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Inter-War Period (between WW 1 and II), Italy's African Destiny - The Colonisation of Libya | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1931 Part 1 of 3 - YouTube (1)

Italy's African Destiny - The Colonisation of Libya | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1931 Part 1 of 3 - YouTube (1)

since 1923 benito mussolini has been working to fulfill his vision of a new

roman style Italian empire by subjugating those large parts of North

Africa that had once been colonies under Roman rule two millennia ago and now in

Libya this process concludes with a murder

welcome to between two wars a chronological summary of the interwar

years covering all facets of life the uncertainty hedonism and euphoria and

ultimately humanity's descent into the darkness of the Second World War

i'm indy neidell it is 1931 and since we last saw mussolini he's increased his

power and been dictator of Italy since 1927 formally he is only head of the

government and King Victor Emmanuel the third is still head of state but without

protest the monarch is signed into law want to reform after the other that has

granted Mussolini absolute power and turned Italy into a totalitarian fascist

state now ever since he started the fascist movement he's been promoting a

mythical connection between ancient Rome and modern Italy to justify his

expansive ideas for an Italian Empire to rule over vast parts of the central

portion of the Mediterranean or as the Romans once called it and the fascists

have now adopted Mare Nostrum our see a central part of that plan is to expand

and gain full control over the portions of North Africa captured from the

Ottoman Empire just before the Great War domains that Mussolini now styles as

Libya a name that harks back to the old Roman name for its colonies there which

in turn was adapted from the ancient Egyptian name for some of the tribes in

the region learn something new every day Mussolini starts this campaign they

Reconquista della Libya the reconquest or pacification of Libya a year after he

becomes prime minister in 1923 but Italian interest in the region goes back

to shortly after the creation of Italy in 1861 the colonial interests of the

European powers are driven by the promise of increased natural resources

and cheap labor but there's also the Imperial concept of national greatness

and Italy wants its place in the Sun too in the 1880s the young Italian Kingdom

becomes a late and relatively weak addition to the Scramble for Africa she

initially makes modest inroads in Eritrea and Somalia but after an attempt

to colonize Abyssinia the Ethiopian Empire Italy faces a disastrous defeat

against the Ethiopians at the battle ah dois in 1896 effectively ending

Italian expansion for the next 15 years in 1911 they make another attempt to

gain a foothold when they go to war with the Ottoman Empire to conquer the

provinces Tripolitania Cyrenaica and phezzan it is a financially costly war

for Italy prime minister Giovanni Julie T had predicted an immediate and

decisive military victory but that turns out to be a miscalculation and they

spend 1.3 billion lira a billion more than plan however in October 1912 the

first Balkan war breaks out the Ottomans now need all of their forces in the

Balkans and a peace treaty is signed with Italy as the new master of what

will in 1934 once again be known as Libya but it turns out that not all new

subjects of the Italian King are delighted with their new rulers Italy

faces widespread unrest and must deploy the military to keep control

moreover Italy's entry into the great war in 1915 forces the Italian

government to shift its attention to the war in Europe in an effort to keep power

