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01.Speaking, 117.Super Hero Skills

117.Super Hero Skills

Two college students discuss what super hero skill they would like to have.

Gyri: What are some superhero skills that you would like to have?

Viyasan: There's lots of different types of skills out there that have my attention but I think the most important skill or the most useful skill for me would be to clone myself. There's an anime, Naruto, and coincidentally we're in Japan as well. In Naruto, you're able to clone yourself and when you clone yourself you're able to still retain all the knowledge that your clone is doing. For example, I could be here doing an interview and my clone could be outside swimming and practicing swimming, and then when my clone disappears, I'll still retain all the knowledge I have from swimming even though I was performing an interview here. I think that would be very useful in learning a lot of different types of things. For example, languages, practicing sports, cooking food, and it would be very efficient with my time and I'd be able to complete everything on my schedule.

Gyri: Multi-tasking.

Viyasan: Exactly. Multi-tasking at its finest. That's definitely a superhero power that I would love to have.

Gyri: Mm-hmm.

Viyasan: What about yourself? What would you like to do?

Gyri: Oh, I'm not sure. When I was little I always wanted to be able to fly or breathe underwater because I really wanted to be a mermaid when I was little, but I think now maybe just teleportation would be really nice. I wouldn't have to walk everywhere. I'm a little lazy. I wouldn't have to sit on the plane for like ten hours when I visit my family in the states. I hate flying, it's just really boring.

Viyasan: Yeah.

Gyri: So yeah, definitely teleportation, I think.

Viyasan: Okay, that's a very interesting superhero ability to have.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: Definitely makes life a lot quicker. You won't have to sit in rush hour either when you're driving home from work.

Gyri: Yeah, and I could just teleport to all the different places and countries that I wanted to go to.

Viyasan: Exactly.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: That'd be amazing as well, yeah. What else? What other types of superhero powers would you have besides teleportation?

Gyri: Maybe superhuman strength.

Viyasan: Mm-hmm.

Gyri: That would be cool, I think. Just walking around lifting people up and stuff.

Viyasan: Yeah.

Gyri: Or lifting up buildings, like Superman.

Viyasan: Yeah, like Superman.

Gyri: Stopping asteroids and yeah. But people would definitely notice that I had super powers and maybe that's not a good idea.

Viyasan: You might want to compete in some strong man or power building competitions.

Gyri: Yeah, yeah.

Viyasan: Super lifting, yeah.

Gyri: I would become famous.

Viyasan: Exactly, yeah. That would be a good career move, eh?

Gyri: Yeah, but it would be purely talent and not hard work.

Viyasan: Exactly, exactly. But I guess you'd have to practice your superhero strength.

Gyri: I guess.

Viyasan: By picking up different things.

Gyri: Yeah, and practicing not using too much strength and crushing things.

Viyasan: That's true. That's true, yeah. That's very cool.

Gyri: Are there any other powers that you would like to have?

Viyasan: The one superhero that's my favorite is Spider-Man and so I saw all of his movies as a little kid and so I think having webs coming out of your wrist, being able to fly between skyscrapers, being able to stick people onto walls, fighting crime. That would be really cool, but just mainly for the amusement aspect of flying around, sling shooting different things with your webs. That would be very cool and a very unique skill to have.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: That super power would be amazing to have, yeah.

Gyri: Mm-hmm . He's your favorite superhero?

Viyasan: Yeah, I would say that he's the superhero that I relate to the most. Just recently Spider-Man High School came out and so it depicted Peter Parker, Spider-Man, in high school and so it was a very fun movie and definitely relates a lot to high school and it was very fun to watch and I really enjoyed that. Definitely Spider-Man is my favorite superhero and I really enjoyed his movie and definitely would love to have his web shooting abilities.

Gyri: Mm-hmm .

Viyasan: Yeah.

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117.Super Hero Skills 117. Habilidades de superhéroe 117.スーパーヒーローのスキル

Two college students discuss what super hero skill they would like to have. Двоє студентів коледжу обговорюють, якими навичками супергероя вони хотіли б володіти.

Gyri: What are some superhero skills that you would like to have? Gyri: Які навички супергероя ви б хотіли мати?

Viyasan: There's lots of different types of skills out there that have my attention but I think the most important skill or the most useful skill for me would be to clone myself. Віясан: Є багато різних типів навичок, які привертають мою увагу, але я думаю, що найважливішою навичкою або найкориснішою навичкою для мене буде клонування себе. There's an anime, Naruto, and coincidentally we're in Japan as well. Є аніме, Наруто, і випадково ми теж в Японії. In Naruto, you're able to clone yourself and when you clone yourself you're able to still retain all the knowledge that your clone is doing. У Наруто ви можете клонувати себе, і коли ви клонуєте себе, ви все ще можете зберегти всі знання, які робить ваш клон. For example, I could be here doing an interview and my clone could be outside swimming and practicing swimming, and then when my clone disappears, I'll still retain all the knowledge I have from swimming even though I was performing an interview here. Наприклад, я міг би бути тут і давати інтерв’ю, а мій клон міг би плавати на вулиці та тренуватися в плаванні, і тоді, коли мій клон зникне, я все одно збережу всі знання, які маю з плавання, навіть якщо я проводив співбесіду тут. I think that would be very useful in learning a lot of different types of things. Я думаю, що це було б дуже корисно для вивчення багатьох різних типів речей. For example, languages, practicing sports, cooking food, and it would be very efficient with my time and I'd be able to complete everything on my schedule. Наприклад, мови, заняття спортом, приготування їжі, і це було б дуже ефективно з моїм часом, і я міг би виконати все, що було в моєму розкладі.

Gyri: Multi-tasking. Gyri: Багатозадачність.

