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TED-Ed, How turtle shells evolved... twice - Judy Cebra Thomas

How turtle shells evolved... twice - Judy Cebra Thomas

Meet Odontochelys semitestacea.

This little creature spends its days splashing in Late Triassic swamps

with a host of other reptiles.

Under the surface lies its best defense against attack:

a hard shell on its belly.

Odontochelys is an early ancestor of the turtle.

Its half-shelled body illustrates an important point about the modern turtle:

it actually has two shells that develop totally separately

while the turtle is still an embryo.

Both are extensions of the animal's skeleton,

and together they are made of almost 60 bones.

Like other embryos,

turtle embryos are made of undifferentiated cells

that become specific cell types,

and then organs and tissues,

through gene activity and communication between cells.

At first, turtle embryos look very similar to those of other reptiles,

birds, and mammals,

except for a bulge of cells called the carapacial ridge.

The ridge expands around the body between the neck and lower back,

creating a disc shape.

It guides the formation of the upper part of the turtle's shell,

called the carapace, likely by attracting the cells that will become ribs.

Instead of curving downwards to make a regular rib cage,

the ribs move outwards towards the carapacial ridge.

They then secrete a signaling protein

that converts surrounding cells into bone-forming cells.

These fifty bones grow until they meet and connect with sutures.

A ring of bone solidifies the carapace's edges.

The outer layer of skin cells produces the scales, known as scutes,

that cover the carapace.

The development of the bottom half of the shell, the plastron,

is driven by neural crest cells,

which can produce a variety of different cell types including neurons,

cartilage and bone.

A thick shield of these cells spreads across the belly,

coming together in regions that produce nine plate-like bones.

Eventually, these connect to the carapace by sutures.

A turtle's shell has obvious advantages for guarding against predators,

but the rigid casing also presents some challenges.

As the turtle grows,

the sutures between the bones of the carapace and plastron spread.

Most mammals and reptiles rely on a flexible rib cage

that expands to allow them to breathe,

but turtles use abdominal muscles attached to the shell instead:

one to breathe in, and one to breathe out.

So how did the shell evolve?

Though there are still gaps in the fossil record,

the first step seems to have been a thickening of the ribs.

The oldest known turtle ancestor,

a creature called Eunotosaurus africanus,

lived 260 million years ago and looked almost nothing like a modern turtle,

but it had a set of broad, flat ribs

that anchored the muscles of its powerful forearms.

Eunotosaurus was likely a burrowing creature,

digging homes for itself in what's now southern Africa.

Odontochelys semitestacea illustrates another, later step in turtle evolution,

with thick ribs like Eunotosaurus plus a belly plate for protection.

Our first fossil evidence of the full shell characteristic of modern turtles

is about 210 million years old,

and belongs to a species called Proganochelys quenstedti,

whose ribs had fused.

Proganochelys could move between water and land.

Unlike modern turtles, it couldn't retract its head into its shell,

but had defensive spines on its neck.

Modern turtle shells are almost as diverse as the turtles themselves.

Sea turtles have flatter, lighter shells for streamlined gliding through the water.

Land-dwelling tortoises, meanwhile,

have domed shells that can slip free of predators' jaws

and help them turn right-side up if they fall on their backs.

Leatherback and softshell turtles

have shells without the ring of bone around the edge of the carapace

or the tough scutes covering it,

making it easier for them to squeeze into tight spaces.

How turtle shells evolved... twice - Judy Cebra Thomas ||||||塞布拉| Wie Schildkrötenpanzer entstanden sind... zweimal - Judy Cebra Thomas Cómo evolucionó el caparazón de las tortugas... dos veces - Judy Cebra Thomas Come si sono evoluti i gusci delle tartarughe... due volte - Judy Cebra Thomas カメの甲羅はどのように進化したか...2回 - ジュディ・セブラ・トーマス Como as carapaças das tartarugas evoluíram... duas vezes - Judy Cebra Thomas Как черепашьи панцири эволюционировали... дважды - Джуди Себра Томас Kaplumbağa kabukları nasıl evrimleşti... iki kez - Judy Cebra Thomas Як черепашачі панцирі еволюціонували... двічі - Джуді Себра Томас 龟壳是如何进化的……两次 - 朱迪·塞布拉·托马斯 海龜殼如何進化兩次 - Judy Cebra Thomas

Meet Odontochelys semitestacea. |齿龟|半壳龟 |Odontochelys semitestacea| Зустрічайте Odontochelys semitestacea.

This little creature spends its days splashing in Late Triassic swamps ||||||溅水|||| ||||||||||Sümpfen Dit kleine wezen brengt zijn dagen door met spetteren in moerassen van het late Trias Ця маленька істота проводить дні, плескаючись у болотах пізнього тріасу

with a host of other reptiles. з безліччю інших рептилій.

Under the surface lies its best defense against attack:

a hard shell on its belly. |||||肚子

Odontochelys is an early ancestor of the turtle.

Its half-shelled body illustrates an important point about the modern turtle:

it actually has two shells that develop totally separately

while the turtle is still an embryo. ||||||胚胎

Both are extensions of the animal's skeleton,

and together they are made of almost 60 bones.

Like other embryos, Similar to||

turtle embryos are made of undifferentiated cells |||||未分化| schildpadembryo's zijn gemaakt van ongedifferentieerde cellen ембріони черепах складаються з недиференційованих клітин

that become specific cell types,

and then organs and tissues, а потім органи і тканини,

through gene activity and communication between cells.

