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English with Jennifer - Phrasal Verbs, Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (25-27)

Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (25-27)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer.

Do you like inspirational quotes? You know, words that make you believe in yourself.

Inspirational quotes make you feel like you should at least try and maybe, just maybe, you'll meet with success.

Woody Allen once said that eighty percent of success is showing up. The fact that you're here is already a great decision, a step in the right direction.

Others aren't studying today, and that could be seen as a lost opportunity.

Of course, sometimes your confidence or motivation to learn English might go down, but I'm here to tell you to go on. Continue and I'll help.

So come on and let's study three of the most common phrasal verbs in English.

"Come on" is an intransitive phrasal verb. No object. We can say, "Come on!" to express three things: encouragement, urgency, or disbelief.

Come on! Meaning, "you can do it. I believe in you."

Come on! Come on! Meaning, "Let's go. I need you to hurry."

Come on! Meaning, "That's not possible. I don't believe you."

"Come on" can also be an invitation to go somewhere or to move. We use “come on” + an adverb. For example, at the door, "Hi. Come on in!"

On the phone, "Come on over. Visit me."

From one level to a higher level, or on an upper floor, "Hey! Come on down here."

Come on can also mean that something starts to happen or work.

You may know that a few years ago, I visited Niagara Falls, Canada. It wasn't my first time, but it was the first time I took my children.

It's especially beautiful at night. Different colored lights come on after dark, and the waterfalls are blue, purple, and other colors of the rainbow.

Well, lights come on quite suddenly, but other things can come on slowly, like a headache. When you feel a headache coming on, what do you do? I take medicine right away.

Now try this challenge. You'll hear “come on” used in reference to a TV show, but the meanings are different. Can you understand the two meanings?

Thank you for coming on the show. That means, "Thank you for making an appearance. Thank you for joining me as a guest on the show."

Your favorite show will be coming on soon. In other words, "Your favorite show will start soon."

"Go down" is another intransitive phrasal verb. No object. The most common meaning is to move from one place to another.

Usually when you go down, you go south. Like lots of people from Massachusetts go down to Florida for the winter.

But it could also be a much shorter trip, like I when go down the street to visit my neighbors. (Variation: go down + the street, road, etc.)

"Going down" can also mean moving to a lower position, but unlike an elevator that goes up and down, when you talk about planes or ships going down, you're probably describing a terrible accident.

So, if a plane goes down, it crashes. If a ship goes down, it sinks. And in the context of sports, what could going down mean?

So, in sports, "going down" refers to defeat. "We're going down" means, "We're going to lose." That's a downward trend. Right? So, in a variety of situations, "going down" can refer to a decrease of some kind.

Customers are happy when prices go down. The police and residents are happy when crime goes down.

There are some other meanings of "go down," but they're a bit less common.

"Show up" is the third phrasal verb in this lesson, and it's also intransitive...usually. So, no object.

Remember the quote that I shared? "Eighty percent of success is showing up." So, "showing up" is making an appearance.

You arrive at some event. You can show up for a lesson, a meeting, or a date.

You can show up somewhere. You can show up for something.

You can show up for life. Right? If you want to do something in this life, you have to show up. You have to say, “I'm here.” And be ready to take action. “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Some people never show up.

Things can show up as well. That means they appear or become noticeable. For example, scientists and researchers look for answers. They see what shows up in different studies.

It is possible to use “show up” with an object. These transitive meanings are less common. If you try to show somebody up, you try to look good while making them look bad. It's about embarrassing them in some way.

Do you think you remember all the meanings? Let's review a little.

Come on! I don't have all day.

Boats don't often go down, but you still need to wear a life vest.

Twenty-three guests made reservations, but only nineteen showed up.

Come on. Try again.

Who is a no-show?

A no-show is someone who didn't show up where they were expected to be. This is a countable noun, so if two people didn't show up at a meeting, then there were two no-shows.

What are the possible meanings of "come on"?

What are the possible meanings of "go down"?

What are the possible meanings of "show up"?

