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TED-Ed, Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie

Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie

In 1925,

Frida Kahlo was on her way home from school in Mexico City

when the bus she was riding collided with a streetcar.

She suffered near-fatal injuries to her spine, pelvis and hips,

and was bedridden for months afterward.

During her recovery,

she had a special easel attached to her bed

so she could practice painting techniques.

When she set to work,

she began to paint the world according to her own singular vision.

Over the course of her life,

she would establish herself as the creator and muse behind extraordinary art.

Though you may have met Kahlo's gaze before,

her work provides an opportunity to see the world through her eyes.

She painted friends and family,

still lives and spiritual scenes;

but it was her mesmerizing self-portraits

which first caught the world's attention.

In an early work,

"Self Portrait with Velvet Dress,"

the focus is on her strong brows, facial hair, long neck and formidable stare.

Such features remained,

but Kahlo soon began to present herself in more unusual ways.

For example,

"The Broken Column" uses symbolism,

religious imagery and a ruptured landscape to reveal her physical and mental state.

In 1928, Kahlo started dating fellow painter Diego Rivera.

They became lifelong partners and cultivated an eccentric celebrity.

Together, they traveled the world and dedicated themselves to art,

Communist politics and Mexican nationalism.

Kahlo and Rivera shared a deep affinity with Mexicanidad,

a movement which celebrated indigenous culture after the Revolution.

In her daily life, Kahlo wore traditional Tehuana dress

and immersed herself in native spirituality.

And in her work,

she constantly referenced Mexican folk painting,

incorporating its bright colors

and references to death, religion and nature.

With her imagery of giant floating flowers,

undulating landscapes, transplanted body parts and billowing clouds of demons,

Kahlo has often been associated with Surrealism.

But while surrealists used dreamlike images to explore the unconscious mind,

Kahlo used them to represent her physical body and life experiences.

Two of her most-explored experiences

were her physical disabilities and her marriage.

As a result of the bus accident,

she experienced life-long health complications

and endured many hospitalizations.

She often contemplated the physical and psychological effects

of disability in her work;

painting herself in agony,

recuperating from operations,

or including objects such as her back brace and wheelchair.

Meanwhile, her relationship with Rivera was tempestuous,

marked by infidelity on both sides.

At one point they even divorced,

then remarried a year later.

During this period,

she painted the double self-portrait "The Two Fridas,"

which speaks to the anguish of loss and a splintered sense of self.

The Frida to the left has a broken heart,

which drips blood onto her old-fashioned Victorian dress.

She symbolizes a version of the artist who is wounded by the past–

but is also connected by an artery to a second self.

This Frida is dressed in Tehuana attire–

and although she remembers Diego with the tiny portrait in her hand,

her heart remains intact.

Together, the two suggest a position caught between past and present,

individuality and dependency.

Kahlo died in 1954 at the age of 47.

In the years after her death,

she experienced a surge in popularity that has lasted to this day.

And although her image has proliferated,

Kahlo's body of work

reminds us that there are no simple truths

about the life, work and legacy of the woman behind the icon.

Rather, she put multiple versions of her reality on display–

and provided us with a few entry-ways into the contents of her soul.

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Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie Фрида Кало|Кало||||||Изольда Жилеспи|Жилеспи Frida Kahlo: Iseult Gillespie: Kahlo: Žena za legendou - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: Die Frau hinter der Legende - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: The woman behind the legend - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: La mujer detrás de la leyenda - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo : La femme derrière la légende - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: La donna dietro la leggenda - Iseult Gillespie フリーダ・カーロ伝説に隠された女性 - イゼウルト・ガレスピー Frida Kahlo: Iseult Gillespie: Kahlo Kahlo: Moteris už legendos - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: Kobieta stojąca za legendą - Iseult Gillespie Frida Kahlo: A mulher por detrás da lenda - Iseult Gillespie Фрида Кало: Женщина, стоящая за легендой - Исеулт Гиллеспи Frida Kahlo: Efsanenin arkasındaki kadın - Iseult Gillespie Фріда Кало: Жінка за легендою - Ізольда Гіллеспі 弗里达·卡罗:传奇背后的女人 - 伊索·吉莱斯皮 弗里達卡羅:傳奇背後的女人 - 伊索吉萊斯皮