At first, turtle embryos look very similar to those of other reptiles,

birds, and mammals,

except for a bulge of cells called the carapacial ridge. ||||||||甲壳的| |||Wulst|||||Panzer-|Rückenwulst behalve een uitstulping van cellen die de carapaciale richel wordt genoemd. за винятком опуклості клітин, яка називається карапаціальним хребтом.

The ridge expands around the body between the neck and lower back, Гребінь розширюється навколо тіла між шиєю та нижньою частиною спини,

creating a disc shape. ||盘|

It guides the formation of the upper part of the turtle's shell,

called the carapace, likely by attracting the cells that will become ribs. називається панциром, ймовірно, через притягнення клітин, які стануть ребрами.

Instead of curving downwards to make a regular rib cage, ||弯曲||||||| Замість того, щоб вигнутися вниз, щоб зробити правильну грудну клітку,

the ribs move outwards towards the carapacial ridge. ребра зміщуються назовні до карапаціального валика.

They then secrete a signaling protein ||分泌||| Потім вони виділяють сигнальний білок

that converts surrounding cells into bone-forming cells. |转化||||||

These fifty bones grow until they meet and connect with sutures. ||||||||||缝合线 ||||||||||Nähte Ці п’ятдесят кісток ростуть, доки не зустрінуться і не з’єднаються швами.

A ring of bone solidifies the carapace's edges. ||||固化||甲壳的| Een ring van bot verstevigt de randen van het schild. Кільце з кістки зміцнює краї панцира.

The outer layer of skin cells produces the scales, known as scutes, |||||||||||鳞片 |||||||||||Schuppenplatten De buitenste laag van huidcellen produceert de schubben, bekend als schubben, Зовнішній шар клітин шкіри утворює лусочки, відомі як щитки,

that cover the carapace.

The development of the bottom half of the shell, the plastron, ||||||||||腹甲 De ontwikkeling van de onderste helft van de schaal, het plastron, Розвиток нижньої половини черепашки, пластрона,

is driven by neural crest cells, ||||Neuralleistezellen| керується клітинами нервового гребеня,

which can produce a variety of different cell types including neurons,

cartilage and bone. Knorpel und Knochen|| хрящ і кістка.

A thick shield of these cells spreads across the belly, Товстий щит із цих клітин поширюється через живіт,

coming together in regions that produce nine plate-like bones. об’єднуючись у ділянки, що утворюють дев’ять пластинчастих кісток.

Eventually, these connect to the carapace by sutures. Згодом вони з’єднуються з панциром швами.

A turtle's shell has obvious advantages for guarding against predators,

but the rigid casing also presents some challenges. |||外壳|||| але жорсткий корпус також створює деякі проблеми.

As the turtle grows,

the sutures between the bones of the carapace and plastron spread. |||||||||Brustpanzer|

Most mammals and reptiles rely on a flexible rib cage

that expands to allow them to breathe,

but turtles use abdominal muscles attached to the shell instead: але черепахи замість цього використовують м’язи живота, прикріплені до панцира:

one to breathe in, and one to breathe out.

So how did the shell evolve? |||||sich entwickeln

Though there are still gaps in the fossil record, Хоча в літописі скам’янілостей все ще є прогалини,

the first step seems to have been a thickening of the ribs. ||||||||肋骨增厚||| першим кроком, здається, було потовщення ребер.

The oldest known turtle ancestor,

a creature called Eunotosaurus africanus, |||尤诺托龙|非洲的

lived 260 million years ago and looked almost nothing like a modern turtle,

but it had a set of broad, flat ribs

that anchored the muscles of its powerful forearms. |固定的||||||前臂 die de spieren van zijn krachtige onderarmen verankerde.

Eunotosaurus was likely a burrowing creature, ||||挖洞的| ||||grabend| Евнотозавр, ймовірно, був істотою, що риє нори,

digging homes for itself in what's now southern Africa.

Odontochelys semitestacea illustrates another, later step in turtle evolution,

with thick ribs like Eunotosaurus plus a belly plate for protection.

Our first fossil evidence of the full shell characteristic of modern turtles

is about 210 million years old,

and belongs to a species called Proganochelys quenstedti, ||||||原始龟|昆斯特德龟

whose ribs had fused. чиї ребра зрослися.

Proganochelys could move between water and land.

Unlike modern turtles, it couldn't retract its head into its shell, |||||缩回||||| |||||zurückziehen||||| На відміну від сучасних черепах, вона не могла втягнути голову в панцир,

but had defensive spines on its neck. але мав захисні шипи на шиї.

Modern turtle shells are almost as diverse as the turtles themselves.

Sea turtles have flatter, lighter shells for streamlined gliding through the water. |||更平坦|更轻的||||||| |||||||stromlinienförmig|||| Морські черепахи мають плоскій і легший панцир, що забезпечує обтічне ковзання у воді.

Land-dwelling tortoises, meanwhile, Land-dwelling||| Тим часом сухопутні черепахи

have domed shells that can slip free of predators' jaws |圆顶||||||||颚部 |||||entkommen|||| мають куполоподібні черепашки, які можуть вислизати з щелеп хижаків

and help them turn right-side up if they fall on their backs.

Leatherback and softshell turtles 革背||软壳| Lederschildpadden en softshell-schildpadden Шкірясті та м’якопанцерні черепахи

have shells without the ring of bone around the edge of the carapace ||||||||||||Panzer

or the tough scutes covering it, |||oder die harten Schuppen|| або жорсткі щитки, що покривають його,

making it easier for them to squeeze into tight spaces.