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English with Jennifer - Phrasal Verbs, Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12)

Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer. You may know that I'm a mother of

two. My son and daughter are teenagers now, so if you first saw them when they were toddlers,

you'd be surprised to see how big they are.

Kids truly grow up fast. My children got older and, well, so did I!

"Grow up" is intransitive, and it means to become older, but it's more than age. It's also about

becoming more mature. So, when someone behaves immaturely, you may hear the criticism, "Grow up!"

Do you know as my children grew up, they began to learn things even faster than me. This is

true about technology. They can set up a new phone or a new tablet quite easily. In contrast, I tend

to have a frustrating experience when I set up a new computer. It's hard to arrange everything.

We can use "set up" for putting things in order or getting some piece of technology ready for use.

This is a transitive phrasal verb, and it's separable. Set up a computer. Set

it up. An administrative assistant can set up a meeting. When you first start on social media,

you have to set up an account. You have to create it and get all the details in order.

Guess one more meaning. Before I film a new video, I have to set up my equipment.

The answer is C - install. It's like getting things ready for use, but we're talking about

something physical. Set up equipment. Set up a tripod. Set up folding chairs and tables.

Do you know that my kids were on Instagram before I was? They had to help me set up my

account and make my first post. They turned out to be a good source of information.

They proved to have the knowledge I needed to get started.

"Turn out" is intransitive, and it's used in both spoken and written English. It means that

someone or something proves to be a certain way or a situation happens a certain way.

They turned out to be helpful. Things turned out well.

It turned out that they could give me all the help I needed.

Can you think of a situation that turned out differently from what you expected?

Was it a pleasant or unpleasant surprise?

Sometimes we set things up carefully, thinking we've prepared for every possibility, but still

something ruins our plans. In that case, we just have to handle the situation as best we can.

A child may cry over a ruined party, but a grown-up knows how to handle difficulties.

Let me point out how we sometimes form compound nouns and modifiers from phrasal verbs.

Can you complete these sentences with the correct compound words?

I'll go back and use some of the phrasal verbs from earlier lessons.

1. When children grow up, they become grown-ups.

2. If you need help setting up software, then you need help with setup.

3. Airports allow you to pick someone up

right outside the terminal. That's why they have pickup zones.

4. Parents who hear about weird things going on in

a classroom would likely complain to the principal about unusual goings-on.

5. If you want to transport a couch or a bed to a new home,

it helps if you know someone with a pickup.

6. At 15, Maddie was ready for a grown-up conversation with her parents about her future.

We've now covered the 12 most common phrasal verbs in English.

Have you found out anything new? Are you picking up the meanings as well as the grammar? Remember

to learn both the definitions and the uses of each phrasal verb. We'll end here. Please like

and share this video if you found it useful. As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

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Get my custom audio GIFs on Emojam, language tasks twice a week, and exclusive access

to a playlist of recorded member-only livestreams. Click the JOIN button today!

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And don't forget to subscribe! Turn on those notifications.

Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (10-12) Aufwachsen, sich einrichten, sich entwickeln ✨ Häufigste Phrasal Verbs (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Τα πιο συνηθισμένα φραστικά ρήματα (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Los verbos frasales más comunes (10-12) Grandir, s'installer, se transformer ✨ Les verbes les plus courants (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Leggyakoribb frázisos igék (10-12) Crescere, sistemare, scoprire ✨ Verbi frasali più comuni (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ 最も一般的な句動詞 (10-12) 자라다, 세우다, 드러나다 ✨ 가장 일반적인 동사(10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Dažniausi fraziniai veiksmažodžiai (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Najczęściej używane czasowniki frazowe (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ Verbos frasais mais comuns (10-12) Вырастить, поставить, сделать ✨ Наиболее употребительные фразовые глаголы (10-12) Grow Up, Set Up, Turn Out ✨ En Yaygın Phrasal Fiiller (10-12) Дорослішати, влаштовуватися, ставати ✨ Найпоширеніші фразові дієслова (10-12) 成长、建立、发展 ✨ 最常见的短语动词 (10-12) 成长、建立、发展 ✨ 最常见的短语动词 (10-12)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with  Jennifer. You may know that I'm a mother of Ciao a tutti. Sono Jennifer di English with Jennifer. Forse saprete che sono una madre di みなさん、こんにちは。English with Jenniferのジェニファーです。の母であることはご存知かと思います。 Olá a todos. Chamo-me Jennifer e sou da English with Jennifer. Talvez saibam que sou mãe de

two. My son and daughter are teenagers now, so  if you first saw them when they were toddlers, |||||||||||||||||young children |||||||||||||||||malčka kettő. A fiam és a lányom már tinédzserek, így ha először láttad őket, amikor még kisgyerekek voltak, due. Mio figlio e mia figlia sono ormai adolescenti, quindi se li avete visti per la prima volta quando erano bambini piccoli, 二人とも。私の息子と娘はもうティーンエイジャーです、 dois. O meu filho e a minha filha são agora adolescentes, por isso se os viu pela primeira vez quando eram bebés,

you'd be surprised to see how big they are. you'd be surprised to see how big they are. Meglepődnél, ha látnád, milyen nagyok.

