Pflicht أنا لست مطلق الحرية في إعطائكم كل الأسباب ، لكنك ، أؤكد لك ، أن تأخذها مني بأنها جيدة ، سليمة وغير أنانية ، وتنبثق من أعلى درجات الإحساس بالواجب. Não tenho a liberdade de vos dar todas as minhas razões, mas podem, garanto-vos, acreditar que são boas, sólidas e altruístas, e que resultam do mais elevado sentido do dever.

"Could you look, sir, into my heart, you would approve to the full the sentiments which animate me. ||||||||||||||||bewegen| ||||||||||||||||animan| "هل يمكن أن تنظر ، يا سيدي ، في قلبي ، هل توافق تمامًا على المشاعر التي تحفزني. "Se pudésseis olhar, senhor, para o meu coração, aprovaríeis plenamente os sentimentos que me animam. Nay, more, you would count me amongst the best and truest of your friends." كلا ، فأنت تحسبني من بين أفضل أصدق أصدقاؤك. " Não, mais ainda, contar-me-íeis entre os melhores e mais verdadeiros dos vossos amigos." Again he looked at us all keenly. ||||||con atención De novo, olhou para todos nós com atenção. I had a growing conviction that this sudden change of his entire intellectual method was but yet another phase of his madness, and so determined to let him go on a  little longer, knowing from experience that he would, like all lunatics, give himself away in the end. كان لدي اقتناع متزايد بأن هذا التغيير المفاجئ في أسلوبه الفكري بأكمله لم يكن سوى مرحلة أخرى من جنونه ، وعقد العزم على السماح له بالاستمرار لفترة أطول قليلاً ، مع العلم من التجربة أنه سيود ، مثله مثل كل المجانين ، التخلي عن نفسه النهاية. Estava cada vez mais convencido de que esta súbita mudança de todo o seu método intelectual era apenas mais uma fase da sua loucura e, por isso, decidi deixá-lo continuar um pouco mais, sabendo por experiência própria que ele, como todos os lunáticos, acabaria por se entregar. Van Helsing was gazing at him with a look of utmost intensity, his bushy eyebrows almost meeting  with the fixed concentration of his look. |||starrte|||||||||||||||||||| Van Helsing estava a olhar para ele com um olhar de extrema intensidade, as suas sobrancelhas espessas quase se encontravam com a concentração fixa do seu olhar. He said to Renfield in a tone which did not surprise me at the time, but only when I thought of it afterwards, for it was as of one addressing an equal, "Can you not tell frankly your real reason for wishing to be free tonight? قال لرينفيلد في لهجة لم تفاجئني في ذلك الوقت ، ولكن فقط عندما فكرت في الأمر بعد ذلك ، لأنه كان بمثابة معالجة واحدة على قدم المساواة ، "لا يمكنك أن تقول بصراحة السبب الحقيقي وراء رغبتك في أن تكون حراً الليلة ؟ Disse a Renfield num tom que não me surpreendeu na altura, mas só quando pensei nisso depois, pois era como se se dirigisse a um igual: "Não podes dizer francamente a tua verdadeira razão para quereres ser livre esta noite? I will undertake that if you will satisfy even me, a stranger, without prejudice, and with the habit of keeping an open mind, Dr. Seward will  give you, at his own risk and on his own responsibility, the privilege you seek." سوف أتعهد بأنه إذا كنت سترضي حتى أنا ، أي شخص غريب ، دون تحيز ، وبعادة ممارسة العقل المنفتح ، فسوف يمنحك الدكتور سيوارد ، على مسؤوليته الخاصة وعلى مسؤوليته الخاصة ، الامتياز الذي تبحث عنه. " Comprometo-me a que, se me satisfizer, mesmo a mim, um estranho, sem preconceitos e com o hábito de manter a mente aberta, o Dr. Seward lhe dará, por sua conta e risco e sob a sua responsabilidade, o privilégio que procura". He shook his head sadly, and with a look of poignant regret on his face. ||||||||||profundo pesar|profunda tristeza||| هز رأسه بحزن ، مع نظرة حزينة مؤلمة على وجهه. Abanou a cabeça tristemente, com um ar de pesar pungente no rosto. The Professor went on, "Come, sir, bethink yourself. ||||||besinnen Sie sich| ||||||Consider carefully| ||||||reflexiona| O Professor continuou: "Venha, senhor, pense bem. You claim the privilege of reason in the highest degree, since you seek to impress us with your complete reasonableness. |||Vorrecht||Vernunft||||||||||||||Vernunftmäß |||||||||||||||||||razonabilidad تدعي امتياز العقل في أعلى درجة ، لأنك تسعى لإقناعنا بمعقوليتك الكاملة. Reclamais o privilégio da razão no mais alto grau, pois procurais impressionar-nos com a vossa total razoabilidade. You do this, whose sanity we have reason to doubt, since you are not yet released from medical treatment for this very defect. |||||||razón||||||||||||||| يمكنك القيام بذلك ، الذي من المعقول أن نشك في عقله ، حيث أنك لم تخرج بعد من العلاج الطبي بسبب هذا العيب الشديد. É o que faz o senhor, de cuja sanidade temos razões para duvidar, uma vez que ainda não teve alta do tratamento médico para esse mesmo defeito. If you will not help us in our effort to choose the wisest course, how can we perform the duty which you yourself put upon us? ||||||||||||weise||||||||||||| Se não nos ajudarem a escolher o caminho mais sensato, como poderemos cumprir o dever que vocês próprios nos impuseram? Be wise, and help us, and if we can we shall aid you to achieve your wish." Sê sábio, ajuda-nos e, se pudermos, ajudar-te-emos a realizar o teu desejo". He still shook his head as he said, "Dr. Van Helsing, I have nothing to say. Ele ainda abanou a cabeça e disse: "Dr. Van Helsing, não tenho nada a dizer. Your argument is complete, and if I were free to speak I should not hesitate a moment, but I am not my own master in the matter. حجةك كاملة ، وإذا كنت حرًا في الكلام ، فلا ينبغي لي أن أتردد لحظة ، لكنني لست سيدي في هذه المسألة. O seu argumento é completo e, se eu fosse livre de falar, não hesitaria um momento, mas não sou o meu próprio mestre nesta matéria. I can only ask you to trust me. Só vos posso pedir que confiem em mim. If I am refused, the responsibility does not rest with me." إذا تم رفضي ، فالمسؤولية لا تقع على عاتقي ". Se me recusarem, a responsabilidade não recai sobre mim". Reddedilirsem sorumluluk bana ait değil. " I thought it was now time to end the scene, which was becoming too comically grave, so I went towards the door, simply saying, "Come, my friends, we have work to do. ||||||||||||||komisch ernst||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||cómicamente|demasiado grave|||||||||||||||| Achei que era altura de terminar a cena, que se estava a tornar demasiado cómica e grave, e dirigi-me à porta, dizendo simplesmente: "Venham, meus amigos, temos trabalho a fazer. Good night."