We'll end here. Please like the video if you found the lesson useful and interesting. Remember to review phrasal verbs from the earlier lessons.

And never forget that “eighty percent of success is showing up.” So, I hope to see you again soon for another lesson.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Why not join me on Patreon? And don't forget to subscribe on YouTube!

Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Most Common Phrasal Verbs (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Die häufigsten Phrasal Verbs (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Verbos frasales más comunes (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Les verbes les plus courants (25-27) Andiamo, scendiamo, ci presentiamo ✨ Verbi frasali più comuni (25-27) カモン、ゴーダウン、ショウアップ✨ 最も一般的な句動詞 (25-27) 어서, 내려가, 나타나 ✨ 가장 일반적인 동사(25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Najczęściej używane czasowniki frazowe (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Verbos frasais mais comuns (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ Наиболее употребительные фразовые глаголы (25-27) Come On, Go Down, Show Up ✨ En Yaygın Phrasal Fiiller (25-27) Come on, go down, show up ✨ Найпоширеніші фразові дієслова (25-27) 来吧,下去,露面 ✨ 最常见的短语动词(25-27) 来吧,下去,露面 ✨ 最常见的短语动词(25-27)

Hi everyone. I'm Jennifer from English with Jennifer.

Do you like inspirational quotes? You know, words that make you believe in yourself. Mögen Sie inspirierende Zitate? Sie wissen schon, Worte, die Sie an sich glauben lassen.

Inspirational quotes make you feel like you should at least try and maybe, just maybe, you'll meet with success. Inspirierende Zitate geben dir das Gefühl, dass du es zumindest versuchen solltest und vielleicht, nur vielleicht, wirst du Erfolg haben. Las citas inspiradoras te hacen sentir que al menos debes intentarlo y quizá, sólo quizá, lo consigas.

Woody Allen once said that eighty percent of success is showing up. The fact that you're here is already a great decision, a step in the right direction. Woody Allen hat einmal gesagt, dass achtzig Prozent des Erfolgs sich zeigen. Die Tatsache, dass Sie hier sind, ist bereits eine großartige Entscheidung, ein Schritt in die richtige Richtung. Woody Allen dijo una vez que el ochenta por ciento del éxito consiste en aparecer. El hecho de que estés aquí ya es una gran decisión, un paso en la dirección correcta.

Others aren't studying today, and that could be seen as a lost opportunity. Andere studieren heute nicht, und das könnte als verpasste Gelegenheit angesehen werden. Otros no están estudiando hoy, y eso podría considerarse una oportunidad perdida.

Of course, sometimes your confidence or motivation to learn English might go down, but I'm here to tell you to go on. Continue and I'll help. Natürlich kann manchmal Ihr Selbstvertrauen oder Ihre Motivation, Englisch zu lernen, nachlassen, aber ich bin hier, um Ihnen zu sagen, dass Sie weitermachen sollen. Mach weiter und ich helfe. Por supuesto, a veces tu confianza o motivación para aprender inglés puede decaer, pero estoy aquí para decirte que sigas adelante. Continúa y yo te ayudaré.

So come on and let's study three of the most common phrasal verbs in English. Así que venga, vamos a estudiar tres de los phrasal verbs más comunes en inglés.

"Come on" is an intransitive phrasal verb. No object. We can say, "Come on!" to express three things: encouragement, urgency, or disbelief. "Komm schon" ist ein intransitives Phrasal Verb. Kein Objekt. Wir können sagen: "Komm schon!" um drei Dinge auszudrücken: Ermutigung, Dringlichkeit oder Unglauben.

Come on! Meaning, "you can do it. I believe in you." Komm schon! Das heißt: "Du kannst es schaffen. Ich glaube an dich."

Come on! Come on! Meaning, "Let's go. I need you to hurry." Komm schon! Komm schon! Das heißt: "Lass uns gehen. Du musst dich beeilen."

Come on! Meaning, "That's not possible. I don't believe you." Komm schon! Das heißt: "Das ist nicht möglich. Ich glaube dir nicht."

