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01.Speaking, Fast food: Bad for your brain?: 6 minute English | by 700 Eth | Apr, 2023 | Medium

Fast food: Bad for your brain?: 6 minute English | by 700 Eth | Apr, 2023 | Medium

Ultra-processed food affects people's mental abilities. That's according to a new study in Australia, which found that older people were negatively affected by things like junk food and fizzy drinks. Meanwhile, research in the UK found that almost seventy five percent of calories in school lunches comes from ultra-processed food.

Health experts have called for there to be a limit on this type of food for schoolchildren. You've been looking at the headlines, Beth. What is the vocabulary? We have ‘ultra', ‘cap' and ‘escape the cycle'. This is News Review from BBC Learning English. Let's have a look at our first headline.

This one comes from The New Telegraph in Nigeria. So, first of all ‘cognitive function'. That's an expression that refers to a broad range of mental abilities, but we're looking at ‘ultra' in the word ultra-processed. Processed, though Beth, I think most people know? Yeah.

It's food that has had some kind of industrial process done to it, often to make the food last longer or look better. And here, by putting ‘ultra' at the beginning of the word, it means ‘extremely'. So ultra-processed food has had a lot of things done to it, even before we put it in our mouths. Yeah.

And this prefix ‘ultra' we can add to different adjectives and it just means ‘more extreme'. Yeah, exactly. So, a really modern building is ultra-modern. A very strict teacher could be ultra- strict and someone like you, Neil, who is really cool could be ultra-cool. Thanks, Beth. You're welcome. ‘Ultra' is added to adjectives, using a hyphen but not always.

No. And you'll see in the headline and in lots of other places that it can be written as one word or two words with or without a hyphen. ‘Ultra' also exists as a noun and it is a type of person. Exactly. So, an ultra is a person with extreme views on something so, they have opinions. For example, that are much more extreme than the other members of their political party or they might be extreme supporters of football team.

OK, let's take another look at that. Let's have a look at our next headline. This one comes from the Times: And we are looking at the word ‘cap'. Nice and easy, Beth, a cap is something you put on your head. Well, that's actually quite a useful way of thinking about it. So, yep, you put a cap on top of your head and as long as you're standing up that cap is the upper limit of your body.

There is nothing beyond that. Yes and ‘cap' in this headline is used just like that in that way. Cap is a limit, something you cannot go above. Exactly, and we can also use as a verb ‘to cap' something And that just means ‘to put a cap on' or ‘put a limit on something'. And, it's quite official sounding? Yes, is and we mainly use it for serious things and also official measures taken to limit things, so, for example, at work they might put a cap on your spending.

Yeah, but you probably wouldn't say ‘I put a cap on my kids mobile phone use'? No, probably not. It sounds a bit strange. So, you might say that you'd restrict their time or put a limit on it. OK, let's have a look at that again. Our next headline please.

This one comes from The House: We have ‘escaping the cycle'. There's an expression with two main parts ‘escaping' and ‘cycle'. Exactly. So, ‘escaping' is about getting away from somewhere that you don't like. We often hear about people escaping from prison and the second part is ‘cycle'.

Neil, what can you tell us about ‘cycle'? Well, a cycle is something that goes around. So think of a bi-cycle. Your legs go around, the wheels go around, a washing machine cycle, the clothes go round and round and round. Yep. So, ‘escaping a cycle' is to try and get away from a situation that just keeps repeating itself.

And we do tend to use this for bad, negative situations. Yeah. And you can put the bad thing in the middle of this expression ‘escaping the cycle'. So, ‘escaping the junk food cycle'… people don't have enough time or money to buy healthy food, they buy unhealthy ultra-processed junk food, but then they become unhealthy themselves.

And it's a cycle that goes around. Yeah. And we can use this with other dangerous situations. So, we hear about people escaping the cycle of addiction or violence. Let's take another look. We've had ‘ultra-'. Add it to an adjective and it means ‘more extreme'. ‘Cap' — a limit.

And ‘escape the cycle' — get away from the situation which keeps getting worse. And you don't want your English to get worse, so don't forget there's a quiz on our website. Thank you for joining us, goodbye.

Fast food: Bad for your brain?: 6 minute English | by 700 Eth | Apr, 2023 | Medium Comida rápida: ¿mala para el cerebro?: 6 minutos en inglés | por 700 Eth | abr, 2023 | Medium ファストフード:脳に悪いか:6分間英語|by 700 Eth|Apr, 2023|中編 Fast food: mau para o teu cérebro?: 6 minutos Inglês | por 700 Eth | abril, 2023 | Medium

Ultra-processed food affects people's mental abilities. Los alimentos ultraprocesados afectan a la capacidad mental de las personas. That's according to a new study in Australia, which found that older people were negatively affected by things like junk food and fizzy drinks. Así lo afirma un nuevo estudio realizado en Australia, según el cual a las personas mayores les afectan negativamente cosas como la comida basura y las bebidas gaseosas. Meanwhile, research in the UK found that almost seventy five percent of calories in school lunches comes from ultra-processed food. Mientras tanto, una investigación realizada en el Reino Unido descubrió que casi el setenta y cinco por ciento de las calorías de los almuerzos escolares proceden de alimentos ultraprocesados.