Kids truly grow up fast. My children  got older and, well, so did I! A gyerekek tényleg gyorsan felnőnek. A gyermekeim idősebbek lettek, és, nos, én is! Os miúdos crescem mesmo depressa. Os meus filhos cresceram e, bem, eu também!

"Grow up" is intransitive, and it means to become  older, but it's more than age. It's also about A "felnőni" intranzitív, és azt jelenti, hogy idősebbé válni, de ez több mint kor. Hanem arról is szól, hogy "Grow up" é intransitivo e significa envelhecer, mas é mais do que a idade. Trata-se também de

becoming more mature. So, when someone behaves  immaturely, you may hear the criticism, "Grow up!"

Do you know as my children grew up, they began  to learn things even faster than me. This is Sabem que, à medida que os meus filhos foram crescendo, começaram a aprender coisas ainda mais depressa do que eu? Isto é

true about technology. They can set up a new phone  or a new tablet quite easily. In contrast, I tend |||||||||||||||||||sem nagnjen verdade sobre a tecnologia. Conseguem configurar um novo telemóvel ou um novo tablet muito facilmente. Em contrapartida, eu tenho tendência para

to have a frustrating experience when I set up  a new computer. It's hard to arrange everything. Tenho uma experiência frustrante quando configuro um computador novo. É difícil organizar tudo. когда я настраиваю новый компьютер, у меня возникают неприятные ощущения. Трудно расставить все по местам.

We can use "set up" for putting things in order  or getting some piece of technology ready for use. Wir können "einrichten" verwenden, um Dinge in Ordnung zu bringen oder ein technisches Gerät einsatzbereit zu machen. Podemos usar "set up" para pôr as coisas em ordem ou preparar uma peça de tecnologia para ser utilizada.

This is a transitive phrasal verb, and  it's separable. Set up a computer. Set Este é um phrasal verb transitivo, e é separável. Configurar um computador. Configurar

it up. An administrative assistant can set up a  meeting. When you first start on social media, ||||||organizirati|||||||||| para o fazer. Um assistente administrativo pode marcar uma reunião. Quando se começa a utilizar as redes sociais,

you have to set up an account. You have to  create it and get all the details in order. |||nastaviti|nastaviti|||||||||||||| é necessário criar uma conta. É necessário criá-la e ter todos os pormenores em ordem. 你必须建立一个帐户。您必须创建它并按顺序获取所有详细信息。

Guess one more meaning. Before I film a  new video, I have to set up my equipment. Bevor ich ein neues Video drehe, muss ich meine Ausrüstung vorbereiten. Adivinha-se mais um significado. Antes de filmar um novo vídeo, tenho de preparar o meu equipamento. Угадайте еще один смысл. Перед съемкой нового видео мне нужно настроить оборудование.

The answer is C - install. It's like getting  things ready for use, but we're talking about Die Antwort lautet C - installieren. Das ist wie das Vorbereiten von Dingen für den Gebrauch, aber wir reden hier über A resposta é C - instalar. É como preparar as coisas para serem utilizadas, mas estamos a falar de

something physical. Set up equipment. Set up  a tripod. Set up folding chairs and tables. ||||||||tripod|||||| ||||||||stojalo s tremi nogami|||||| etwas Körperliches. Ausrüstung aufbauen, Stativ aufstellen, Klappstühle und Tische aufstellen. algo físico. Preparar o equipamento. Montar um tripé. Colocar cadeiras e mesas dobráveis.

Do you know that my kids were on Instagram  before I was? They had to help me set up my Sabiam que os meus filhos já estavam no Instagram antes de mim? Tiveram de me ajudar a criar o meu

account and make my first post. They turned  out to be a good source of information. e fazer a minha primeira publicação. Acabaram por ser uma boa fonte de informação. аккаунт и сделать свое первое сообщение. Они оказались хорошим источником информации.

They proved to have the knowledge  I needed to get started. Sie bewiesen, dass sie über das Wissen verfügen, das ich für den Einstieg benötigte. Eles provaram ter os conhecimentos de que eu precisava para começar.

"Turn out" is intransitive, and it's used in  both spoken and written English. It means that "Turn out" é intransitivo, e é usado tanto no inglês falado como no escrito. Significa que

someone or something proves to be a certain  way or a situation happens a certain way. alguém ou alguma coisa se revela de uma certa forma ou uma situação acontece de uma certa maneira.

