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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2

CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2


29 September.--After I had tidied myself, I went down to Dr. Seward's study.

At the door I paused a moment, for I thought I heard him talking with some one. As, however, he had pressed me to be quick, I knocked at the door, and on his calling out, "Come in," I entered. To my intense surprise, there was no one with him.

He was quite alone, and on the table opposite him was what I knew at once from the description to be a phonograph. I had never seen one, and was much interested. "I hope I did not keep you waiting," I said, "but I stayed at the door as I heard you talking, and thought there was someone with you.

"Oh," he replied with a smile, "I was only entering my diary.

"Your diary?

I asked him in surprise. "Yes," he answered.

"I keep it in this. " As he spoke he laid his hand on the phonograph. I felt quite excited over it, and blurted out, "Why, this beats even shorthand! May I hear it say something? "Certainly," he replied with alacrity, and stood up to put it in train for speaking.

Then he paused, and a troubled look overspread his face. "The fact is," he began awkwardly, "I only keep my diary in it, and as it is entirely, almost entirely, about my cases it may be awkward, that is, I mean .

" He stopped, and I tried to help him out of his embarrassment.

"You helped to attend dear Lucy at the end.

Let me hear how she died, for all that I know of her, I shall be very grateful. She was very, very dear to me. To my surprise, he answered, with a horrorstruck look in his face, "Tell you of her death?

Not for the wide world! "Why not?

I asked, for some grave, terrible feeling was coming over me. Again he paused, and I could see that he was trying to invent an excuse.

At length, he stammered out, "You see, I do not know how to pick out any particular part of the diary. Even while he was speaking an idea dawned upon him, and he said with unconscious simplicity, in a different voice, and with the naivete of a child, "that's quite true, upon my honour.

Honest Indian! I could not but smile, at which he grimaced.

"I gave myself away that time!" he said. "But do you know that, although I have kept the diary for months past, it never once struck me how I was going to find any particular part of it in case I wanted to look it up?

CHAPTER 17 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2 ΚΕΦΑΛΑΙΟ 17 - Το ημερολόγιο του Δρ Σιούαρντ, μέρος 2 CAPITOLO 17 - Diario del dottor Seward, parte 2 ГЛАВА 17 - Дневник доктора Сьюарда, часть 2


29 September.--After I had tidied myself, I went down to Dr. Seward’s study. ||||aufgeräumt|||||||| 29 de setembro - Depois de me ter arrumado, desci ao gabinete do Dr. Seward.

At the door I paused a moment, for I thought I heard him talking with some one. À porta, parei um momento, pois pareceu-me ouvi-lo a falar com alguém. As, however, he had pressed me to be quick, I knocked at the door, and on his calling out, "Come in," I entered. Como, no entanto, ele me tinha pedido para ser rápido, bati à porta e, quando ele me disse: "Entra", entrei. To my intense surprise, there was no one with him. Para minha grande surpresa, não havia ninguém com ele.

He was quite alone, and on the table opposite him was what I knew at once from the description to be a phonograph. ||||||||||||||||||||||fonógrafo Estava sozinho e na mesa em frente estava o que, pela descrição, percebi logo que era um fonógrafo. I had never seen one, and was much interested. Nunca tinha visto um e fiquei muito interessado. "I hope I did not keep you waiting," I said, "but I stayed at the door as I heard you talking, and thought there was someone with you. "Espero não o ter feito esperar", disse eu, "mas fiquei à porta porque o ouvi falar e pensei que estava alguém consigo.

"Oh," he replied with a smile, "I was only entering my diary. "Oh", respondeu ele com um sorriso, "estava apenas a escrever no meu diário.

"Your diary? "O teu diário?

I asked him in surprise. Perguntei-lhe com surpresa. "Yes," he answered.

"I keep it in this. "Eu guardo-o aqui. "  As he spoke he laid his hand on the phonograph. " Enquanto falava, colocou a mão sobre o fonógrafo. I felt quite excited over it, and blurted out, "Why, this beats even shorthand! |||||||herausplatzen|||||| |||||||solté|||||| Fiquei muito entusiasmado e disse: "Isto até é melhor do que a estenografia! May I hear it say something? Posso ouvi-lo dizer alguma coisa? "Certainly," he replied with alacrity, and stood up to put it in train for speaking. ||||eager readiness|||||||||| "Certamente", respondeu ele com alacridade, e levantou-se para o pôr em marcha.

Then he paused, and a troubled look overspread his face. Depois fez uma pausa, e um olhar perturbado cobriu-lhe o rosto. "The fact is," he began awkwardly, "I only keep my diary in it, and as it is entirely, almost entirely, about my cases it may be awkward, that is, I mean . |||||ungeschickt||||||||||||||||||||||||| "O facto é que", começou ele desajeitadamente, "só guardo o meu diário nele, e como é inteiramente, quase inteiramente, sobre os meus casos, pode ser estranho, isto é, quero dizer .

"  He stopped, and I tried to help him out of his " Ele parou, e eu tentei ajudá-lo a sair da sua embarrassment. vergüenza embaraço.

"You helped to attend dear Lucy at the end. "Ajudaste a cuidar da querida Lucy no fim.

Let me hear how she died, for all that I know of her, I shall be very grateful. Se me disserem como é que ela morreu, por tudo o que sei dela, ficarei muito grato. She was very, very dear to me. Ela era-me muito, muito querida. To my surprise, he answered, with a horrorstruck look in his face, "Tell you of her death? |||||||entsetzt||||||||| |||||||"aterrado"||||||||| Para minha surpresa, ele respondeu, com um ar horrorizado: "Contou-lhe da morte dela?

Not for the wide world! Não para o mundo inteiro! Geniş dünya için değil! "Why not?

I asked, for some grave, terrible feeling was coming over me. perguntei, pois um sentimento grave e terrível estava a apoderar-se de mim. Again he paused, and I could see that he was trying to invent an excuse. Mais uma vez fez uma pausa, e eu vi que estava a tentar inventar uma desculpa.

At length, he stammered out, "You see, I do not know how to pick out any particular part of the diary. |||tartamudeó||||||||||elegir||||||| Por fim, balbuciou: "É que não sei escolher uma parte específica do diário. Even while he was speaking an idea dawned upon him, and he said with unconscious simplicity, in a different voice, and with the naivete of a child, "that’s quite true, upon my honour. |||||||kam ihm in den Sinn||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||se le ocurrió||||||||||||||||||||||||| Enquanto falava, ocorreu-lhe uma ideia e disse, com uma simplicidade inconsciente, com uma voz diferente e com a ingenuidade de uma criança: "É verdade, por favor.

Honest Indian! I could not but smile, at which he grimaced. ||||||||grimassierte ||||||||hizo una mueca Não pude deixar de sorrir, ao que ele fez uma careta. Gülümsemedim ama yüzünü buruşturdu.

"I gave myself away that time!" he said. "But do you know that, although I have kept the diary for months past, it never once struck me how I was going to find any particular part of it in case I wanted to look it up? "Mas sabe que, apesar de ter guardado o diário durante meses, nunca me ocorreu como é que eu ia encontrar uma parte específica dele, caso quisesse consultá-la?