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Dracula - Bram Stoker, CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2

"I swear to you by all that I hold sacred that I have not removed or touched her.

What happened was this. Two nights ago my friend Seward and I came here, with good purpose, believe me. I opened that coffin, which was then sealed up, and we found it as now, empty. We then waited, and saw something white come through the trees. The next day we came here in daytime and she lay there. Did she not, friend John? "Yes.

"That night we were just in time.

One more so small child was missing, and we find it, thank God, unharmed amongst the graves. Yesterday I came here before sundown, for at sundown the UnDead can move. I waited here all night till the sun rose, but I saw nothing. It was most probable that it was because I had laid over the clamps of those doors garlic, which the UnDead cannot bear, and other things which they shun.

Last night there was no exodus, so tonight before the sundown I took away my garlic and other things. And so it is we find this coffin empty. But bear with me. So far there is much that is strange. Wait you with me outside, unseen and unheard, and things much stranger are yet to be. So," here he shut the dark slide of his lantern, "now to the outside. " He opened the door, and we filed out, he coming last and locking the door behind him. Oh!

But it seemed fresh and pure in the night air after the terror of that vault. How sweet it was to see the clouds race by, and the passing gleams of the moonlight between the scudding clouds crossing and passing, like the gladness and sorrow of a man's life. How sweet it was to breathe the fresh air, that had no taint of death and decay. How humanizing to see the red lighting of the sky beyond the hill, and to hear far away the muffled roar that marks the life of a great city. Each in his own way was solemn and overcome. Arthur was silent, and was, I could see, striving to grasp the purpose and the inner meaning of the mystery.

CHAPTER 16 - Dr. Seward's Diary, part 2

"I swear to you by all that I hold sacred that I have not removed or touched her. "Juro-vos por tudo o que considero sagrado que não lhe tirei nem toquei.

What happened was this. Two nights ago my friend Seward and I came here, with good purpose, believe me. Há duas noites, o meu amigo Seward e eu viemos aqui, com um bom propósito, acreditem. I opened that coffin, which was then sealed up, and we found it as now, empty. Abri o caixão, que depois foi fechado, e encontrámo-lo como agora, vazio. We then waited, and saw something white come through the trees. Depois esperámos e vimos algo branco a passar por entre as árvores. The next day we came here in daytime and she lay there. No dia seguinte, viemos cá durante o dia e ela estava deitada. Did she not, friend John? Não foi, amigo John? "Yes.

"That night we were just in time. "Nessa noite, chegámos mesmo a tempo.

One more so small child was missing, and we find it, thank God, unharmed amongst the graves. Faltava mais uma criança tão pequena, e encontramo-la, graças a Deus, ilesa entre as campas. Yesterday I came here before sundown, for at sundown the UnDead can move. ||||||für|||||| Ontem cheguei aqui antes do pôr do sol, porque ao pôr do sol os Não-Mortos podem mover-se. I waited here all night till the sun rose, but I saw nothing. Esperei aqui toda a noite até o sol nascer, mas não vi nada. It was most probable that it was because I had laid over the clamps of those doors garlic, which the UnDead cannot bear, and other things which they shun. |||wahrscheinlich|||||||gelegt|||Klemmen|||||||||||||||meiden |||||||||||||fastening devices|||||||||||||||avoid or dislike O mais provável é que tenha sido por eu ter colocado os grampos dessas portas de alho, que os Não Mortos não suportam, e outras coisas que eles evitam.

Last night there was no exodus, so tonight before the sundown I took away my garlic and other things. |||||mass departure||||||||||||| Ontem à noite não houve êxodo, por isso esta noite, antes do pôr do sol, tirei o meu alho e outras coisas. And so it is we find this coffin empty. E é assim que encontramos este caixão vazio. But bear with me. Mas atenção. So far there is much that is strange. Até agora, há muita coisa estranha. Wait you with me outside, unseen and unheard, and things much stranger are yet to be. Espera-te comigo lá fora, sem ser visto e sem ser ouvido, e coisas muito mais estranhas ainda estão para acontecer. So," here he shut the dark slide of his lantern, "now to the outside. |||||dunkel|Schiebedeckel||||||| Por isso", fechou a tampa escura da lanterna, "agora vamos para o exterior. "  He opened the door, and we filed out, he coming last and locking the door behind him. ||||||gingen hinaus|||||||||| ||||||walked in line|exited the room||||||||| " Abriu a porta e saímos, ele foi o último a chegar e fechou a porta atrás de si. Oh! Oh!

But it seemed fresh and pure in the night air after the terror of that vault. Mas parecia fresco e puro no ar da noite, depois do terror daquele cofre. How sweet it was to see the clouds race by, and the passing gleams of the moonlight between the scudding clouds crossing and passing, like the gladness and sorrow of a man’s life. ||||||||rasen|||||||||||vorbeiziehenden||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||moving swiftly||||||||||||| Como era doce ver as nuvens a passar, e os brilhos passageiros do luar entre as nuvens que se cruzavam e passavam, como a alegria e a tristeza da vida de um homem. How sweet it was to breathe the fresh air, that had no taint of death and decay. ||||||||||||Makel||||Verfall Como era doce respirar o ar fresco, que não tinha o cheiro da morte e da decadência. How humanizing to see the red lighting of the sky beyond the hill, and to hear far away the muffled roar that marks the life of a great city. |menschlich machend||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Como é humanizante ver a luz vermelha do céu para lá da colina, e ouvir ao longe o rugido abafado que marca a vida de uma grande cidade. Each in his own way was solemn and overcome. ||||||||überwältigt Cada um, à sua maneira, estava solene e superado. Her biri kendi yolunda ciddiydi ve üstesinden geldi. Arthur was silent, and was, I could see, striving to grasp the purpose and the inner meaning of the mystery. Artur estava em silêncio e, como pude ver, esforçava-se por compreender o objetivo e o significado interior do mistério.