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Friends S03, Friends S03E06 2d

Friends S03E06 2d

Hi! Monica! Is she giving me the finger? Monica! Look! Hi! What do you think? Oh, my God! You can't even see where the Titanic hit it. Yes, his name is Barry. He's a doctor, thank you very much. Just like you always wanted. Congratulations. Thank you. So how about you? Are you seeing anybody? Not right now. Oh, well, that's okay. I know. So I think I'll get back to my friend. Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, sure. Listen, can we please have lunch the next time I'm in the city? That'd be great. - Okay. - Thanks. - Bye. - Bye. Ten bucks says I never see that woman again in my life. No, honey, really. It's fine. Just... Go with Susan. Really, I think... I think girls' night out is a great idea. Okay. Okay. Bye. - So, what are they doing? - I don't know. Something girly. Hey, you're early. What are you doing with the lamp? I'm just taking it to get rewired. Don't take it to the place you took the stereo. They've had that for over a week. No! Mr. Heckles, no one is making any noise up here. You're disturbing my oboe practice. - You don't play the oboe. - I could play the oboe. Then I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down. Who are you? I'm Eric, I'm gonna be Chandler's new roommate. I'm Chandler's new roommate. - I don't think so. - I could be Chandler's new roommate. - But he told me over the phone... - He told me in person. That's weird. Well, I'm going to go into my new apartment now. Hi, again. Hey. Hey. Thank you so much. No, no, no. Don't thank me. Thank the jerk that didn't show up. Okay, I gotta get to work. And not just for the money. But because every now and then... ...someone walks out of the bathroom with a little bit of toilet paper on their shoe. - You need some help with that? - No, thanks. I got it. No. No, I don't! Okay? Stood up too fast. Got a little head rush. It's the heat. And the humidity. That's a... That's a tough combination. Do you want to come in for some lemonade? Like you wouldn't believe. This is a great place. Thank you. Just make yourself comfortable. Gotcha. So this place is really my grandmother's. I got it from her when she moved to Florida. Otherwise I could never afford a place like this. So if the landlord ever asks... ...I'm an 87-year-old woman who's afraid of her VCR. You thirsty? You bet I am! Okay... ...here's your penis! Oh, my God! What the hell are you doing? You said, "You wanna come in for some lemonade?" So? Were you just gonna give me lemonade? Cover yourself up! Oh, right. Sorry. God, I don't believe this! Someone asks you in for lemonade and to you that means they want to have sex? Usually, yeah. Well, not just lemonade. Iced tea, sometimes juice. Look, sorry. I just... I thought you liked me. I'm such a jerk. It's okay. I suppose it could happen to anyone. Not anyone I know, but... By the way, I can still see it. - Pheebs? - Huh? Where's your bed? It's not in the apartment? Oh, no. I can't believe this is happening again. - What? - Okay, enough with the third degree! I don't live here anymore. - What are you talking about? - I'm sorry. I don't live here anymore. I didn't know how to tell you. But, you know, everybody else knows. Everybody knows? That was supposed to be a good thing. I forget why. I don't understand. I thought we were doing better lately. Yeah, 'cause I moved out. Monica, I... Do you know, okay, I couldn't sleep for, like, a month... ...because I got a dot of ink on one of the sofa cushions? Well, you could've just turned the cushion over. I would have, except I had a spaghetti stain on the other side. What? Okay. This is what I'm talking about. I need to live in a land where people can spill! Well, you can spill. In the sink. Oh, honey. It's not your fault, you know. This is who you are. And I love you. And I want us to be friends. And if I keep living here, I don't see that happening. - I love you too. - Oh, good. What? What? I'm just sad. No, you're not. You're wondering which cushion it is. Well, why can't I think of both? I mean, I can think two things. Go ahead. Look. You know you want to. Go. Oh, my God! - So, what are you watching? - Baywatch. What's it about? Lifeguards. Well, it sounds kind of stup... Who's she? Nicole Eggert. We like her. Wow! Look at them run! They do that a lot. Hey, you want a beer? - Yeah, I'll go get one. - Don't get up. I got a cooler right here.