Viyasan: Exactly. Віясан: Саме так. Multi-tasking at its finest. Багатозадачність у найкращому вигляді. That's definitely a superhero power that I would love to have. Це, безперечно, сила супергероя, яку я хотів би мати.

Gyri: Mm-hmm.

Viyasan: What about yourself? Віясан: А ти? What would you like to do? Чим би ти хотів зайнятись?

Gyri: Oh, I'm not sure. Гірі: О, я не впевнений. When I was little I always wanted to be able to fly or breathe underwater because I really wanted to be a mermaid when I was little, but I think now maybe just teleportation would be really nice. Коли я була маленькою, я завжди хотіла мати можливість літати або дихати під водою, тому що я дуже хотіла бути русалкою, коли я була маленькою, але я думаю, що зараз, можливо, просто телепортація була б справді приємною. I wouldn't have to walk everywhere. Мені б не довелося ходити скрізь. I'm a little lazy. Я трохи ледачий. I wouldn't have to sit on the plane for like ten hours when I visit my family in the states. Мені б не довелося сидіти в літаку десять годин, коли я відвідую свою родину в Штатах. I hate flying, it's just really boring. Я ненавиджу літати, це просто дуже нудно.

Viyasan: Yeah.

Gyri: So yeah, definitely teleportation, I think.

Viyasan: Okay, that's a very interesting superhero ability to have. Віясан: Гаразд, це дуже цікава здатність супергероя.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: Definitely makes life a lot quicker. You won't have to sit in rush hour either when you're driving home from work. Вам також не доведеться сидіти в годину пік, коли ви їдете з роботи додому.

Gyri: Yeah, and I could just teleport to all the different places and countries that I wanted to go to. Ґірі: Так, і я міг просто телепортуватися в різні місця та країни, куди хотів поїхати.

Viyasan: Exactly.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: That'd be amazing as well, yeah. Віясан: Це теж було б чудово, так. What else? Що ще? What other types of superhero powers would you have besides teleportation? Якими ще видами здібностей супергероя ви б володіли, окрім телепортації?

Gyri: Maybe superhuman strength.

Viyasan: Mm-hmm.

Gyri: That would be cool, I think. Just walking around lifting people up and stuff. Просто ходити, піднімати людей і таке інше.

Viyasan: Yeah.

Gyri: Or lifting up buildings, like Superman.

Viyasan: Yeah, like Superman.

Gyri: Stopping asteroids and yeah. But people would definitely notice that I had super powers and maybe that's not a good idea. Але люди точно помітять, що я маю надздібності, і, можливо, це не дуже гарна ідея.

Viyasan: You might want to compete in some strong man or power building competitions. Віясан: Можливо, ви захочете взяти участь у змаганнях із сильними людьми чи силовими змаганнями.

Gyri: Yeah, yeah.

Viyasan: Super lifting, yeah.

Gyri: I would become famous. Гірі: Я б став відомим.

Viyasan: Exactly, yeah. That would be a good career move, eh? Це був би гарний кар'єрний крок, еге ж?

Gyri: Yeah, but it would be purely talent and not hard work. Гірі: Так, але це був би лише талант, а не важка робота.

Viyasan: Exactly, exactly. But I guess you'd have to practice your superhero strength. Але я вважаю, що вам доведеться потренувати свою супергеройську силу.

Gyri: I guess.

Viyasan: By picking up different things. Віясан: Збираючи різні речі.

Gyri: Yeah, and practicing not using too much strength and crushing things. Ґірі: Так, і тренуватися, щоб не використовувати занадто багато сили та руйнувати речі.

Viyasan: That's true. That's true, yeah. That's very cool.

Gyri: Are there any other powers that you would like to have? Gyri: Чи є якісь інші повноваження, які ви хотіли б мати?

Viyasan: The one superhero that's my favorite is Spider-Man and so I saw all of his movies as a little kid and so I think having webs coming out of your wrist, being able to fly between skyscrapers, being able to stick people onto walls, fighting crime. Віясан: Один мій улюблений супергерой — це Людина-павук, тому я дивився всі його фільми, будучи маленькою дитиною, і тому я думаю, що у вас з зап’ястка виходять павутини, ви можете літати між хмарочосами, приклеювати людей до стін , боротьба зі злочинністю. That would be really cool, but just mainly for the amusement aspect of flying around, sling shooting different things with your webs. Це було б дуже круто, але в основному для розважального аспекту польоту навколо, стріляючи з пращі різними речами за допомогою павутини. That would be very cool and a very unique skill to have. Це було б дуже круто і дуже унікальною навичкою.

Gyri: Yeah.

Viyasan: That super power would be amazing to have, yeah. Віясан: Було б чудово мати таку суперсилу, так.

Gyri: Mm-hmm . He's your favorite superhero? Він твій улюблений супергерой?

Viyasan: Yeah, I would say that he's the superhero that I relate to the most. Віясан: Так, я б сказав, що він супергерой, який мені найбільше подобається. Just recently Spider-Man High School came out and so it depicted Peter Parker, Spider-Man, in high school and so it was a very fun movie and definitely relates a lot to high school and it was very fun to watch and I really enjoyed that. Зовсім нещодавно вийшла старша школа «Людина-павук», і в ній зображено Пітера Паркера, Людину-павука, у старшій школі, тому це був дуже веселий фільм, який, безумовно, багато в чому стосується середньої школи, було дуже весело дивитися, і мені дуже сподобалося що. Definitely Spider-Man is my favorite superhero and I really enjoyed his movie and definitely would love to have his web shooting abilities. Безперечно, Людина-павук — мій улюблений супергерой, і мені дуже сподобався його фільм, і я точно хотів би мати його вміння стріляти павутиною.

Gyri: Mm-hmm .

Viyasan: Yeah.

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