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The Awakening of Europe, 20. Virginia

20. Virginia

"The silent ocean of the past, a waste Of water weltering over graves." —CULLEN BRYANT.

Though Sir Humphrey Gilbert had laid down his life, his efforts at colonisation had not been in vain. His step-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, now took up his work, in something of the same spirit, though his efforts, too, were doomed to failure.

At this time Raleigh was in high favour at the Court of Elizabeth, and she readily helped him to follow in Gilbert's steps and found a colony in America. So on April 27, 1584, two sea-captains with their ships left England to find some suitable part of the country with good soil, good water, and possibly gold, as yet unclaimed by Spaniards. The sea-captains, following the track of Columbus, sailed to the West Indies, whence they coasted northwards some 120 miles and entered a harbour which seemed promising. They knelt down, thanked God for their safe arrival, and took possession of the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth and her courtier Raleigh.

The beauty of the new country filled them with rapture. Wild grapes grew in plenty, the forests were filled with birds, the air was delicious, the growth luxuriant. There was no doubt this would make a grand site for the first English colony over the seas. Would the native Indians object?

"Oh no," said the sea-captains when they arrived in England. "The natives were most gentle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and such as lived after the manner of the Golden Age." Raleigh listened to this glowing account and decided to begin a colony there at once. His fame rose higher than ever, for he had given to his queen a new country, to which she now gave the name of Virginia, after herself—the Virgin Queen—while Raleigh was to become "lord and governor of Virginia." Seven ships and a hundred colonists were soon ready, under the command of Sir Richard Grenville, who with Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher stood in the forefront of Elizabeth's sea-heroes. After eighty days on the high seas, Grenville's fleet arrived on the coast of Virginia. All looked fair and prosperous.

"It is the goodliest soil under heaven—the paradise of the world," said Sir Richard Grenville with enthusiasm, as he set to work to make the new colony a success. But his little band of Englishmen turned out to be gold-seekers rather than colonists. They lived on food furnished by the Indians, while they made search for gold, until the day came that the Indians turned on them, fighting took place, and the supply of food was stopped. Matters grew from bad to worse. Starvation stared them in the face. Their commander had sailed to England for help. They were in despair, when an English ship one day hove in sight, with Sir Francis Drake on board bringing aid for the colony. With one accord the would-be colonists begged to be taken home, and Drake could not refuse them; one and all embarked for England, and so perished the next attempt at colonising Virginia.

An old story tells us that these colonists first brought the tobacco-plant back to England, for they had learnt to smoke from the Indians. But we know now that Hawkins had already introduced it into England years before this, and that Drake and Raleigh were both great smokers.

One day, the story runs, Raleigh sat smoking his pipe, when his servant entered his room with a flask of spiced ale. Aghast at seeing smoke coming from his master's mouth, as if he were on fire, he dashed the contents of the flask into Raleigh's face. The first potato is said to have been planted in Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh, though again Hawkins and Drake had been before him by introducing it into England and Germany. And a German poet, Heine, quaintly remarked, "Luther shook Germany to its foundation, but Drake pacified it again: he gave us the potato." Yet once more Raleigh fitted out a colony for Virginia. This time seventeen women were sent to make comfortable the new homes beyond the sea. Under the command of John White they sailed away for the New World, but again they were doomed to failure. The Indians refused help and food, and fighting took place. The only brightness amid the general gloom was the birth of a child, the first English baby born in America, called after the colony, Virginia. Matters grew worse, and John White sailed to England for help. He arrived to find the Spanish Armada threatening the invasion of England; no one had any thoughts for the distant colony in the Far West. The Armada came and went before anything was done, and when White at last reached the shores of Virginia, he found the place a desert, every trace of the colonists gone, nor was anything ever heard of them again!

And so perished Raleigh's second attempt at colonising in America. He fitted out no more expeditions, and it was many years before anything further was done in this direction.

20. Virginia 弗吉尼亚 20. Virginia 20. Virginia 20. Virginie 20. Virginia 20.バージニア州 20. Virginia 20. Virgínia 20. Вирджиния 20. Вірджинія 20.弗吉尼亚州 20.維吉尼亞州

"The silent ocean of the past, a waste Of water weltering over graves." |||||||废物|||翻腾||坟墓 "L'oceano silenzioso del passato, uno spreco d'acqua che scorre sulle tombe". "Тихий океан прошлого, вода, бурлящая над могилами". "过去无声的海洋,浪花浸没了坟墓。" —CULLEN BRYANT. |布莱恩特 —卡伦·布莱恩特。

