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Deathworld by Harry Harrison, Chapter - XX

Chapter - XX

XX. ROM the beginning now," Kerk said.

"And leave out nothing. "There is very little more that I can add to the physical facts.

I saw the animals, understood the message. I even experimented with some of them and they reacted to my mental commands. What I must do now is track down the source of the orders that keep this war going. "I'll tell you something that I have never told anyone else.

I'm not only lucky at gambling. I have enough psi ability to alter probability in my favor. It's an erratic ability that I have tried to improve for obvious reasons. During the past ten years I managed to study at all of the centers that do psi research. Compared to other fields of knowledge it is amazing how little they know. Basic psi talents can be improved by practice, and some machines have been devised that act as psionic amplifiers. One of these, used correctly, is a very good directional indicator. "You want to build this machine?

Kerk asked. "Exactly.

Build it and take it outside the city in the ship. Any signal strong enough to keep this centuries-old battle going should be strong enough to track down. I'll follow it, contact the creatures who are sending it, and try to find out why they are doing it. I assume you'll go along with any reasonable plan that will end this war? "Anything reasonable," Kerk said coldly.

"How long will it take you to build this machine? "Just a few days if you have all the parts here," Jason told him.

"Then do it.

I'm canceling the flight that's leaving now and I'll keep the ship here, ready to go. When the machine is built I want you to track the signal and report back to me. "Agreed," Jason said, standing up.

"As soon as I have this hole in my back looked at I'll draw up a list of things needed. A grim, unsmiling man named Skop was assigned to Jason as a combination guide and guard.

He took his job very seriously, and it didn't take Jason long to realize that he was a prisoner-at-large. Kerk had accepted his story, but that was no guarantee that he believed it. At a single word from him, the guard could turn executioner. The chill thought hit Jason that undoubtedly this was what would happen.

Whether Kerk accepted the story or not—he couldn't afford to take a chance. As long as there was the slightest possibility Jason had contacted the grubbers, he could not be allowed to leave the planet alive. The woods people were being simple if they thought a plan this obvious might succeed. Or had they just gambled on the very long chance it might work? They certainly had nothing to lose by it. Only half of Jason's mind was occupied with the work as he drew up a list of materials he would need for the psionic direction finder.

His thoughts plodded in tight circles, searching for a way out that didn't exist. He was too deeply involved now to just leave. Kerk would see to that. Unless he could find a way to end the war and settle the grubber question he was marooned on Pyrrus for life. A very short life. When the list was ready he called Supply.

With a few substitutions, everything he might possibly need was in stock, and would be sent over. Skop sank into an apparent doze in his chair and Jason, his head propped against the pull of gravity by one arm, began a working sketch of his machine. Jason looked up suddenly, aware of the silence.

He could hear machinery in the building and voices in the hall outside. What kind of silence then—? Mental silence.

He had been so preoccupied since his return to the city that he hadn't noticed the complete lack of any kind of psi sensation. The constant wash of animal reactions was missing, as was the vague tactile awareness of his PK. With sudden realization he remembered that it was always this way inside the city. He tried to listen with his mind—and stopped almost before he began.

There was a constant press of thought about him that he was made aware of when he reached out. It was like being in a vessel far beneath the ocean, with your hand on the door that held back the frightening pressure. Touching the door, without opening it, you could feel the stresses, the power pushing in and waiting to crush you. It was this way with the psi pressure on the city. The unvoiced hate-filled screams of Pyrrus would instantly destroy any mind that received them. Some function of his brain acted as a psi-circuit breaker, shutting off awareness before his mind could be blasted. There was just enough leak-through to keep him aware of the pressure—and supply the raw materials for his constant nightmares. There was only one fringe benefit.

The lack of thought pressure made it easier for him to concentrate. In spite of his fatigue the diagram developed swiftly. Meta arrived late that afternoon, bringing the parts he had ordered.

She slid the long box onto the workbench, started to speak, but changed her mind and said nothing. Jason looked up at her and smiled. "Confused?

he asked. "I don't know what you mean," she said, "I'm not confused.

Just annoyed. The regular trip has been canceled and our supply schedule will be thrown off for months to come. And instead of piloting or perimeter assignment all I can do is stand around and wait for you. Then take some silly flight following your directions. Do you wonder that I'm annoyed? Jason carefully set the parts out on the chassis before he spoke.