They turned out to be helpful.  Things turned out well. ||||||Stvari||| Sie haben sich als hilfreich erwiesen und die Dinge haben sich gut entwickelt. Ils se sont avérés utiles. Les choses se sont bien passées. Acabaram por ser úteis. As coisas acabaram por correr bem. Они оказались полезными. Все сложилось удачно.

It turned out that they could  give me all the help I needed. Resultó que podían darme toda la ayuda que necesitaba. Afinal, eles podiam dar-me toda a ajuda de que eu precisava.

Can you think of a situation that turned  out differently from what you expected?

Was it a pleasant or unpleasant surprise?

Sometimes we set things up carefully, thinking  we've prepared for every possibility, but still Por vezes, preparamos tudo cuidadosamente, pensando que nos preparámos para todas as possibilidades, mas mesmo assim

something ruins our plans. In that case, we just  have to handle the situation as best we can. algo estraga os nossos planos. Nesse caso, só temos de lidar com a situação o melhor que pudermos.

A child may cry over a ruined party, but a  grown-up knows how to handle difficulties. Ein Kind mag über eine verpatzte Party weinen, aber ein Erwachsener weiß, wie man mit Schwierigkeiten umgeht. Uma criança pode chorar por causa de uma festa estragada, mas um adulto sabe como lidar com as dificuldades. Ребенок может плакать из-за испорченной вечеринки, но взрослый человек знает, как справляться с трудностями.

Let me point out how we sometimes form compound  nouns and modifiers from phrasal verbs. |||||||||nouns||||| Permítanme señalar cómo a veces formamos sustantivos compuestos y modificadores a partir de verbos frasales. Permettez-moi de souligner comment nous formons parfois des noms composés et des modificateurs à partir de verbes à particule. Permitam-me que refira como por vezes formamos substantivos compostos e modificadores a partir de phrasal verbs.

Can you complete these sentences  with the correct compound words? Kannst du diese Sätze mit den richtigen zusammengesetzten Wörtern ergänzen?

I'll go back and use some of the  phrasal verbs from earlier lessons. Ich werde zurückgehen und einige der Phrasal Verbs aus früheren Lektionen verwenden. Je vais revenir en arrière et utiliser certains des verbes à particule des leçons précédentes.

1\. When children grow up, they become grown-ups. 1\. Wenn Kinder erwachsen werden, werden sie erwachsen. 1\. Quando as crianças crescem, tornam-se adultas.

2\. If you need help setting up  software, then you need help with setup. 2. Wenn Sie Hilfe bei der Einrichtung der Software benötigen, dann brauchen Sie Hilfe bei der Einrichtung. 2\. Si necesitas ayuda para configurar el software, entonces necesitas ayuda con la configuración. 2\. Se precisa de ajuda para configurar o software, então precisa de ajuda com a configuração. 2\. Если вам нужна помощь в настройке программного обеспечения, то вам нужна помощь в настройке.

3\. Airports allow you to pick someone up 3\. Os aeroportos permitem-lhe ir buscar alguém

right outside the terminal.  That's why they have pickup zones. Deshalb gibt es auch Abholzonen. mesmo à saída do terminal. É por isso que existem zonas de recolha.

4\. Parents who hear about weird things going on in 4\. Eltern, die von seltsamen Dingen hören, die in 4\. Los padres que se enteran de cosas raras que pasan en 4\. Les parents qui entendent parler de choses étranges qui se passent à l 4\. Os pais que ouvem falar de coisas estranhas que se passam em

a classroom would likely complain to  the principal about unusual goings-on. ein Klassenzimmer würde sich wahrscheinlich beim Schulleiter über ungewöhnliche Vorgänge beschweren. uma sala de aula, provavelmente, queixar-se-ia ao diretor sobre acontecimentos invulgares.

5\. If you want to transport a  couch or a bed to a new home,

it helps if you know someone with a pickup. Es ist hilfreich, wenn Sie jemanden kennen, der einen Pickup hat. ajuda se conhecer alguém com uma carrinha.

6\. At 15, Maddie was ready for a grown-up  conversation with her parents about her future. 6\. Aos 15 anos, Maddie estava pronta para uma conversa adulta com os pais sobre o seu futuro.

We've now covered the 12 most  common phrasal verbs in English. Wir haben jetzt die 12 häufigsten Phrasal Verbs im Englischen behandelt. Já falámos sobre os 12 phrasal verbs mais comuns em inglês.

Have you found out anything new? Are you picking  up the meanings as well as the grammar? Remember Ali si||||||||||||||||| Avete scoperto qualcosa di nuovo? State capendo i significati e la grammatica? Ricorda Descobriu alguma coisa nova? Está a captar os significados e a gramática? Lembrar

to learn both the definitions and the uses of  each phrasal verb. We'll end here. Please like para aprender tanto as definições como os usos de cada phrasal verb. Ficamos por aqui. Por favor, gosta de

and share this video if you found it useful. As  always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

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