but spare their forces they pull back to coastal African cities such as Tripoli

and Benghazi in the resulting vacuum resistance to Italian rule quickly grows

into outright war the leaders of the opposition to Italian rule are the

Sanusi a political and religious movement tracing back to a mystical

Muslim order founded by theologian syed muhammad bin ali el Sanusi in 1837 the

Sanusi are at the core of the anti-colonial movement and had

effectively fought off eastward expansion by the French in the knots at

their head since 1911 is the teacher turned rebel Omar Mukhtar also known as

the Lion of the desert he is a fierce adaptive and resourceful military

commander and is dedicated to religious piety swearing off personal gain and

creature comforts even his Italian counterparts come to admire him for his

prowess and dedication in an effort to weaken both Italy and Britain

the Ottoman Sultan now encourages the thousands of tribesmen organized by

Mukhtar to rise up and carry out raids in both Libya and British controlled

Egypt but the Ottomans are under increasing pressure in the world war and

can't give Mukhtar the support he really needs to prevail

so the Sanusi signed a peace treaty with both of those European powers in April

1917 but this does not really cement Libya as an Italian colony

although Italy is formally given Dominion in the Treaty of Lausanne in

effect the region continues to be controlled by the Sanusi not much is

gonna bout it at first as domestic Italian concerns take center stage with

all the post-war instability but in 1922 Italian colonial power is under

increasing threat stiffening cyrenaic and resistance and the nominal Egyptian

independence which we covered in our episode about carving up the Middle East

pushes the Italian government to consider military pacification for the

fascists this is good news with bitterness over the relatively minor

territorial gains given in Paris 1919 Libya now presents itself as the perfect

opportunity for the nascent fascist government to demonstrate its military

prowess in 1923 Mussolini decides to go to war in Africa once again now all of

that might sound like Italian soldiers have been and are going to be fighting

in Africa against indigenous soldiers trying to regain control of their own

lands but it isn't quite that simple already during the teens most of the

Italian fighting done in Libya is actually done by Eritrea and Somalia

Legionnaires attracted by steady pay an escape from the natural fluctuations of

their agrarian economy these recruits turn out to be loyal and effective

fighters the Italian officers soon develop the view that colonial troops

are better suited to the climate and terrain then Italian soldiers Colonel

Guglielmo nasty one of the senior figures in Italian East Africa even goes

so far as to say that Italian troops are a hindrance and a ball and chain on

military commanders in the field these are

positive attributes sometimes based on vague racial understanding even when

meant to be praised such as when general authorial machete one of the commanders

of the troops in Libya notes that the eretrians feel excited and developing

the fight the best deal instincts of a warrior race but there are other more

important factors that push Italy to use local recruits first of all they're

cheaper than Italian troops in 1926 an Italian private is paid two and a

quarter lira daily with an additional three and a half if serving in a colony

those from East Africa get one and a half daily with an additional one if

serving outside their native colony they also receive and accept smaller food

rations than their native Italian counterparts third of all it enables the

Italian government to avoid opposition by the war tired Italian population for

sacrificing more Italian lives and yet another war abroad or as historian

Giulia Barrera puts it by using eretrians

and not italians the Italian government was able to continue pursuing an

expansionist colonial policy in Somalia and Libya without running the risk of

the political backlash that the death of Italian soldiers could have caused but

it poses a problem of over reliance on local manpower which spills over to the

Italian colonial administrators in for example Eritrea between 1912 and 1934

the East African colonies small population of roughly half a million

will furnish 68 battalions and six artillery batteries in rotation that

causes concerns about labor shortage in the largely agrarian but increasingly

industrial territory officials in Eritrea's capital Asmara

clash continuously with Rome about this throughout the 1920s it's only by 1929

the tensions are reduced after a plague of locusts makes the voluntary 2-year

military service a means of reducing unemployment and destitution while all

of this fills the ranks of the Italian forces it is one of many factors that

now wreaks havoc on social structures now this is a war against insurgency so

there are no clear front lines and and few major actual battles instead it

plays out through repeated widespread raids and attacks on Italian strongholds

by the rebels Mukhtar has organized the rebels into

highly mobile squads and created a support network within the tribal

communities in Libya Mukhtar and his men know the terrain

like their own backyards and are able to stealthily move and strike without

warning much to the frustration of the Italians from 1923 to 1930 mook tarz

rebels continued their actions but the italians respond with militarized police

action with increasing intensity and brutality especially after the

declaration of jihad holy war for all muslims by the most militant wing of the

