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personal growth, John C Maxwell - The Law of Intentionality (1)

John C Maxwell - The Law of Intentionality (1)










friend on





hi there i'm meredith sims and i get to

work every day with dr. johnson maxwell

developing his online events and classes

John and I are so glad you're joining us

today for this online event it's very

special kicking off the brand new year

this is the day you take charge the day

you take control of the direction of not

just this year but your entire life

you're here today to learn from John on

how you get it and let me tell you what

it is it can be a lot of things how you

get healthier get a better routine get

the job get the financial bonus get

things right with your family just get

it done

John's going to be honest with you today

about one thing growth doesn't just

happen it takes massive effort it takes

intention it takes work but you know

that this is your year you know it and

you're getting ready to go get it

I'm not going to hold you back much

longer other than to tell you that you

seriously don't want to cut out on this

event before it's over today John

wouldn't give you an opportunity to dig

deep and take charge of your growth this

year okay let's do this let's do the

work to make big gains and growth period

let's welcome to the stage dr. jazzy



thank you Wow thank you very much

good morning hob I have good people

around me and they really allow me to do

what I can do well and where I am today

in my life is because of the people I

have around me good team so what you

want in a good team could develop people

around you and Meredith of course I am

mark my CEO right down here on the front

and and some of the key people of our

organization I want to thank them

because they've done all the work I'm

just kind of hanging with you I'm going

to teach you today we will learn a lot

we're going to grow gosh I know what's

happening I know what's going to happen

it's going to be good this is company

credit you know unite and say it's going

to be great so it's going to be good

there's a difference you see nothing is

great until a life has changed you do

understand that so you can have a good

conference you can't have a great

conference great is only what they do

with it after the conference you can

have a good book but the book becomes

great when it changes the life and so

many times we count our victories before

we have victories we count our victories

because we just look good when we walk

across the stage and everybody clapped

and everybody was happy and we thought

oh my gosh what a good conference this

ever everything escalates and gets

better when the people get better and if

the people don't get better it wasn't

that good and the people don't change if

people don't grow and the people if the

people just aren't reproducing it never

becomes great see leaders understand

greatness is begins with them and what

they teach and inspire their people to

be and do but the result of greatness is

in the proof of the people it's in the

people so if you say well I'm a great


how many great leaders have you

reproduced so you're not a great leader

because you have followers you're a

great leader because you reproduce

leaders and so this is going to be a

huge day or I'm promising you're going

to fill pages of notes not just a page

or two that's I don't know who does that

but you don't feel pages in that church

you're going to have to you don't have

to go straight from here to a massage

therapist you know say just work the

hand to work the hand we just just

worked ahead but I've been taking a lot

of notes because one of the things we do

in the job max will come to it's a

reputation of mine to give you more than

you can handle

you with me Jericho to hear somebody

speaking you just kind of sit there for

a while and kind of hope for a miracle

you know me just say I know it will

sometimes get better and you know and if

you ever kind of sometimes kind of one

just walk up and see you know what

you're not very good let me give you a

couple thoughts here just say these

it'll help you it'll take you to a new

level huh

now the reason I say that is is we work

very hard you're here by invitation I

mean we do these things quite a bit

we've got to pack this thing up many

many times but we just said now just we

want the right people in the room when

we want the right people in the room

because that it reproduces itself so

I've worked hard or I'm going to do the

laws of growth I'm curious how many of

you have the book 15 those growth raise

your hand oh look at that yeah that's

good that's really good that's very good

you notice I didn't ask how many of you

had read it

I'm delighted today to talk to you about

some of the laws of leadership and the

first one I want to talk to you about is

truly the first one I should talk to you

about now there are 15 of them but you

have to understand there's one that I

think is foundational for the other 14

not more important but foundational and

that's the law of intentionality and

that's where we're going to begin today

the law of intentionality just basically

says growth is the only guarantee that

