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The Mountains of California by John Muir, The Glaciers. Chapter II, Part 2

The Glaciers. Chapter II, Part 2

Beginning on the northwestern extremity of the group, I explored the chief tributary basins in succession, their moraines, roches moutonnées, and splendid glacier pavements, taking them in regular succession without any reference to the time consumed in their study. The monuments of the tributary that poured its ice from between Red and Black Mountains I found to be the most interesting of them all; and when I saw its magnificent moraines extending in majestic curves from the spacious amphitheater between the mountains, I was exhilarated with the work that lay before me. It was one of the golden days of the Sierra Indian summer, when the rich sunshine glorifies every landscape however rocky and cold, and suggests anything rather than glaciers. The path of the vanished glacier was warm now, and shone in many places as if washed with silver. The tall pines growing on the moraines stood transfigured in the glowing light, the poplar groves on the levels of the basin were masses of orange-yellow, and the late-blooming goldenrods added gold to gold. Pushing on over my rosy glacial highway, I passed lake after lake set in solid basins of granite, and many a thicket and meadow watered by a stream that issues from the amphitheater and links the lakes together; now wading through plushy bogs knee-deep in yellow and purple sphagnum; now passing over bare rock. The main lateral moraines that bounded the view on either hand are from 100 to nearly 200 feet high, and about as regular as artificial embankments, and covered with a superb growth of Silver Fir and Pine. But this garden and forest luxuriance was speedily left behind. The trees were dwarfed as I ascended; patches of the alpine bryanthus and cassiope began to appear, and arctic willows pressed into flat carpets by the winter snow. The lakelets, which a few miles down the valley were so richly embroidered with flowery meadows, had here, at an elevation of 10,000 feet, only small brown mats of carex, leaving bare rocks around more than half their shores. Yet amid this alpine suppression the Mountain Pine bravely tossed his storm-beaten branches on the ledges and buttresses of Red Mountain, some specimens being over 100 feet high, and 24 feet in circumference, seemingly as fresh and vigorous as the giants of the lower zones.

Evening came on just as I got fairly within the portal of the main amphitheater. It is about a mile wide, and a little less than two miles long. The crumbling spurs and battlements of Red Mountain bound it on the north, the somber, rudely sculptured precipices of Black Mountain on the south, and a hacked, splintery _col_, curving around from mountain to mountain, shuts it in on the east.

I chose a camping-ground on the brink of one of the lakes where a thicket of Hemlock Spruce sheltered me from the night wind. Then, after making a tin-cupful of tea, I sat by my camp-fire reflecting on the grandeur and significance of the glacial records I had seen. As the night advanced the mighty rock walls of my mountain mansion seemed to come nearer, while the starry sky in glorious brightness stretched across like a ceiling from wall to wall, and fitted closely down into all the spiky irregularities of the summits. Then, after a long fireside rest and a glance at my note-book, I cut a few leafy branches for a bed, and fell into the clear, death-like sleep of the tired mountaineer.

Early next morning I set out to trace the grand old glacier that had done so much for the beauty of the Yosemite region back to its farthest fountains, enjoying the charm that every explorer feels in Nature's untrodden wildernesses. The voices of the mountains were still asleep. The wind scarce stirred the pine-needles. The sun was up, but it was yet too cold for the birds and the few burrowing animals that dwell here. Only the stream, cascading from pool to pool, seemed to be wholly awake. Yet the spirit of the opening day called to action. The sunbeams came streaming gloriously through the jagged openings of the _col_, glancing on the burnished pavements and lighting the silvery lakes, while every sun-touched rock burned white on its edges like melting iron in a furnace. Passing round the north shore of my camp lake I followed the central stream past many cascades from lakelet to lakelet. The scenery became more rigidly arctic, the Dwarf Pines and Hemlocks disappeared, and the stream was bordered with icicles. As the sun rose higher rocks were loosened on shattered portions of the cliffs, and came down in rattling avalanches, echoing wildly from crag to crag.

