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Songs, 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight

10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight

Someday, when I'm awfully low When the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you And the way you look tonight Yes, your're lovely, with your eyes so warm And your cheeks so soft There is nothing for me but to love you And the way you look tonight With each word your tenderness grows Tearing my fears apart And that laugh that wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart

Yes you're lovely, never ever change Keep that breathless charm Darling please arrange it? 'Cause I love you Just the way you look tonight With each word your tenderness grows Tearing my fears apart And that laugh that wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart

But you're lovely, never ever change Keep that breathless charm Darling please arrange it? 'Cause I love you And the way you look tonight, darling And the way you look tonight Sweet heart Just the way you look tonight

10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight |||Manner||Appear or seem| Rod Stewart|Rod Stweart||||| 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - Il modo in cui appari stasera 10 - ロッド・ストウィート - ザ・ウェイ・ユー・ルック・トゥナイト 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - A maneira como você olha hoje à noite 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stewart - Takrat, ko te gledam 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - Rod Stweart - The Way You Look Tonight 10 - 罗德·斯威特 - 你今晚的样子 10 - 羅德斯威特 - 你今晚的樣子

Someday, when I'm awfully low When the world is cold I will feel a glow just thinking of you And the way you look tonight |||furchtbar|||||||||||Glanz|||||||||| In the future|||very extremely low||||||||||||||||||||| Nekoč|||zelo|potrt||||||||||sijaj|||||||način, kako|||nocoj いつか、僕がひどく落ち込んでいるとき、世界が寒くなったとき、君を思うだけで輝きを感じるだろう。 Um dia, quando eu estiver muito em baixo Quando o mundo estiver frio Vou sentir um brilho só de pensar em ti E na forma como estás esta noite Enkrat, ko sem zelo nizko Ko je svet mrzel, bom občutil žarek samo ob misli nate In način, kako izgledaš danes zvečer Yes, your're lovely, with your eyes so warm And your cheeks so soft There is nothing for me but to love you And the way you look tonight ||||||||||lička|||tam je|||||||||||||| 君の瞳はとても温かく、頬はとても柔らかい。 Sim, és linda, com os teus olhos tão quentes E as tuas bochechas tão suaves Não há nada para mim senão amar-te E a forma como estás esta noite Ja, si čudovita, s svojimi tako toplimi očmi In tvojimi tako mehkimi lici Nič drugega zame ni kot, da te ljubim In način, kako izgledaš danes zvečer With each word your tenderness grows Tearing my fears apart And that laugh that wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart ||||Zärtlichkeit||Zerreißt||Ängste|auseinander||||||||||| |||||becomes stronger||||||||||||||| |vsaka|||nežnost|raste|Trgajoč||strahove||||||gube na nosu|||se dotika||neumni|neumno srce あなたの優しさは、言葉を重ねるごとに増していく。 A cada palavra sua ternura cresce Rasgando meus medos E essa risada que enruga seu nariz Toca meu coração tolo

Yes you're lovely, never ever change Keep that breathless charm Darling please arrange it? Da, ljubka si||čudovita||||||||||| そうよ、あなたは素敵よ、決して変わらないわ、その息をのむような魅力はそのままに......ダーリン、アレンジしてくれる? Sim, você é adorável, nunca mude Mantenha esse charme sem fôlego Querida, por favor, organize isso? 'Cause I love you Just the way you look tonight 今夜の君が好きだから Porque eu te amo do jeito que você está esta noite With each word your tenderness grows Tearing my fears apart And that laugh that wrinkles your nose Touches my foolish heart ||||||||||||||Falten|||||| あなたの優しさは、言葉を重ねるごとに増していく。 A cada palavra sua ternura cresce Rasgando meus medos E essa risada que enruga seu nariz Toca meu coração tolo

But you're lovely, never ever change Keep that breathless charm Darling please arrange it? Aber du bist reizend, ändere dich nie und nimmer Behalte diesen atemlosen Charme Darling bitte arrangiere es? 'Cause I love you And the way you look tonight, darling And the way you look tonight Sweet heart Just the way you look tonight