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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11

CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11


1 October, 4 A.M.--Just as we were about to leave the house, an urgent message was brought to me from Renfield to know if I would see him at once, as he had something of the utmost importance to say to me. I told the messenger to say that I would attend to his wishes in the morning, I was busy just at the moment.

The attendant added, "He seems very importunate, sir. I have never seen him so eager. I don't know but what, if you don't see him soon, he will have one of his violent fits. " I knew the man would not have said this without some cause, so I said, "All right, I'll go now," and I asked the others to wait a few minutes for me, as I had to go and see my patient. "Take me with you, friend John," said the Professor. "His case in your diary interest me much, and it had bearing, too, now and again on our case. I should much like to see him, and especial when his mind is disturbed." "May I come also?" asked Lord Godalming.

"Me too?" said Quincey Morris. "May I come?" said Harker. I nodded, and we all went down the passage together.

We found him in a state of considerable excitement, but far more rational in his speech and manner than I had ever seen him. There was an unusual understanding of himself, which was unlike anything I had ever met with in a lunatic, and he took it for granted that his reasons would prevail with others entirely sane. We all five went into the room, but none of the others at first said anything. His request was that I would at once release him from the asylum and send him home. This he backed up with arguments regarding his complete recovery, and adduced his own existing sanity.

"I appeal to your friends," he said, "they will, perhaps, not mind sitting in judgement on my case. By the way, you have not introduced me." I was so much astonished, that the oddness of introducing a madman in an asylum did not strike me at the moment, and besides, there was a certain dignity in the man's manner, so much of the habit of equality, that I at once made the introduction, "Lord Godalming, Professor Van Helsing, Mr. Quincey Morris, of Texas, Mr. Jonathan Harker, Mr. Renfield."

CHAPTER 18 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 11 CAPITOLO 18 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 11 CAPÍTULO 18 - Diário do Dr. Seward, parte 11 ГЛАВА 18 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 11


1 October, 4 A.M.--Just as we were about to leave the house, an urgent message was brought to me from Renfield to know if I would see him at once, as he had something of the utmost importance to say to me. 1 أكتوبر ، 4 صباحًا - تمامًا كما كنا على وشك مغادرة المنزل ، تم إرسال رسالة عاجلة من رينفيلد لمعرفة ما إذا كنت سأراه فورًا ، حيث كان لديه شيء من الأهمية القصوى أن يقوله لي. 1 de outubro, 4 da manhã - Quando estávamos prestes a sair de casa, chegou-me uma mensagem urgente de Renfield para saber se eu o queria ver imediatamente, pois tinha algo de muito importante para me dizer. I told the messenger to say that I would attend to his wishes in the morning, I was busy just at the moment. Disse ao mensageiro que atenderia os seus desejos de manhã, pois estava ocupado de momento.

The attendant added, "He seems very importunate, sir. ||||||aufdringlich| ||||||overly persistent| O criado acrescentou: "Ele parece muito importuno, senhor. I have never seen him so eager. أنا لم أره حريصة أبدًا. Nunca o vi tão ansioso. I don’t know but what, if you don’t see him soon, he will have one of his violent fits. لا أدري إلا ماذا ، إذا لم تروه قريبًا ، فسيواجه أحد نوباته العنيفة. Não sei, mas se não o vires em breve, ele vai ter um dos seus ataques violentos. Bilmiyorum ama ne olacak, eğer onu yakında görmezsen, şiddetli krizlerinden birini geçirecek. "  I knew the man would not have said this without some cause, so I said, "All right, I’ll go now," and I asked the others to wait a few minutes for me, as I had to go and see my patient. " Eu sabia que o homem não teria dito aquilo sem alguma razão, por isso disse: "Está bem, vou-me embora", e pedi aos outros que esperassem uns minutos por mim, pois tinha de ir ver o meu doente. "Take me with you, friend John," said the Professor. "Leva-me contigo, amigo João", disse o Professor. "His case in your diary interest me much, and it had bearing, too, now and again on our case. "O caso dele no seu diário interessa-me muito e, de vez em quando, também tem a ver com o nosso caso. "Günlüğünüzdeki davası beni çok ilgilendiriyor ve bizim davamızla da ara sıra ilgiliydi. I should much like to see him, and especial when his mind is disturbed." Gostaria muito de o ver, e especialmente quando a sua mente está perturbada". "May I come also?" "Posso ir também?" asked Lord Godalming.

"Me too?" "Eu também?" said Quincey Morris. disse Quincey Morris. "May I come?" "Posso ir?" said Harker. disse Harker. I nodded, and we all went down the passage together. Acenei com a cabeça e descemos todos juntos a passagem.

We found him in a state of considerable excitement, but far more rational in his speech and manner than I had ever seen him. Encontrámo-lo num estado de excitação considerável, mas muito mais racional no seu discurso e maneiras do que eu alguma vez o tinha visto. There was an unusual understanding of himself, which was unlike anything I had ever met with in a lunatic, and he took it for granted that his reasons would prevail with others entirely sane. ||||||||||||||||||Verrückten|||nahm|||||||||||| كان هناك فهم غير عادي لنفسه ، والذي كان على عكس أي شيء التقيت به في أحد الجنونين ، واعتبر أنه من المسلم به أن تسود أسبابه مع الآخرين عاقل تماما. Tinha uma compreensão invulgar de si próprio, diferente de tudo o que eu já encontrara num lunático, e considerava que as suas razões prevaleceriam perante outras pessoas completamente sãs. Kendisiyle ilgili alışılmadık bir anlayış vardı, ki bu bir delide karşılaştığım hiçbir şeye benzemiyordu ve nedenlerinin diğerlerinin tamamen aklı başında olacağını kabul etti. We all five went into the room, but none of the others at first said anything. Entrámos os cinco na sala, mas nenhum dos outros começou por dizer nada. His request was that I would at once release him from the asylum and send him home. O seu pedido era que eu o libertasse imediatamente do asilo e o mandasse para casa. This he backed up with arguments regarding his complete recovery, and adduced his own existing sanity. |||||||||||führte an|||| |||||||||||cited|||| Para o efeito, apresentou argumentos sobre a sua completa recuperação e referiu a sua própria sanidade mental.

"I appeal to your friends," he said, "they will, perhaps, not mind sitting in judgement on my case. "Apelo aos vossos amigos", disse ele, "talvez eles não se importem de julgar o meu caso. By the way, you have not introduced me." A propósito, não me apresentaste". I was so much astonished, that the oddness of introducing a madman in an asylum did not strike me at the moment, and besides, there was a certain dignity in the man’s manner, so much of the habit of equality, that I at once made the introduction, "Lord Godalming, Professor Van Helsing, Mr. Quincey Morris, of Texas, Mr. Jonathan Harker, Mr. |||||||Seltsamkeit||||||||||auffallen||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||uguaglianza||||||||||||||||||||| Eu estava tão espantado que a estranheza de apresentar um louco num asilo não me ocorreu no momento e, além disso, havia uma certa dignidade nos modos do homem, tão do hábito da igualdade, que fiz imediatamente a apresentação: "Lord Godalming, Professor Van Helsing, Sr. Quincey Morris, do Texas, Sr. Jonathan Harker, Sr. Renfield."