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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), One More Scramble in Africa - The Second Italo-Abyssinian War | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Part 4 of 4 - YouTube (2)

One More Scramble in Africa - The Second Italo-Abyssinian War | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Part 4 of 4 - YouTube (2)

built. Asmara becomes a testing ground for a variety of architectural styles ranging

from modernist to art deco to futurist to neoclassical. Efforts are made to more integrate

the colonies with the Italian economy such as by establishing Linea dell' Impero (the

Imperial Line), a flight route which includes Italy, Libya, and East Africa.

However, violence does continue. An Abyssinian insurgency, mainly by royalist loyalists known

as the Black Lions, continues to plague the colonizers. The attempted assassination of

Rodolfo Graziani, the viceroy of Italian East Africa 1937 results in a retribution that

claims the lives of thousands, particularly the Coptic clergy. In the meantime, Haile

Selassie flees to Britain and Italy gradually attains recognition of its new territory,

including by Britain. Though Italy's victory is decisive, it and the guerrilla insurgency

that follows does must to exhaust the army's resources, which will take time to replenish,

while Mussolini is already eyeing Spain and then the Balkans for possible intervention.

Furthermore, the League of Nations inability to keep Mussolini from annexing Abyssinia

shows that they are not capable of anything but making empty threats.

So not only has Italy re-ignited the colonial conquest of Africa, subjugating peoples far

away form the Italian peninsula to create a new empire, they have shown to the world

that the League of Nations is for all practical purposes nothing but a toothless paper tiger.

For the likes of Hitler, Tojo, and Stalin this is provident news in view of their plans

for their neighboring countries.

If you want to see how the Italians used their Abyssinian colony to launch an attack against

the British in the summer of 1940, you can click right here, any moment. Our TimeGhost

Amy member of the week is Thorsten. Do like Thorsten and join the forces of good so that

we can continue to make videos just like this one. You can do that on timeghost.tv or patreon.com.

Subscribe, ring that bell…

…and remember; Even the lion has to defend himself against flies.



One More Scramble in Africa - The Second Italo-Abyssinian War | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Part 4 of 4 - YouTube (2) Ein weiteres Gerangel in Afrika - Der Zweite Italo-Abyssinische Krieg | ZWISCHEN 2 KRIEGEN I 1935 Teil 4 von 4 - YouTube (2) Una lucha más en África - La Segunda Guerra Italo-Abisinia | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1935 Parte 4 de 4 - YouTube (2) Encore un combat en Afrique - La deuxième guerre italo-abyssine | ENTRE 2 GUERRES I 1935 Partie 4 sur 4 - YouTube (2) 第2次イタリア・アビシニア戦争|BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Part 4 of 4 - YouTube (2) Dar vienas mūšis Afrikoje - Antrasis Italijos ir Abisinijos karas | TARP 2 KARŲ I 1935 m. 4 dalis iš 4 - YouTube (2) Mais uma luta em África - A Segunda Guerra Ítalo-Abissínia | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1935 Parte 4 de 4 - YouTube (2) Еще одна схватка в Африке - Вторая итало-абиссинская война | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1935 Часть 4 из 4 - YouTube (2) Afrika'da Bir Mücadele Daha - İkinci İtalya-Habeşistan Savaşı | 2 SAVAŞ ARASINDA I 1935 4. Bölüm - YouTube (2) Ще одна битва в Африці - Друга італо-абіссінська війна | МІЖ 2 ВІЙНАМИ I 1935 Частина 4 з 4 - YouTube (2) 非洲的又一次争夺——第二次意大利-阿比西尼亚战争两次大战之间,1935 年,第 4 部分,共 4 部分 - YouTube (2) 非洲的另一場爭奪-第二次義大利-阿比西尼亞戰爭兩次大戰之間,1935 年,第 4 部分,共 4 部分 - YouTube (2)

built. Asmara becomes a testing ground for a variety of architectural styles ranging Asmara se convierte en un campo de pruebas para una variedad de estilos arquitectónicos que van 建造的。阿斯馬拉成為各種建築風格的試驗場

from modernist to art deco to futurist to neoclassical. Efforts are made to more integrate de modernista a art deco a futurista a neoclásico Se hacen esfuerzos para integrar más 從現代主義到裝飾藝術到未來主義到新古典主義。努力更加融合

the colonies with the Italian economy such as by establishing Linea dell' Impero (the las colonias con la economía italiana tales estableciendo Linea dell 'Impero (el

Imperial Line), a flight route which includes Italy, Libya, and East Africa. Línea Imperial), una ruta de vuelo que incluye Italia, Libia y África Oriental.

