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TED-Ed, How far would you have to go to escape gravity? - Rene Laufer

How far would you have to go to escape gravity? - Rene Laufer

More than six thousand light years

from the surface of the earth,

a rapidly spinning neutron star

called the Black Widow pulsar

blasts its companion brown dwarf star with radiation

as the two orbit each other every 9 hours.

Standing on our own planet,

you might think you're just an observer of this violent ballet.

But in fact, both stars are pulling you towards them.

And you're pulling back,

connected across trillions of kilometers

by gravity.

Gravity is the attractive force between two objects with mass—

any two objects with mass.

Which means that every object in the universe attracts every other object:

every star, black hole,

human being, smartphone, and atom

are all constantly pulling on each other.

So why don't we feel pulled in billions of different directions?

Two reasons: mass and distance.

The original equation describing the gravitational force between two objects

was written by Isaac Newton in 1687.

Scientists' understanding of gravity has evolved since then,

but Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

is still a good approximation in most situations.

It goes like this:

the gravitational force between two objects

is equal to the mass of one

times the mass of the other,

multiplied by a very small number

called the gravitational constant,

and divided by the distance between them, squared.

If you doubled the mass of one of the objects,

the force between them would double, too.

If the distance between them doubled,

the force would be one-fourth as strong.

The gravitational force between you and the Earth pulls you towards its center,

a force you experience as your weight.

Let's say this force is about 800 Newtons

when you're standing at sea level.

If you traveled to the Dead Sea,

the force would increase by a tiny fraction of a percent.

And if you climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the force would decrease—

but again, by a minuscule amount.

Traveling higher would make a bigger dent in gravity's influence,

but you won't escape it.

Gravity is generated by variations in the curvature of spacetime—

the three dimensions of space plus time—

which bend around any object that has mass.

Gravity from Earth reaches the International Space Station,

400 kilometers above the earth,

with almost its original intensity.

If the space station was stationary on top of a giant column,

you'd still experience ninety percent

of the gravitational force there that you do on the ground.

Astronauts just experience weightlessness

because the space station is constantly falling towards earth.

Fortunately, it's orbiting the planet fast enough that it never hits the ground.

By the time you made it to the surface of the moon,

around 400,000 kilometers away,

Earth's gravitational pull would be

less than 0.03 percent of what you feel on earth.

The only gravity you'd be aware of would be the moon's,

which is about one sixth as strong as the earth's.

Travel farther still

and Earth's gravitational pull on you will continue to decrease,

but never drop to zero.

Even safely tethered to the Earth,

we're subject to the faint tug of distant celestial bodies and nearby earthly ones.

The Sun exerts a force of about half a Newton on you.

If you're a few meters away from a smartphone, you'll experience

a mutual force of a few piconewtons.

That's about the same as the gravitational pull

between you and the Andromeda Galaxy,

which is 2.5 million light years away

but about a trillion times as massive as the sun.

But when it comes to escaping gravity,

there's a loophole.

If all the mass around us is pulling on us all the time,

how would Earth's gravity change

if you tunneled deep below the surface,

assuming you could do so without being cooked or crushed?

If you hollowed out the center of a perfectly spherical Earth—

which it isn't, but let's just say it were—

you'd experience an identical pull from all sides.

And you'd be suspended, weightless,

only encountering the tiny pulls from other celestial bodies.

So you could escape the Earth's gravity in such a thought experiment—

but only by heading straight into it.

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How far would you have to go to escape gravity? - Rene Laufer Wie weit müsste man gehen, um der Schwerkraft zu entkommen? - Rene Laufer ¿Hasta dónde habría que llegar para escapar de la gravedad? - Rene Laufer Fino a che punto bisognerebbe spingersi per sfuggire alla gravità? - Rene Laufer どこまで行けば重力から逃れられるのか?- レネ・ラウファー Kaip toli turėtumėte nueiti, kad išvengtumėte gravitacijos? - Rene Lauferis Jak daleko musiałbyś się posunąć, by uciec przed grawitacją? - Rene Laufer Até onde terias de ir para escapar à gravidade? - Rene Laufer Как далеко нужно зайти, чтобы избежать гравитации? - Рене Лауфер Yerçekiminden kaçmak için ne kadar uzağa gitmeniz gerekir? - Rene Laufer Як далеко вам довелося б зайти, щоб уникнути гравітації? - Рене Лауфер 你需要走多远才能逃离重力? - 勒内·劳弗 你需要走多远才能摆脱地心引力?- 雷内-劳弗 你需要走多遠才能逃脫重力? ——雷內·勞弗

