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ART OF SALES 1, 3.08 (R) Readings

3.08 (R) Readings

Readings: A Harvard psychologist says people judge you based on 2 criteria when they first meet you. (Required) http://www.businessinsider.com/harvard-psychologist-amy-cuddy-how-people-judge-you-2016-1

Entrepreneurs must be able to quickly and effectively connect to people. Like an on-ramp to the expressway, the first couple of sentences of any conversation about your business should use a condensed space to get the proceedings up to speed. (Required) https://www.inc.com/craig-wortmann/how-to-reel-them-in-with-a-boffo-opening-line.html

2 Ways to Quickly Expand Your Network: Make new friends. Reconnect with old ones. Introduce one to the other. Repeat. (Required) https://www.inc.com/craig-wortmann/2-ways-to-quickly-expand-your-network.html

3.08 (R) Readings 3,08 (R) Lecturas 3.08 (R) リーディング 3.08 (R) Aflezingen 3,08 (R) Leituras 3,08 (R) Okumalar 3.08 (R) 读数

Readings: A Harvard psychologist says people judge you based on 2 criteria when they first meet you. (Required) http://www.businessinsider.com/harvard-psychologist-amy-cuddy-how-people-judge-you-2016-1

Entrepreneurs must be able to quickly and effectively connect to people. ハーバード・ビジネススクールのエイミー・カディー教授は、同僚の心理学者スーザン・フィスケとピーター・グリックと一緒に15年以上にわたり、最初の印象を研究しており、これらの相互作用のパターンを発見しました。 Like an on-ramp to the expressway, the first couple of sentences of any conversation about your business should use a condensed space to get the proceedings up to speed. (Required) https://www.inc.com/craig-wortmann/how-to-reel-them-in-with-a-boffo-opening-line.html

2 Ways to Quickly Expand Your Network: Make new friends. 心理学者は、これらの次元をそれぞれ暖かさと能力と呼んでおり、理想的には両方を持つと認識されたいと考えています。 Reconnect with old ones. Introduce one to the other. Repeat. しかし、実際には、暖かさ、または信頼性は、人々があなたの評価方法において最も重要な要素です。 (Required) https://www.inc.com/craig-wortmann/2-ways-to-quickly-expand-your-network.html