In 1925, En 1925, Em 1925,

Frida Kahlo was on her way home from school in Mexico City |Кало|||||||||| Frida Kahlo se vracela ze školy v Mexico City. Frida Kahlo regresaba de la escuela en la Ciudad de México Frida Kahlo estava voltando da escola para casa, na Cidade do México, Frida Kahlo, Mexico City'deki okuldan eve dönüyordu.

when the bus she was riding collided with a streetcar. ||||||столкнулся с|||трамвай ||||||çarpıştı|||tram když se autobus, kterým jela, srazil s tramvají. cuando el autobús en el que viajaba chocó con un tranvía. وقتی اتوبوسی که سوارش بود با یک تراموا برخورد کرد. quando o ônibus em que ela estava colidiu com um bonde. bindiği otobüs bir tramvayla çarpıştığında.

She suffered near-fatal injuries to her spine, pelvis and hips, |пострадала||смертельные|травмы||||таз||бёдра ||||||||Becken|| |acı çekti|yakın|ölümcül|yaralar|||omurga|pelvis||kalçaları ||||||||miednica|| Utrpěla téměř smrtelná zranění páteře, pánve a kyčlí, Sufrió lesiones casi fatales en la columna, la pelvis y las caderas, Ela sofreu lesões quase fatais na coluna, pelve e nos quadris, Она получила смертельные травмы позвоночника, таза и бедер, Вона отримала майже смертельні травми хребта, тазу та стегон,

and was bedridden for months afterward. ||прикован к постели||| ||ve aylarca yatalak kaldı.|||sonrasında y estuvo postrado en cama durante meses después. و ماه ها بعد در بستر بود. e ficou acamada por meses depois. и после этого находилась в постели месяцы. і був прикутий до ліжка на місяці після цього.

During her recovery, ||восстановление ||iyileşme sürecinde Durante su recuperación, Durante sua recuperação, Во время ее восстановления

she had a special easel attached to her bed ||||мольберт, прикрепленный к кровати|||| ||||Staffelei|||| ||||tuvalet|bağlı olan||| ||||sztaluga przy łóżku|||| ella tenía un caballete especial pegado a su cama havia um cavalete especial preso à cama dela yatağına bağlı özel bir şövale vardı до ліжка у неї був прикріплений спеціальний мольберт

so she could practice painting techniques. aby si mohla procvičit malířské techniky. para ela poder praticar técnicas de pintura.

When she set to work, Když se pustila do práce, Pronta para trabalhar, Когда она принялась за работу,

she began to paint the world according to her own singular vision. ||||||göre||||tek|vizyon ||||||||||独自の| začala malovat svět podle své vlastní vize. ela começou a pintar o mundo segundo sua própria visão singular.

Over the course of her life, ||hayatı boyunca||| V průběhu jejího života, Im Laufe ihres Lebens Ao longo de sua vida, Hayatı boyunca,

she would establish herself as the creator and muse behind extraordinary art. ||||||||муза||| ||kurmak||||||ilham perisi||| se prosadila jako tvůrce a múza výjimečného umění. ela se estabeleceria como criadora e musa por trás de uma arte extraordinária. она станет творцом и музой выдающегося искусства.

Though you may have met Kahlo's gaze before, |||||взгляд Кало|взгляд Кало| ||||||bakışlarıyla karşılaşmış| I když jste se s pohledem Kahlo možná už někdy setkali, Obwohl Sie vielleicht Kahlos Blick schon einmal getroffen haben, Embora você já deva ter visto o olhar fixo de Kahlo, Daha önce Kahlo'nun bakışlarıyla karşılaşmış olsanız da, Хоча ви, можливо, зустрічалися з поглядом Кало раніше,

her work provides an opportunity to see the world through her eyes. sua obra oferece uma oportunidade de ver o mundo por meio dos olhos dela.