The main lateral moraines that extend from the jaws of the amphitheater into the Illilouette Basin are continued in straggling masses along the walls of the amphitheater, while separate boulders, hundreds of tons in weight, are left stranded here and there out in the middle of the channel. Here, also, I observed a series of small terminal moraines ranged along the south wall of the amphitheater, corresponding in size and form with the shadows cast by the highest portions. The meaning of this correspondence between moraines and shadows was afterward made plain. Tracing the stream back to the last of its chain of lakelets, I noticed a deposit of fine gray mud on the bottom except where the force of the entering current had prevented its settling. It looked like the mud worn from a grindstone, and I at once suspected its glacial origin, for the stream that was carrying it came gurgling out of the base of a raw moraine that seemed in process of formation. Not a plant or weather-stain was visible on its rough, unsettled surface. It is from 60 to over 100 feet high, and plunges forward at an angle of 38°. Cautiously picking my way, I gained the top of the moraine and was delighted to see a small but well characterized glacier swooping down from the gloomy precipices of Black Mountain in a finely graduated curve to the moraine on which I stood. The compact ice appeared on all the lower portions of the glacier, though gray with dirt and stones embedded in it. Farther up the ice disappeared beneath coarse granulated snow. The surface of the glacier was further characterized by dirt bands and the outcropping edges of the blue veins, showing the laminated structure of the ice. The uppermost crevasse, or "bergschrund," where the _névé_ was attached to the mountain, was from 12 to 14 feet wide, and was bridged in a few places by the remains of snow avalanches. Creeping along the edge of the schrund, holding on with benumbed fingers, I discovered clear sections where the bedded structure was beautifully revealed. The surface snow, though sprinkled with stones shot down from the cliffs, was in some places almost pure, gradually becoming crystalline and changing to whitish porous ice of different shades of color, and this again changing at a depth of 20 or 30 feet to blue ice, some of the ribbon-like bands of which were nearly pure, and blended with the paler bands in the most gradual and delicate manner imaginable. A series of rugged zigzags enabled me to make my way down into the weird under-world of the crevasse. Its chambered hollows were hung with a multitude of clustered icicles, amid which pale, subdued light pulsed and shimmered with indescribable loveliness. Water dripped and tinkled overhead, and from far below came strange, solemn murmurings from currents that were feeling their way through veins and fissures in the dark. The chambers of a glacier are perfectly enchanting, notwithstanding one feels out of place in their frosty beauty. I was soon cold in my shirt-sleeves, and the leaning wall threatened to engulf me; yet it was hard to leave the delicious music of the water and the lovely light. Coming again to the surface, I noticed boulders of every size on their journeys to the terminal moraine--journeys of more than a hundred years, without a single stop, night or day, winter or summer.

The sun gave birth to a network of sweet-voiced rills that ran gracefully down the glacier, curling and swirling in their shining channels, and cutting clear sections through the porous surface-ice into the solid blue, where the structure of the glacier was beautifully illustrated.

The series of small terminal moraines which I had observed in the morning, along the south wall of the amphitheater, correspond in every way with the moraine of this glacier, and their distribution with reference to shadows was now understood. When the climatic changes came on that caused the melting and retreat of the main glacier that filled the amphitheater, a series of residual glaciers were left in the cliff shadows, under the protection of which they lingered, until they formed the moraines we are studying. Then, as the snow became still less abundant, all of them vanished in succession, except the one just described; and the cause of its longer life is sufficiently apparent in the greater area of snow-basin it drains, and its more perfect protection from wasting sunshine. How much longer this little glacier will last depends, of course, on the amount of snow it receives from year to year, as compared with melting waste.

After this discovery, I made excursions over all the High Sierra, pushing my explorations summer after summer, and discovered that what at first sight in the distance looked like extensive snow-fields, wore in great part glaciers, busily at work completing the sculpture of the summit-peaks so grandly blocked out by their giant predecessors.

On August 21, I set a series of stakes in the Maclure Glacier, near Mount Lyell, and found its rate of motion to be little more than an inch a day in the middle, showing a great contrast to the Muir Glacier in Alaska, which, near the front, flows at a rate of from five to ten feet in twenty-four hours. Mount Shasta has three glaciers, but Mount Whitney, although it is the highest mountain in the range, does not now cherish a single glacier. Small patches of lasting snow and ice occur on its northern slopes, but they are shallow, and present no well marked evidence of glacial motion. Its sides, however, are scored and polished in many places by the action of its ancient glaciers that flowed east and west as tributaries of the great glaciers that once filled the valleys of the Kern and Owen's rivers.