However, violence does continue. An Abyssinian insurgency, mainly by royalist loyalists known Sin embargo, la violencia continúa. Una insurgencia abisinia, principalmente por realistas leales conocidos

as the Black Lions, continues to plague the colonizers. The attempted assassination of como los Leones Negros, sigue plagando a los colonizadores El intento de asesinato de

Rodolfo Graziani, the viceroy of Italian East Africa 1937 results in a retribution that Rodolfo Graziani, el virrey del África oriental italiana en 1937 resulta en una retribución que

claims the lives of thousands, particularly the Coptic clergy. In the meantime, Haile reclama la vida de miles, particularmente del clero copto. Mientras tanto, Haile

Selassie flees to Britain and Italy gradually attains recognition of its new territory, Selassie huye a Gran Bretaña e Italia gradualmente logra el reconocimiento de su nuevo territorio,

including by Britain. Though Italy's victory is decisive, it and the guerrilla insurgency incluso por Gran Bretaña. Aunque la victoria de Italia es decisiva, él y la insurgencia guerrillera

that follows does must to exhaust the army's resources, which will take time to replenish, que sigue debe agotar los recursos del ejército, que tomarán tiempo para reponer,

while Mussolini is already eyeing Spain and then the Balkans for possible intervention. mientras Mussolini ya está mirando a España y luego los Balcanes para una posible intervención.

Furthermore, the League of Nations inability to keep Mussolini from annexing Abyssinia Además, la incapacidad de la Liga de las Naciones para evitar que Mussolini se anexe Abisinia

shows that they are not capable of anything but making empty threats. muestra que no son capaces de nada pero hacen amenazas vacías.

So not only has Italy re-ignited the colonial conquest of Africa, subjugating peoples far Entonces, no solo Italia ha vuelto a encender la colonial conquista de África, subyugando pueblos lejanos

away form the Italian peninsula to create a new empire, they have shown to the world lejos de la península italiana para crear un nuevo imperio, le han mostrado al mundo

that the League of Nations is for all practical purposes nothing but a toothless paper tiger. que la Liga de las Naciones es para todos los prácticos propósitos nada más que un tigre de papel sin dientes.

For the likes of Hitler, Tojo, and Stalin this is provident news in view of their plans Para los gustos de Hitler, Tojo y Stalin esta es una noticia providente en vista de sus planes

for their neighboring countries. para sus países vecinos

If you want to see how the Italians used their Abyssinian colony to launch an attack against Si quieres ver cómo los italianos usaron su colonia abisinia para lanzar un ataque contra

the British in the summer of 1940, you can click right here, any moment. Our TimeGhost los británicos en el verano de 1940, puedes Hacer clic aquí, en cualquier momento. Nuestro

Amy member of the week is Thorsten. Do like Thorsten and join the forces of good so that miembro del Time Ghost Army de la semana es Thorsten. Haz como Thorsten y únete las fuerzas del bien para que

we can continue to make videos just like this one. You can do that on timeghost.tv or patreon.com. podamos seguir haciendo videos como este. Puedes hacerlo en timeghost.tv o patreon.com.

Subscribe, ring that bell… Suscríbete, toca esa campana ...

…and remember; Even the lion has to defend himself against flies. …y recuerda; Incluso el león se tiene que defender a sí mismo contra las moscas.

Chīrisi! Chīrisi!

https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/heroesvillains/g3/cs1/ https://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/heroesvillains/g3/cs1/