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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 36/50 )


Will you like some tuna tartare and grilled asparagus sprinkled with balsamic vinegar reduction?

Sir, Why you hiding your white glove behind your back?

That's just how they told me to stand.Otherwise, I'll get fired.

Well, I like your white gloves.Congratulations.


I almost forgot this.In case someone mistakes you for a kid whose parents couldn't round upa babysitter.

Sorry.I want to be the first to congratulate you.We are so lucky to have a boy like you, so lucky!

What was your first invention?

Do you think your parents will be proud of you?

What is your astrological sign?

So, Any other questions?

Did you ever think that you would find another suitable candidate?

I remember, sitting in my office, before I called him on the ranch, and I said to myself, he is only ten, but let's do this!

They're eating you up, they'll love you.


sprinkle/sprinkle A on B/sprinkle A onto B/sprinkle A over B/sprinkle A with B

to shake small pieces of sth or drops of a liquid on sth

She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries./She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar.

reduction in sth/an act of making sth less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller

There has been some reduction in unemployment.

a slight / significant / substantial / drastic reduction in costs

mistake/mistake sb for sb/mistake sth for sth

to think wrongly that sb / sth is sb / sth else/同义词: confuse

I think you must be mistaking me for someone else.

round/round sb up/round sth up

1. to find and gather together people, animals or things

I rounded up a few friends for a party.

The cattle are rounded up in the evenings.


a cattle / sheep ranch

ranch hands (= the people who work on a ranch )

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 36/50 ) IL GIOVANE E PRODIGIOSO T.S. SPIVET( corto 36/50 ) 年轻而多产的 T.S. 斯皮维特(短篇 36/50)

Will you like some tuna tartare and grilled asparagus sprinkled with balsamic vinegar reduction? 要来点儿金枪鱼片还有烤芦笋...伴香草醋么?

Sir, Why you hiding your white glove behind your back? 先生,为什么你要把白手套背在身后?

That's just how they told me to stand.Otherwise, I'll get fired. 这是这里的规矩 不然会被开除的

Well, I like your white gloves.Congratulations. 噢,我很喜欢你的手套,恭喜你


I almost forgot this.In case someone mistakes you for a kid whose parents couldn't round upa babysitter. 噢,我很喜欢你的手套,恭喜你

Sorry.I want to be the first to congratulate you.We are so lucky to have a boy like you, so lucky! 我想第一个来祝贺你 我们真是幸运能碰到一个你这样的小男孩,真幸运!

What was your first invention? 你的第一个发明是什么?

Do you think your parents will be proud of you? 你觉得你父母会以你为骄傲么?

What is your astrological sign? 你是什么星座的?

So, Any other questions? 你是什么星座的?

Did you ever think that you would find another suitable candidate? 您觉得您还能找到别的获奖候选人么?

I remember, sitting in my office, before I called him on the ranch, and I said to myself, he is only ten, but let's do this! 我记得 那时我坐在办公室 给身在牧场的他打电话 我对自己说 虽然他才十岁 但就这么办吧!

They're eating you up, they'll love you. 他们想把你吞了,他们爱死你了


sprinkle/sprinkle A on B/sprinkle A onto B/sprinkle A over B/sprinkle A with B sprinkle/sprinkle A on B/sprinkle A onto B/sprinkle A over B/sprinkle A with B

to shake small pieces of sth or drops of a liquid on sth 撒;洒;把…撒(或洒)在…上

She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries./She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar. 她在草莓上撒了点糖。

reduction in sth/an act of making sth less or smaller; the state of being made less or smaller 减少;缩小;降低

There has been some reduction in unemployment. 失业人数有所减少。

a slight / significant / substantial / drastic reduction in costs 成本的略微/显着/大幅度/急剧降低

mistake/mistake sb for sb/mistake sth for sth

to think wrongly that sb / sth is sb / sth else/同义词: confuse 把…错当成

I think you must be mistaking me for someone else. 我看你准是认错人了。

round/round sb up/round sth up

1. to find and gather together people, animals or things 将…聚拢起来;使聚集

I rounded up a few friends for a party. 我找了几个朋友聚了聚。

The cattle are rounded up in the evenings. 到了晚上,牛都要圈起来。

ranch 牧场,大农场(尤指北美或澳大利亚的)

a cattle / sheep ranch 牧牛场;牧羊场

ranch hands (= the people who work on a ranch ) 牧场工人