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TED-Ed, The first and last king of Haiti - Marlene Daut

The first and last king of Haiti - Marlene Daut

The royal couple of Haiti rode into their coronation to thunderous applause.

After receiving his ornate crown and scepter,

Henry Christophe ascended his throne, towering 20 meters in the air.

But little did the cheering onlookers know that the first king of Haiti

would also be its last.

Enslaved at birth on the island of Grenada,

Christophe spent his childhood being moved between multiple Caribbean islands.

Just 12 years old in 1779,

he accompanied his master to aid the American revolutionaries

in the Battle of Savannah.

This prolonged siege would be Christophe's first encounter with violent revolution.

There are few surviving written records

about Christophe's life immediately after the war.

Over the next decade,

we know he worked as a mason and a waiter at a hotel

in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, as Haiti was then known.

In 1791, when the colony's slaves rose up in rebellion,

Christophe got another opportunity to fight for freedom.

Led by Toussaint Louverture, the rebels fought against plantation owners,

as well as British and Spanish forces seeking control of the island.

Christophe quickly rose through the ranks,

proving himself the equal of more experienced generals.

By 1793,

Louverture had successfully liberated all of Saint-Domingue's enslaved people,

and by 1801 he'd established the island as a semi-autonomous colony.

But during this time, Napoleon Bonaparte had assumed power in France,

and made it his mission to restore slavery and French authority

throughout the empire.

French attempts to reinstate slavery met fierce resistance,

with General Christophe even burning the capital city

to prevent military occupation.

Finally, the rebellion and an outbreak of yellow fever

forced French soldiers to withdraw— but the fight was not without casualties.

Louverture was captured, and left to die in a French prison;

a fate that Christophe's nine-year-old son would share only a few years later.

Following the revolution,

Christophe and generals Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Pétion

rose to prominent positions in the new government.

In 1804, Dessalines was proclaimed the emperor of independent Haiti.

But his desire to hold exclusive power alienated his supporters.

Eventually, Dessalines' rule incited a political conspiracy

that ended in his assassination in 1806.

The subsequent power struggle led to a Civil War, which split the country in two.

By 1807, Christophe was governing as president of the north in Cap-Haïtien,

and Pétion was ruling the south from Port-au-Prince.

Pétion tried to stay true to the revolution's democratic roots

by modeling his republic after the United States.

He even supported anti-colonial revolutionaries in other nations.

These policies endeared him to his people,

but they slowed trade and economic growth.

Christophe, conversely, had more aggressive plans for an independent Haiti.

He redistributed land to the people, while retaining state control of agriculture.

He also established trade with many foreign nations,

including Great Britain and the United States,

and pledged non-interference with their foreign policies.

He even built a massive Citadel in case the French tried to invade again.

To accomplish all of this, Christophe instituted mandatory labor,

and to strengthen his authority, he crowned himself king in 1811.

During his reign, he lived in an elegant palace called Sans Souci

along with his wife and their three remaining children.

Christophe's kingdom oversaw rapid development of trade, industry, culture,

and education.

He imported renowned European artists to Haiti's cultural scene,

as well as European teachers, in order to establish public education.

But while the king was initially popular among his subjects,

his labor mandates were an uncomfortable reminder

of the slavery Haitians fought to destroy.

Over time, his increasingly authoritarian policies lost support,

and his opponents to the south gained strength.

In October 1820, his reign finally reached its tragic conclusion.

Months after a debilitating stroke left him unable to govern,

key members of his military defected to southern forces.

Betrayed and despondent, the king committed suicide.

Today, the traces of Christophe's complicated history

can still be found in the crumbling remains of his palaces,

and in Haiti's legacy as the first nation to permanently abolish slavery.

The first and last king of Haiti - Marlene Daut ||||||||Daut Der erste und letzte König von Haiti - Marlene Daut El primer y último rey de Haití - Marlene Daut Le premier et le dernier roi d'Haïti - Marlene Daut Il primo e ultimo re di Haiti - Marlene Daut ハイチの最初で最後の王 - Marlene Daut 아이티의 처음이자 마지막 왕 - 마를린 도트 Pirmasis ir paskutinis Haičio karalius - Marlene Daut De eerste en laatste koning van Haïti - Marlene Daut Pierwszy i ostatni król Haiti - Marlene Daut O primeiro e o último rei do Haiti - Marlene Daut Первый и последний король Гаити - Марлен Даут Haitis första och sista kung - Marlene Daut Haiti'nin ilk ve son kralı - Marlene Daut Перший і останній король Гаїті - Марлен Даут 海地第一位也是最后一位国王——玛琳·道特 海地第一位也是最后一位国王 - Marlene Daut

The royal couple of Haiti rode into their coronation to thunderous applause. ركب الزوجان الملكيان في هايتي تتويجهما وسط تصفيق مدو. Королівське подружжя Гаїті в'їхало на свою коронацію під бурхливі оплески.

After receiving his ornate crown and scepter, Отримавши свою вишукану корону та скіпетр,

Henry Christophe ascended his throne, towering 20 meters in the air. Генрі Крістоф зійшов на свій трон, підносячись на 20 метрів у повітря.

But little did the cheering onlookers know that the first king of Haiti Но мало кто из ликующих зрителей знал, что первый король Гаити Але радісні глядачі не знали, що перший король Гаїті

would also be its last.

Enslaved at birth on the island of Grenada, Поневолений від народження на острові Гренада,

Christophe spent his childhood being moved between multiple Caribbean islands.

Just 12 years old in 1779,

he accompanied his master to aid the American revolutionaries

in the Battle of Savannah.

