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01.Speaking, 50.Single's Day

Rory and Abidemi share their feelings about various holidays and why we celebrate them.

Rory: Have you heard about Singles Day in China?

Abidemi: No, I'm not really sure. Can you explain what that is about?

Rory: So this is a new holiday that has been created for single people.

Abidemi: Wow!

Rory: And so on this day people don't buy presents for somebody else. They buy presents for themselves. They are celebrating being single, and it's been a huge success. Like the Internet sales have gone through the roof. So I guess companies just look for a time of year where there is maybe no holiday at the moment and try to create a new holiday.

Abidemi: That's an interesting idea. It sounds like something you would do normally anyway, right. We always shop for ourselves, so but, wow!

Rory: I heard actually that Mother's Day -- this might be an urban myth -- but it was created by the Hallmark Card Company in America because there was a gap in the year that people weren't buying cards and so they created this Mother's Day. Everyone's got a mother.

Abidemi: That's true.

Rory: And if they create this Mother's Day, everyone's going to feel obliged to buy a card from them for their mother.

Abidemi: That's true.

Rory: And now it's ... I don't know if it's true.

Abidemi: But I say it's true because I think it's a huge hit in a lot of countries actually, and it's spreading more and more to different countries every year, so these companies are definitely on to something. They know what they're doing.

Rory: Right. So what should we do? I can't boycott Christmas cause I love Christmas too much, but maybe we could boycott some of these other days.

Abidemi: Maybe, or just celebrate it in a way that's less commercialized. I guess we don't always have to buy big things. What about quality time? Spending time with family, with friends and just appreciating them in different ways that we would just think of just shopping or gifts or presents.

Rory: Yeah.

Abidemi: Material things.

Rory: That's a nice idea.

Abidemi: Yeah. I think so. We'll save us some money, definitely, right?

Rory and Abidemi share their feelings about various holidays and why we celebrate them. Rory||||||||||||| Рорі та Абідемі діляться своїми почуттями щодо різних свят і чому ми їх святкуємо.

Rory: Have you heard about Singles Day in China? |||||Solteros||| Рорі: Ви чули про День самотніх у Китаї?

Abidemi: No, I'm not really sure. Can you explain what that is about?

Rory: So this is a new holiday that has been created for single people.

Abidemi: Wow!

Rory: And so on this day people don't buy presents for somebody else. |Y||||||||||| Rory: Y así, en este día la gente no compra regalos para alguien más. Рорі: І тому в цей день люди не купують подарунків для когось іншого. They buy presents for themselves. Se compran regalos para ellos mismos. They are celebrating being single, and it's been a huge success. Están celebrando estar solteros, y ha sido un gran éxito. Вони святкують самотність, і це має величезний успіх. Like the Internet sales have gone through the roof. Como||Internet||||||por las nubes Como las ventas por Internet han aumentado enormemente. Ніби продажі в Інтернеті зашкалювали. So I guess companies just look for a time of year where there is maybe no holiday at the moment and try to create a new holiday. Así que supongo que las empresas simplemente buscan un momento del año en el que tal vez no haya vacaciones en ese momento e intentan crear unas nuevas vacaciones. Тому я думаю, що компанії просто шукають час року, коли, можливо, немає свята, і намагаються створити нове свято.

Abidemi: That's an interesting idea. Abidemi: Esa es una idea interesante. Абідемі: Це цікава ідея. It sounds like something you would do normally anyway, right. Це звучить як щось, що ви робите зазвичай, так чи інакше, вірно. We always shop for ourselves, so but, wow!

Rory: I heard actually that Mother's Day -- this might be an urban myth -- but it was created by the Hallmark Card Company in America because there was a gap in the year that people weren't buying cards and so they created this Mother's Day. ||||||||||||mito urbano|||||||Hallmark|||||||||vacío||||||||||||||| Рорі: Насправді я чув, що День Матері — це може бути міський міф — але його створила компанія Hallmark Card в Америці, тому що був проміжок у році, коли люди не купували листівки, і тому вони створили цей Mother's День. Everyone's got a mother. У кожного є мати.

Abidemi: That's true.

Rory: And if they create this Mother's Day, everyone's going to feel obliged to buy a card from them for their mother. ||||||||||||obligado a hacerlo||||||||| Рорі: І якщо вони створять цей День матері, то кожен буде відчувати себе зобов'язаним купити у них листівку для своєї мами.

Abidemi: That's true.

Rory: And now it's ... I don't know if it's true.

Abidemi: But I say it's true because I think it's a huge hit in a lot of countries actually, and it's spreading more and more to different countries every year, so these companies are definitely on to something. |||||||||||||||||||||propagándose|||||||||así que||||||| Abidemi: Pero yo digo que es cierto porque creo que es un gran éxito en muchos países de hecho, y se está extendiendo cada vez más a diferentes países cada año, así que estas compañías definitivamente tienen algo bueno entre manos. Абідемі: Але я кажу, що це правда, тому що я думаю, що це величезний хіт у багатьох країнах, і він поширюється все більше і більше в різних країнах з кожним роком, так що ці компанії, безумовно, в чомусь мають рацію. They know what they're doing. Ellos saben lo que están haciendo.

Rory: Right. Rory: Claro. So what should we do? I can't boycott Christmas cause I love Christmas too much, but maybe we could boycott some of these other days. Я не можу бойкотувати Різдво, бо я дуже люблю Різдво, але, можливо, ми могли б бойкотувати деякі інші дні.

Abidemi: Maybe, or just celebrate it in a way that's less commercialized. |||||||||||comercializado I guess we don't always have to buy big things. What about quality time? А як щодо вільного часу? Spending time with family, with friends and just appreciating them in different ways that we would just think of just shopping or gifts or presents.

Rory: Yeah.

Abidemi: Material things.

Rory: That's a nice idea.

Abidemi: Yeah. I think so. We'll save us some money, definitely, right?