Sanusi to close off the possibility of retreat into safe havens in British

Egypt they erect a 350 kilometer long barbed-wire fence along the Libyan

Egyptian border and create a highly militarized zone with armored vehicles

and aircraft patrolling the sector continuously the local populations

livelihood is badly damaged as they depend on an open border exchange

especially the partly nomadic Bedouin who are also major supporters of the

Sanusi in March 1930 general Rodolfo Graziani takes command of the Italian

forces in Libya Graziani is determined to achieve a complete victory he starts

carrying out organized retaliatory actions against rebel support by the

widespread slaughter of livestock closing down the vital desert wells and

isolating a hundred thousand of the Bedouin population in 11 concentration

camps surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns

tens of thousands perish from the abysmal conditions in the camps

throughout Libya contact with the rebels becomes a capital offense leading to

immediate execution through systematic torture deportation and impoverishment

Graziani is hell-bent on crushing the insurgency the amount of people murdered

disappeared is unclear as there is no senses by which to definitely determine

casualties it is safe to say though that it is in the high tens of thousands

possibly more gratzi Annie's campaign of terror is efficient and by the end of

the year the Sanu sees capacity to move and strike freely has been significantly

reduced despite this Mukhtar continues to elude

them and continues a limited campaign harassing the Italian forces during the

summer of 1931 it becomes a main objective of Grazia unease forces to

capture Mukhtar on September 11 he's wounded in a battle near sláinte a town

south of the city beta incapacitated he is finally captured and brought to a

POWs camp in salute on the 16th of September 1931 he now 73 year old Omar

Mukhtar is hanged in front of his followers he accepts his fate with the

words from Allah we come and to Allah we must return his nemesis Graziani will

later say omar was endowed with a quick and lively intelligence was

knowledgeable in religious matters and revealed an energetic and impetuous

character unselfish and uncompromising ultimately he remained very religious

and poor even though he had been one of the most important census figures

historian Angelo del Boca summarises Mukhtar like this Omar is not only an

example of religious faith and a born fighter but also the builder of that

perfect military political organization which for 10 years kept in check troops

under 4 governors the execution of the Lion of the desert is met with

widespread indignation throughout the Arab world but the war is over for now

and the italians proceed to consolidate their gains the plan is to settle

italian farmers in towns and villages either newly constructed or claimed from

the indigenous population it's a mixture of land seizure and forcing the sale of

Italy's African Destiny - The Colonisation of Libya | BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1931 Part 1 of 3 - YouTube (1) Il destino africano dell'Italia - La colonizzazione della Libia | TRA 2 GUERRE I 1931 Parte 1 di 3 - YouTube (1) イタリアのアフリカ的運命 - リビアの植民地化|BETWEEN 2 WARS I 1931 - YouTube (1) 이탈리아의 아프리카 운명 - 리비아의 식민지화 | 2차 세계대전 1931년 1부/3부 - YouTube (1) Afrykańskie przeznaczenie Włoch - kolonizacja Libii | MIĘDZY 2 WOJNAMI I 1931 Część 1 z 3 - YouTube (1) O destino de Itália em África - A colonização da Líbia | ENTRE 2 GUERRAS I 1931 Parte 1 de 3 - YouTube (1) İtalya'nın Afrika Kaderi - Libya'nın Sömürgeleştirilmesi | 2 SAVAŞ ARASINDA I 1931 Bölüm 1 / 3 - YouTube (1) Африканська доля Італії - Колонізація Лівії | МІЖ ДВОМА ВІЙНАМИ I 1931 Частина 1 з 3 - YouTube (1) 意大利的非洲命运——利比亚的殖民化两次大战之间,1931 年,第 1 部分(共 3 部分) - YouTube (1) 義大利的非洲命運—利比亞的殖民化兩場大戰之間,1931 年,第 1 部分(共 3 部分) - YouTube (1)

since 1923 benito mussolini has been working to fulfill his vision of a new

roman style Italian empire by subjugating those large parts of North

Africa that had once been colonies under Roman rule two millennia ago and now in

Libya this process concludes with a murder Libya'da bu süreç bir cinayetle sonuçlanır.

welcome to between two wars a chronological summary of the interwar

years covering all facets of life the uncertainty hedonism and euphoria and

ultimately humanity's descent into the darkness of the Second World War

i'm indy neidell it is 1931 and since we last saw mussolini he's increased his

power and been dictator of Italy since 1927 formally he is only head of the

government and King Victor Emmanuel the third is still head of state but without

protest the monarch is signed into law want to reform after the other that has hükümdarı protesto etmek için imzalanan yasanın ardından reform yapmak isteyen diğer

granted Mussolini absolute power and turned Italy into a totalitarian fascist

state now ever since he started the fascist movement he's been promoting a

mythical connection between ancient Rome and modern Italy to justify his

expansive ideas for an Italian Empire to rule over vast parts of the central

portion of the Mediterranean or as the Romans once called it and the fascists

have now adopted Mare Nostrum our see a central part of that plan is to expand

and gain full control over the portions of North Africa captured from the

Ottoman Empire just before the Great War domains that Mussolini now styles as

Libya a name that harks back to the old Roman name for its colonies there which Libya, Roma'nın buradaki kolonilerine verdiği eski ismi hatırlatan bir isimdir.