She painted friends and family, Ela pintou amigos e familiares,

still lives and spiritual scenes; ||||сцены zátiší a duchovní scény; natureza-morta e cenas espirituais; натюрморты и духовные сцены;

but it was her mesmerizing self-portraits ||||||автопортреты ||||fesselnd|| ||||büyüleyici|| ale byly to její fascinující autoportréty. mas foram seus autorretratos fascinantes que chamaram primeiro a atenção do mundo. но это были ее завораживающие автопортреты ama onun büyüleyici otoportreleriydi але це були її заворожуючі автопортрети

which first caught the world's attention. která poprvé upoutala pozornost světa. которые впервые привлекли внимание мира. ilk önce dünyanın dikkatini çekti. яка першою привернула увагу світу.

In an early work, V jednom z raných děl, Em uma de suas primeiras obras, "Autorretrato com Vestido de Veludo",

"Self Portrait with Velvet Dress," «Автопортрет з оксамитовою сукнею»

the focus is on her strong brows, facial hair, long neck and formidable stare. |||||||лицо|||||| ||||||||||||groźne| v centru pozornosti je její silné obočí, vousy, dlouhý krk a impozantní pohled. o foco está nas sobrancelhas fortes, акцент сделан на ее сильных бровях, лицевом волосе, длинной шее и внушительном взгляде. odak noktası güçlü kaşları, sakalları, uzun boynu ve müthiş bakışları. у центрі уваги її сильні брови, волосся на обличчі, довга шия та грізний погляд.

Such features remained, Tyto prvky zůstaly zachovány, Tais características permaneceram, Такие черты остались,

but Kahlo soon began to present herself in more unusual ways. ale Kahlo se brzy začala prezentovat ještě neobvyklejšími způsoby. mas Kahlo logo começou a se apresentar de maneiras mais incomuns. но Кало вскоре начала представлять себя более необычным образом.

For example, Por exemplo,

"The Broken Column" uses symbolism, "A Coluna Partida" usa simbolismo,

religious imagery and a ruptured landscape to reveal her physical and mental state. ||||parçalanmış|||||||| |obrazowanie religijne|||pęknięty|||||||| náboženské obrazy a rozervanou krajinu, aby odhalil její fyzický a duševní stav. تصاویر مذهبی و منظره ای از هم گسیخته برای نشان دادن وضعیت جسمی و روحی او. imagens religiosas e uma paisagem rompida para revelar seu estado físico e mental. fiziksel ve zihinsel durumunu ortaya çıkarmak için dini imgeler ve parçalanmış bir manzara. релігійні образи та розірваний пейзаж, щоб показати її фізичний і психічний стан.

In 1928, Kahlo started dating fellow painter Diego Rivera. Em 1928, Kahlo começou a namorar o colega pintor Diego Rivera.

They became lifelong partners and cultivated an eccentric celebrity. |||||||эксцентричный| |||||||eksantrik| |||||||風変わりな| Tornaram-se parceiros ao longo da vida e cultivaram uma celebridade excêntrica. Они стали партнерами на всю жизнь и вырастили эксцентричную знаменитость. Hayat boyu ortak oldular ve eksantrik bir ünlü yetiştirdiler. Вони стали партнерами на все життя і виростили ексцентричну знаменитість.

Together, they traveled the world and dedicated themselves to art, Juntos, viajaram pelo mundo e se dedicaram à arte, Birlikte dünyayı gezdiler ve kendilerini sanata adadılar. Разом вони подорожували світом і присвятили себе мистецтву,

Communist politics and Mexican nationalism. ||||национализм в Мексике à política comunista e ao nacionalismo mexicano. Коммунистическая политика и мексиканский национализм.

