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Songs, 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love

04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love

Father Help Your children And don't let them fall by the side of the road, mmm...mmm...

And teach them To love one another That Heaven might find A place in their hearts

'Cause Jesus is love He won't let you down And I know He's mine forever Oh, in my heart We've got to walk on Walk on through temptation 'Cause His love and His wisdom Will be our helpin' hand And I know the Truth And His words will be our salvation Lift up our hearts To be thankful and glad

That Jesus is love He won't let you down And I know He's mine Deep down in my soul

Jesus is love Oh, yes, He is He won't let you down And I know He's mine, He's mine, He's mine, He's mine, all mine Forever, oh, in my heart Help me, heart, heart Ooh...ooh...

(Deep in my heart) I know, I know, I know, I know Ah, 'cause His love's the power (Power) His love's the glory (Glory) Forever (Ever and ever) Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Ooh, yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah)

I wanna follow your star Wherever it leads me And I don't mind, Lord I hope you don't mind

I wanna walk with you And talk with you And do all the things you want me to do 'Cause I know that Jesus (Jesus is Love, I know) 'Cause I know, Lord (And if you ask, I'll show) (Love is the word forever) And ever and ever Who can bring you love (Jesus) Who can bring you joy (Jesus) Who can turn your life around (Jesus), oh

Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Hey

Who will pick you up (Jesus) When you fall (Jesus) Who'll stand beside you (Jesus) Who will love us all

Hey, hey, Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Oh, yeah (Yeah, yeah)

One thing I wanna say Who can heal your body (Jesus) Who can make you strong (Jesus) Who can help you to hold out (Jesus) A little while longer

Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Jesus loves you (Yeah, yeah), Jesus wants you If you call Him, He will answer

(Jesus) Call him in the mornin' (Jesus) Call him in the evenin' (Jesus) Call him in the midnight hour Hey, hey (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, y'all say it for me

04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love Lionel Ritchie|Lionel Ritchie||| 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus ist Liebe 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Ο Ιησούς είναι αγάπη 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesús es amor 04 - لیونل ریچی - عیسی عشق است 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Gesù è amore 04-ライオネルリッチー-ジーザスは愛です 04 - 라이오넬 리치 - 예수님은 사랑입니다 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jezus jest miłością 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus é Amor 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Jesus is Love 04 - Lionel Ritchie - İsa Aşktır 04 - Лайонел Річі - Ісус є любов 04 - Lionel Ritchie - Chúa Giêsu Là Tình Yêu 04 - 莱昂内尔里奇 - 耶稣就是爱 04 - 萊昂內爾·里奇 - 耶穌就是愛

Father Help Your children And don’t let them fall by the side of the road, mmm...mmm... ||||||||caiam|||lado||||| Vater, hilf deinen Kindern und lass sie nicht am Straßenrand fallen, mmm...mmm... Padre Ayuda a Tus hijos Y no los dejes caer a la vera del camino, mmm...mmm... 父はあなたの子供たちを助け、そして彼らを道路の脇に落とさないでください、うーん...うーん... Ojcze pomóż swoim dzieciom i nie pozwól im upaść na poboczu drogi, mmm...mmm.... Pai Ajude seus filhos E não os deixe cair na beira da estrada, mmm...mmm... Отец Помоги своим детям И не дай им упасть на обочине, ммм...ммм... Baba çocuklarına yardım et ve yolun kenarına düşmelerine izin verme, mmm...mmm... Батько Допоможи своїм дітям І не дай їм впасти на узбіччя дороги, ммм...ммм...

And teach them To love one another That Heaven might find A place in their hearts Und lehre sie, einander zu lieben, damit der Himmel einen Platz in ihren Herzen findet Y enséñales a amarse unos a otros para que el cielo encuentre un lugar en sus corazones. お互いを愛し合うことを教える 天が彼らの心の中に居場所を見つけられるように I naucz ich kochać się nawzajem, by Niebo znalazło miejsce w ich sercach. E ensiná-los A amar uns aos outros Para que o Céu encontre Um lugar em seus corações И научить их любить друг друга, Чтоб в их сердцах Небеса нашли место. Ve onlara birbirlerini sevmeyi öğret ki, Cennet kalplerinde bir yer bulabilsin.