"As I said, you're confused. I can point out how you're confused—which will make you even more confused. A temptation that I frankly find hard to resist. She looked across the bench at him, frowning.

One finger unconsciously curling and uncurling a short lock of hair. Jason liked her this way. As a Pyrran operating at full blast she had as much personality as a gear in a machine. Once out of that pattern she reminded him more of the girl he had known on that first flight to Pyrrus. He wondered if it was possible to really get across to her what he meant. "I'm not being insulting when I say 'confused,' Meta.

With your background you couldn't be any other way. You have an insular personality. Admittedly, Pyrrus is an unusual island with a lot of high-power problems that you are an expert at solving. That doesn't make it any less of an island. When you face a cosmopolitan problem you are confused. Or even worse, when your island problems are put into a bigger context. That's like playing your own game, only having the rules change constantly as you go along. "You're talking nonsense," she snapped at him.

"Pyrrus isn't an island and battling for survival is definitely not a game. "I'm sorry," he smiled.

"I was using a figure of speech, and a badly chosen one at that. Let's put the problem on more concrete terms. Take an example. Suppose I were to tell you that over there, hanging from the doorframe, was a stingwing—" Meta's gun was pointing at the door before he finished the last word.

There was a crash as the guard's chair went over. He had jumped from a half-doze to full alertness in an instant, his gun also searching the doorframe. "That was just an example," Jason said.

"There's really nothing there." The guard's gun vanished and he scowled a look of contempt at Jason, as he righted the chair and dropped into it. "You both have proved yourself capable of handling a Pyrran problem.

Jason continued. "But what if I said that there is a thing hanging from the doorframe that looks like a stingwing, but is really a kind of large insect that spins a fine silk that can be used to weave clothes? The guard glared from under his thick eyebrows at the empty doorframe, his gun whined part way out, then snapped back into the holster.

He growled something inaudible at Jason, then stamped into the outer room, slamming the door behind him. Meta frowned in concentration and looked puzzled. "It couldn't be anything except a stingwing," she finally said.

"Nothing else could possibly look like that. And even if it didn't spin silk, it would bite if you got near, so you would have to kill it." She smiled with satisfaction at the indestructible logic of her answer. "Wrong again," Jason said.

"I just described the mimic-spinner that lives on Stover's Planet. It imitates the most violent forms of life there, does such a good job that it has no need for other defenses. It'll sit quietly on your hand and spin for you by the yard. If I dropped a shipload of them here on Pyrrus, you never could be sure when to shoot, could you? "But they are not here now," Meta insisted.

"Yet they could be quite easily.

And if they were, all the rules of your game would change. Getting the idea now? There are some fixed laws and rules in the galaxy—but they're not the ones you live by. Your rule is war unending with the local life. I want to step outside your rule book and end that war. Wouldn't you like that? Wouldn't you like an existence that was more than just an endless battle for survival? A life with a chance for happiness, love, music, art—all the enjoyable things you have never had the time for. All the Pyrran sternness was gone from her face as she listened to what he said, letting herself follow these alien concepts.

He had put his hand out automatically as he talked, and had taken hers. It was warm and her pulse fast to his touch. Meta suddenly became conscious of his hand and snapped hers away, rising to her feet at the same time.

As she started blindly towards the door, Jason's voice snapped after her. "The guard, Skop, ran out because he didn't want to lose his precious two-value logic.

It's all he has. But you've seen other parts of the galaxy, Meta, you know there is a lot more to life than kill-and-be-killed on Pyrrus. You feel it is true, even if you won't admit it. She turned and ran out the door.

Jason looked after her, his hand scraping the bristle on his chin thoughtfully.

"Meta, I have the faint hope that the woman is winning over the Pyrran. I think that I saw—perhaps for the first time in the history of this bloody war-torn city—a tear in one of its citizen's eyes.

Chapter - XX Capítulo - XX Rozdział - XX Глава - XX Bölüm - XX 第二十章

XX. ROM the beginning now," Kerk said. з самого початку||||| ROM сейчас самое начало", - сказал Керк.

"And leave out nothing. "И ничего не упустить. "There is very little more that I can add to the physical facts. «Я мало что могу добавить к физическим фактам.

I saw the animals, understood the message. I even experimented with some of them and they reacted to my mental commands. What I must do now is track down the source of the orders that keep this war going. Что я должен сделать сейчас, так это отследить источник приказов, которые поддерживают эту войну. "I’ll tell you something that I have never told anyone else.

