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Advanced Conversation with Jennifer, Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (2)

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (2)

The west coast has been hit hard by the homeless crisis. The media has given a

lot of attention to Los Angeles and Seattle in particular. Property crime in

Seattle is higher than in most other U.S. cities. People point to the correlation

between homelessness and crime. What are the numbers? In Seattle, there are about

11,000 homeless people. In LA, there are about 36,000 in the city and about

60,000 and LA county. California and the entire West Coast have seen the worst of

this problem in recent years. There are similar concerns about homelessness in

San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. But there are other regions battling

homelessness in our country. I just read about Austin, Texas, for example. I don't

have the time to share all the details of this problem, but I do want to mention

a group within the homeless population: veterans. A veteran is someone who served

in the military, and, sadly, a good number of veterans are homeless today.

Mental health issues and disabilities often contribute to their situation.

It's also sad to note that the beautiful city of Seattle now has a new nickname: Freeattle.

It's supposedly attractive to homeless people because of free services and the

lack of law enforcement in the downtown area, which some people describe as a

free-for-all, meaning you can do as you please.

The police haven't been able to enforce the law in many cases. Arrests often

don't lead to convictions. In one documentary, I heard that Seattle police

stopped issuing tickets for small acts of incivility. That means there are

things that shouldn't be done in public, but they're being done so frequently

that it's hard to stop them from happening.

Again, residents complain that officials are turning their backs on the problem or

they're throwing money at the problem. There's a need to address the causes and

stop focusing on the symptoms.

However, there is a bright spot in all of this.

There are communities with much lower populations of homeless people.

That means they're doing something right, something that could be copied by troubled cities.

These other towns and cities have community outreach programs

that offer services, inform people of services, and refer people to the places

where they can get help. Sometimes local firefighters and police officers

participate in these efforts. What more can be done? You can be sure that more

proposals will be made during election season.

We'll end here. There's a lot to think about. I invite you to post opinions in the comments,

but I ask that everyone express their ideas respectfully and with maturity.

Let's be open to hearing different views.

If you found this lesson useful, please like this video

and share it with others learning English.

If you'd like to talk about homelessness or any other topic with me one-on-one, book a 30-minute

private lesson. The link is in the video description.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new

videos on Instagram. If you haven't already, subscribe to my channel so you

get notification of every new video I upload to YouTube.

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (2) Erweitertes Gespräch mit Jennifer über Obdachlosigkeit in den USA (2) Συζήτηση για προχωρημένους με τη Jennifer για τους άστεγους στις ΗΠΑ (2) Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Homelessness in the U.S. (2) Conversación avanzada con Jennifer sobre los sin techo en EE.UU. (2) Conversation avancée avec Jennifer sur le sans-abrisme aux États-Unis (2) Conversazione avanzata con Jennifer sul tema dei senzatetto negli Stati Uniti (2) 米国のホームレスについてジェニファーとの高度な会話 (2) Zaawansowana rozmowa z Jennifer na temat bezdomności w USA (2) Conversação Avançada com Jennifer sobre os Sem-Abrigo nos EUA (2) Расширенная беседа с Дженнифер о бездомности в США (2) Jennifer ile ABD'de Evsizlik Üzerine İleri Düzey Söyleşi (2) Розширена розмова з Дженніфер про бездомність у США (2) 与詹妮弗深入对话美国无家可归者(2) 與珍妮佛深入對話美國無家可歸者(2)

The west coast has been hit hard by the homeless crisis. The media has given a

lot of attention to Los Angeles and Seattle in particular. Property crime in

Seattle is higher than in most other U.S. cities. People point to the correlation Seattle'da bu oran diğer pek çok ABD şehrinden daha yüksektir. İnsanlar bu durumun

between homelessness and crime. What are the numbers? In Seattle, there are about

11,000 homeless people. In LA, there are about 36,000 in the city and about

60,000 and LA county. California and the entire West Coast have seen the worst of

this problem in recent years. There are similar concerns about homelessness in

San Francisco and Portland, Oregon. But there are other regions battling ||||||||||struggling against

homelessness in our country. I just read about Austin, Texas, for example. I don't

have the time to share all the details of this problem, but I do want to mention

a group within the homeless population: veterans. A veteran is someone who served 无家可归者中的一个群体:退伍军人。退伍军人是指曾经服役过的人

in the military, and, sadly, a good number of veterans are homeless today. |||||||||退伍军人||| ve ne yazık ki bugün çok sayıda gazi evsizdir. 在军队中,可悲的是,今天有很多退伍军人无家可归。

Mental health issues and disabilities often contribute to their situation. ||||||lead to|||

It's also sad to note that the beautiful city of Seattle now has a new nickname: Freeattle.

It's supposedly attractive to homeless people because of free services and the

lack of law enforcement in the downtown area, which some people describe as a |||law implementation||||||||||

free-for-all, meaning you can do as you please.

The police haven't been able to enforce the law in many cases. Arrests often ||||||implement|||||||

don't lead to convictions. In one documentary, I heard that Seattle police

stopped issuing tickets for small acts of incivility. That means there are |stopped giving out||||||||||

things that shouldn't be done in public, but they're being done so frequently

that it's hard to stop them from happening.

Again, residents complain that officials are turning their backs on the problem or

they're throwing money at the problem. There's a need to address the causes and

stop focusing on the symptoms.

However, there is a bright spot in all of this.

There are communities with much lower populations of homeless people.

That means they're doing something right, something that could be copied by troubled cities.

These other towns and cities have community outreach programs |||||||Community support programs|

that offer services, inform people of services, and refer people to the places

where they can get help. Sometimes local firefighters and police officers

participate in these efforts. What more can be done? You can be sure that more

proposals will be made during election season.

We'll end here. There's a lot to think about. I invite you to post opinions in the comments,

but I ask that everyone express their ideas respectfully and with maturity. |||||||||||responsible behavior

Let's be open to hearing different views.

If you found this lesson useful, please like this video

and share it with others learning English.

If you'd like to talk about homelessness or any other topic with me one-on-one, book a 30-minute

private lesson. The link is in the video description.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me and gain more practice on Facebook and Twitter. I also have new Suis-moi et pratique davantage sur Facebook et Twitter. J'ai également de nouveaux

videos on Instagram. If you haven't already, subscribe to my channel so you des vidéos sur Instagram. Si ce n'est pas déjà fait, abonnez-vous à ma chaîne pour

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