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01.Speaking, 120.Tips for Learning English

120.Tips for Learning English

Hana gives some tips about learning any language, especially English.

Ben: Hana, I'm currently teaching English as a Second Language, and I love for my students to get confident in producing English or increasing their listening ability. I know that you speak English as a second language, but you do such an amazing job and it's inspiring to me, so I love my students to improve and like it, and so because you're a perfect example, what are some strategies you have for my students so I could tell them?

Hana: Firstly, I worked on listening, and there are so many websites that are designed for English learners, like ELLLO here you're listening to, and YouTube or any, you know, so many sites that you can check on. Yeah, like that. I'll probably start with the listening first.

Ben: You said, firstly, listening. Why is listening so important?

Hana: It's because when you want to communicate, of course, the English as a tool, communication tool, first, you have to understand what the speaker say, so first, I worked on listening. By listening to audio, or the sound, then you can learn vocab and also spelling, and you know the meaning, of course. Eventually, you can move on to the next English skill. That's why I start working on listening first.

Ben: What about anything else that you ... have any other strategies?

Hana: Personally, I found that learning vocab, and especially idioms, help me a lot.

Ben: Yeah, idioms are tough.

Hana: Yes, because often I found it difficult to understand what the speaker say. I could hear, I could understand what the single words they say. But sometimes it was hard to sort of grasp the meaning what they're actually saying, so learning idioms or vocab helped me a lot, yeah.

Ben: When you learn the idioms, you can understand them. Did you ever use them yourself, when you, like, tried it out in the wild, so to speak, using the idioms you learned.

Hana: Yes, I did it gradually. I mean, when I was in high school, I started speaking ... I started studying English when I was in high school. First thing I did was visiting those websites that, like, designed for English speakers, English learners. At the same time, I start watching like American TV dramas and, in that sense, you can sort of understand in what situation you can use those particular phrases or idioms. By learning the idioms and vocab and the settings or the environment, the situation you can use, then you can sort of actually try to use them. At the beginning I was so nervous, but ...

Ben: I'm sure. Yeah. I mean it's really difficult to use idioms in any language, but English has so many, I think. Another thing I wanted to ask you about production skills in English is writing. I try to give my students opportunities to write it in class, but in order to be a proficient and excellent English speaker, you need to practice outside of class. What do you recommend to improve student's writing abilities, besides just taking it for a test or for an assignment? What do you recommend?

Hana: Yes. They are difficult. I myself have trouble still writing because I'm not a good writer in my native language.

Ben: Oh, no.

Hana: But I guess just reading will help you, at the start. Reading something, reading text or some passages will help you.

Ben: So if you know how to read, it can help you write.

Hana: Yes, definitely.

Ben: All right.

Hana: To learn sort of the template, how will things goes and how you make paragraph and stuff. Probably if you want to get better at writing, I would start reading first, reading lots of passage, different kinds of materials first.

Ben: That's true, and I agree with that. One thing I wanted to have my students do is actually do like a journal, actually.

Hana: Yes,.

Ben: Did you ever keep an English journal to help with your writing?

Hana: Yes, I did.

Ben: Oh, you did?

Hana: I did, yeah.

Ben: How do you feel that helped you? Was that good, a good idea?

Hana: Yes. Because, first, when you write, unlike speaking or talking to somebody, it gives you time to really think about what you want to do, what you want to write, and you can focus on grammar more. That helps to actually talk to somebody maybe a day, right, next day, or you have to write something else in the class, that would help you. So keeping the journal will help you definitely, I think.

Ben: Okay. Thank you very much for the tips. I really appreciate it.

Hana: You're welcome.

120.Tips for Learning English 120. Tipps zum Englischlernen 120.Tips for Learning English 120.Consejos para aprender inglés 120.Conseils pour apprendre l'anglais 120.英語学習のヒント 120. Conselhos para aprender inglês 120.Советы по изучению английского языка 120.学习英语的技巧

Hana gives some tips about learning any language, especially English. Hana donne quelques conseils pour apprendre n'importe quelle langue, en particulier l'anglais.