"Come on" can also be an invitation to go somewhere or to move. We use “come on” + an adverb. For example, at the door, "Hi. Come on in!" „Komm schon“ kann auch eine Aufforderung sein, irgendwohin zu gehen oder sich zu bewegen. Wir verwenden „komm schon“ + ein Adverb. Zum Beispiel an der Tür: „Hallo. Komm rein!“

On the phone, "Come on over. Visit me." |||to come||over|| Am Telefon: "Kommen Sie vorbei. Besuchen Sie mich." Por teléfono, "Ven. Visítame".

From one level to a higher level, or on an upper floor, "Hey! Come on down here." Von einer Ebene in eine höhere Ebene oder in eine obere Etage: "Hey! Komm hier runter." De un nivel a otro superior, o en un piso superior, "¡Eh! Ven aquí abajo".

Come on can also mean that something starts to happen or work. Come on kann auch bedeuten, dass etwas passiert oder funktioniert.

You may know that a few years ago, I visited Niagara Falls, Canada. It wasn't my first time, but it was the first time I took my children. Sie wissen vielleicht, dass ich vor ein paar Jahren die Niagarafälle in Kanada besucht habe. Es war nicht mein erstes Mal, aber es war das erste Mal, dass ich meine Kinder mitnahm. Quizá sepa que hace unos años visité las cataratas del Niágara, en Canadá. No era mi primera vez, pero sí la primera a la que llevaba a mis hijos.

It's especially beautiful at night. Different colored lights come on after dark, and the waterfalls are blue, purple, and other colors of the rainbow. Nachts ist es besonders schön. Nach Einbruch der Dunkelheit gehen verschiedenfarbige Lichter an und die Wasserfälle sind blau, lila und in anderen Farben des Regenbogens. Es especialmente bonito por la noche. Al anochecer se encienden luces de distintos colores y las cascadas se tiñen de azul, morado y otros colores del arco iris.

Well, lights come on quite suddenly, but other things can come on slowly, like a headache. When you feel a headache coming on, what do you do? I take medicine right away. Nun, Lichter gehen ziemlich plötzlich an, aber andere Dinge können langsam angehen, wie Kopfschmerzen. Was tun Sie, wenn Sie Kopfschmerzen spüren? Ich nehme sofort Medikamente. Bueno, las luces se encienden de repente, pero otras cosas pueden aparecer lentamente, como el dolor de cabeza. Cuando te duele la cabeza, ¿qué haces? Tomo un medicamento enseguida.

Now try this challenge. You'll hear “come on” used in reference to a TV show, but the meanings are different. Can you understand the two meanings? Versuchen Sie jetzt diese Herausforderung. Sie werden „Komm schon“ in Bezug auf eine Fernsehsendung hören, aber die Bedeutungen sind unterschiedlich. Können Sie die beiden Bedeutungen verstehen?

Thank you for coming on the show. That means, "Thank you for making an appearance. Thank you for joining me as a guest on the show." Danke, dass Sie in die Show gekommen sind. Das bedeutet: „Danke, dass Sie aufgetreten sind. Danke, dass Sie mich als Gast in der Show begleitet haben.“ Gracias por venir al programa. Eso significa: "Gracias por hacer acto de presencia. Gracias por acompañarme como invitado al programa".

Your favorite show will be coming on soon. In other words, "Your favorite show will start soon." Ihre Lieblingssendung kommt bald. Mit anderen Worten: "Ihre Lieblingssendung beginnt bald."

"Go down" is another intransitive phrasal verb. No object. The most common meaning is to move from one place to another. "Geh runter" ist ein weiteres intransitives Phrasalverb. Kein Objekt. Die häufigste Bedeutung ist, sich von einem Ort zum anderen zu bewegen.

Usually when you go down, you go south. Like lots of people from Massachusetts go down to Florida for the winter. Wenn Sie nach unten gehen, gehen Sie normalerweise nach Süden. So wie viele Leute aus Massachusetts für den Winter nach Florida fahren.

