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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (2)

Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (2)

person and I refer to him or her as him or her, and they say to me, no,

I'd rather be referred to as this.


Um, the idea that somehow a gender neutral pronoun has some

great significance I don't buy.

Uh, in Persian and in Turkish, they have gender neutral pronouns.

And yet both of those societies are more patriarchal and less tolerant

of non-traditional gender roles or non-traditional sexual orientation.

So the fact that that, uh, gender neutral pronoun is used is meaningless and why,

you know, whatever the number is of these non-binary people in our society, I don't

know, 0.01%, 2%, whatever the number is, why should everyone have to change their,

um, speech patterns to accommodate this?

The main purpose is to demonstrate how progressive we are.

See, I use my preferred...

like just by saying my preferred pronouns are he/him.

Now I've said I'm progressive.

It's meaningless actually.

Uh, it's like in the company that I ran, we have always

hired the best person available.

We've had Japanese people, Chinese people, Sikhs there.

We've had Romanians, Russians.

Um, I don't know Filipinos.

We've had gay people.

We've had everybody, the best person we can find always, but

I don't believe in saying I am a diversity, you know, employer.

I sign on to the diversity statement.

I don't need all of that.

That's the sort of virtue signaling.

Rather the principle should be you hire the best person available.

And I am responsible to myself, to my employees.

And that's how I, I, so to that, making these kinds of virtue

signaling statements, Uh, a condition of employment or, uh, you know,

the whole department's set up to deal with diversity and diversity

is better than lack of diversity.

For example, I don't buy that because Japan, uh, Korea, Finland,

they don't have much diversity and their successful societies.

And you have other societies like Canada.

If you go to Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, you're gonna find a tremendous diversity

of religion, race, and ethnicity.

But what really matters is diversity of points of view.

And I don't think that the societies that are diverse ethnically or in

terms of gender are necessarily better, uh, than less diverse.

But I think it's probably a good idea to have a diversity of views.

And in that regard, I think Jordan Peterson, while I find a lot of his

stuff, I don't necessarily agree with it's valuable to have people like that who

are pushing back against this attempted you know conformity imposition on people.

You must say this, you must make a statement on diversity.

You must, uh, use gender neutral pronouns and so forth and so on.

So with that, I think I've stirred up hopefully a bit of controversy.

And, but I think diversity of views is important and we should respect

everyone's, uh, point of view and be willing to, uh, discuss and

defend our views and also take into consideration the, uh, counter argument.

There you have it.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.

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Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules: My Thoughts (2) Die 12 Regeln von Jordan Peterson: Meine Überlegungen (2) Las 12 reglas de Jordan Peterson: Mis pensamientos (2) Les 12 règles de Jordan Peterson : Mes réflexions (2) ジョーダン・ピーターソンの12ヶ条感想 (2) As 12 regras de Jordan Peterson: Os meus pensamentos (2) 12 правил Джордана Петерсона: Мои мысли (2) Jordan Peterson'ın 12 Kuralı: Benim Düşüncelerim (2) 乔丹彼得森的 12 条规则:我的想法 (2) 乔丹-彼得森的《12 条规则》:我的想法 (2) 喬丹彼得森的 12 條規則:我的想法 (2)

person and I refer to him or her as him or her, and they say to me, no, 人,我称他或她为他或她,他们对我说,不,

I'd rather be referred to as this. Я бы предпочел, чтобы меня так называли. 我宁愿被称为这个。

Fine. 美好的。

Um, the idea that somehow a gender neutral pronoun has some 嗯,不知何故,中性代词有一些想法

great significance I don't buy. |significance||| большое значение я не покупаю. 意义重大我不买。

Uh, in Persian and in Turkish, they have gender neutral pronouns. 呃,在波斯语和土耳其语中,他们有中性代词。

And yet both of those societies are more patriarchal and less tolerant И все же оба этих общества более патриархальны и менее толерантны. 然而,这两个社会都更重男轻女,更不宽容

of non-traditional gender roles or non-traditional sexual orientation. |||||||||성향 нетрадиционных гендерных ролей или нетрадиционной сексуальной ориентации. 非传统的性别角色或非传统的性取向。

So the fact that that, uh, gender neutral pronoun is used is meaningless and why, Так что тот факт, что это гендерно-нейтральное местоимение используется, бессмысленно, и почему,

you know, whatever the number is of these non-binary people in our society, I don't знаете, сколько бы ни было этих небинарных людей в нашем обществе, я не

know, 0.01%, 2%, whatever the number is, why should everyone have to change their,

um, speech patterns to accommodate this? ||||unterbringen| гм, речевые модели, чтобы приспособиться к этому?