Though Sir Humphrey Gilbert had laid down his life, his efforts at colonisation had not been in vain. ||汉弗莱|吉尔伯特||献出||他的|||||||||| Anche se Sir Humphrey Gilbert aveva perso la vita, i suoi sforzi di colonizzazione non erano stati vani. 尽管汉弗莱·吉尔伯特爵士已经献出了生命,但他的殖民努力并没有徒劳无功。 His step-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, now took up his work, in something of the same spirit, though his efforts, too, were doomed to failure. |||||沃尔特·罗||开始|||||||||||||||注定|| 他的继兄沃尔特·朗利爵士现在以同样的精神继续他的工作,尽管他的努力也注定会失败。

At this time Raleigh was in high favour at the Court of Elizabeth, and she readily helped him to follow in Gilbert's steps and found a colony in America. |||罗利||||||||||||乐意地|||||||||建立|||| 此时,朗利在伊丽莎白的宫廷中受到高度重视,她乐意帮助他追随吉尔伯特的脚步,在美国建立一个殖民地。 So on April 27, 1584, two sea-captains with their ships left England to find some suitable part of the country with good soil, good water, and possibly gold, as yet unclaimed by Spaniards. |||||||||||||||||||||土壤|||||||||| 因此,在1584年4月27日,两个海军上将和他们的船只离开英国,去寻找适合的土地,那里有良好的土壤、良好的水源,可能还有未被西班牙人占有的金子。 The sea-captains, following the track of Columbus, sailed to the West Indies, whence they coasted northwards some 120 miles and entered a harbour which seemed promising. |||||航线|||||||西印度群岛||||||英里|||||||有希望 这些海船长沿着哥伦布的足迹航行,驶向西印度群岛,从那里向北沿岸航行约120英里,进入了一个看似有前景的港口。 They knelt down, thanked God for their safe arrival, and took possession of the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth and her courtier Raleigh. |||||||||||||||||||||||朝臣| 他们跪下,感谢上帝使他们安全抵达,并以伊丽莎白女王和她的朝臣拉雷的名义占领了这个国家。

The beauty of the new country filled them with rapture. ||||||充满|||狂喜 这个新国家的美丽让他们心醉神迷。 Wild grapes grew in plenty, the forests were filled with birds, the air was delicious, the growth luxuriant. ||||丰富地||||||鸟类||空气||||生长| 野生葡萄生长繁茂,森林里鸟儿欢唱,空气宜人,植被繁茂。 There was no doubt this would make a grand site for the first English colony over the seas. ||||||成为||||||||||| 毫无疑问,这将成为第一个海上英殖民地的壮丽地点。 Would the native Indians object? ||||反对 当地印第安人会反对吗?

"Oh no," said the sea-captains when they arrived in England. "The natives were most gentle, loving, and faithful, void of all guile and treason, and such as lived after the manner of the Golden Age." ||||||||没有|||狡诈||叛国罪||那些|如同||按照|这些||||| “土著们非常温柔、爱人且忠诚,毫无狡诈和背叛,生活得就像黄金时代的人。” Raleigh listened to this glowing account and decided to begin a colony there at once. 罗利||||热情洋溢|||||||||| 拉尔夫听了这个美好的描述,决定立即在那里建立一个殖民地。 His fame rose higher than ever, for he had given to his queen a new country, to which she now gave the name of Virginia, after herself—the Virgin Queen—while Raleigh was to become "lord and governor of Virginia." ||||||||||||||||||||||||弗吉尼亚|以她的名字|||||同时|罗利||||||||弗吉尼亚 他的名声空前提升,因为他将一个新国家献给了女王,女王为这个国家命名为弗吉尼亚,以她自己——处女女王的名义——而拉尔夫将成为“弗吉尼亚的领主和总督。” Seven ships and a hundred colonists were soon ready, under the command of Sir Richard Grenville, who with Drake, Hawkins, and Frobisher stood in the forefront of Elizabeth's sea-heroes. ||||||||||||||理查德|格伦维尔||||||||||前沿|||| 七艘船和一百名殖民者在理查德·格伦维尔爵士的指挥下很快准备就绪,他与德雷克、霍金斯和弗罗比舍一起站在伊丽莎白海洋英雄的最前沿。 After eighty days on the high seas, Grenville's fleet arrived on the coast of Virginia. 格伦维尔的舰队在海上航行了八十天后,终于抵达了弗吉尼亚海岸。 All looked fair and prosperous. 一切看起来都很好,兴旺繁荣。

