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Anne of Green Gables, Chapter 2, Part 3

Chapter 2, Part 3

With this Matthew's companion stopped talking, partly because she was out of breath, and partly because they had reached the buggy.

Not another word did the girl say until they had left the village and were driving down a steep little hill where the road had been cut so deeply into the soft soil that the banks were fringed with wild cherry trees and slim white birches, only a few feet above their heads.

The child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy. "Isn't that beautiful?" the girl exclaimed. "What did that tree, leaning out from the bank, all white and lacy, make you think of?" she asked.

"Well now, I don't know," said Matthew. "Well, that is one of the things to find out sometime. Isn't it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about, don't you think? It just makes me feel glad to be alive, it's such an interesting world! It wouldn't be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? There'd be no scope for imagination then, would there? But am I talking too much? People are always telling me I do. Would you rather I didn't talk? If you say so I'll stop. I can stop when I make up my mind to it, although it is rather difficult. " Matthew, much to his own surprise, was enjoying himself. Like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of the conversation. But he had never expected to enjoy the company of this little girl. Women were difficult enough for Matthew to handle, but little girls were worse. He detested the way they slipped past him timidly, with sidewise glances, as if they expected him to gobble them in at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word. That was the Avonlea type of well-bred little girl Matthew was used to. But this freckled witch was very different, and although he found it rather difficult for his slower intelligence to keep up with her brisk mental processes he thought that he kind of liked her chatter. So he said as shyly as usual:

"Oh, you can talk as much as you like. I don't mind. " "Oh, I'm so glad. I know you and I are going to get along just fine. It's such a relief to talk when one wants to and not be told that children should be seen and not heard.

I've heard that a million times if I've heard it once. And people laugh at me because I use big words. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven't you? " "Well now, that seems reasonable," Matthew replied. "Mrs. Spencer said your place was named Green Gables. I asked her all about it. And when she said there were trees all around it, I was happier than ever. I just love trees.

And there weren't any at all around the asylum, only a few poor teeny-weeny things in the front yard. They just looked like orphans themselves, those trees did. It used to make me want to cry just to look at them. I used to say to them, `Oh, you POOR little trees! If you were out in the great big woods with other trees all around you and little mosses and Junebells growing over your roots with a brook not far away, and birds singing in your branches, you would grow, wouldn't you? But you can't where you are. I know just exactly how you feel, little trees.' I even felt sorry to leave them behind this morning as I left the asylum. You do get so attached to things like that, don't you? Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables? I forgot to ask Mrs. Spencer that. " "Well now, yes, there's one right below the house," answered Matthew thoughtfully.

Chapter 2, Part 3 Kapitel 2, Teil 3 Capítulo 2, Parte 3 第2章パート3 Capítulo 2, Parte 3 第 2 章,第 3 部分 第 2 章,第 3 部分

With this Matthew’s companion stopped talking, partly because she was out of breath, and partly because they had reached the buggy. ||Matthews|||||||||||||||||| ||||||parcialmente||||||||parcialmente||||chegaram||carruagem これでマシューの仲間は、彼女が息を切らしていたことと、彼らがバギーに到達したことのせいで、話すのをやめました。 Com isto, a companheira de Mateus parou de falar, em parte porque estava sem fôlego, e em parte porque tinham chegado à charrete. Med detta slutade Matthews följeslagare att prata, delvis för att hon var andfådd, och delvis för att de hade kommit fram till vagnen. На цьому супутниця Матвія замовкла, частково тому, що задихалася, а частково тому, що вони дісталися до коляски.

Not another word did the girl say until they had left the village and were driving down a steep little hill where the road had been cut so deeply into the soft soil that the banks were fringed with wild cherry trees and slim white birches, only a few feet above their heads. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||kantade||||||smala|||||||ovanför|| |||||||||||||||dirigindo|||||colina||||||cortada||profundamente||||solo|||barrancos||orladas|||cerejeira|||esguias||bétulas||||pés||| La fille ne dit pas un mot avant de quitter le village et de descendre une petite colline escarpée où la route avait été creusée si profondément dans le sol mou que les rives étaient bordées de cerisiers sauvages et de minces bouleaux blancs, seulement quelques-uns. pieds au-dessus de leurs têtes. 村を出て、険しい小高い丘を下り、柔らかな土壌に道が深く切り込まれて、堤防が野桜や細い白樺に縁取られるまで、少女は別の言葉を言いませんでした。彼らの頭の上に足。 A rapariga não disse mais nada até terem saído da aldeia e estarem a descer uma pequena colina íngreme, onde a estrada tinha sido cortada tão profundamente no solo macio que as margens estavam orladas de cerejeiras selvagens e bétulas brancas esguias, apenas alguns metros acima das suas cabeças. Inte ett ord sa flickan förrän de hade lämnat byn och körde nerför en brant liten kulle där vägen hade grävts så djupt i den mjuka jorden att bankerna var kantade med vilda körsbärsträd och smala vita björkar, bara några fot över deras huvuden. Kız, köyü terk edene ve yolun yumuşak toprağa öyle derinden kesildiği dik bir tepeden aşağıya sürülene kadar başka bir söz söylemedi, bankalar yabani kiraz ağaçları ve ince beyaz huşlarla kaplıydı, sadece birkaçı. başlarının üstünde ayaklar.

