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1,500+ ESL/EFL English Conversations, Travel 14. Talking to a Seatmate

Travel 14. Talking to a Seatmate

A: That rain is really coming down out there!

B: Yes, it's kind of crazy weather outside.

A: I get kind of nervous flying in this kind of weather.

B: I don't think anyone feels all that comfortable flying in a storm.

A: Do you think it will be this bad the whole trip?

B: On the weather channel, this storm looked to be a big one. It will probably be with us for a while.

A: I worry about too much ice on the wings.

B: I have to believe that our pilot knows what he is doing and we'll be okay.

A: When do you think the pilot will turn off the Fasten Your Seatbelt sign?

B: He'll turn it off as soon as he knows that we are through the turbulence.

A: Do you think that we are going to crash?

B: Maybe. You just never know.

Travel 14. Talking to a Seatmate Viaje 14. Hablar con un compañero de asiento 旅14.同席者と話す Путешествие 14. Разговор с соседом по креслу

A: That rain is really coming down out there! A: Cette pluie tombe vraiment là-bas!

B: Yes, it's kind of crazy weather outside.

A: I get kind of nervous flying in this kind of weather. A: Je suis un peu nerveux dans ce genre de temps.

B: I don't think anyone feels all that comfortable flying in a storm. B : Je ne pense pas que quiconque se sente aussi à l'aise de voler dans une tempête.

A: Do you think it will be this bad the whole trip? A: Pensez-vous que ce sera aussi mauvais pendant tout le voyage?

B: On the weather channel, this storm looked to be a big one. B : Sur la chaîne météo, cette tempête semblait être grosse. It will probably be with us for a while. Ce sera probablement avec nous pendant un certain temps.

A: I worry about too much ice on the wings. A: Je m'inquiète de trop de glace sur les ailes.

B: I have to believe that our pilot knows what he is doing and we'll be okay.

A: When do you think the pilot will turn off the Fasten Your Seatbelt sign? A : Quand pensez-vous que le pilote éteindra le panneau Attachez votre ceinture de sécurité ?

B: He'll turn it off as soon as he knows that we are through the turbulence.

A: Do you think that we are going to crash? 答:您認為我們會崩潰嗎?

B: Maybe. You just never know.