I’m not only lucky at gambling. I have enough psi ability to alter probability in my favor. |||||||ймовірність|||мою користь У меня достаточно пси-способностей, чтобы изменить вероятность в свою пользу. It’s an erratic ability that I have tried to improve for obvious reasons. ||непостійна здатність|||||||||очевидних причинах| During the past ten years I managed to study at all of the centers that do psi research. Compared to other fields of knowledge it is amazing how little they know. Basic psi talents can be improved by practice, and some machines have been devised that act as psionic amplifiers. |||||||||||||||||псіонічний|підсилювачі псионики Основные пси-таланты могут быть улучшены практикой, и были изобретены некоторые машины, которые действуют как псионические усилители. One of these, used correctly, is a very good directional indicator. |||||||||направляючий| Один из них при правильном использовании является очень хорошим индикатором направления. "You want to build this machine?

Kerk asked. "Exactly.

Build it and take it outside the city in the ship. Any signal strong enough to keep this centuries-old battle going should be strong enough to track down. Любой сигнал, достаточно сильный, чтобы поддерживать эту многовековую битву, должен быть достаточно сильным, чтобы его можно было отследить. I’ll follow it, contact the creatures who are sending it, and try to find out why they are doing it. I assume you’ll go along with any reasonable plan that will end this war? Я полагаю, вы согласитесь с любым разумным планом, который положит конец этой войне? "Anything reasonable," Kerk said coldly. — Все разумное, — холодно сказал Керк.

"How long will it take you to build this machine? "Just a few days if you have all the parts here," Jason told him.

"Then do it.

I’m canceling the flight that’s leaving now and I’ll keep the ship here, ready to go. |скасовую|||||||||||||| When the machine is built I want you to track the signal and report back to me. "Agreed," Jason said, standing up.

"As soon as I have this hole in my back looked at I’ll draw up a list of things needed. «Как только я посмотрю эту дыру в спине, я составлю список необходимых вещей. A grim, unsmiling man named Skop was assigned to Jason as a combination guide and guard. ||похмурий|||Скоп||призначений|||||||| Мрачный, неулыбчивый человек по имени Скоп был назначен Джейсону в качестве проводника и охранника.

He took his job very seriously, and it didn’t take Jason long to realize that he was a prisoner-at-large. Он очень серьезно относился к своей работе, и Джейсону не потребовалось много времени, чтобы понять, что он был заключенным на свободе. Kerk had accepted his story, but that was no guarantee that he believed it. At a single word from him, the guard could turn executioner. ||||||||||катом По одному его слову охранник мог превратиться в палача. The chill thought hit Jason that undoubtedly this was what would happen. ||||||безсумнівно||||| Джейсона пронзила холодная мысль, что, несомненно, так и должно было случиться.

Whether Kerk accepted the story or not—he couldn’t afford to take a chance. Принял ли Керк эту историю или нет, он не мог позволить себе рисковать. As long as there was the slightest possibility Jason had contacted the grubbers, he could not be allowed to leave the planet alive. Пока существовала малейшая вероятность того, что Джейсон связался с корчевателями, ему нельзя было позволить покинуть планету живым. The woods people were being simple if they thought a plan this obvious might succeed. Лесные люди были простодушны, если думали, что такой очевидный план может увенчаться успехом. Or had they just gambled on the very long chance it might work? Или они просто поставили на очень большой шанс, что это сработает? They certainly had nothing to lose by it. Им, конечно, было нечего терять. Only half of Jason’s mind was occupied with the work as he drew up a list of materials he would need for the psionic direction finder. |||||||||||||||||||||||||пеленгатор напрямку Только половина разума Джейсона была занята работой, пока он составлял список материалов, которые ему понадобятся для псионического пеленгатора.

His thoughts plodded in tight circles, searching for a way out that didn’t exist. ||тупцювали||||||||||| Его мысли блуждали по узким кругам в поисках выхода, которого не существовало. He was too deeply involved now to just leave. ||||включений|||| Он был слишком глубоко вовлечен, чтобы просто уйти. Kerk would see to that. Керк позаботится об этом. Unless he could find a way to end the war and settle the grubber question he was marooned on Pyrrus for life. |||||||||||||||||stranded|||| |||||||||||||||||засуджений|||| Если он не сможет найти способ положить конец войне и решить вопрос с корчевателями, он останется на Пирре на всю жизнь. A very short life. Очень короткая жизнь. When the list was ready he called Supply. Когда список был готов, он позвонил в Службу снабжения.