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The Glaciers. Die Gletscher. Kapitel II, Teil 2 The Glaciers. Los glaciares. Capítulo II, Parte 2 Les glaciers. Chapitre II, partie 2 I ghiacciai. Capitolo II, Parte 2 氷河のこと第II章 第2部 Lodowce. Rozdział II, część 2 Os glaciares. Capítulo II, Parte 2 Ледники. Buzullar. Льодовики. 冰川。第二章第 2 部分 冰川。第二章第 2 部分 Chapter II, Part 2 Bölüm II, Kısım 2

Beginning on the northwestern extremity of the group, I explored the chief tributary basins in succession, their moraines, roches moutonnées, and splendid glacier pavements, taking them in regular succession without any reference to the time consumed in their study. ||||||||||||river branch|drainage areas|||||rock formations|rock formations||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||afluentes principales|cuencas tributarias|||||rocas pulidas|rocas moutonadas|||glaciares|pavimentos glaciares|tomando en cuenta|||||||||||||| Grubun kuzeybatı ucundan başlayarak, ana nehir havzalarını, buzultaşlarını, kaya dağlarını ve muhteşem buzul kaldırımlarını, incelemelerinde harcanan zamana hiç değinmeden düzenli bir şekilde art arda alarak, arka arkaya inceledim. The monuments of the tributary that poured its ice from between Red and Black Mountains I found to be the most interesting of them all; and when I saw its magnificent moraines extending in majestic curves from the spacious amphitheater between the mountains, I was exhilarated with the work that lay before me. |landforms||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||filled with joy||||||| ||||afluente||||||||||||||||||||||||vi||||||||||amplio|anfiteatro||||||exultante||||||| It was one of the golden days of the Sierra Indian summer, when the rich sunshine glorifies every landscape however rocky and cold, and suggests anything rather than glaciers. |||||||||Sierra Nevada|||||||enhances beauty|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||glorifica||||||||||||glaciares The path of the vanished glacier was warm now, and shone in many places as if washed with silver. |||||glaciar desaparecido||||||||||||| The tall pines growing on the moraines stood transfigured in the glowing light, the poplar groves on the levels of the basin were masses of orange-yellow, and the late-blooming goldenrods added gold to gold. ||||||||changed in appearance||||||poplar|clusters of trees||||||||||||||||goldenrods|||| ||pinos||||||transfiguradas|||resplandeciente|||álamos|bosques de álamos||||||cuenca|||||||||florecientes tardías|vara de oro|||| Os pinheiros altos que cresciam nas morenas transfiguravam-se na luz brilhante, os choupos nos níveis da bacia eram massas de amarelo-alaranjado e as goldenrods de floração tardia acrescentavam ouro ao ouro. Pushing on over my rosy glacial highway, I passed lake after lake set in solid basins of granite, and many a thicket and meadow watered by a stream that issues from the amphitheater and links the lakes together; now wading through plushy bogs knee-deep in yellow and purple sphagnum; now passing over bare rock. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||soft spongy||||||||mossy bog||||| ||||rosada|glacial||||||||||cuencas||granito||||matorral||pradera|||||||||anfiteatro|||||||atravesando aguas||mohoso y suave|pantanos|||||||musgo esfagno||||roca desnuda| Avançando pela minha autoestrada glaciar rosada, passei por lago após lago em bacias sólidas de granito, e por muitos bosques e prados regados por um riacho que emana do anfiteatro e liga os lagos; ora atravessando pântanos fofos com esfagno amarelo e roxo até aos joelhos; ora passando por rocha nua. The main lateral moraines that bounded the view on either hand are from 100 to nearly 200 feet high, and about as regular as artificial embankments, and covered with a superb growth of Silver Fir and Pine. |||||||||||||||||||||||raised structures|||||||||Silver Fir|| |||||||||||||||||||||||terraplenes artificiales|||||espléndido||||abeto plateado||pino As principais morenas laterais que delimitam a vista de ambos os lados têm entre 100 e quase 200 pés de altura, e são tão regulares como aterros artificiais, e estão cobertas por um crescimento soberbo de abeto e pinheiro. But this garden and forest luxuriance was speedily left behind. |||||abundant growth||quickly|| |||||lujo exuberante||rápidamente fue dejada|| Mas esta luxúria de jardins e florestas foi rapidamente deixada para trás. The trees were dwarfed as I ascended; patches of the alpine bryanthus and cassiope began to appear, and arctic willows pressed into flat carpets by the winter snow. |||made small|||||||mountainous|alpine plant||mountain heather|||||polar|willows|||||||| |||se hicieron pequeños|||||||alpino|||cassiope||||||sauces árticos|||||||| À medida que subia, as árvores tornavam-se mais pequenas; começavam a aparecer manchas de bryanthus e de cassiope alpinos e salgueiros árcticos, que a neve invernal fazia formar tapetes planos. The lakelets, which a few miles down the valley were so richly embroidered with flowery meadows, had here, at an elevation of 10,000 feet, only small brown mats of carex, leaving bare rocks around more than half their shores. |small lakes|||||||||||||||||||||||||||sedge genus||||||||| |lagunas||||||||||rica y abundantemente|bordadas||floridos|prados floridos|||||||||||mats de carex||carex||desnudas|||||||costas Os lagos, que a poucos quilómetros do vale eram tão ricamente bordados com prados floridos, tinham aqui, a uma altitude de 10.000 pés, apenas pequenos tapetes castanhos de carex, deixando rochas nuas à volta de mais de metade das suas margens. Yet amid this alpine suppression the Mountain Pine bravely tossed his storm-beaten branches on the ledges and buttresses of Red Mountain, some specimens being over 100 feet high, and 24 feet in circumference, seemingly as fresh and vigorous as the giants of the lower zones. ||||||||courageously||||||||||supports||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||alpina|supresión|||pino montano|||||||||salientes||contrafuertes|||||||||||||circunferencia||||||||||||