'Cause Jesus is love He won’t let you down And I know He’s mine forever Oh, in my heart |Jesús||||||||||||||||| Weil Jesus Liebe ist, wird er dich nicht im Stich lassen und ich weiß, dass er für immer mein ist, oh, in meinem Herzen 'Cause Jesus is love He won't let you down And I know He's mine forever Oh, in my heart Porque Jesús es amor Él no te defraudará Y sé que Él es mío para siempre Oh, en mi corazón Parce que Jésus est amour Il ne vous laissera pas tomber Et je sais qu'il est à moi pour toujours Oh, dans mon cœur イエスは愛だから あなたをがっかりさせることはない そして私は知っている 彼は永遠に私のものだ 私の心の中で Bo Jezus jest miłością On nie zawiedzie cię I wiem, że jest mój na zawsze Oh, w moim sercu Porque Jesus é amor Ele não vai te decepcionar E eu sei que Ele é meu para sempre Oh, em meu coração Потому что Иисус - это любовь, Он не подведет тебя, И я знаю, что Он мой навсегда О, в моем сердце Çünkü İsa sevgidir Seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmaz Ve biliyorum O sonsuza dek benimdir Ah, kalbimde We’ve got to walk on Walk on through temptation 'Cause His love and His wisdom Will be our helpin' hand ||||||||Versuchung||||||Weisheit||||| ||||||||tentación||||||||||mano amiga| temos||||||||||||||||||| Wir müssen weitergehen, weitergehen durch die Versuchung, denn seine Liebe und seine Weisheit werden unsere helfende Hand sein Tenemos que caminar Caminar a través de la tentación Porque Su amor y Su sabiduría serán nuestra mano amiga 私たちは歩まなければならない誘惑を通り抜けて歩かなければならない彼の愛と彼の知恵が私たちの助けになるから Musimy iść dalej, iść przez pokusę, bo Jego miłość i Jego mądrość będą naszą pomocną dłonią. Temos que seguir em frente Caminhar pela tentação Porque Seu amor e Sua sabedoria Serão nossa mão amiga Yürümeye devam etmeliyiz Günaha doğru yürümeye devam etmeliyiz Çünkü O'nun sevgisi ve bilgeliği yardım elimiz olacak And I know the Truth And His words will be our salvation Lift up our hearts To be thankful and glad |||||||||||Erlösung|||||||dankbar und froh|| |||||||||||salvación||||||||| And I know the Truth And His words will be our salvation Lift up our hearts To be thankful and glad Y yo sé la Verdad Y sus palabras serán nuestra salvación Levanten nuestros corazones Para estar agradecidos y alegres そして私は真実を知っている そして彼の言葉は私たちの救いになる 私たちの心を持ち上げて 感謝と喜びを感じよう I znam Prawdę A Jego słowa będą naszym zbawieniem Podnieś nasze serca By były wdzięczne i radosne E eu conheço a Verdade E Suas palavras serão nossa salvação Eleve nossos corações Para sermos gratos e alegres Ve gerçeği biliyorum Ve O'nun sözleri kurtuluşumuz olacak Yüreklerimizi kaldırın Şükretmek ve sevinmek için

That Jesus is love He won’t let you down And I know He’s mine Deep down in my soul イエスは愛である 彼はあなたをがっかりさせない そして私は彼が私のものであることを知っている 私の魂の奥底で Że Jezus jest miłością Nie zawiedzie cię I wiem, że jest mój Głęboko w duszy mej Que Jesus é amor Ele não vai te decepcionar E eu sei que Ele é meu No fundo da minha alma İsa'nın sevgi olduğunu Seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacağını Ve O'nun benim olduğunu biliyorum Ruhumun derinliklerinde

Jesus is love Oh, yes, He is He won’t let you down And I know He’s mine, He’s mine, He’s mine, He’s mine, all mine Forever, oh, in my heart Help me, heart, heart Ooh...ooh... イエスは愛です イエスは愛です 彼はあなたをがっかりさせません そして私は知っています 彼は私のものです 彼は私のものです 彼は私のものです 彼は私のものです すべて私のものです 永遠に 私の心の中で 助けてください、心、心ああ... Jezus jest miłością O, tak, On jest On nie zawiedzie cię I wiem, że On jest mój, On jest mój, On jest mój, cały mój Na zawsze, och, w moim sercu Pomóż mi, serce, serce Ooh...ooh... Jesus é amor Oh, sim, Ele é Ele não vai te decepcionar E eu sei que Ele é meu, Ele é meu, Ele é meu, Ele é meu, todo meu Para sempre, oh, em meu coração Me ajude, coração, coração Ooh... ooh... İsa sevgidir Oh, evet, O seni hayal kırıklığına uğratmaz Ve biliyorum O benim, O benim, O benim, O benim, hepsi benim Sonsuza dek, oh, kalbimde Yardım et bana, kalp, kalp Ooh...ooh...

(Deep in my heart) I know, I know, I know, I know Ah, 'cause His love’s the power (Power) His love’s the glory (Glory) Forever (Ever and ever) |||||||||||||||el amor de||||||||Gloria|||| (Głęboko w sercu mym) Wiem, wiem, wiem, wiem Ach, bo Jego miłość jest mocą (Mocą) Jego miłość jest chwałą (Chwałą) Na zawsze (Na wieki wieków) (No fundo do meu coração) eu sei, eu sei, eu sei, eu sei Ah, porque Seu amor é o poder (Poder) Seu amor é a glória (Glória) Para sempre (Sempre e sempre) Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Ooh, yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah)

I wanna follow your star Wherever it leads me And I don’t mind, Lord I hope you don’t mind |||||||führt||||||||||| 私はあなたの星について行きたいですそれが私を導くところならどこでも私は気にしません、主よあなたが気にしないことを願っています Chcę podążać za Twoją gwiazdą Gdziekolwiek mnie zaprowadzi I nie mam nic przeciwko, Panie Mam nadzieję, że nie masz nic przeciwko Beni nereye götürürse götürsün yıldızını takip etmek istiyorum Ve umurumda değil, Tanrım umarım umurunda değildir