Health experts have called for there to be a limit on this type of food for schoolchildren. Los expertos en salud han pedido que se limite este tipo de alimentos para los escolares. You've been looking at the headlines, Beth. Has estado mirando los titulares, Beth. ヘッドラインを見ていたんですね、ベス。 What is the vocabulary? ¿Cuál es el vocabulario? We have ‘ultra', ‘cap' and ‘escape the cycle'. Tenemos "ultra", "cap" y "escapar del ciclo". This is News Review from BBC Learning English. BBC Learning EnglishのNews Reviewです。 Let's have a look at our first headline. Veamos nuestro primer titular. それでは、最初の見出しを見てみましょう。

This one comes from The New Telegraph in Nigeria. Este viene de The New Telegraph en Nigeria. こちらはナイジェリアのニューテレグラフ紙からの情報です。 So, first of all ‘cognitive function'. Así que, en primer lugar, "función cognitiva". そこで、まず「認知機能」。 That's an expression that refers to a broad range of mental abilities, but we're looking at ‘ultra' in the word ultra-processed. Es una expresión que se refiere a una amplia gama de capacidades mentales, pero nos fijamos en "ultra" en la palabra ultraprocesado. それは幅広い精神能力を指す表現ですが、私たちは超処理という言葉の中の「超」に注目しているんです。 Processed, though Beth, I think most people know? Verarbeitet, obwohl Beth, ich denke, die meisten Leute wissen? Procesado, aunque Beth, creo que la mayoría de la gente sabe... 加工された、ベス、ほとんどの人が知っていると思いますが? Yeah. Sí.

It's food that has had some kind of industrial process done to it, often to make the food last longer or look better. 食品を長持ちさせたり、見栄えを良くしたりするために、何らかの工業的加工が施されたものを指します。 And here, by putting ‘ultra' at the beginning of the word, it means ‘extremely'. Y aquí, al poner "ultra" al principio de la palabra, significa "extremadamente". そしてここでは、「ultra」を語頭に置くことで、「極めて」という意味になっています。 So ultra-processed food has had a lot of things done to it, even before we put it in our mouths. Así que a los alimentos ultraprocesados se les han hecho muchas cosas, incluso antes de que nos los llevemos a la boca. つまり、超加工食品は、私たちが口に入れる前から、さまざまなことが行われているのです。 Yeah.

And this prefix ‘ultra' we can add to different adjectives and it just means ‘more extreme'. Y este prefijo 'ultra' podemos añadirlo a diferentes adjetivos y sólo significa 'más extremo'. そして、この接頭辞「ultra」は、さまざまな形容詞につけることができ、「より極端な」という意味になります。 Yeah, exactly. ええ、その通りです。 So, a really modern building is ultra-modern. A very strict teacher could be ultra- strict and someone like you, Neil, who is really cool could be ultra-cool. Thanks, Beth. You're welcome. どういたしまして。 ‘Ultra' is added to adjectives, using a hyphen but not always. Ultra" se añade a los adjetivos, utilizando un guión, pero no siempre. 'Ultra'は形容詞にハイフンを使って付けますが、必ず付けられるわけではありません。

No. いいえ。 And you'll see in the headline and in lots of other places that it can be written as one word or two words with or without a hyphen. そして、見出しや他の多くの場所で、ハイフンの有無にかかわらず、1単語または2単語として書くことができることがわかります。 ‘Ultra' also exists as a noun and it is a type of person. ウルトラ」は名詞としても存在し、人の一種である。 Exactly. その通りです。 So, an ultra is a person with extreme views on something so, they have opinions. つまり、ウルトラとは、何かに対して極端な意見を持っている人のことなので、意見を持っているわけです。 For example, that are much more extreme than the other members of their political party or they might be extreme supporters of football team. Por ejemplo, que sean mucho más extremistas que los demás miembros de su partido político o que sean seguidores extremos de un equipo de fútbol. 例えば、政党の他のメンバーよりもずっと過激であったり、サッカーチームの極端なサポーターであったりします。