tomorrow is going to get better

oh and that good if you're going to grow

and if I'm going to grow we're going to

grow intentionally now I'm talking to

leaders today I love talking to the

people that lead many people and to be

honest with you if I could just

literally come off the station and I

could get real close to you and we could

have kind of like a one-on-one

conversation that there are two

questions that I would ask you and the

two questions I'm about to ask you will

really determine how successful you're

going to be in this business without any

question these are the two questions

it's not like there's three or there's

four or they're seven there's two okay

just trust me on this I'm an old man I

know this I've been around the block a

few times and there are two questions

that if you're going to answer in a

positive way about yourself you're going

to be very successful and if you really

cannot answer that in a positive way to

be honest with you you're not going to

be near successful as you would like to

be the first question is very simple

what are you doing to develop yourself

and if you say by gosh Jana I'll tell

you right now I'm doing a lot to develop

myself I I mean I've got a personal

growth plan and and I'm intentional in

this and I'm doing this on a daily deal

if you could say that to me that I'd say

hey we're in good shape here we're in

good shape because that's the key what

are you doing to develop yourself and by

the way the reason that's purse is not

because you want to be selfish it's kind

of like almost a selfish question person

as well why do I start with myself the

reason you start with yourself is

because you cannot give

what you do not have so you better start

with yourself because if you're leading

others and have nothing to give them

nothing to share with them nothing to

teach them then I can promise you you'll

never be what you want to be as a leader

and I can promise you that after 40

years of personal growth

the secret of any success if I've had

any success at all the secret of that

success has been personal growth in my

life and growth this has literally

placed me where I am so so what are you

doing to develop yourself it's a huge

question and the 15 laws of love the 15

laws of personal growth basically these

laws are all about developing yourself

in developing the second question what

are you doing to develop others you see

on the first question your foundational

for your future the second question is

all about compounding multiplication

that's where you build a huge business

when you know how to develop other

people and what we have to understand

about the law of intentionality is that

you cannot develop yourself and you

cannot develop your people unless you're

intentional and I discovered that in my

20s when I sat down and had breakfast

with a guy named Kirk camp Meier at the

Holiday Inn in Lancaster Ohio and he

asked me the question John do you have

do you have a plan for personal growth

in your life didn't have a plan didn't

know I was supposed to have a plan

nobody ever told me I'm supposed to have

a plan I graduated I was working hard

doing my very best to reach my potential

but nobody ever walked in my life until

Kirk can't Meier did and said John did

you have a plan for personal growth in

your life and I didn't have one I was

embarrassed I thought back then I had to

have answers and so I acted as if I did

and that didn't really work very long I

was kind of like a plane circling an

airfield trying to come in for a landing

family I just shut up and landed that

plane it looked at me and I'll never

forget it you don't have a plan do you

and I said no I don't have a plan then

he said to me John growth is not

automatic if you're going to have to

grow you're gonna have to grow on

purpose that day my life was changed

what Kurt was saying is if you're going

to grow you have to be intentional I

mean it's it starts it starts with me so

so look at the person you're seated

beside and just say then this will this

will kind of be like a get-acquainted

time with them just look at him and say

you really need to improve go ahead and

tell me you really

now wasn't that fun what that fight into

isn't fun just like somebody said you

know what you really need to improve

it's just I mean it's just it just rolls

naturally off the tongue now look right

back at them and say I need to improve

now you said that with a lot less

enthusiasm I mean did you hear that when

I said tell the other person easier I

mean it was loud you need to improve

yeah well yeah I need to improve I think

now the problem is we have what I call

growth gaps the reason that we're not

intentional in our growing is they're

just some gaps that that keep us from

from getting to where we need to go and

I'm going to give you about a half a

dozen I'm really quickly the first one

is the assumption gap and the assumption

gap just basically says or is I assume

John C Maxwell - The Law of Intentionality (1) John C Maxwell - La legge dell'intenzionalità (1) John C Maxwell - A Lei da Intencionalidade (1) John C Maxwell - The Law of Intentionality (1) 约翰·C·麦克斯韦尔——意向性定律(1)










