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The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 22- The Country of the Quadlings.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 22- The Country of the Quadlings.

The four travelers passed through the rest of the forest in safety, and when they came out from its gloom saw before them a steep hill, covered from top to bottom with great pieces of rock.

"That will be a hard climb," said the Scarecrow, "but we must get over the hill, nevertheless." So he led the way and the others followed.

They had nearly reached the first rock when they heard a rough voice cry out, "Keep back!" "Who are you?" asked the Scarecrow.

Then a head showed itself over the rock and the same voice said, "This hill belongs to us, and we don't allow anyone to cross it." "But we must cross it," said the Scarecrow. "We're going to the country of the Quadlings." "But you shall not!" replied the voice, and there stepped from behind the rock the strangest man the travelers had ever seen.

He was quite short and stout and had a big head, which was flat at the top and supported by a thick neck full of wrinkles.

But he had no arms at all, and, seeing this, the Scarecrow did not fear that so helpless a creature could prevent them from climbing the hill. So he said, "I'm sorry not to do as you wish, but we must pass over your hill whether you like it or not," and he walked boldly forward. As quick as lightning the man's head shot forward and his neck stretched out until the top of the head, where it was flat, struck the Scarecrow in the middle and sent him tumbling, over and over, down the hill. Almost as quickly as it came the head went back to the body, and the man laughed harshly as he said, "It isn't as easy as you think!" A chorus of boisterous laughter came from the other rocks, and Dorothy saw hundreds of the armless Hammer-Heads upon the hillside, one behind every rock.

The Lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the Scarecrow's mishap, and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder, he dashed up the hill. Again a head shot swiftly out, and the great Lion went rolling down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball.

Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet, and the Lion came up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore, and said, "It is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can withstand them." "What can we do, then?" she asked.

"Call the Winged Monkeys," suggested the Tin Woodman. "You have still the right to command them once more." "Very well," she answered, and putting on the Golden Cap she uttered the magic words. The Monkeys were as prompt as ever, and in a few moments the entire band stood before her.

"What are your commands?" inquired the King of the Monkeys, bowing low.

"Carry us over the hill to the country of the Quadlings," answered the girl. "It shall be done," said the King, and at once the Winged Monkeys caught the four travelers and Toto up in their arms and flew away with them. As they passed over the hill the Hammer-Heads yelled with vexation, and shot their heads high in the air, but they could not reach the Winged Monkeys, which carried Dorothy and her comrades safely over the hill and set them down in the beautiful country of the Quadlings.

"This is the last time you can summon us," said the leader to Dorothy; "so good-bye and good luck to you." "Good-bye, and thank you very much," returned the girl; and the Monkeys rose into the air and were out of sight in a twinkling. The country of the Quadlings seemed rich and happy.

There was field upon field of ripening grain, with well-paved roads running between, and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them. The fences and houses and bridges were all painted bright red, just as they had been painted yellow in the country of the Winkies and blue in the country of the Munchkins. The Quadlings themselves, who were short and fat and looked chubby and good-natured, were dressed all in red, which showed bright against the green grass and the yellowing grain.

The Monkeys had set them down near a farmhouse, and the four travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door.

It was opened by the farmer's wife, and when Dorothy asked for something to eat the woman gave them all a good dinner, with three kinds of cake and four kinds of cookies, and a bowl of milk for Toto. "How far is it to the Castle of Glinda?" asked the child.

"It is not a great way," answered the farmer's wife. "Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it." Thanking the good woman, they started afresh and walked by the fields and across the pretty bridges until they saw before them a very beautiful Castle.

Before the gates were three young girls, dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid; and as Dorothy approached, one of them said to her:

"Why have you come to the South Country?" "To see the Good Witch who rules here," she answered. "Will you take me to her?" "Let me have your name, and I will ask Glinda if she will receive you." They told who they were, and the girl soldier went into the Castle.

After a few moments she came back to say that Dorothy and the others were to be admitted at once.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum. Chapter 22- The Country of the Quadlings. Der wunderbare Zauberer von Oz von L. Frank Baum. Kapitel 22- Das Land der Quadlinge. L.フランク・ボーム著「オズの魔法使い」。第22章 クアドリングスの国. L. 프랭크 바움의 오즈의 마법사. 22장- 쿼드링스의 나라. O Maravilhoso Feiticeiro de Oz de L. Frank Baum. Capítulo 22- O País dos Quadlings. Удивительный волшебник страны Оз" Л. Фрэнка Баума. Глава 22 - Страна квадлингов. Дивовижний чарівник країни Оз Л. Френка Баума. 22-й розділ - Країна квадлінгів. L. Frank Baum 的《绿野仙踪》。第22章-夸德林人的国家。 L. Frank Baum 的《綠野仙踪》。第22章-誇德林人的國家。

The four travelers passed through the rest of the forest in safety, and when they came out from its gloom saw before them a steep hill, covered from top to bottom with great pieces of rock. |||||||||||||||||||darkness|||||||||||||||| Die vier Reisenden durchquerten den Rest des Waldes in Sicherheit, und als sie aus dessen Dunkelheit hervortraten, sahen sie vor sich einen steilen Hügel, der von oben bis unten mit großen Felsbrocken bedeckt war.

"That will be a hard climb," said the Scarecrow, "but we must get over the hill, nevertheless." So he led the way and the others followed. Тож він повів за собою, а інші пішли за ним.

They had nearly reached the first rock when they heard a rough voice cry out, "Keep back!" "Who are you?" asked the Scarecrow.