With a few substitutions, everything he might possibly need was in stock, and would be sent over. |||заміни||||||||||||| С несколькими заменами все, что ему может понадобиться, было в наличии и будет отправлено. Skop sank into an apparent doze in his chair and Jason, his head propped against the pull of gravity by one arm, began a working sketch of his machine. |||||дрімота||||||||||||||||||||ескіз||| Скоп погрузился в дремоту в своем кресле, а Джейсон, подперев голову одной рукой от силы тяжести, начал рабочий набросок своей машины. Jason looked up suddenly, aware of the silence. Джейсон внезапно поднял глаза, почувствовав тишину.

He could hear machinery in the building and voices in the hall outside. Он мог слышать механизмы в здании и голоса в холле снаружи. What kind of silence then—? Что за тишина тогда? Mental silence. Ментальное молчание.

He had been so preoccupied since his return to the city that he hadn’t noticed the complete lack of any kind of psi sensation. ||||занепокоєний||||||||||||||||||| Он был так занят с момента своего возвращения в город, что не заметил полного отсутствия каких-либо пси-ощущений. The constant wash of animal reactions was missing, as was the vague tactile awareness of his PK. |||||||||||неясна|дотикова|усвідомлення|||психокінетична сила Постоянный поток животных реакций отсутствовал, как и смутное тактильное осознание его ПК. With sudden realization he remembered that it was always this way inside the city. С внезапным осознанием он вспомнил, что в городе всегда так. He tried to listen with his mind—and stopped almost before he began. Он попытался слушать мысленно — и остановился, почти не начав.

There was a constant press of thought about him that he was made aware of when he reached out. На него постоянно давили мысли, о которых он узнавал, когда протягивал руку. It was like being in a vessel far beneath the ocean, with your hand on the door that held back the frightening pressure. ||||||судно||під водою||океан|||||||||||| Это было похоже на то, как будто вы находитесь в корабле глубоко под океаном, и ваша рука на двери, которая сдерживала пугающее давление. Touching the door, without opening it, you could feel the stresses, the power pushing in and waiting to crush you. ||||||||||напруження||||||||| Прикоснувшись к двери, не открывая ее, можно было почувствовать напряжение, силу, толкающую внутрь и ждущую, чтобы раздавить тебя. It was this way with the psi pressure on the city. Так было и с пси-давлением на город. The unvoiced hate-filled screams of Pyrrus would instantly destroy any mind that received them. Глухие, полные ненависти крики Пирра мгновенно уничтожали любой разум, который их воспринимал. Some function of his brain acted as a psi-circuit breaker, shutting off awareness before his mind could be blasted. Какая-то функция его мозга действовала как пси-выключатель, отключая сознание, прежде чем его разум мог быть взорван. There was just enough leak-through to keep him aware of the pressure—and supply the raw materials for his constant nightmares. Утечки было достаточно, чтобы держать его в курсе давления и снабжать сырьем для его постоянных кошмаров. There was only one fringe benefit. ||||додаткова пере| Была только одна дополнительная выгода.

The lack of thought pressure made it easier for him to concentrate. Отсутствие мыслительного давления облегчало ему концентрацию. In spite of his fatigue the diagram developed swiftly. Несмотря на его усталость, схема развивалась быстро. Meta arrived late that afternoon, bringing the parts he had ordered.

She slid the long box onto the workbench, started to speak, but changed her mind and said nothing. |||||||верстак|||||||||| Она поставила длинную коробку на верстак, начала было говорить, но передумала и ничего не сказала. Jason looked up at her and smiled. Джейсон посмотрел на нее и улыбнулся. "Confused? "Смущенный?

he asked. "I don’t know what you mean," she said, "I’m not confused. |||||маєш на ува||||| «Я не понимаю, что вы имеете в виду, — сказала она, — я не смущена.