Evening came on just as I got fairly within the portal of the main amphitheater. ||||||||||||||anfiteatro It is about a mile wide, and a little less than two miles long. The crumbling spurs and battlements of Red Mountain bound it on the north, the somber, rudely sculptured precipices of Black Mountain on the south, and a hacked, splintery _col_, curving around from mountain to mountain, shuts it in on the east. ||||||||||||||gloomy|||cliffs||||||||||jagged and broken||curving||||||||||| |en ruinas|espolones||merlones||||||||||sombrío|groseramente esculpidas|esculpidas rudamente|precipicios|||||||||hendido|astilloso||curvándose||||||||||| Os esporões e as ameias em ruínas da Montanha Vermelha limitam-na a norte, os precipícios sombrios e rudemente esculpidos da Montanha Negra a sul, e um _col_ cortado e lascado, curvando-se de montanha em montanha, fecha-a a leste.

I chose a camping-ground on the brink of one of the lakes where a thicket of Hemlock Spruce sheltered me from the night wind. |||||||||||||||||Hemlock Spruce|Hemlock tree|||||| |||||||orilla|||||||||||pícea de Hemlock|||||| Then, after making a tin-cupful of tea, I sat by my camp-fire reflecting on the grandeur and significance of the glacial records I had seen. |||||a cup's worth||||||||||||||||||||| ||||de lata||||||||||||||||||glacial|||| As the night advanced the mighty rock walls of my mountain mansion seemed to come nearer, while the starry sky in glorious brightness stretched across like a ceiling from wall to wall, and fitted closely down into all the spiky irregularities of the summits. ||||||||||||||||||filled with stars|||||||||||||||||||||||||peaks ||||||||||||||||||estrellado|||||||||||||||se ajustaba||||||espinas irregulares|irregularidades|||cumbres Then, after a long fireside rest and a glance at my note-book, I cut a few leafy branches for a bed, and fell into the clear, death-like sleep of the tired mountaineer. ||||junto al fuego|||||||||||||hojos verdes||||||||||||||||montañés cansado

