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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Travel 19. Complaining about a Tour

Travel 19. Complaining about a Tour

A: I am having some big problems on this tour.

B: What seems to be the problem? We are here to help you.

A: This tour company seems very disorganized. No one seems to have a clear picture as to where we are going and when we are going to get there.

B: I will see what I can do about that. How about the accommodations on the tour?

A: So far, we have been staying in really out-of-the-way accommodations.

B: Is anything wrong with your room?

A: The television in our room was broken, and they didn't send anyone to fix it.

B: I will complain to the hotel manager about that. How about the hotel restaurant?

A: The food in the restaurant was terrible, and a few people from our group got sick.

B: I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience. We would like to offer you a free city tour and lunch to make it up to you.

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Travel 19. Complaining about a Tour Viajar 19. Quejarse de un viaje Voyage 19. Se plaindre d'un voyage 旅行 19.ツアーへの不満 Подорож 19. Скарги на тур

A: I am having some big problems on this tour.

B: What seems to be the problem? We are here to help you. Nous sommes là pour vous aider.

A: This tour company seems very disorganized. No one seems to have a clear picture as to where we are going and when we are going to get there. Personne ne semble avoir une idée claire de l'endroit où nous allons et du moment où nous y arriverons.

B: I will see what I can do about that. How about the accommodations on the tour?

A: So far, we have been staying in really out-of-the-way accommodations. A: Jusqu'à présent, nous avons séjourné dans des logements vraiment à l'écart.

B: Is anything wrong with your room?

A: The television in our room was broken, and they didn't send anyone to fix it.

B: I will complain to the hotel manager about that. B : Je vais me plaindre au directeur de l'hôtel à ce sujet. How about the hotel restaurant?

A: The food in the restaurant was terrible, and a few people from our group got sick.

B: I am so sorry that you had such a bad experience. We would like to offer you a free city tour and lunch to make it up to you. Nous aimerions vous offrir une visite gratuite de la ville et un déjeuner pour vous rattraper.