Friends S03E06 2d Friends S03E06 2d

Hi! Monica! Is she giving me the finger? Вона показує мені палець? Monica! Look! Hi! What do you think? Oh, my God! You can't even see where the Titanic hit it. Навіть не видно, куди врізався "Титанік". Yes, his name is Barry. He's a doctor, thank you very much. Just like you always wanted. Congratulations. Thank you. So how about you? Are you seeing anybody? Not right now. Oh, well, that's okay. I know. So I think I'll get back to my friend. Oh, yeah. Sure, sure, sure. Listen, can we please have lunch the next time I'm in the city? Слухай, давай пообідаємо, коли я наступного разу буду в місті? That'd be great. - Okay. - Thanks. - Bye. - Bye. Ten bucks says I never see that woman again in my life. No, honey, really. It's fine. Just... Go with Susan. Really, I think... I think girls' night out is a great idea. Okay. Okay. Bye. - So, what are they doing? - I don't know. Something girly. Щось дівоче. Hey, you're early. What are you doing with the lamp? I'm just taking it to get rewired. Я просто забираю його, щоб переробити. Don't take it to the place you took the stereo. They've had that for over a week. No! Mr. Heckles, no one is making any noise up here. You're disturbing my oboe practice. Ти заважаєш моїй грі на гобої. - You don't play the oboe. - I could play the oboe. Then I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down. Тоді я попрошу вас не шуміти. Who are you? I'm Eric, I'm gonna be Chandler's new roommate. I'm Chandler's new roommate. - I don't think so. - I could be Chandler's new roommate. - But he told me over the phone... - He told me in person. - Але він сказав мені по телефону... - Він сказав мені особисто. That's weird. Well, I'm going to go into my new apartment now. Hi, again. Hey. Hey. Thank you so much. No, no, no. Don't thank me. Thank the jerk that didn't show up. Подякуй придурку, що не прийшов. Okay, I gotta get to work. Гаразд, мені пора на роботу. And not just for the money. But because every now and then... ...someone walks out of the bathroom with a little bit of toilet paper on their shoe. Але тому що час від часу... ...хтось виходить з ванної кімнати з невеликим шматочком туалетного паперу на взутті. - You need some help with that? - No, thanks. I got it. No. No, I don't! Okay? Stood up too fast. Занадто швидко встав. Got a little head rush. It's the heat. And the humidity. І вологість. That's a... That's a tough combination. Do you want to come in for some lemonade? Like you wouldn't believe. Ти не повіриш. This is a great place. Thank you. Just make yourself comfortable. Gotcha. So this place is really my grandmother's. I got it from her when she moved to Florida. Otherwise I could never afford a place like this. Інакше я б ніколи не зміг дозволити собі таке місце. So if the landlord ever asks... ...I'm an 87-year-old woman who's afraid of her VCR. Тож якщо орендодавець коли-небудь запитає... ...я 87-річна жінка, яка боїться свого відеомагнітофона. You thirsty? Хочеш пити? You bet I am! Ще б пак! Okay... ...here's your penis! Гаразд... ...ось твій пеніс! Oh, my God! What the hell are you doing? You said, "You wanna come in for some lemonade?" So? Were you just gonna give me lemonade? Cover yourself up! Oh, right. Sorry. God, I don't believe this! Someone asks you in for lemonade and to you that means they want to have sex? Usually, yeah. Well, not just lemonade. Iced tea, sometimes juice. Look, sorry. I just... I thought you liked me. I'm such a jerk. It's okay. I suppose it could happen to anyone. Not anyone I know, but... By the way, I can still see it. Не з тих, кого я знаю, але... До речі, я все ще бачу його. - Pheebs? - Huh? Where's your bed? Де твоє ліжко? It's not in the apartment? Oh, no. I can't believe this is happening again. - What? - Okay, enough with the third degree! - Гаразд, досить про третій ступінь! I don't live here anymore. - What are you talking about? - I'm sorry. I don't live here anymore. Я тут більше не живу. I didn't know how to tell you. But, you know, everybody else knows. Everybody knows? That was supposed to be a good thing. Це мало бути добре. I forget why. I don't understand. I thought we were doing better lately. Yeah, 'cause I moved out. Так, тому що я з'їхав. Monica, I... Do you know, okay, I couldn't sleep for, like, a month... ...because I got a dot of ink on one of the sofa cushions? Моніко, я... Ти знаєш, що я не міг спати близько місяця... ...тому що на одній з диванних подушок я поставив чорнильну крапку? Well, you could've just turned the cushion over. I would have, except I had a spaghetti stain on the other side. Я б так і зробив, якби не пляма від спагетті з іншого боку. What? Okay. This is what I'm talking about. I need to live in a land where people can spill! Мені потрібно жити в країні, де люди можуть розливатися! Well, you can spill. In the sink. Oh, honey. It's not your fault, you know. This is who you are. And I love you. And I want us to be friends. І я хочу, щоб ми були друзями. And if I keep living here, I don't see that happening. - I love you too. - Oh, good. What? What? I'm just sad. No, you're not. You're wondering which cushion it is. Вам цікаво, яка це подушка. Well, why can't I think of both? I mean, I can think two things. Go ahead. Look. You know you want to. Go. Oh, my God! - So, what are you watching? - Baywatch. - Рятувальники Малібу. What's it about? Lifeguards. Well, it sounds kind of stup... Who's she? Ну, це звучить якось по-дурному... Хто вона? Nicole Eggert. We like her. Wow! Look at them run! They do that a lot. Hey, you want a beer? - Yeah, I'll go get one. - Don't get up. I got a cooler right here.