Early next morning I set out to trace the grand old glacier that had done so much for the beauty of the Yosemite region back to its farthest fountains, enjoying the charm that every explorer feels in Nature's untrodden wildernesses. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||untouched wilderness|wild areas ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inexploradas|wildernesses vírgenes The voices of the mountains were still asleep. The wind scarce stirred the pine-needles. ||barely|moved slightly||| |||||pino|aguas de pino The sun was up, but it was yet too cold for the birds and the few burrowing animals that dwell here. ||||||||||||||||digging animals|||| ||||||||||||||||excavadores|||habitan aquí| Only the stream, cascading from pool to pool, seemed to be wholly awake. |||cascada||||||||totalmente| Yet the spirit of the opening day called to action. The sunbeams came streaming gloriously through the jagged openings of the _col_, glancing on the burnished pavements and lighting the silvery lakes, while every sun-touched rock burned white on its edges like melting iron in a furnace. ||||||||||||||||||||shimmering|||||||||||||||||furnace |rayos de sol||||||irregulares||||||||pulidos|pavimentos brillantes|||||||||||||||||||||horno de fundición Passing round the north shore of my camp lake I followed the central stream past many cascades from lakelet to lakelet. ||||||||||||||||waterfalls||small lake|| ||||||||||||||||cascadas||laguna pequeña||laguna pequeña The scenery became more rigidly arctic, the Dwarf Pines and Hemlocks disappeared, and the stream was bordered with icicles. ||||strictly||||||a type of tree||||||||frozen water spikes |||||||pinos enanos|pinos enanos||hemlocks||||||bordada de||carámbanos As the sun rose higher rocks were loosened on shattered portions of the cliffs, and came down in rattling avalanches, echoing wildly from crag to crag. |||||||||||||||||||||||rocky outcrop|| |||||||||destrozadas|||||||||retumbantes|||||peñasco||peñasco

The main lateral moraines that extend from the jaws of the amphitheater into the Illilouette Basin are continued in straggling masses along the walls of the amphitheater, while separate boulders, hundreds of tons in weight, are left stranded here and there out in the middle of the channel. ||||||||mandíbulas|||anfiteatro||||cuenca Illilouette||||dispersas|||||||anfiteatro|||piedras grandes|||||||||||||||||| Here, also, I observed a series of small terminal moraines ranged along the south wall of the amphitheater, corresponding in size and form with the shadows cast by the highest portions. |||||||||||||||||anfiteatro||||||||||||| The meaning of this correspondence between moraines and shadows was afterward made plain. Tracing the stream back to the last of its chain of lakelets, I noticed a deposit of fine gray mud on the bottom except where the force of the entering current had prevented its settling. |||||||||||lagunas||||||||||||||||||||||| It looked like the mud worn from a grindstone, and I at once suspected its glacial origin, for the stream that was carrying it came gurgling out of the base of a raw moraine that seemed in process of formation. ||||||||grinding stone|||||||||||||||||||||||||mound of debris|||||| ||||||||piedra de afilar|||||||glacial||||||||||gorgoteando||||||||moraine|||||| Not a plant or weather-stain was visible on its rough, unsettled surface. |||||mancha||||||inquieta| It is from 60 to over 100 feet high, and plunges forward at an angle of 38°. ||||||||se lanza||||| Cautiously picking my way, I gained the top of the moraine and was delighted to see a small but well characterized glacier swooping down from the gloomy precipices of Black Mountain in a finely graduated curve to the moraine on which I stood. ||||||||||||||||||||||swooping|||||cliffs||||||||||||||| ||||||||||morrena||||||||||||descendiendo rápidamente|||||precipicios||||||finamente graduada|||||morrena|||| The compact ice appeared on all the lower portions of the glacier, though gray with dirt and stones embedded in it. |compacta||||||||||||||||||| Farther up the ice disappeared beneath coarse granulated snow. |||||||rough powdery| ||||||áspero|granulada gruesa| The surface of the glacier was further characterized by dirt bands and the outcropping edges of the blue veins, showing the laminated structure of the ice. |||||||||||||afloramientos||||||||laminada|||| The uppermost crevasse, or "bergschrund," where the _névé_ was attached to the mountain, was from 12 to 14 feet wide, and was bridged in a few places by the remains of snow avalanches. |topmost|crevice||glacier crevasse|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |superior|crevasse||bergschrund||||||||||||||||puenteado|||||||||| Creeping along the edge of the schrund, holding on with benumbed fingers, I discovered clear sections where the bedded structure was beautifully revealed. ||||||crevasse||||numbed||||||||layered|||| deslizándome||||||grieta de hielo||||entumecidos||||||||estratificada|||| The surface snow, though sprinkled with stones shot down from the cliffs, was in some places almost pure, gradually becoming crystalline and changing to whitish porous ice of different shades of color, and this again changing at a depth of 20 or 30 feet to blue ice, some of the ribbon-like bands of which were nearly pure, and blended with the paler bands in the most gradual and delicate manner imaginable. ||||||||||||||||||||ice-like||||slightly white||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||paler||||||||| ||||esparcidos||||||||||||||||||||blanquecino|poroso||||tonos|||||||||||||||||||bandas en forma de cinta|||||||||mezcladas|||||||||||| A series of rugged zigzags enabled me to make my way down into the weird under-world of the crevasse. ||||zigzag patterns|||||||||||||||deep fissure |||áspero|zigzagueos||||||||||||||| Its chambered hollows were hung with a multitude of clustered icicles, amid which pale, subdued light pulsed and shimmered with indescribable loveliness. |divided into chambers|||||||||||||||throbbed beat flowed||glimmered softly|||extraordinary beauty |con cámaras|||||||||||||suave y tenue||palpitaba||brillaba suavemente|||hermosura indescriptible Water dripped and tinkled overhead, and from far below came strange, solemn murmurings from currents that were feeling their way through veins and fissures in the dark. |||jingled|||||||||whispers|||||||||||||| |goteaba||sonó suavemente|sobrehead||||||||murmullos extraños||corrientes de agua|||||||||fisuras||| The chambers of a glacier are perfectly enchanting, notwithstanding one feels out of place in their frosty beauty. |||||||encantadoras|a pesar de que||||||||helada| I was soon cold in my shirt-sleeves, and the leaning wall threatened to engulf me; yet it was hard to leave the delicious music of the water and the lovely light. ||||||||||||||consume||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||engullirme||||||||||||||||| Coming again to the surface, I noticed boulders of every size on their journeys to the terminal moraine--journeys of more than a hundred years, without a single stop, night or day, winter or summer. |||||||rocas grandes||||||||||moraine terminal|||||||||||||||||