Kahlo and Rivera shared a deep affinity with Mexicanidad, ||||||||mexikanische Identität |||paylaştı|bir bağ||yakınlık|| ||||||親和性|| ||||||bliskość z|| Kahlo en Rivera hadden een diepe affiniteit met Mexicanidad, Kahlo e Rivera compartilhavam uma profunda afinidade com a "Mexicanidade", Кало та Рівера були глибоко пов’язані з Мексиканідадом,

a movement which celebrated indigenous culture after the Revolution. ||||rdzenny|||| movimento que celebrava a cultura indígena depois da Revolução.

In her daily life, Kahlo wore traditional Tehuana dress |||||||Теуана| In haar dagelijkse leven droeg Kahlo traditionele Tehuana-kleding Em sua vida cotidiana, Kahlo usava o tradicional traje tehuana В повседневной жизни Кало носила традиционное платье техуана.

and immersed herself in native spirituality. e mergulhava na espiritualidade nativa. і поринула в рідну духовність.

And in her work, Em sua obra,

she constantly referenced Mexican folk painting, ||ссылалась на||народный| او مدام به نقاشی مردمی مکزیک اشاره می کرد، ela costumava referenciar a pintura folclórica mexicana, она постоянно ссылалась на мексиканскую народную живопись,

incorporating its bright colors включая||| incorporando suas cores brilhantes parlak renklerini birleştiren поєднуючи його яскраві кольори

and references to death, religion and nature. e referências à morte, religião e natureza. и ссылки на смерть, религию и природу.

With her imagery of giant floating flowers, ||образами гигантских цветов|||| Com suas imagens de flores gigantes flutuantes,

undulating landscapes, transplanted body parts and billowing clouds of demons, волнистый||пересаженные||||развевающиеся||| ||||||wogend||| falujące||||||kłębiące się||| paisagens ondulantes, partes do corpo transplantadas e nuvens de demônios, холмистые пейзажи, пересаженные части тела и вздымающиеся облака демонов, хвилясті пейзажі, пересаджені частини тіла та хвилясті хмари демонів,

Kahlo has often been associated with Surrealism. ||||||сюрреализмом Kahlo tem sido frequentemente associada ao surrealismo.

But while surrealists used dreamlike images to explore the unconscious mind, Mas, enquanto surrealistas usavam imagens oníricas Но в то время как сюрреалисты использовали сновидческие образы для исследования бессознательного разума,

Kahlo used them to represent her physical body and life experiences. Kahlo as usava para representar seu corpo físico e suas experiências de vida.

Two of her most-explored experiences Duas de suas experiências mais exploradas

were her physical disabilities and her marriage. foram suas deficiências físicas e seu casamento.

As a result of the bus accident, Como resultado do acidente de ônibus,

she experienced life-long health complications ela sofreu complicações de saúde ao longo da vida e muitas internações. она испытала пожизненные осложнения со здоровьем

and endured many hospitalizations. |i znosił|| і переніс багато госпіталізацій.

She often contemplated the physical and psychological effects ||размышляла о||||| Ela contemplava frequentemente os efeitos físicos e psicológicos Она часто размышляла о физических и психологических последствиях Вона часто розмірковувала про фізичні та психологічні наслідки

of disability in her work; da deficiência em sua obra;

painting herself in agony, pintando-se em agonia,

recuperating from operations, восстановление после операций|| odzyskiwanie sił|| recuperando-se das operações відновлюється після операцій,

or including objects such as her back brace and wheelchair. |||||||корсет||инвалидная коляска ou incluindo objetos, como a cinta para as costas e a cadeira de rodas. або включаючи такі об’єкти, як її спинка та інвалідний візок.