More than six thousand light years

from the surface of the earth,

a rapidly spinning neutron star hızla dönen bir nötron yıldızı нейтронна зірка, що швидко обертається 快速旋转的中子星

called the Black Widow pulsar ||||脉冲星 ||||パルサー genaamd de Black Widow pulsar називають пульсаром Чорної Вдови 称为黑寡妇脉冲星

blasts its companion brown dwarf star with radiation 爆炸||||||| yoldaşı kahverengi cüce yıldızı radyasyonla patlatır. вибухає свою супутню коричневу карликову зірку радіацією 用辐射炸毁它的伴星棕矮星

as the two orbit each other every 9 hours. |||軌道を回|||| Her 9 saatte bir birbirlerinin yörüngesinde dönerler. 因为这两个轨道每 9 小时相互环绕一次。

Standing on our own planet, Kendi gezegenimizde duruyoruz,

you might think you're just an observer of this violent ballet. bu vahşi balenin sadece bir gözlemcisi olduğunuzu düşünebilirsiniz. ви можете подумати, що ви просто спостерігач цього жорстокого балету.

But in fact, both stars are pulling you towards them. Ama aslında her iki yıldız da sizi kendilerine doğru çekiyor.

And you're pulling back, Ve geri çekiliyorsun,

connected across trillions of kilometers trilyonlarca kilometre boyunca birbirine bağlı

by gravity.

Gravity is the attractive force between two objects with mass— Yerçekimi, kütleli iki nesne arasındaki çekim kuvvetidir-

any two objects with mass. kütleli herhangi iki nesne.

Which means that every object in the universe attracts every other object: Це означає, що кожен об’єкт у Всесвіті притягує будь-який інший об’єкт:

every star, black hole,

human being, smartphone, and atom

are all constantly pulling on each other. sürekli birbirlerini çekiştiriyorlar.

So why don't we feel pulled in billions of different directions? Peki neden milyarlarca farklı yöne çekildiğimizi hissetmiyoruz?

Two reasons: mass and distance.

The original equation describing the gravitational force between two objects

was written by Isaac Newton in 1687.

Scientists' understanding of gravity has evolved since then,

but Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation

is still a good approximation in most situations. ||||近似||| çoğu durumda hala iyi bir yaklaşımdır. є хорошим наближенням у більшості ситуацій.

It goes like this:

the gravitational force between two objects iki nesne arasındaki yerçekimi kuvveti

is equal to the mass of one bir kütleye eşittir

times the mass of the other, diğerinin kütlesinin iki katı,

multiplied by a very small number çok küçük bir sayı ile çarpılır

called the gravitational constant, yerçekimi sabiti olarak adlandırılır,

and divided by the distance between them, squared. ve aralarındaki mesafenin karesine bölünür. і поділити на відстань між ними, зведену в квадрат.

If you doubled the mass of one of the objects, Eğer nesnelerden birinin kütlesini iki katına çıkarırsanız,

the force between them would double, too. aralarındaki kuvvet de iki katına çıkacaktır.

If the distance between them doubled,

the force would be one-fourth as strong. kuvvet dörtte bir oranında güçlü olurdu.

The gravitational force between you and the Earth pulls you towards its center,

a force you experience as your weight. ağırlığınız olarak deneyimlediğiniz bir güç.

Let's say this force is about 800 Newtons ||||||牛顿

when you're standing at sea level.

If you traveled to the Dead Sea,

the force would increase by a tiny fraction of a percent. kuvvet yüzde birin çok küçük bir kısmı kadar artacaktır. сила зросла б на крихітну частку відсотка.

And if you climbed to the top of Mount Everest, the force would decrease— Ve eğer Everest Dağı'nın tepesine tırmanırsanız, kuvvet azalır-

but again, by a minuscule amount. ||||winzig| ama yine de çok küçük bir miktarla. але знову ж таки, на мізерну суму.

Traveling higher would make a bigger dent in gravity's influence, Перемещение на большую высоту создаст более существенное воздействие на гравитацию, Daha yükseğe seyahat etmek yerçekiminin etkisinde daha büyük bir çentik açacaktır, Подорожуючи вище, вплив сили тяжіння буде сильнішим,

but you won't escape it. но от нее не убежишь. ama bundan kaçamayacaksın.

Gravity is generated by variations in the curvature of spacetime— |||||||曲率|| Гравитация генерируется изменениями в изгибе пространство-времени— Yerçekimi, uzay-zaman eğriliğindeki değişimler tarafından üretilir. Гравітація породжується змінами кривизни простору-часу.

the three dimensions of space plus time— uzayın üç boyutu artı zaman-

which bend around any object that has mass. kütlesi olan herhangi bir nesnenin etrafında bükülür.

Gravity from Earth reaches the International Space Station, Dünya'dan gelen yerçekimi Uluslararası Uzay İstasyonu'na ulaşır,

400 kilometers above the earth, Yeryüzünden 400 kilometre yukarıda,

with almost its original intensity. neredeyse orijinal yoğunluğuyla. майже з початковою інтенсивністю.