in turn was adapted from the ancient Egyptian name for some of the tribes in

the region learn something new every day Mussolini starts this campaign they

Reconquista della Libya the reconquest or pacification of Libya a year after he

becomes prime minister in 1923 but Italian interest in the region goes back

to shortly after the creation of Italy in 1861 the colonial interests of the

European powers are driven by the promise of increased natural resources

and cheap labor but there's also the Imperial concept of national greatness

and Italy wants its place in the Sun too in the 1880s the young Italian Kingdom

becomes a late and relatively weak addition to the Scramble for Africa she

initially makes modest inroads in Eritrea and Somalia but after an attempt

to colonize Abyssinia the Ethiopian Empire Italy faces a disastrous defeat

against the Ethiopians at the battle ah dois in 1896 effectively ending

Italian expansion for the next 15 years in 1911 they make another attempt to

gain a foothold when they go to war with the Ottoman Empire to conquer the

provinces Tripolitania Cyrenaica and phezzan it is a financially costly war

for Italy prime minister Giovanni Julie T had predicted an immediate and

decisive military victory but that turns out to be a miscalculation and they

spend 1.3 billion lira a billion more than plan however in October 1912 the

first Balkan war breaks out the Ottomans now need all of their forces in the

Balkans and a peace treaty is signed with Italy as the new master of what

will in 1934 once again be known as Libya but it turns out that not all new

subjects of the Italian King are delighted with their new rulers Italy

faces widespread unrest and must deploy the military to keep control

moreover Italy's entry into the great war in 1915 forces the Italian

government to shift its attention to the war in Europe in an effort to keep power