This prolonged siege would be Christophe's first encounter with violent revolution. |||||Christophe's|eerste|||| Эта длительная осада станет первым столкновением Кристофа с насильственной революцией.

There are few surviving written records

about Christophe's life immediately after the war.

Over the next decade,

we know he worked as a mason and a waiter at a hotel ми знаємо, що він працював муляром і офіціантом у готелі

in the French colony of Saint-Domingue, as Haiti was then known. у французькій колонії Сен-Домінг, як тоді називали Гаїті.

In 1791, when the colony's slaves rose up in rebellion, En 1791, lorsque les esclaves de la colonie se révoltèrent, У 1791 році, коли раби колонії підняли повстання,

Christophe got another opportunity to fight for freedom.

Led by Toussaint Louverture, the rebels fought against plantation owners, ||Toussaint Louverture|Louverture||||||

as well as British and Spanish forces seeking control of the island.

Christophe quickly rose through the ranks,

proving himself the equal of more experienced generals. доказывая, что он равен более опытным генералам.

By 1793,

Louverture had successfully liberated all of Saint-Domingue's enslaved people, the opening||||||||| |||||||Saint-Domingue|| Лувертюр успішно звільнив усіх поневолених людей Сен-Домінга,

and by 1801 he'd established the island as a semi-autonomous colony.

But during this time, Napoleon Bonaparte had assumed power in France, Але в цей час до влади у Франції прийшов Наполеон Бонапарт,

and made it his mission to restore slavery and French authority

throughout the empire.

French attempts to reinstate slavery met fierce resistance,

with General Christophe even burning the capital city

to prevent military occupation. предотвратить военную оккупацию.

Finally, the rebellion and an outbreak of yellow fever Наконец-то восстание и вспышка желтой лихорадки Нарешті, повстання і спалах жовтої лихоманки

forced French soldiers to withdraw— but the fight was not without casualties.

Louverture was captured, and left to die in a French prison;

a fate that Christophe's nine-year-old son would share only a few years later. судьба, которой поделился бы девятилетний сын Христофа всего лишь через несколько лет.

Following the revolution, После революции,

Christophe and generals Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Alexandre Pétion |||||Dessalines|||Pétion Христоф и генералы Жан-Жак Дессалин и Александр Петьон

rose to prominent positions in the new government. заняли видные посты в новом правительстве. піднявся на чільні посади в новому уряді.

In 1804, Dessalines was proclaimed the emperor of independent Haiti.

But his desire to hold exclusive power alienated his supporters. Но его желание обладать исключительной властью оттолкнуло его сторонников. Але його бажання мати виключну владу відштовхнуло його прихильників.

Eventually, Dessalines' rule incited a political conspiracy В конце концов, правление Дессалина спровоцировало политический заговор. Зрештою правління Дессаліна спровокувало політичну змову

that ended in his assassination in 1806.

The subsequent power struggle led to a Civil War, which split the country in two. Последующая борьба за власть привела к гражданской войне, которая расколола страну надвое. Подальша боротьба за владу призвела до громадянської війни, яка розколола країну на дві частини.

By 1807, Christophe was governing as president of the north in Cap-Haïtien, |||||||||||Haïtiaans

and Pétion was ruling the south from Port-au-Prince.

Pétion tried to stay true to the revolution's democratic roots |||||||revolutie||

by modeling his republic after the United States.

He even supported anti-colonial revolutionaries in other nations.

These policies endeared him to his people, Ця політика полюбила його народу,

but they slowed trade and economic growth.

Christophe, conversely, had more aggressive plans for an independent Haiti.

He redistributed land to the people, while retaining state control of agriculture. |herverdeelde|||||||||| Он перераспределил землю в пользу народа, сохранив при этом государственный контроль над сельским хозяйством. Він перерозподілив землю серед населення, зберігши державний контроль над сільським господарством.

He also established trade with many foreign nations,

including Great Britain and the United States,

and pledged non-interference with their foreign policies. и обещали невмешательство в их внешнюю политику.

He even built a massive Citadel in case the French tried to invade again. |||||citadel||||||||

To accomplish all of this, Christophe instituted mandatory labor, Для выполнения всего этого Кристоф ввел обязательную рабочую силу, Щоб досягти всього цього, Крістоф запровадив обов’язкову трудову повинність,

and to strengthen his authority, he crowned himself king in 1811.

During his reign, he lived in an elegant palace called Sans Souci |||||||||||zonder zorg Під час свого правління він жив у елегантному палаці під назвою Sans Souci

along with his wife and their three remaining children.

Christophe's kingdom oversaw rapid development of trade, industry, culture, Королівство Крістофа сприяло швидкому розвитку торгівлі, промисловості, культури,

and education.

He imported renowned European artists to Haiti's cultural scene, Він імпортував відомих європейських художників на культурну сцену Гаїті,

as well as European teachers, in order to establish public education.

But while the king was initially popular among his subjects, Але хоча король спочатку був популярний серед своїх підданих,

his labor mandates were an uncomfortable reminder

of the slavery Haitians fought to destroy.

Over time, his increasingly authoritarian policies lost support,

and his opponents to the south gained strength.

In October 1820, his reign finally reached its tragic conclusion.

Months after a debilitating stroke left him unable to govern, Через кілька місяців після виснажливого інсульту він не зміг керувати,

key members of his military defected to southern forces. ключові члени його армії втекли до південних сил.

Betrayed and despondent, the king committed suicide.

Today, the traces of Christophe's complicated history

can still be found in the crumbling remains of his palaces, все ще можна знайти в руїнах його палаців,

and in Haiti's legacy as the first nation to permanently abolish slavery.