The child put out her hand and broke off a branch of wild plum that brushed against the side of the buggy. |||||||||||||||snuddade|||||| ||||||||||galho|||ameixa||encostou||||||carrinho de bebê L'enfant a tendu la main et a cassé une branche de prune sauvage qui a frotté contre le côté du buggy. 子供は手を出して、バギーの側面にぶつかった野生のプラムの枝を折った。 A criança estendeu a mão e partiu um ramo de ameixoeira que roçou na berma da carroça. Barnet sträckte ut sin hand och bröt av en gren av vildplommon som borstade mot sidan av vagnen. Çocuk elini uzattı ve arabanın yan tarafına sürtünen yabani bir erik dalını kırdı. Дитина простягнула руку і відламала гілку дикої сливи, яка зачепилася за борт візка. "Isn’t that beautiful?" 「それは美しくないですか?」 "Não é lindo?" the girl exclaimed. ||utropade ||exclamou その少女は叫んだ。 exclamou a rapariga. "What did that tree, leaning out from the bank, all white and lacy, make you think of?" ||||lutande|||||||||||| ||||inclinando||||margem||||rendada|||| «A quoi cet arbre, penché de la rive, tout blanc et en dentelle, vous a-t-il fait penser? 「銀行から寄りかかって、すべて白くてレースのようなその木は、あなたに何を思い起こさせましたか?」 "O que te fez pensar aquela árvore, debruçada sobre a margem, toda branca e rendilhada?" "Vad fick det trädet, som lutade sig ut från bankerna, alldeles vitt och spetigt, dig att tänka på?" "Bembeyaz ve dantelli, kıyıdan sarkan o ağaç neyi düşündürdü?" "Про що змусило вас подумати те дерево, що стирчало з берега, біле й мереживне?" she asked. frågade hon.