But it could also be a much shorter trip, like I when go down the street to visit my neighbors. (Variation: go down + the street, road, etc.) Aber es könnte auch eine viel kürzere Reise sein, wie ich, wenn ich die Straße hinunter gehe, um meine Nachbarn zu besuchen. (Variation: nach unten gehen + die Straße, Weg, etc.)

"Going down" can also mean moving to a lower position, but unlike an elevator that goes up and down, when you talk about planes or ships going down, you're probably describing a terrible accident. "Bajar" también puede significar desplazarse a una posición más baja, pero a diferencia de un ascensor que sube y baja, cuando se habla de aviones o barcos que bajan, probablemente se esté describiendo un terrible accidente.

So, if a plane goes down, it crashes. If a ship goes down, it sinks. And in the context of sports, what could going down mean?

So, in sports, "going down" refers to defeat. "We're going down" means, "We're going to lose." That's a downward trend. Right? So, in a variety of situations, "going down" can refer to a decrease of some kind. Im Sport bezieht sich "absteigen" auf eine Niederlage. "Wir steigen ab" bedeutet: "Wir werden verlieren." Das ist ein Abwärtstrend, nicht wahr? In einer Vielzahl von Situationen kann sich "absteigen" also auf eine Abnahme irgendeiner Art beziehen.

Customers are happy when prices go down. The police and residents are happy when crime goes down.

There are some other meanings of "go down," but they're a bit less common.

"Show up" is the third phrasal verb in this lesson, and it's also intransitive...usually. So, no object.

Remember the quote that I shared? "Eighty percent of success is showing up." So, "showing up" is making an appearance.

You arrive at some event. You can show up for a lesson, a meeting, or a date. Llegas a algún evento. Puedes presentarte a una clase, a una reunión o a una cita.

You can show up somewhere. You can show up for something. Puedes aparecer en algún sitio. Puedes presentarte a algo.

You can show up for life. Right? If you want to do something in this life, you have to show up. You have to say, “I'm here.” And be ready to take action. “Eighty percent of success is showing up.” Some people never show up. Puedes presentarte de por vida. ¿Verdad? Si quieres hacer algo en esta vida, tienes que aparecer. Tienes que decir: "Estoy aquí". Y estar listo para tomar acción. "El ochenta por ciento del éxito es aparecer". Algunas personas nunca aparecen.

Things can show up as well. That means they appear or become noticeable. For example, scientists and researchers look for answers. They see what shows up in different studies. Las cosas también pueden aparecer. Eso significa que aparecen o se hacen notar. Por ejemplo, los científicos y los investigadores buscan respuestas. Observan lo que aparece en diferentes estudios.

It is possible to use “show up” with an object. These transitive meanings are less common. If you try to show somebody up, you try to look good while making them look bad. It's about embarrassing them in some way. Es posible utilizar "show up" con un objeto. Estos significados transitivos son menos comunes. Si intentas poner en evidencia a alguien, intentas quedar bien mientras le pones en evidencia. Se trata de avergonzarles de alguna manera.

Do you think you remember all the meanings? Let's review a little.

Come on! I don't have all day.

Boats don't often go down, but you still need to wear a life vest.

Twenty-three guests made reservations, but only nineteen showed up.

Come on. Try again.

Who is a no-show? ¿Quién no se presenta?

A no-show is someone who didn't show up where they were expected to be. This is a countable noun, so if two people didn't show up at a meeting, then there were two no-shows.

What are the possible meanings of "come on"?

What are the possible meanings of "go down"?

What are the possible meanings of "show up"?

We'll end here. Please like the video if you found the lesson useful and interesting. Remember to review phrasal verbs from the earlier lessons.

And never forget that “eighty percent of success is showing up.” So, I hope to see you again soon for another lesson.

As always, thanks for watching and happy studies!

Follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Why not join me on Patreon? And don't forget to subscribe on YouTube!