Ben: Hana, I'm currently teaching English as a Second Language, and I love for my students to get confident in producing English or increasing their listening ability. Ben: Hana, I'm currently teaching English as a Second Language, and I love for my students to get confident in producing English or increasing their listening ability. Ben : Hana, j'enseigne actuellement l'anglais comme langue seconde, et j'aime que mes élèves deviennent confiants dans la production de l'anglais ou augmentent leur capacité d'écoute. Бен: Хана, в настоящее время я преподаю английский как второй язык, и мне нравится, когда мои ученики становятся уверенными в произношении английского языка или улучшают свои способности аудирования. I know that you speak English as a second language, but you do such an amazing job and it's inspiring to me, so I love my students to improve and like it, and so because you're a perfect example, what are some strategies you have for my students so I could tell them? Je sais que vous parlez l'anglais comme langue seconde, mais vous faites un travail incroyable et cela m'inspire, alors j'aime que mes élèves s'améliorent et aiment ça, et donc parce que vous êtes un exemple parfait, quelles sont les stratégies que vous avoir pour mes étudiants afin que je puisse leur dire?

Hana: Firstly, I worked on listening, and there are so many websites that are designed for English learners, like ELLLO here you're listening to, and YouTube or any, you know, so many sites that you can check on. Hana : Tout d'abord, j'ai travaillé sur l'écoute, et il y a tellement de sites Web qui sont conçus pour les apprenants d'anglais, comme ELLLO ici que vous écoutez, et YouTube ou n'importe quel, vous savez, tellement de sites que vous pouvez consulter. Yeah, like that. I'll probably start with the listening first.

Ben: You said, firstly, listening. Why is listening so important?

Hana: It's because when you want to communicate, of course, the English as a tool, communication tool, first, you have to understand what the speaker say, so first, I worked on listening. Hana : C'est parce que quand on veut communiquer, bien sûr, l'anglais comme outil, outil de communication, d'abord, il faut comprendre ce que dit l'orateur, donc d'abord, j'ai travaillé sur l'écoute. By listening to audio, or the sound, then you can learn vocab and also spelling, and you know the meaning, of course. En écoutant l'audio, ou le son, vous pouvez alors apprendre le vocabulaire et aussi l'orthographe, et vous connaissez le sens, bien sûr. Eventually, you can move on to the next English skill. Finalement, vous pouvez passer à la prochaine compétence en anglais. That's why I start working on listening first.

Ben: What about anything else that you ... have any other strategies? Ben : Qu'en est-il de tout ce que vous... avez d'autres stratégies ?

Hana: Personally, I found that learning vocab, and especially idioms, help me a lot. Hana : Personnellement, j'ai trouvé que l'apprentissage du vocabulaire, et surtout des idiomes, m'aide beaucoup.

Ben: Yeah, idioms are tough. Ben : Ouais, les idiomes sont durs.

Hana: Yes, because often I found it difficult to understand what the speaker say. Hana : Oui, parce que souvent j'ai eu du mal à comprendre ce que l'orateur disait. I could hear, I could understand what the single words they say. But sometimes it was hard to sort of grasp the meaning what they're actually saying, so learning idioms or vocab helped me a lot, yeah. Mais parfois, il était difficile de saisir le sens de ce qu'ils disaient réellement, alors apprendre des idiomes ou du vocabulaire m'a beaucoup aidé, oui.

Ben: When you learn the idioms, you can understand them. Ben : Lorsque vous apprenez les idiomes, vous pouvez les comprendre. Did you ever use them yourself, when you, like, tried it out in the wild, so to speak, using the idioms you learned. Les avez-vous déjà utilisés vous-même, quand vous l'avez essayé dans la nature, pour ainsi dire, en utilisant les idiomes que vous avez appris.