I wanna walk with you And talk with you And do all the things you want me to do 'Cause I know that Jesus 私はあなたと一緒に歩きたい あなたと話したい あなたが私にしてほしいことをすべてやりたい Chcę chodzić z Tobą I rozmawiać z Tobą I robić wszystkie rzeczy, które chcesz, abym robił Bo wiem, że Jezus Eu quero andar contigo E falar contigo E fazer todas as coisas que tu queres que eu faça Porque eu sei que Jesus (Jesus is Love, I know) 'Cause I know, Lord (And if you ask, I’ll show) (Love is the word forever) And ever and ever (イエスは愛、私は知っている) 主よ、私は知っているから (そして、あなたが求めるなら、私は示すでしょう) (愛は永遠という言葉です) そして、いつまでも (Jezus jest Miłością, wiem) Bo wiem, Panie (A jeśli poprosisz, pokażę) (Miłość jest słowem na zawsze) I na wieki wieków Who can bring you love (Jesus) Who can bring you joy (Jesus) Who can turn your life around (Jesus), oh Kto może przynieść ci miłość (Jezus) Kto może przynieść ci radość (Jezus) Kto może odmienić twoje życie (Jezus), oh Quem pode trazer-te amor (Jesus) Quem pode trazer-te alegria (Jesus) Quem pode mudar a tua vida (Jesus), oh Kim size sevgi getirebilir (İsa) Kim size neşe getirebilir (İsa) Kim hayatınızı değiştirebilir (İsa), ah

Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Hey

Who will pick you up (Jesus) When you fall (Jesus) Who’ll stand beside you (Jesus) Who will love us all ||||||||||Wer wird||||||||| ||||||||||¿Quién te||||||||| 誰があなたを迎えに行くの (イエス) あなたが倒れた時 (イエス) 誰があなたのそばに立つの? Kto podniesie cię (Jezus) Kiedy upadniesz (Jezus) Kto stanie obok ciebie (Jezus) Kto pokocha nas wszystkich Quem te levantará (Jesus) Quando caíres (Jesus) Quem estará ao teu lado (Jesus) Quem nos amará a todos Düştüğünüzde sizi kim kaldıracak (İsa) Yanınızda kim duracak (İsa) Hepimizi kim sevecek

Hey, hey, Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Oh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Hey, hey, Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Jesus (Yeah, yeah) Oh, yeah (Yeah, yeah)

One thing I wanna say Who can heal your body (Jesus) Who can make you strong (Jesus) Who can help you to hold out (Jesus) A little while longer |||||||sanar||||||||||||||||||||| 言いたいことは 誰があなたの体を癒すことができるか (イエス) 誰があなたを強くすることができるか (イエス) 誰があなたが頑張れるように助けることができるか (イエス) もう少しだけ Jedną rzecz chcę powiedzieć Kto może uzdrowić twoje ciało (Jezus) Kto może uczynić cię silnym (Jezus) Kto może pomóc ci wytrwać (Jezus) trochę dłużej Uma coisa eu quero dizer Quem pode curar o teu corpo (Jesus) Quem pode tornar-te forte (Jesus) Quem pode ajudar-te a aguentar (Jesus) Um pouco mais Söylemek istediğim tek şey Vücudunuzu kim iyileştirebilir (İsa) Sizi kim güçlü kılabilir (İsa) Biraz daha dayanmanıza kim yardım edebilir (İsa)

Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Jesus loves you (Yeah, yeah), Jesus wants you If you call Him, He will answer ああ、ええ (ええ、ええ) ええ (ええ、ええ) イエスはあなたを愛しています (ええ、ええ) イエスはあなたを望んでいます あなたが彼に電話すれば、彼は答えます Ooh, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Jesus loves you (Yeah, yeah), Jesus wants you If you call Him, He will answer Ooh, evet (Evet, evet) Evet (Evet, evet) İsa seni seviyor (Evet, evet), İsa seni istiyor Eğer O'nu çağırırsan, cevap verecektir

(Jesus) Call him in the mornin' (Jesus) Call him in the evenin' (Jesus) Call him in the midnight hour |||||mañana||||||noche||||||| (イエス)朝に彼に電話してください(イエス)夕方に彼に電話してください(イエス)真夜中に彼に電話してください (Jezu) Zawołaj Go rano (Jezu) Zawołaj Go wieczorem (Jezu) Zawołaj Go o północy (İsa) Onu sabahleyin çağır (İsa) Onu akşamleyin çağır (İsa) Onu gece yarısı çağır Hey, hey (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, y’all say it for me ||||||||||||ustedes|||| Hey, hey (Yeah, yeah) Yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, yeah (Yeah, yeah) Yeah, powiedz to za mnie Hey, hey (Evet, evet) Evet (Evet, evet) Evet, evet (Evet, evet) Evet, hepiniz benim için söyleyin