OK, let's take another look at that. よし、もう一回見てみよう。 Let's have a look at our next headline. それでは、次の見出しをご覧ください。 This one comes from the Times: And we are looking at the word ‘cap'. こちらはタイムズ紙からです:そして、私たちは「cap」という言葉に注目しています。 Nice and easy, Beth, a cap is something you put on your head. いいね!ベス、キャップは頭にかぶるものだ。 Well, that's actually quite a useful way of thinking about it. なるほど、それは実に便利な考え方ですね。 So, yep, you put a cap on top of your head and as long as you're standing up that cap is the upper limit of your body. Así que, sí, te pones un gorro en la cabeza y mientras estés de pie ese gorro es el límite superior de tu cuerpo. そう、頭の上にキャップをかぶせて、立っている限りはそのキャップが体の上限になるんですね。

There is nothing beyond that. その先には何もないのです。 Yes and ‘cap' in this headline is used just like that in that way. そう、そしてこの見出しの「キャップ」は、まさにそういう意味で使われているのです。 Cap is a limit, something you cannot go above. キャップとは限界のことで、それ以上には行けないものです。 Exactly, and we can also use as a verb ‘to cap' something And that just means ‘to put a cap on' or ‘put a limit on something'. その通りです。また、動詞として「to cap」という言葉も使えます。 And, it's quite official sounding? しかも、かなりオフィシャルな響き? Yes, is and we mainly use it for serious things and also official measures taken to limit things, so, for example, at work they might put a cap on your spending. 例えば、職場で支出に上限が設けられるような場合です。

Yeah, but you probably wouldn't say ‘I put a cap on my kids mobile phone use'? でも、「子供の携帯電話に上限を設けた」なんて言わないでしょう? No, probably not. いや、おそらくそうでしょう。 It sounds a bit strange. ちょっと不思議な響きですね。 So, you might say that you'd restrict their time or put a limit on it. だから、彼らの時間を制限するとか、制限をかけるとか、そういうことを言うかもしれません。 OK, let's have a look at that again. よし、もう一回見てみよう。 Our next headline please.

This one comes from The House: We have ‘escaping the cycle'. こちらはザ・ハウスからのお知らせです:エスケープ・ザ・サイクル」があります。 There's an expression with two main parts ‘escaping' and ‘cycle'. エスケープ」と「サイクル」という2つの主要な部分を持つ表現がある。 Exactly. その通りです。 So, ‘escaping' is about getting away from somewhere that you don't like. つまり、「逃げる」というのは、嫌なところから逃げることなんですね。 We often hear about people escaping from prison and the second part is ‘cycle'. よく刑務所から脱走した人の話を聞きますが、後編は「サイクル」です。

Neil, what can you tell us about ‘cycle'? ニール、「cycle」について教えてください。 Well, a cycle is something that goes around. まあ、サイクルというのは回るものですからね。 So think of a bi-cycle. だから、バイ・サイクルを考えてください。 Your legs go around, the wheels go around, a washing machine cycle, the clothes go round and round and round. Tus piernas giran, las ruedas giran, un ciclo de lavadora, la ropa gira y gira y gira. 足が回り、車輪が回り、洗濯機のサイクルで、服が回り、回り、回り。 Yep. うん。 So, ‘escaping a cycle' is to try and get away from a situation that just keeps repeating itself. つまり、「サイクルからの脱出」とは、ただただ繰り返される状況から逃げ出そうとすることなのです。

And we do tend to use this for bad, negative situations. そして、私たちはこれを悪いこと、ネガティブなことに対して使う傾向があります。 Yeah. And you can put the bad thing in the middle of this expression ‘escaping the cycle'. そして、この「サイクルからの脱出」という表現の真ん中に、悪いものを入れることができるのです。 So, ‘escaping the junk food cycle'… people don't have enough time or money to buy healthy food, they buy unhealthy ultra-processed junk food, but then they become unhealthy themselves. Así que, "escapar del ciclo de la comida basura"... la gente no tiene suficiente tiempo o dinero para comprar comida sana, compra comida basura ultraprocesada insana, pero luego ellos mismos se vuelven insanos. つまり、『ジャンクフードサイクルからの脱出』...人々は健康的な食べ物を買うだけの時間やお金がなく、不健康な超加工のジャンクフードを買うのですが、そうすると自分自身が不健康になってしまうのです」。

And it's a cycle that goes around. そして、それは循環していくのです。 Yeah. And we can use this with other dangerous situations. そして、これを他の危険な状況でも使うことができるのです。 So, we hear about people escaping the cycle of addiction or violence. だから、依存症や暴力の連鎖から抜け出した人たちの話を聞くことができる。 Let's take another look. もう一回見てみましょう。 We've had ‘ultra-'. ウルトラ-』がありましたね。 Add it to an adjective and it means ‘more extreme'. 形容詞に加えると「より極端な」という意味になります。 ‘Cap' — a limit.

And ‘escape the cycle' — get away from the situation which keeps getting worse. And you don't want your English to get worse, so don't forget there's a quiz on our website. そして、英語が苦手になっては困りますから、ホームページにクイズがあることも忘れないでくださいね。 Thank you for joining us, goodbye.