Then a head showed itself over the rock and the same voice said, "This hill belongs to us, and we don't allow anyone to cross it." "But we must cross it," said the Scarecrow. "We're going to the country of the Quadlings." "But you shall not!" replied the voice, and there stepped from behind the rock the strangest man the travelers had ever seen.

He was quite short and stout and had a big head, which was flat at the top and supported by a thick neck full of wrinkles. |||||stocky|||||||||||||||||||| Він був невисокого зросту, кремезний, з великою головою, пласкою на маківці, яку підтримувала товста шия, вкрита зморшками.

But he had no arms at all, and, seeing this, the Scarecrow did not fear that so helpless a creature could prevent them from climbing the hill. Але у нього зовсім не було рук, і, побачивши це, Опудало не злякалося, що таке безпорадне створіння може перешкодити їм піднятися на пагорб. So he said, "I'm sorry not to do as you wish, but we must pass over your hill whether you like it or not," and he walked boldly forward. As quick as lightning the man's head shot forward and his neck stretched out until the top of the head, where it was flat, struck the Scarecrow in the middle and sent him tumbling, over and over, down the hill. Швидко, як блискавка, голова чоловіка вилетіла вперед, а шия витягнулася, аж поки верхня частина голови, де вона була пласкою, не вдарила опудало посередині і не відправила його падати вниз з пагорба, знову і знову. Almost as quickly as it came the head went back to the body, and the man laughed harshly as he said, "It isn't as easy as you think!" A chorus of boisterous laughter came from the other rocks, and Dorothy saw hundreds of the armless Hammer-Heads upon the hillside, one behind every rock. |||noisy||||||||||||||||||||||

The Lion became quite angry at the laughter caused by the Scarecrow's mishap, and giving a loud roar that echoed like thunder, he dashed up the hill. Again a head shot swiftly out, and the great Lion went rolling down the hill as if he had been struck by a cannon ball. Знову стрімко вилетіла голова, і великий Лев покотився з пагорба, наче в нього влучило гарматне ядро.

Dorothy ran down and helped the Scarecrow to his feet, and the Lion came up to her, feeling rather bruised and sore, and said, "It is useless to fight people with shooting heads; no one can withstand them." |||||||||||||||||||||in pain|||||||||||||||| "What can we do, then?" she asked.

"Call the Winged Monkeys," suggested the Tin Woodman. "You have still the right to command them once more." "Very well," she answered, and putting on the Golden Cap she uttered the magic words. The Monkeys were as prompt as ever, and in a few moments the entire band stood before her.

"What are your commands?" inquired the King of the Monkeys, bowing low.

"Carry us over the hill to the country of the Quadlings," answered the girl. "It shall be done," said the King, and at once the Winged Monkeys caught the four travelers and Toto up in their arms and flew away with them. As they passed over the hill the Hammer-Heads yelled with vexation, and shot their heads high in the air, but they could not reach the Winged Monkeys, which carried Dorothy and her comrades safely over the hill and set them down in the beautiful country of the Quadlings. |||||||||||frustration||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||дратування|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

"This is the last time you can summon us," said the leader to Dorothy; "so good-bye and good luck to you." |||||||покликати|||||||||||||| "Good-bye, and thank you very much," returned the girl; and the Monkeys rose into the air and were out of sight in a twinkling. |||||||||||||||||||||||a girl|instantaneous moment The country of the Quadlings seemed rich and happy.

There was field upon field of ripening grain, with well-paved roads running between, and pretty rippling brooks with strong bridges across them. ||||||||||||||||gently flowing|streams||||| The fences and houses and bridges were all painted bright red, just as they had been painted yellow in the country of the Winkies and blue in the country of the Munchkins. The Quadlings themselves, who were short and fat and looked chubby and good-natured, were dressed all in red, which showed bright against the green grass and the yellowing grain. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||пожовкле зерно| Die Quadlinge selbst, die klein und dick waren und pummelig und gutmütig aussahen, waren ganz in Rot gekleidet, das sich leuchtend von dem grünen Gras und dem vergilbenden Getreide abhob.

The Monkeys had set them down near a farmhouse, and the four travelers walked up to it and knocked at the door.

It was opened by the farmer's wife, and when Dorothy asked for something to eat the woman gave them all a good dinner, with three kinds of cake and four kinds of cookies, and a bowl of milk for Toto. Її відкрила дружина фермера, і коли Дороті попросила щось поїсти, жінка пригостила їх трьох видів пирогів і чотирьох видів печива, а для Тото налила молока. "How far is it to the Castle of Glinda?" asked the child.

"It is not a great way," answered the farmer's wife. "Це не найкращий шлях", - відповіла дружина фермера. "Take the road to the South and you will soon reach it." "Йдіть дорогою на південь, і ви скоро дійдете до нього". Thanking the good woman, they started afresh and walked by the fields and across the pretty bridges until they saw before them a very beautiful Castle.

Before the gates were three young girls, dressed in handsome red uniforms trimmed with gold braid; and as Dorothy approached, one of them said to her: ||||||||||||decorated with gold|||gold decoration|||||||||| Перед брамою стояли три молоді дівчини, одягнені в красиві червоні мундири, оздоблені золотою тасьмою; і коли Дороті наблизилася, одна з них сказала їй:

"Why have you come to the South Country?" "To see the Good Witch who rules here," she answered. "Will you take me to her?" "Відвезеш мене до неї?" "Let me have your name, and I will ask Glinda if she will receive you." They told who they were, and the girl soldier went into the Castle.

After a few moments she came back to say that Dorothy and the others were to be admitted at once. Через кілька хвилин вона повернулася і сказала, що Дороті та інших потрібно негайно впустити.