Meanwhile, her relationship with Rivera was tempestuous, ||||||бурный ||||||stürmisch ||||||burzliwy Enquanto isso, seu relacionamento com Rivera era tempestuoso, Тим часом її стосунки з Ріверою були бурхливими,

marked by infidelity on both sides. ||измены с обеих сторон||| ||Untreue||| ||不貞||| ||niewierność||| marcado pela infidelidade de ambos os lados. отмечен изменой с обеих сторон. позначений невірністю з обох сторін.

At one point they even divorced, Certo momento, eles até se divorciaram, В какой-то момент они даже развелись,

then remarried a year later. mas se casaram de novo um ano depois.

During this period, Durante esse período, ela pintou o autorretrato duplo "As Duas Fridas",

she painted the double self-portrait "The Two Fridas," pintou o autorretrato duplo "As Duas Fridas". написала подвійний автопортрет «Дві Фріди»,

which speaks to the anguish of loss and a splintered sense of self. ||||мучение утраты|||||раздробленное чувство себя||| ||||cierpienie|||||rozbitej||| que fala sobre a angústia da perda e um senso de eu fragmentado. що говорить про страждання втрати та роздроблене відчуття себе.

The Frida to the left has a broken heart, A Frida à esquerda tem um coração partido,

which drips blood onto her old-fashioned Victorian dress. |kapiącej krew||||||| que pinga sangue em seu antiquado vestido vitoriano. яка капає кров'ю на її старомодне вікторіанське плаття.

She symbolizes a version of the artist who is wounded by the past– Ela simboliza uma versão da artista, que é ferida pelo passado,

but is also connected by an artery to a second self. ||||||артерия|||| ||||||tętnica|||| mas também está ligada por uma artéria a um segundo eu. но также связан артерией со вторым «я».

This Frida is dressed in Tehuana attire– ||||||наряд, одежда Esta Frida está vestida com trajes de tehuana, Ця Фріда одягнена у вбрання Техуани –

and although she remembers Diego with the tiny portrait in her hand, و اگرچه او دیگو را با پرتره کوچکی که در دست داشت به یاد می آورد، e embora ela se lembre de Diego com o minúsculo retrato em sua mão, и хотя она помнит Диего с крошечным портретом в руке,

her heart remains intact. |||неповреждённым |||nienaruszone seu coração permanece intacto. ее сердце остается неповрежденным. її серце залишається неушкодженим.

Together, the two suggest a position caught between past and present, Juntas, as duas sugerem uma posição entre o passado e o presente, Вместе они подразумевают позицию, застрявшую между прошлым и настоящим,

individuality and dependency. a individualidade e a dependência.

Kahlo died in 1954 at the age of 47. Kahlo morreu em 1954, aos 47 anos.

In the years after her death, Nos anos após sua morte,

she experienced a surge in popularity that has lasted to this day. |||всплеск популярности|||||||| او افزایش محبوبیتی را تجربه کرد که تا به امروز ادامه داشته است. a obra dela teve um aumento de popularidade que dura até hoje. вона пережила сплеск популярності, який триває донині.

And although her image has proliferated, |||||распространилось |||||rozpowszechnił się و اگرچه تصویر او زیاد شده است، E, embora sua imagem tenha proliferado, И хотя ее образ стал популярным, І хоча її образ поширився,

Kahlo's body of work a obra de Kahlo nos lembra de que não há verdades simples Творчество Кало

reminds us that there are no simple truths lembra-nos que não há verdades simples напоминает нам о том, что нет простых истин

about the life, work and legacy of the woman behind the icon. |||||Vermächtnis|||||| درباره زندگی، کار و میراث زن پشت نماد. sobre a vida, a obra e o legado da mulher por trás do ícone. о жизни, творчестве и наследии женщины за иконой. про життя, діяльність і спадщину жінки за іконою.

Rather, she put multiple versions of her reality on display– Em vez disso, ela colocou várias versões de sua realidade em exibição

and provided us with a few entry-ways into the contents of her soul. و چند راه ورود به محتویات روح او را برای ما فراهم کرد. e nos presenteou com algumas entradas no conteúdo de sua alma.