but spare their forces they pull back to coastal African cities such as Tripoli

and Benghazi in the resulting vacuum resistance to Italian rule quickly grows

into outright war the leaders of the opposition to Italian rule are the

Sanusi a political and religious movement tracing back to a mystical

Muslim order founded by theologian syed muhammad bin ali el Sanusi in 1837 the

Sanusi are at the core of the anti-colonial movement and had

effectively fought off eastward expansion by the French in the knots at

their head since 1911 is the teacher turned rebel Omar Mukhtar also known as

the Lion of the desert he is a fierce adaptive and resourceful military

commander and is dedicated to religious piety swearing off personal gain and

creature comforts even his Italian counterparts come to admire him for his

prowess and dedication in an effort to weaken both Italy and Britain

the Ottoman Sultan now encourages the thousands of tribesmen organized by

Mukhtar to rise up and carry out raids in both Libya and British controlled

Egypt but the Ottomans are under increasing pressure in the world war and

can't give Mukhtar the support he really needs to prevail

so the Sanusi signed a peace treaty with both of those European powers in April

1917 but this does not really cement Libya as an Italian colony

although Italy is formally given Dominion in the Treaty of Lausanne in

effect the region continues to be controlled by the Sanusi not much is

gonna bout it at first as domestic Italian concerns take center stage with

all the post-war instability but in 1922 Italian colonial power is under

increasing threat stiffening cyrenaic and resistance and the nominal Egyptian

independence which we covered in our episode about carving up the Middle East

pushes the Italian government to consider military pacification for the

fascists this is good news with bitterness over the relatively minor

territorial gains given in Paris 1919 Libya now presents itself as the perfect

opportunity for the nascent fascist government to demonstrate its military

prowess in 1923 Mussolini decides to go to war in Africa once again now all of

that might sound like Italian soldiers have been and are going to be fighting

in Africa against indigenous soldiers trying to regain control of their own

lands but it isn't quite that simple already during the teens most of the

Italian fighting done in Libya is actually done by Eritrea and Somalia

Legionnaires attracted by steady pay an escape from the natural fluctuations of

their agrarian economy these recruits turn out to be loyal and effective

fighters the Italian officers soon develop the view that colonial troops

are better suited to the climate and terrain then Italian soldiers Colonel

Guglielmo nasty one of the senior figures in Italian East Africa even goes

so far as to say that Italian troops are a hindrance and a ball and chain on

military commanders in the field these are

positive attributes sometimes based on vague racial understanding even when

meant to be praised such as when general authorial machete one of the commanders

of the troops in Libya notes that the eretrians feel excited and developing

the fight the best deal instincts of a warrior race but there are other more

important factors that push Italy to use local recruits first of all they're

cheaper than Italian troops in 1926 an Italian private is paid two and a

quarter lira daily with an additional three and a half if serving in a colony

those from East Africa get one and a half daily with an additional one if

serving outside their native colony they also receive and accept smaller food

rations than their native Italian counterparts third of all it enables the

Italian government to avoid opposition by the war tired Italian population for

sacrificing more Italian lives and yet another war abroad or as historian

Giulia Barrera puts it by using eretrians

and not italians the Italian government was able to continue pursuing an

expansionist colonial policy in Somalia and Libya without running the risk of

the political backlash that the death of Italian soldiers could have caused but

it poses a problem of over reliance on local manpower which spills over to the

Italian colonial administrators in for example Eritrea between 1912 and 1934

the East African colonies small population of roughly half a million

will furnish 68 battalions and six artillery batteries in rotation that

causes concerns about labor shortage in the largely agrarian but increasingly

industrial territory officials in Eritrea's capital Asmara

clash continuously with Rome about this throughout the 1920s it's only by 1929

the tensions are reduced after a plague of locusts makes the voluntary 2-year

military service a means of reducing unemployment and destitution while all

of this fills the ranks of the Italian forces it is one of many factors that

now wreaks havoc on social structures now this is a war against insurgency so

there are no clear front lines and and few major actual battles instead it

plays out through repeated widespread raids and attacks on Italian strongholds

by the rebels Mukhtar has organized the rebels into

highly mobile squads and created a support network within the tribal

communities in Libya Mukhtar and his men know the terrain

like their own backyards and are able to stealthily move and strike without

warning much to the frustration of the Italians from 1923 to 1930 mook tarz

rebels continued their actions but the italians respond with militarized police

action with increasing intensity and brutality especially after the

declaration of jihad holy war for all muslims by the most militant wing of the

Sanusi to close off the possibility of retreat into safe havens in British

Egypt they erect a 350 kilometer long barbed-wire fence along the Libyan

Egyptian border and create a highly militarized zone with armored vehicles

and aircraft patrolling the sector continuously the local populations

livelihood is badly damaged as they depend on an open border exchange

especially the partly nomadic Bedouin who are also major supporters of the

Sanusi in March 1930 general Rodolfo Graziani takes command of the Italian

forces in Libya Graziani is determined to achieve a complete victory he starts

carrying out organized retaliatory actions against rebel support by the

widespread slaughter of livestock closing down the vital desert wells and

isolating a hundred thousand of the Bedouin population in 11 concentration

camps surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns

tens of thousands perish from the abysmal conditions in the camps

throughout Libya contact with the rebels becomes a capital offense leading to

immediate execution through systematic torture deportation and impoverishment

Graziani is hell-bent on crushing the insurgency the amount of people murdered

disappeared is unclear as there is no senses by which to definitely determine

casualties it is safe to say though that it is in the high tens of thousands

possibly more gratzi Annie's campaign of terror is efficient and by the end of

the year the Sanu sees capacity to move and strike freely has been significantly

reduced despite this Mukhtar continues to elude

them and continues a limited campaign harassing the Italian forces during the

summer of 1931 it becomes a main objective of Grazia unease forces to

capture Mukhtar on September 11 he's wounded in a battle near sláinte a town

south of the city beta incapacitated he is finally captured and brought to a

POWs camp in salute on the 16th of September 1931 he now 73 year old Omar

Mukhtar is hanged in front of his followers he accepts his fate with the

words from Allah we come and to Allah we must return his nemesis Graziani will

later say omar was endowed with a quick and lively intelligence was

knowledgeable in religious matters and revealed an energetic and impetuous

character unselfish and uncompromising ultimately he remained very religious

and poor even though he had been one of the most important census figures

historian Angelo del Boca summarises Mukhtar like this Omar is not only an

example of religious faith and a born fighter but also the builder of that

perfect military political organization which for 10 years kept in check troops

under 4 governors the execution of the Lion of the desert is met with

widespread indignation throughout the Arab world but the war is over for now

and the italians proceed to consolidate their gains the plan is to settle

italian farmers in towns and villages either newly constructed or claimed from

the indigenous population it's a mixture of land seizure and forcing the sale of