Hana: Yes, I did it gradually. Hana : Oui, je l'ai fait progressivement. I mean, when I was in high school, I started speaking ... I started studying English when I was in high school. Je veux dire, quand j'étais au lycée, j'ai commencé à parler... J'ai commencé à étudier l'anglais quand j'étais au lycée. First thing I did was visiting those websites that, like, designed for English speakers, English learners. At the same time, I start watching like American TV dramas and, in that sense, you can sort of understand in what situation you can use those particular phrases or idioms. By learning the idioms and vocab and the settings or the environment, the situation you can use, then you can sort of actually try to use them. Al aprender los modismos y el vocabulario y la configuración o el entorno, la situación que puede usar, entonces puede intentar usarlos. En apprenant les idiomes et le vocabulaire et les paramètres ou l'environnement, la situation que vous pouvez utiliser, vous pouvez alors en quelque sorte essayer de les utiliser. At the beginning I was so nervous, but ...

Ben: I'm sure. Yeah. I mean it's really difficult to use idioms in any language, but English has so many, I think. Je veux dire qu'il est vraiment difficile d'utiliser des idiomes dans n'importe quelle langue, mais l'anglais en a tellement, je pense. Another thing I wanted to ask you about production skills in English is writing. Une autre chose que je voulais vous demander concernant les compétences de production en anglais est l'écriture. I try to give my students opportunities to write it in class, but in order to be a proficient and excellent English speaker, you need to practice outside of class. J'essaie de donner à mes étudiants la possibilité de l'écrire en classe, mais pour être un excellent locuteur d'anglais, vous devez pratiquer en dehors des cours. What do you recommend to improve student's writing abilities, besides just taking it for a test or for an assignment? Que recommandez-vous pour améliorer les capacités d'écriture de l'élève, en plus de simplement le prendre pour un test ou pour un devoir ? What do you recommend?

Hana: Yes. They are difficult. I myself have trouble still writing because I'm not a good writer in my native language. J'ai moi-même encore du mal à écrire car je ne suis pas un bon écrivain dans ma langue maternelle.

Ben: Oh, no.

Hana: But I guess just reading will help you, at the start. Hana : Mais je suppose que la simple lecture vous aidera, au début. Reading something, reading text or some passages will help you. Lire quelque chose, lire un texte ou certains passages vous aidera.

Ben: So if you know how to read, it can help you write. Ben : Donc si tu sais lire, ça peut t'aider à écrire.

Hana: Yes, definitely.

Ben: All right.

Hana: To learn sort of the template, how will things goes and how you make paragraph and stuff. Hana : Pour apprendre une sorte de modèle, comment les choses se passent et comment vous faites des paragraphes et d'autres choses. Probably if you want to get better at writing, I would start reading first, reading lots of passage, different kinds of materials first. Probablement si vous voulez vous améliorer en écriture, je commencerais par lire d'abord, en lisant beaucoup de passages, différents types de documents d'abord.

Ben: That's true, and I agree with that. One thing I wanted to have my students do is actually do like a journal, actually.

Hana: Yes,.

Ben: Did you ever keep an English journal to help with your writing?

Hana: Yes, I did.

Ben: Oh, you did?

Hana: I did, yeah.

Ben: How do you feel that helped you? Was that good, a good idea?

Hana: Yes. Because, first, when you write, unlike speaking or talking to somebody, it gives you time to really think about what you want to do, what you want to write, and you can focus on grammar more. Parce que, premièrement, lorsque vous écrivez, contrairement à parler ou à parler à quelqu'un, cela vous donne le temps de vraiment réfléchir à ce que vous voulez faire, à ce que vous voulez écrire, et vous pouvez vous concentrer davantage sur la grammaire. That helps to actually talk to somebody maybe a day, right, next day, or you have to write something else in the class, that would help you. Cela aide en fait à parler à quelqu'un peut-être un jour, le lendemain, ou vous devez écrire quelque chose d'autre dans la classe, cela vous aiderait. So keeping the journal will help you definitely, I think. Donc, tenir le journal vous aidera certainement, je pense.

Ben: Okay. Thank you very much for the tips. I really appreciate it.

Hana: You're welcome.