"Well now, I don’t know," said Matthew. 「まあ、私にはわからない」とマシューは言った。 "Bem, não sei", disse o Mateus. "Tja, jag vet inte," sa Matthew. "Well, that is one of the things to find out sometime. ||||||||||algum momento 「まあ、それはいつか見つけなければならないことの1つです。 "Bem, isso é uma das coisas que um dia vamos descobrir. "Tja, det är en av de sakerna att ta reda på någon gång. "Ну, це одна з тих речей, які треба колись з'ясувати. Isn’t it splendid to think of all the things there are to find out about, don’t you think? ||fantastiskt||||||||||||||| ||esplêndido||||||||||||||| そこにあるすべてのことを考えるのは素晴らしいことではありませんか? Não é esplêndido pensar em todas as coisas que há para descobrir, não acham? Är det inte härligt att tänka på alla saker det finns att ta reda på, eller hur? Хіба це не чудово - думати про все, про що можна дізнатися, чи не так? It just makes me feel glad to be alive, it’s such an interesting world! 生きていることを嬉しく思うだけで、とても面白い世界です! Sinto-me feliz por estar vivo, é um mundo tão interessante! Det får mig bara att känna mig glad över att vara vid liv, det är en så intressant värld! It wouldn’t be half so interesting if we know all about everything, would it? 私たちがすべてについてすべてを知っていれば、それは半分ほど面白くないでしょう? Não seria tão interessante se soubéssemos tudo sobre tudo, pois não? Якби ми знали все про все, було б не так цікаво, чи не так? There’d be no scope for imagination then, would there? |||espaço|||então||não haveria それなら想像の余地はないでしょうね。 Nessa altura não haveria espaço para a imaginação, pois não? Det skulle inte finnas något utrymme för fantasi då, skulle det? But am I talking too much? しかし、私は話しすぎですか? Mas será que estou a falar demais? Men pratar jag för mycket? People are always telling me I do. 人々はいつも私にそう言っています。 As pessoas estão sempre a dizer-me que sim. Folk säger alltid att jag gör det. Would you rather I didn’t talk? ||preferiria||| 話さなかった方がいいですか? Preferias que eu não falasse? Vill du att jag inte pratar? If you say so I’ll stop. あなたがそう言うなら、私はやめます。 Se o dizes, eu paro. Om du säger så, så slutar jag. I can stop when I make up my mind to it, although it is rather difficult. " |||||||||||embora|||bastante| かなり難しいですが、決心したらやめられます。 「」 Posso parar quando me decidir a fazê-lo, embora seja bastante difícil. " Jag kan sluta när jag bestämmer mig för det, även om det är ganska svårt. Я можу зупинитися, коли вирішу це зробити, хоча це досить складно. " Matthew, much to his own surprise, was enjoying himself. マシューは、驚いたことに、楽しんでいました。 Matthew, para sua própria surpresa, estava a divertir-se. Matthew, till sin egen förvåning, hade roligt. Matthew, kendi sürprizine göre, eğlenmekten keyif alıyordu. Метью, на власний подив, насолоджувався життям. Like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of the conversation. ||quiet|pessoas|||faladores|||||dispostos|||||||||||||||||| Comme la plupart des gens tranquilles, il aimait les gens bavards quand ils étaient prêts à parler eux-mêmes et ne s'attendaient pas à ce qu'il continue sa conversation. ほとんどの静かな人々のように、彼は彼らが彼ら自身で話すことをいとわず、彼が会話の終わりを続けることを期待していなかったとき、おしゃべりな人々が好きでした。 Como a maioria das pessoas caladas, gostava de pessoas faladoras quando estas estavam dispostas a falar sozinhas e não esperavam que ele mantivesse a sua parte da conversa. Som de flesta tysta människor gillade han pratsamma personer när de var villiga att prata själva och inte förväntade sig att han skulle hålla sin del av konversationen. Çoğu sessiz insan gibi, konuşmayı kendileri yapmaya istekli olduklarında ve konuşmanın sonuna kadar devam etmesini beklemediklerinde konuşkan insanları severdi. But he had never expected to enjoy the company of this little girl. Mais il ne s'était jamais attendu à profiter de la compagnie de cette petite fille. Mas nunca tinha esperado desfrutar da companhia desta menina. Men han hade aldrig förväntat sig att njuta av sällskapet med denna lilla flicka. Але він ніколи не очікував, що зможе насолоджуватися товариством цієї маленької дівчинки. Women were difficult enough for Matthew to handle, but little girls were worse. |||||||lidar||||| Les femmes étaient assez difficiles à gérer pour Matthew, mais les petites filles étaient pires. マシューが扱うのに女性は十分に困難でしたが、小さな女の子はもっとひどいものでした。 As mulheres já eram difíceis de lidar para Matthew, mas as raparigas eram ainda piores. Kvinnor var tillräckligt svåra för Matthew att hantera, men små flickor var värre. Метью було досить важко справлятися з жінками, але з маленькими дівчатками було ще важче. He detested the way they slipped past him timidly, with sidewise glances, as if they expected him to gobble them in at a mouthful if they ventured to say a word. ||||||||||||||||||sluka||||||||vågade|||| |detestava||||passaram|passaram||timidamente||de soslaio|olhares de soslaio|||||||engolir|||||bocado|||aventurassem|||| Il détestait la façon dont ils se glissaient timidement devant lui, avec des regards latéraux, comme s'ils s'attendaient à ce qu'il les engloutisse d'une bouchée s'ils se risquaient à dire un mot. 彼は、彼らが言葉を言うことを敢えてした場合、彼が一口で彼らをむさぼり食うことを期待しているかのように、横目で彼らが彼をすり抜ける方法を臆病に嫌悪しました。 Detestava a forma como passavam por ele timidamente, com olhares de lado, como se esperassem que ele os devorasse de uma só vez se se atrevessem a dizer uma palavra. Han avskydde sättet de smög förbi honom blygt, med snabba blickar åt sidan, som om de förväntade sig att han skulle sluka dem i en tugga om de vågade säga ett ord. Sanki bir kelime söylemeye cesaret ederlerse bir ağız dolusu onları ağzına atmasını bekliyorlarmış gibi, ürkekçe, yan bakışlarla yanından geçip geçmelerinden nefret ediyordu. Він ненавидів, як вони боязко прослизали повз нього, скоса поглядаючи на нього, наче чекали, що він проковтне їх з повним ротом, якщо вони насміляться сказати хоч слово. That was the Avonlea type of well-bred little girl Matthew was used to. ||||||brunn|välutbildad|||||| Era o tipo de rapariga bem-educada de Avonlea a que Matthew estava habituado. Det var den Avonlea-typ av väluppfostrad liten flicka som Matthew var van vid. Це був тип вихованої дівчинки Ейвонлі, до якої Метью звик. But this freckled witch was very different, and although he found it rather difficult for his slower intelligence to keep up with her brisk mental processes he thought that he kind of liked her chatter. ||prickig|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||sardenta|bruxa|||||embora||||bastante|||||||||||rápidos|||||||||||conversa Mais cette sorcière aux taches de rousseur était très différente, et bien qu'il ait trouvé assez difficile pour son intelligence plus lente de suivre ses processus mentaux rapides, il pensait qu'il aimait un peu son bavardage. しかし、このそばかすのある魔女は非常に異なっており、彼の遅い知性が彼女の活発な精神的プロセスに追いつくのはかなり難しいと感じましたが、彼は彼女のおしゃべりが好きだと思いました。 Mas esta bruxa sardenta era muito diferente e, embora fosse difícil para a sua inteligência mais lenta acompanhar os seus processos mentais rápidos, ele achava que até gostava da sua tagarelice. Men denna fräkniga häxa var mycket annorlunda, och även om han tyckte att det var ganska svårt för hans långsammare intellekt att hänga med i hennes snabba tankegångar, tyckte han att han på något sätt gillade hennes prat. Але ця веснянкувата відьма була зовсім іншою, і хоча його повільному інтелекту було досить важко встигати за її швидкими розумовими процесами, він подумав, що йому навіть подобається її балаканина. So he said as shyly as usual: ||||tímido|| それで彼はいつものように恥ずかしそうに言いました: Disse-o com a timidez do costume: Så han sade så blygt som vanligt:

"Oh, you can talk as much as you like. 「ああ、好きなだけ話すことができます。 "Oh, podes falar o quanto quiseres. "Åh, du kan prata så mycket du vill. I don’t mind. " 私は気にしない。 「」 Não me importo. " "Oh, I’m so glad. 「ああ、とてもうれしいです。 "Oh, fico muito contente. I know you and I are going to get along just fine. ||||||||vamos||| 私はあなたを知っています、そして私はうまくやっていくつもりです。 Sei que nos vamos dar muito bem. Jag vet att du och jag kommer att komma överens bra. It’s such a relief to talk when one wants to and not be told that children should be seen and not heard. |||alívio|||||||||||||||||| 子供が見られ、聞かれるべきではないということを伝えたくない、話したくないときに話すのはとても安心です。 É um grande alívio poder falar quando se quer e não nos dizerem que as crianças devem ser vistas e não ouvidas. Det är en så stor lättnad att kunna prata när man vill och inte bli tillsagd att barn ska hållas i skuggan och inte höras. Çocukların görülmesi ve duyulmaması istendiğinde ve söylenmediğinde konuşmak çok rahatlatıcı. Це таке полегшення - говорити, коли хочеться, і не чути, що дітей треба бачити, а не чути.

I’ve heard that a million times if I’ve heard it once. Ich habe das eine Million Mal gehört, wenn ich es einmal gehört habe. J'ai entendu cela un million de fois si je l'ai entendu une fois. 一度聞いたら百万回聞いたことがあります。 Já ouvi isso um milhão de vezes, se é que já ouvi uma vez. Jag har hört det en miljon gånger om jag har hört det en gång. Bunu bir kez duysaydım milyonlarca kez duydum. Я чув це мільйон разів, якщо чув один раз. And people laugh at me because I use big words. そして、私が大きな言葉を使うので、人々は私を笑います。 E as pessoas riem-se de mim porque uso palavras grandes. Och folk skrattar åt mig för att jag använder stora ord. І люди сміються з мене, тому що я використовую великі слова. But if you have big ideas you have to use big words to express them, haven’t you? " でも、大きなアイデアがあるとしたら、それを表現するのに大きな言葉を使わなければなりませんね。 「」 Mas se temos grandes ideias, temos de usar grandes palavras para as exprimir, não é verdade? " Men om du har stora idéer måste du använda stora ord för att uttrycka dem, eller hur? Але якщо у вас є великі ідеї, ви повинні використовувати великі слова, щоб висловити їх, чи не так? " "Well now, that seems reasonable," Matthew replied. ||||razoável|| "Bem, isso parece-me razoável", respondeu Mateus. "Nåväl, det verkar rimligt," svarade Matthew. "Mrs. Spencer said your place was named Green Gables. ||||lugar|||| 「スペンサー夫人はあなたの場所はグリーンゲーブルズと名付けられたと言いました。 "A Sra. Spencer disse que a vossa casa se chamava Frontão Verde. I asked her all about it. 私は彼女にそれについてすべて尋ねました。 Perguntei-lhe tudo sobre o assunto. And when she said there were trees all around it, I was happier than ever. ||||||||ao redor|||||| そして、周りに木があると彼女が言ったとき、私はこれまで以上に幸せでした。 E quando ela disse que havia árvores à volta, fiquei mais feliz do que nunca. Och när hon sa att det fanns träd runt om, var jag lyckligare än någonsin. I just love trees. 私は木が大好きです。 Eu adoro árvores. Jag älskar bara träd.