friend on





hi there i'm meredith sims and i get to

work every day with dr. johnson maxwell

developing his online events and classes

John and I are so glad you're joining us

today for this online event it's very

special kicking off the brand new year

this is the day you take charge the day

you take control of the direction of not

just this year but your entire life

you're here today to learn from John on

how you get it and let me tell you what

it is it can be a lot of things how you

get healthier get a better routine get

the job get the financial bonus get

things right with your family just get

it done

John's going to be honest with you today

about one thing growth doesn't just

happen it takes massive effort it takes

intention it takes work but you know

that this is your year you know it and

you're getting ready to go get it

I'm not going to hold you back much

longer other than to tell you that you

seriously don't want to cut out on this

event before it's over today John

wouldn't give you an opportunity to dig

deep and take charge of your growth this

year okay let's do this let's do the

work to make big gains and growth period

let's welcome to the stage dr. jazzy



thank you Wow thank you very much

good morning hob I have good people

around me and they really allow me to do

what I can do well and where I am today

in my life is because of the people I

have around me good team so what you

want in a good team could develop people

around you and Meredith of course I am

mark my CEO right down here on the front

and and some of the key people of our

organization I want to thank them

because they've done all the work I'm

just kind of hanging with you I'm going

to teach you today we will learn a lot

we're going to grow gosh I know what's

happening I know what's going to happen

it's going to be good this is company

credit you know unite and say it's going

to be great so it's going to be good

there's a difference you see nothing is

great until a life has changed you do

understand that so you can have a good

conference you can't have a great

conference great is only what they do

with it after the conference you can

have a good book but the book becomes

great when it changes the life and so

many times we count our victories before

we have victories we count our victories

because we just look good when we walk

across the stage and everybody clapped

and everybody was happy and we thought

oh my gosh what a good conference this

ever everything escalates and gets

better when the people get better and if

the people don't get better it wasn't

that good and the people don't change if

people don't grow and the people if the

people just aren't reproducing it never

becomes great see leaders understand

greatness is begins with them and what

they teach and inspire their people to

be and do but the result of greatness is

in the proof of the people it's in the

people so if you say well I'm a great


how many great leaders have you

reproduced so you're not a great leader

because you have followers you're a

great leader because you reproduce

leaders and so this is going to be a

huge day or I'm promising you're going

to fill pages of notes not just a page

or two that's I don't know who does that

but you don't feel pages in that church

you're going to have to you don't have

to go straight from here to a massage

therapist you know say just work the

hand to work the hand we just just

worked ahead but I've been taking a lot

of notes because one of the things we do

in the job max will come to it's a

reputation of mine to give you more than

you can handle

you with me Jericho to hear somebody

speaking you just kind of sit there for

a while and kind of hope for a miracle

you know me just say I know it will

sometimes get better and you know and if

you ever kind of sometimes kind of one

just walk up and see you know what

you're not very good let me give you a

couple thoughts here just say these

it'll help you it'll take you to a new

level huh

now the reason I say that is is we work

very hard you're here by invitation I

mean we do these things quite a bit

we've got to pack this thing up many

many times but we just said now just we

want the right people in the room when

we want the right people in the room

because that it reproduces itself so

I've worked hard or I'm going to do the

laws of growth I'm curious how many of

you have the book 15 those growth raise

your hand oh look at that yeah that's

good that's really good that's very good

you notice I didn't ask how many of you

had read it

I'm delighted today to talk to you about

some of the laws of leadership and the

first one I want to talk to you about is

truly the first one I should talk to you

about now there are 15 of them but you

have to understand there's one that I

think is foundational for the other 14

not more important but foundational and

that's the law of intentionality and

that's where we're going to begin today

the law of intentionality just basically