Just annoyed. Просто раздражен. The regular trip has been canceled and our supply schedule will be thrown off for months to come. Регулярная поездка была отменена, и наш график поставок будет отложен на несколько месяцев вперед. And instead of piloting or perimeter assignment all I can do is stand around and wait for you. И вместо пилотирования или задания по периметру все, что я могу сделать, это стоять и ждать тебя. Then take some silly flight following your directions. Затем совершите глупый полет, следуя вашим указаниям. Do you wonder that I’m annoyed? Ты удивляешься, что я раздражен? Jason carefully set the parts out on the chassis before he spoke. ||||||||шасі||| Прежде чем заговорить, Джейсон аккуратно разложил детали на шасси.

"As I said, you’re confused. I can point out how you’re confused—which will make you even more confused. Я могу указать, как вы запутались, что сделает вас еще более запутанным. A temptation that I frankly find hard to resist. Соблазн, перед которым мне, честно говоря, трудно устоять. She looked across the bench at him, frowning. |||||||задумливо х Она посмотрела на него через скамью, нахмурившись.

One finger unconsciously curling and uncurling a short lock of hair. |||||розкручуючи||||| Jason liked her this way. Джейсону она нравилась такой. As a Pyrran operating at full blast she had as much personality as a gear in a machine. Как пиррианка, работающая на полную мощность, в ней было столько же индивидуальности, сколько в шестеренке в машине. Once out of that pattern she reminded him more of the girl he had known on that first flight to Pyrrus. Выйдя из этого шаблона, она больше напомнила ему девушку, которую он знал во время первого полета в Пиррус. He wondered if it was possible to really get across to her what he meant. Он задавался вопросом, возможно ли действительно донести до нее то, что он имел в виду. "I’m not being insulting when I say 'confused,' Meta. |||образливим||||| «Я не оскорбляю, когда говорю «запутался», Мета.

With your background you couldn’t be any other way. С твоим прошлым у тебя не могло быть другого пути. You have an insular personality. |||isolated| |||замкнутий| У вас замкнутая личность. Admittedly, Pyrrus is an unusual island with a lot of high-power problems that you are an expert at solving. Надо признать, что Пиррус — необычный остров с множеством мощных задач, в решении которых вы являетесь экспертом. That doesn’t make it any less of an island. Это не делает его менее островным. When you face a cosmopolitan problem you are confused. ||||космополі|||| Когда вы сталкиваетесь с космополитической проблемой, вы сбиты с толку. Or even worse, when your island problems are put into a bigger context. Или, что еще хуже, когда проблемы вашего острова рассматриваются в более широком контексте. That’s like playing your own game, only having the rules change constantly as you go along. Это как играть в свою собственную игру, только правила постоянно меняются по ходу игры. "You’re talking nonsense," she snapped at him. — Ты говоришь чепуху, — огрызнулась она на него.

"Pyrrus isn’t an island and battling for survival is definitely not a game. "I’m sorry," he smiled.

"I was using a figure of speech, and a badly chosen one at that. «Я использовал фигуру речи, причем неудачно выбранную. Let’s put the problem on more concrete terms. ||||||конкретні| Поставим проблему более конкретно. Take an example. Suppose I were to tell you that over there, hanging from the doorframe, was a stingwing—" |||||||||||||||stingwing ||||||||||||дверна рама||| Предположим, я скажу вам, что вон там, на дверном косяке свисает жалокрыл… Meta’s gun was pointing at the door before he finished the last word.

There was a crash as the guard’s chair went over. Раздался грохот, когда кресло охранника перевернулось. He had jumped from a half-doze to full alertness in an instant, his gun also searching the doorframe. "That was just an example," Jason said.

"There’s really nothing there." The guard’s gun vanished and he scowled a look of contempt at Jason, as he righted the chair and dropped into it. |||||||||||||||випрямив|||||| Пистолет охранника исчез, и он бросил на Джейсона презрительный взгляд, поправляя стул и падая в него. "You both have proved yourself capable of handling a Pyrran problem. «Вы оба доказали, что способны справиться с пирранской проблемой.

Jason continued. "But what if I said that there is a thing hanging from the doorframe that looks like a stingwing, but is really a kind of large insect that spins a fine silk that can be used to weave clothes? ||||||||||||||||||жало-крила|||||||||||||||||||| «Но что, если я скажу, что на дверном косяке висит нечто, похожее на жало, но на самом деле являющееся чем-то вроде большого насекомого, которое прядет тонкий шелк, из которого можно ткать одежду? The guard glared from under his thick eyebrows at the empty doorframe, his gun whined part way out, then snapped back into the holster. |||||||брови||||||||||||||||

He growled something inaudible at Jason, then stamped into the outer room, slamming the door behind him. Он что-то невнятно прорычал Джейсону, а затем затопал в соседнюю комнату, захлопнув за собой дверь. Meta frowned in concentration and looked puzzled. Мета сосредоточенно нахмурилась и выглядела озадаченной. "It couldn’t be anything except a stingwing," she finally said.

