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English Convos with Camille (Interview with Melodie), PART 3.3 Melodie

PART 3.3 Melodie

Melodie: So, those are two but I always I love Eastern Europe, and Europe, but I think traveling more in Eastern Europe would be fun, because I haven't done a lot of those countries. So…

Camille: Yeah, like what are some of the Eastern European countries that capture your attention?

Melodie: Um, like, you know, it's, I feel like it's countries that I actually don't know a lot about. So, just being open to like, I actually don't know anything about like Albania. You know, or we went to Croatia and Slovenia, and those were just amazing, like I just loved them and I would love to just keep going into those countries that I actually don't even know I wanna know, you know?

Camille: Exactly. So, we were shocked by Albania, we went there with the intentions, you know, a year and a half ago, of staying for two weeks, and we kept extending and we stayed three months.

Melodie: Oh, man.

Camille: Because it was so amazing, and super affordable, as well. And the people are super kind, so I hope you get to do that.

Melodie: Yeah, Slovenia was like the nicest people I've ever met. That Airb&BnB, they were the most hospitable, and it was like the Alps as the background.

Camille: That's amazing.

Melodie: It was great.

Camille: I don't think I've been to Slovenia.

Melodie: Oh, you would love it. It's gorgeous.

Camille: Travel, it's such an amazing thing. Yes..

Melodie: And the thing is you learn so much about people, and the world and like all people are essentially very much the same, but they're also so different. Like they have their, you learn so much, about like how to live life in different ways, and I feel like we've brought it back into our household, like the good things, and even those things have come into my coffee shop. Every time I go somewhere, I'm taking pictures of coffee shops, because they all have really cool ideas, but I love that about seeing the world as the pieces that impact your life, you know that you take with you.

Camille: Totally. Totally. Yeah, I think that's how I feel about languages, because language is so connected to culture, and you get to talk to people, and hear, you know, their language.

Melodie: Know them in a deeper way.

Camille: Yeah. Yeah, totally, wow, well I hope you get to do a ton of traveling and that you keep getting to just walk in the purpose that God has for you. This has been really fun and special for me, to do this interview with you, Melodie, and I'm sure that you guys enjoyed it as well, thank you so much for watching and thank you for being here.

Melodie: Thank you for inviting me, this was a lot of fun.

Camille: Yeah, and that is a wrap..

Melodie: Tchau, ciao.

Camille: So now we'll speak a little French, we'll do this interview with Melodie in French.

Melodie: Great, I'll be mostly quiet.

Camille: Tell me when we're ready. Have you been filming all of this?

PART 3.3 Melodie TEIL 3.3 Melodie PARTE 3.3 Melodía PART 3.3 メロディ 파트 3.3 멜로디 PARTE 3.3 Melodie PART 3.3 旋律 PART 3.3 旋律

**Melodie**: So, those are two but I always I love Eastern Europe, and Europe, but I think traveling more in Eastern Europe would be fun, because I haven't done a lot of those countries. So…

**Camille**: Yeah, like what are some of the Eastern European countries that capture your attention?

**Melodie**: Um, like, you know, it's, I feel like it's countries that I actually don't know a lot about. So, just being open to like, I actually don't know anything about like Albania. You know, or we went to Croatia and Slovenia, and those were just amazing, like I just loved them and I would love to just keep going into those countries that I actually don't even know I wanna know, you know?

**Camille**: Exactly. So, we were shocked by Albania, we went there with the intentions, you know, a year and a half ago, of staying for two weeks, and we kept extending and we stayed three months.

**Melodie**: Oh, man.

**Camille**: Because it was so amazing, and super affordable, as well. And the people are super kind, so I hope you get to do that.

**Melodie**: Yeah, Slovenia was like the nicest people I've ever met. That Airb&BnB, they were the most hospitable, and it was like the Alps as the background.

**Camille**: That's amazing.

**Melodie**: It was great.

**Camille**: I don't think I've been to Slovenia.

**Melodie**: Oh, you would love it. It's gorgeous.

**Camille**: Travel, it's such an amazing thing. Yes..

**Melodie**: And the thing is you learn so much about people, and the world and like all people are essentially very much the same, but they're also so different. Like they have their, you learn so much, about like how to live life in different ways, and I feel like we've brought it back into our household, like the good things, and even those things have come into my coffee shop. Every time I go somewhere, I'm taking pictures of coffee shops, because they all have really cool ideas, but I love that about seeing the world as the pieces that impact your life, you know that you take with you.

**Camille**: Totally. Totally. Yeah, I think that's how I feel about languages, because language is so connected to culture, and you get to talk to people, and hear, you know, their language.

**Melodie**: Know them in a deeper way.

**Camille**: Yeah. Yeah, totally, wow, well I hope you get to do a ton of traveling and that you keep getting to just walk in the purpose that God has for you. This has been really fun and special for me, to do this interview with you, Melodie, and I'm sure that you guys enjoyed it as well, thank you so much for watching and thank you for being here.

**Melodie**: Thank you for inviting me, this was a lot of fun.

**Camille**: Yeah, and that is a wrap..

**Melodie**: Tchau, ciao.

**Camille**: So now we'll speak a little French, we'll do this interview with Melodie in French.

**Melodie**: Great, I'll be mostly quiet.

**Camille**: Tell me when we're ready. Have you been filming all of this?