says growth is the only guarantee that

tomorrow is going to get better

oh and that good if you're going to grow

and if I'm going to grow we're going to

grow intentionally now I'm talking to

leaders today I love talking to the

people that lead many people and to be

honest with you if I could just

literally come off the station and I

could get real close to you and we could

have kind of like a one-on-one

conversation that there are two

questions that I would ask you and the

two questions I'm about to ask you will

really determine how successful you're

going to be in this business without any

question these are the two questions

it's not like there's three or there's

four or they're seven there's two okay

just trust me on this I'm an old man I

know this I've been around the block a

few times and there are two questions

that if you're going to answer in a

positive way about yourself you're going

to be very successful and if you really

cannot answer that in a positive way to

be honest with you you're not going to

be near successful as you would like to

be the first question is very simple

what are you doing to develop yourself

and if you say by gosh Jana I'll tell

you right now I'm doing a lot to develop

myself I I mean I've got a personal

growth plan and and I'm intentional in

this and I'm doing this on a daily deal

if you could say that to me that I'd say

hey we're in good shape here we're in

good shape because that's the key what

are you doing to develop yourself and by

the way the reason that's purse is not

because you want to be selfish it's kind

of like almost a selfish question person

as well why do I start with myself the

reason you start with yourself is

because you cannot give

what you do not have so you better start

with yourself because if you're leading

others and have nothing to give them

nothing to share with them nothing to

teach them then I can promise you you'll

never be what you want to be as a leader

and I can promise you that after 40

years of personal growth

the secret of any success if I've had

any success at all the secret of that

success has been personal growth in my

life and growth this has literally

placed me where I am so so what are you

doing to develop yourself it's a huge

question and the 15 laws of love the 15

laws of personal growth basically these

laws are all about developing yourself

in developing the second question what

are you doing to develop others you see

on the first question your foundational

for your future the second question is

all about compounding multiplication

that's where you build a huge business

when you know how to develop other

people and what we have to understand

about the law of intentionality is that

you cannot develop yourself and you

cannot develop your people unless you're

intentional and I discovered that in my

20s when I sat down and had breakfast

with a guy named Kirk camp Meier at the

Holiday Inn in Lancaster Ohio and he

asked me the question John do you have

do you have a plan for personal growth

in your life didn't have a plan didn't

know I was supposed to have a plan

nobody ever told me I'm supposed to have

a plan I graduated I was working hard

doing my very best to reach my potential

but nobody ever walked in my life until

Kirk can't Meier did and said John did

you have a plan for personal growth in

your life and I didn't have one I was

embarrassed I thought back then I had to

have answers and so I acted as if I did

and that didn't really work very long I

was kind of like a plane circling an

airfield trying to come in for a landing

family I just shut up and landed that

plane it looked at me and I'll never

forget it you don't have a plan do you

and I said no I don't have a plan then

he said to me John growth is not

automatic if you're going to have to

grow you're gonna have to grow on

purpose that day my life was changed

what Kurt was saying is if you're going

to grow you have to be intentional I

mean it's it starts it starts with me so

so look at the person you're seated

beside and just say then this will this

will kind of be like a get-acquainted

time with them just look at him and say

you really need to improve go ahead and

tell me you really

now wasn't that fun what that fight into

isn't fun just like somebody said you

know what you really need to improve

it's just I mean it's just it just rolls

naturally off the tongue now look right

back at them and say I need to improve

now you said that with a lot less

enthusiasm I mean did you hear that when

I said tell the other person easier I

mean it was loud you need to improve

yeah well yeah I need to improve I think

now the problem is we have what I call

growth gaps the reason that we're not

intentional in our growing is they're

just some gaps that that keep us from

from getting to where we need to go and

I'm going to give you about a half a

dozen I'm really quickly the first one

is the assumption gap and the assumption

gap just basically says or is I assume