"Nothing else could possibly look like that. «Ничто другое не могло бы выглядеть так. And even if it didn’t spin silk, it would bite if you got near, so you would have to kill it." И даже если бы он не прял шелк, он бы укусил, если бы вы приблизились, так что вам пришлось бы убить его». She smiled with satisfaction at the indestructible logic of her answer. ||||||unbreakable|||| Она с удовлетворением улыбнулась несокрушимой логике своего ответа. "Wrong again," Jason said.

"I just described the mimic-spinner that lives on Stover’s Planet. |||||спінер-перевертень||||планеті Стовера| «Я только что описал мимического прядильщика, который живет на планете Стоувер. It imitates the most violent forms of life there, does such a good job that it has no need for other defenses. Он имитирует там самые жестокие формы жизни, делает это так хорошо, что ему не нужны другие средства защиты. It’ll sit quietly on your hand and spin for you by the yard. Он будет спокойно сидеть у вас на руке и крутиться для вас во дворе. If I dropped a shipload of them here on Pyrrus, you never could be sure when to shoot, could you? ||||корабельний вантаж||||||||||||||| Если бы я сбросил их сюда, на Пирр, вы никогда не знали бы, когда стрелять, не так ли? "But they are not here now," Meta insisted.

"Yet they could be quite easily. «И все же они могут быть довольно легко.

And if they were, all the rules of your game would change. Getting the idea now? There are some fixed laws and rules in the galaxy—but they’re not the ones you live by. В галактике есть определенные законы и правила, но вы живете не по ним. Your rule is war unending with the local life. I want to step outside your rule book and end that war. Я хочу выйти за пределы вашей книги правил и положить конец этой войне. Wouldn’t you like that? Wouldn’t you like an existence that was more than just an endless battle for survival? Разве вам не хотелось бы, чтобы существование было чем-то большим, чем просто бесконечная битва за выживание? A life with a chance for happiness, love, music, art—all the enjoyable things you have never had the time for. All the Pyrran sternness was gone from her face as she listened to what he said, letting herself follow these alien concepts. |||суворість|||||||||||||||||| Вся пиррийская суровость исчезла с ее лица, когда она слушала его слова, позволяя себе следовать этим чуждым понятиям.

He had put his hand out automatically as he talked, and had taken hers. Говоря, он машинально протянул руку и взял ее. It was warm and her pulse fast to his touch. Оно было теплым, и ее пульс участился от его прикосновения. Meta suddenly became conscious of his hand and snapped hers away, rising to her feet at the same time. Мета внезапно почувствовала его руку и отдернула свою, в то же время поднявшись на ноги.

As she started blindly towards the door, Jason’s voice snapped after her. Когда она вслепую направилась к двери, голос Джейсона оборвал ее. "The guard, Skop, ran out because he didn’t want to lose his precious two-value logic. «Охранник Скоп сбежал, потому что не хотел терять свою драгоценную двухзначную логику.

It’s all he has. Это все, что у него есть. But you’ve seen other parts of the galaxy, Meta, you know there is a lot more to life than kill-and-be-killed on Pyrrus. Но ты видела другие части галактики, Мета, ты знаешь, что на Пиррусе есть нечто большее, чем просто убить и быть убитым. You feel it is true, even if you won’t admit it. She turned and ran out the door. Она повернулась и выбежала за дверь.

Jason looked after her, his hand scraping the bristle on his chin thoughtfully. ||||||||щетина|||підборіддя| Джейсон посмотрел ей вслед, задумчиво почесывая рукой щетину на подбородке.

"Meta, I have the faint hope that the woman is winning over the Pyrran. |||та|слабка||||||||| «Мета, у меня есть слабая надежда, что женщина побеждает Пирранца. I think that I saw—perhaps for the first time in the history of this bloody war-torn city—a tear in one of its citizen’s eyes. |||||||||||||||||||||||||громадянина| Я думаю, что увидел — может быть, впервые в истории этого кровавого, истерзанного войной города — слезу в глазах одного из его жителей.