If the space station was stationary on top of a giant column, |||||静止的|||||| Eğer uzay istasyonu dev bir sütunun üstünde sabit dursaydı,

you'd still experience ninety percent yine de yüzde doksanını yaşarsınız

of the gravitational force there that you do on the ground. yerçekimi kuvvetinin çok daha azına sahip olursunuz.

Astronauts just experience weightlessness Astronotlar sadece ağırlıksızlığı deneyimliyor Астронавти просто відчувають невагомість

because the space station is constantly falling towards earth. Çünkü uzay istasyonu sürekli dünyaya doğru düşüyor.

Fortunately, it's orbiting the planet fast enough that it never hits the ground. Neyse ki, gezegenin yörüngesinde o kadar hızlı dönüyor ki asla yere çarpmıyor.

By the time you made it to the surface of the moon, Ay'ın yüzeyine ulaştığınızda,

around 400,000 kilometers away, yaklaşık 400.000 kilometre uzakta,

Earth's gravitational pull would be Dünya'nın çekim gücü

less than 0.03 percent of what you feel on earth. Dünyada hissettiklerinizin yüzde 0,03'ünden daha azı.

The only gravity you'd be aware of would be the moon's, Farkında olacağınız tek yerçekimi Ay'ınki olacaktır,

which is about one sixth as strong as the earth's. Bu da dünyanınkinin yaklaşık altıda biri kadar güçlüdür.

Travel farther still Продолжайте путешествовать еще дальше Daha uzağa seyahat edin

and Earth's gravitational pull on you will continue to decrease, и притяжение Земли к вам будет продолжать уменьшаться, ve Dünya'nın üzerinizdeki çekim gücü azalmaya devam edecek,

but never drop to zero. но никогда не упадет до нуля. ama asla sıfıra düşmez.

Even safely tethered to the Earth, |sicher befestigt|||| Sogar sicher an die Erde gefesselt, Hatta Dünya'ya güvenli bir şekilde bağlıyken bile, Навіть безпечно прив’язаний до Землі,

we're subject to the faint tug of distant celestial bodies and nearby earthly ones. |||||拉力|||||||地球的| sind wir dem schwachen Sog entfernter Himmelskörper und naher irdischer Körper ausgesetzt. Uzaktaki gök cisimlerinin ve yakınımızdaki dünyevi cisimlerin zayıf çekimine maruz kalıyoruz. ми схильні до слабкого потягу далеких небесних тіл і близьких земних тіл.

The Sun exerts a force of about half a Newton on you. Güneş üzerinizde yaklaşık yarım Newton'luk bir kuvvet uygular. Сонце чинить на вас силу приблизно в половину Ньютона.

If you're a few meters away from a smartphone, you'll experience Eğer bir akıllı telefondan birkaç metre uzaktaysanız

a mutual force of a few piconewtons. |相互|||||皮牛顿 birkaç pikonewtonluk bir karşılıklı kuvvet.

That's about the same as the gravitational pull Bu yaklaşık olarak yerçekimsel çekimle aynı

between you and the Andromeda Galaxy, Andromeda Galaksisi ile aranızda,

which is 2.5 million light years away 2,5 milyon ışık yılı uzaklıkta olan

but about a trillion times as massive as the sun. Ama Güneş'ten yaklaşık bir trilyon kat daha büyük.

But when it comes to escaping gravity, Ama iş yerçekiminden kaçmaya gelince,

there's a loophole. bir boşluk var. є лазівка.

If all the mass around us is pulling on us all the time, Eğer etrafımızdaki tüm kütle bizi sürekli çekiyorsa,

how would Earth's gravity change Dünya'nın yerçekimi nasıl değişirdi?

if you tunneled deep below the surface, ||挖掘|||| Eğer yüzeyin derinliklerine tünel kazarsan,

assuming you could do so without being cooked or crushed? Bunu pişmeden ya da ezilmeden yapabileceğinizi varsayarak mı?

If you hollowed out the center of a perfectly spherical Earth— ||挖空|||||||| Eğer mükemmel küre şeklindeki Dünya'nın merkezini oyduysanız- Якби ви видовбали центр ідеально сферичної Землі,

which it isn't, but let's just say it were— ki öyle değil, ama diyelim ki öyle-

you'd experience an identical pull from all sides. her taraftan aynı çekimi yaşarsınız.

And you'd be suspended, weightless, ||||无重 Ve asılı kalırsın, ağırlıksız, І ти був би підвішений, невагомий,

only encountering the tiny pulls from other celestial bodies. Sadece diğer gök cisimlerinden gelen küçük çekimlerle karşılaşıyoruz. стикаючись лише з крихітними силами інших небесних тіл.

So you could escape the Earth's gravity in such a thought experiment— Yani böyle bir düşünce deneyinde Dünya'nın yerçekiminden kaçabilirsiniz-

but only by heading straight into it. ama sadece doğrudan içine girerek.