The main purpose is to demonstrate how progressive we are. Основная цель — продемонстрировать, насколько мы прогрессивны.

See, I use my preferred... Видишь ли, я использую то, что предпочитаю...

like just by saying my preferred pronouns are he/him. например, просто говоря, что мои предпочтительные местоимения - он / он.

Now I've said I'm progressive. Теперь я сказал, что я прогрессивен.

It's meaningless actually.

Uh, it's like in the company that I ran, we have always Э-э, это как в компании, которой я руководил, у нас всегда

hired the best person available. нанял лучшего человека из имеющихся.

We've had Japanese people, Chinese people, Sikhs there. ||||||시크교도들| У нас там были японцы, китайцы, сикхи.

We've had Romanians, Russians. ||Romanians|

Um, I don't know Filipinos. ||||필리핀 사람들

We've had gay people. У нас были геи.

We've had everybody, the best person we can find always, but

I don't believe in saying I am a diversity, you know, employer. Я не верю в заявления о том, что я представитель разнообразия, понимаете, работодатель.

I sign on to the diversity statement. ||||||다양성 선언문 私は多様性に関する声明に署名します。 Я подписываюсь под заявлением о разнообразии.

I don't need all of that.

That's the sort of virtue signaling. ||||Tugend| |||||미덕 신호 Das ist die Art von Tugendhaftigkeitssignalisierung. Это своего рода сигнал добродетели. 这就是美德信号。

Rather the principle should be you hire the best person available. Скорее принцип должен заключаться в том, что вы нанимаете лучшего человека из имеющихся.

And I am responsible to myself, to my employees. И я несу ответственность перед собой, перед своими сотрудниками.

And that's how I, I, so to that, making these kinds of virtue И вот как я, я, так что, делая эти добродетели

signaling statements, Uh, a condition of employment or, uh, you know, сигнальные заявления, э-э, условие трудоустройства или, э-э, вы знаете,

the whole department's set up to deal with diversity and diversity ||부서의|||||||| 多様性と多様性に対処するための部門全体の設定 весь отдел создан, чтобы иметь дело с разнообразием и разнообразием

is better than lack of diversity. лучше, чем отсутствие разнообразия.

For example, I don't buy that because Japan, uh, Korea, Finland, ||||||||||핀란드 Например, я не куплюсь на это, потому что Япония, Корея, Финляндия,

they don't have much diversity and their successful societies. у них нет большого разнообразия и их успешных обществ.

And you have other societies like Canada.

If you go to Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, you're gonna find a tremendous diversity Если вы поедете в Торонто, Ванкувер, Монреаль, вы найдете огромное разнообразие

of religion, race, and ethnicity. ||||민족성 религии, расы и национальности.

But what really matters is diversity of points of view. しかし、本当に重要なのは視点の多様性です。

And I don't think that the societies that are diverse ethnically or in ||||||||||민족적으로|| そして、民族的にも多様な社会であるとは思いません。 И я не думаю, что общества, которые разнообразны в этническом или

terms of gender are necessarily better, uh, than less diverse. 性別の用語は、多様性が少ないよりも、必然的に優れています。 термины пола обязательно лучше, чем менее разнообразны.

But I think it's probably a good idea to have a diversity of views.

And in that regard, I think Jordan Peterson, while I find a lot of his И в этом отношении я думаю, что Джордан Петерсон, хотя я нахожу много его

stuff, I don't necessarily agree with it's valuable to have people like that who вещи, я не обязательно согласен с тем, что это ценно иметь таких людей, которые

are pushing back against this attempted you know conformity imposition on people. |저항하고 있는|||||||순응|강요|| сопротивляются этой попытке навязать людям конформизм.

You must say this, you must make a statement on diversity. Вы должны сказать это, вы должны сделать заявление о разнообразии.

You must, uh, use gender neutral pronouns and so forth and so on.

So with that, I think I've stirred up hopefully a bit of controversy. ||||||aufgewühlt|||||| ||||||불러일으켰다|||||| Таким образом, я думаю, что я вызвал немного споров.

And, but I think diversity of views is important and we should respect

everyone's, uh, point of view and be willing to, uh, discuss and

defend our views and also take into consideration the, uh, counter argument. défendre notre point de vue et prendre en compte les contre-arguments. защищать наши взгляды, а также принимать во внимание контраргументы.

There you have it.

Thank you for listening.

Bye for now.