And there weren’t any at all around the asylum, only a few poor teeny-weeny things in the front yard. |||||||||||||pytteliten|||||| ||||||ao redor||||||||||||| そして、庇護の周りには何もありませんでした、前庭にほんの少しのかわいそうなものがありました。 E não havia nenhuma à volta do asilo, apenas algumas pobres coisinhas no jardim da frente. Och det fanns inga överhuvudtaget runt asylet, bara några få små, små saker på framsidan. They just looked like orphans themselves, those trees did. 彼らは孤児のように見えました、それらの木はそうしました。 Pareciam órfãs, aquelas árvores. De såg bara ut som föräldralösa själva, de träden gjorde. It used to make me want to cry just to look at them. |||||||chorar||||| 見ているだけで泣きたい気持ちになりました。 Dava-me vontade de chorar só de olhar para eles. Jag brukade vilja gråta bara av att titta på dem. Раніше мені хотілося плакати, просто дивлячись на них. I used to say to them, `Oh, you POOR little trees! 私は彼らに言っていました、「ああ、あなたは小さな木が貧弱です! Eu costumava dizer-lhes: "Oh, suas árvores pobres! Jag brukade säga till dem, 'Åh, ni FATTIGA små träd!' Я казав їм: "О, ви, бідолашні маленькі деревця! If you were out in the great big woods with other trees all around you and little mosses and Junebells growing over your roots with a brook not far away, and birds singing in your branches, you would grow, wouldn’t you? |||||||||||||||||mossor||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||musgos||junquilhos||||raízes|||riacho|||||||||galhos||||| あなたが周りに他の木があり、小さなコケやジューンベルがあなたの根の上に小川が遠くないところに生えている大きな森の中にいて、鳥があなたの枝で歌っているなら、あなたは成長しますね? Se estivesses num grande bosque, com outras árvores à tua volta e pequenos musgos e campainhas a crescer sobre as tuas raízes, com um ribeiro não muito longe e pássaros a cantar nos teus ramos, crescerias, não é verdade? Çevrenizdeki diğer ağaçların olduğu, köklerinizin üzerinde büyüyen küçük yosunların ve Junebelllerin olduğu büyük büyük ormanda olsaydınız, çok uzakta olmayan bir dere ve dallarınızda kuşlar şarkı söyleseydiniz, büyürdünüz, değil mi? But you can’t where you are. しかし、あなたはあなたがいる場所にいることはできません。 Mas não podes onde estás. Ama olduğun yerde olamazsın. Але ти не можеш там, де ти є. I know just exactly how you feel, little trees.' 私はあなたがどのように感じているかを正確に知っています、小さな木。」 Sei exatamente como te sentes, arvorezinha". Я точно знаю, що ви відчуваєте, маленькі деревця". I even felt sorry to leave them behind this morning as I left the asylum. |até||||||||||||| 私が亡命を去ったとき、私は今朝彼らを置き去りにすることさえ残念に思いました。 Até tive pena de os deixar para trás esta manhã quando saí do asilo. You do get so attached to things like that, don’t you? ||||apegado|||||| あなたはそのようなことにとても執着しますね? Ficamos tão apegados a coisas assim, não é? Man blir så fäst vid saker som det, eller hur? Is there a brook anywhere near Green Gables? Green Gablesの近くに小川はありますか? Há algum riacho perto de Green Gables? Finns det en bäck någonstans nära Green Gables? I forgot to ask Mrs. Spencer that. " |esqueci||||| Esqueci-me de perguntar isso à Sra. Spencer. " Jag glömde att fråga fru Spencer om det. "Well now, yes, there’s one right below the house," answered Matthew thoughtfully. ||||||abaixo|||||pensativamente "Eh bien maintenant, oui, il y en a un juste en dessous de la maison," répondit pensivement Matthew. 「さて、はい、家の真下に1つあります」とマシューは思慮深く答えました。 "Bem, sim, há um mesmo por baixo da casa", respondeu Mateus, pensativo. "Nåväl, ja, det finns en precis under huset," svarade Matthew fundersamt.