"It is the goodliest soil under heaven—the paradise of the world," said Sir Richard Grenville with enthusiasm, as he set to work to make the new colony a success. |||最好的|土壤||||乐园||||||||||||||||||||| 'Het is de mooiste bodem onder de hemel - het paradijs van de wereld', zei Sir Richard Grenville enthousiast, terwijl hij aan het werk ging om van de nieuwe kolonie een succes te maken. "这是天下最肥沃的土地——世界上的乐园," 理查德·格伦维尔爵士热情地说道,他开始努力使新殖民地获得成功。 But his little band of Englishmen turned out to be gold-seekers rather than colonists. |||||||||||寻金者||| 但是,他的小队英格兰人最后变成了寻金者,而不是殖民者。 They lived on food furnished by the Indians, while they made search for gold, until the day came that the Indians turned on them, fighting took place, and the supply of food was stopped. ||||提供的||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 他们靠印第安人提供的食物为生,同时寻找黄金,直到有一天印第安人转过身来与他们作斗争,发生了战斗,食物供应被切断。 Matters grew from bad to worse. ||变得|||更糟 事情变得越来越糟。 Starvation stared them in the face. |逼近||在|| 饥饿向他们逼近。 Their commander had sailed to England for help. 他们的指挥官已经驶往英格兰寻求帮助。 They were in despair, when an English ship one day hove in sight, with Sir Francis Drake on board bringing aid for the colony. 他们感到绝望时,一艘带有弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士的英国船只出现在视野中,为这个殖民地提供了援助。 With one accord the would-be colonists begged to be taken home, and Drake could not refuse them; one and all embarked for England, and so perished the next attempt at colonising Virginia. ||||想要|||||||||||||||||||||||||||殖民| 有了共识,想要成为殖民者的人们请求回家,德雷克无法拒绝他们;所有人都登上了返回英格兰的船,因此维吉尼亚的下一个殖民尝试失败了。

An old story tells us that these colonists first brought the tobacco-plant back to England, for they had learnt to smoke from the Indians. |||||that||||||烟草||||||||||||| 一个古老的故事告诉我们,这些殖民者首先把烟草植物带回了英格兰,因为他们从印第安人那里学会了抽烟。 But we know now that Hawkins had already introduced it into England years before this, and that Drake and Raleigh were both great smokers. |||||霍金斯|||||||||||||||||| 但是我们现在知道,霍金斯早在几年前就已经将它引入英格兰,而德雷克和罗利都是伟大的吸烟者。

One day, the story runs, Raleigh sat smoking his pipe, when his servant entered his room with a flask of spiced ale. |||||罗利||||||||||||||||麦酒 有一天,故事是这样讲的,罗利坐着抽烟斗,这时他的仆人带着一瓶香料麦酒走进了他的房间。 Aghast at seeing smoke coming from his master's mouth, as if he were on fire, he dashed the contents of the flask into Raleigh's face. 惊恐地|||||||||||||||||||||||| 当看到烟雾从他主人嘴里冒出,仿佛他着火了一样,仆人惊恐地把瓶里的酒洒在了罗利的脸上。 The first potato is said to have been planted in Ireland by Sir Walter Raleigh, though again Hawkins and Drake had been before him by introducing it into England and Germany. 据说第一颗土豆是由沃尔特·罗利爵士在爱尔兰种植的,但霍金斯和德雷克在他之前就已将其引入英格兰和德国。 And a German poet, Heine, quaintly remarked, "Luther shook Germany to its foundation, but Drake pacified it again: he gave us the potato." ||||||评论道|||||||||||||||| 一位德国诗人海涅幽默地评论道:“路德动摇了德国的根基,但德雷克又让其安定下来:他给我们带来了土豆。” Yet once more Raleigh fitted out a colony for Virginia. |||||||||弗吉尼亚 罗利再次为弗吉尼亚准备了一批殖民地。 This time seventeen women were sent to make comfortable the new homes beyond the sea. Under the command of John White they sailed away for the New World, but again they were doomed to failure. The Indians refused help and food, and fighting took place. The only brightness amid the general gloom was the birth of a child, the first English baby born in America, called after the colony, Virginia. ||||||||||||||||||||被称为|||| 在普遍的阴 gloom 中,唯一的光明是一个孩子的出生,这是美国出生的第一个英语宝宝,以该殖民地维吉尼亚命名。 Matters grew worse, and John White sailed to England for help. 情况变得更糟,约翰·怀特航行到英格兰寻求帮助。 He arrived to find the Spanish Armada threatening the invasion of England; no one had any thoughts for the distant colony in the Far West. |||||||威胁||||||||||||||||| 他到达时发现西班牙无敌舰队威胁着对英格兰的入侵;没有人想起遥远的西部殖民地。 The Armada came and went before anything was done, and when White at last reached the shores of Virginia, he found the place a desert, every trace of the colonists gone, nor was anything ever heard of them again! 阿马达来了又走,但在任何事情完成之前,怀特最终到达维吉尼亚的海岸时,他发现这个地方变成了一片荒无人烟的沙漠,殖民者的踪迹全无,再也没有听到他们的消息!

And so perished Raleigh's second attempt at colonising in America. 于是,拉雷的第二次美洲殖民尝试也就这样灭亡了。 He fitted out no more expeditions, and it was many years before anything further was done in this direction. |||||||这||||||||||| 他没有再派出更多的探险队,过了许多年,这个方向上才有了进一步的行动。