The sun gave birth to a network of sweet-voiced rills that ran gracefully down the glacier, curling and swirling in their shining channels, and cutting clear sections through the porous surface-ice into the solid blue, where the structure of the glacier was beautifully illustrated. |||||||||de voz dulce|corrientes de agua|||||||enroscándose||remolinando|||||||||||porosa|||||||||||||||

The series of small terminal moraines which I had observed in the morning, along the south wall of the amphitheater, correspond in every way with the moraine of this glacier, and their distribution with reference to shadows was now understood. |||||||||||||||||||anfiteatro|||||||moraine||||||||||||| When the climatic changes came on that caused the melting and retreat of the main glacier that filled the amphitheater, a series of residual glaciers were left in the cliff shadows, under the protection of which they lingered, until they formed the moraines we are studying. |||||||||||||||||||anfiteatro||||||||||||||||||permanecieron|||||||| Then, as the snow became still less abundant, all of them vanished in succession, except the one just described; and the cause of its longer life is sufficiently apparent in the greater area of snow-basin it drains, and its more perfect protection from wasting sunshine. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cuenca de nieve|||||||||| How much longer this little glacier will last depends, of course, on the amount of snow it receives from year to year, as compared with melting waste.

After this discovery, I made excursions over all the High Sierra, pushing my explorations summer after summer, and discovered that what at first sight in the distance looked like extensive snow-fields, wore in great part glaciers, busily at work completing the sculpture of the summit-peaks so grandly blocked out by their giant predecessors. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ancestors forerunners precursors |||||excursiones||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ocupadamente|||||||||||grandemente||||||predecesores gigantes

On August 21, I set a series of stakes in the Maclure Glacier, near Mount Lyell, and found its rate of motion to be little more than an inch a day in the middle, showing a great contrast to the Muir Glacier in Alaska, which, near the front, flows at a rate of from five to ten feet in twenty-four hours. ||||||||||Maclure Glacier||||Mount Lyell|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||estacas|||glaciar Maclure||||Lyell|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mount Shasta has three glaciers, but Mount Whitney, although it is the highest mountain in the range, does not now cherish a single glacier. ||||||||||||||||||||alberga||| Small patches of lasting snow and ice occur on its northern slopes, but they are shallow, and present no well marked evidence of glacial motion. |parches||||||||||||||||||||||glacial| Its sides, however, are scored and polished in many places by the action of its ancient glaciers that flowed east and west as tributaries of the great glaciers that once filled the valleys of the Kern and Owen's rivers. |||||||||||||||||||||||small rivers||||||||||||Kern River||| |||||||||||||||||||||||afluentes||||||||||||Kern|||