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01.Speaking, 114.Movie Take

114.Movie Take

Hana: Okay, so let's talk about movies.

Ben: Okay.

Hana: What kind of movie do you like?

Ben: Well, my favorite genres are actually, let's see, science fiction, sci-fi, and horror.

Hana: Horror?

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: What was the last movie you watched? Do you remember?

Ben: The last movie I watched was a science fiction. It was called The Shape of Water.

Hana: Okay. Never heard, never seen, yeah.

Ben: Well, I can you a little about it, if want to hear.

Hana: Yeah, yes. Please do.

Ben: Okay, so it's actually a love story about a janitor and a merman.

Hana: Okay. Yeah.

Ben: A merman, like, you know ...

Hana: Mermaid. Mermaid, yeah.

Ben: Mermaid, yeah, merman. It's actually ... I don't want to give away too much of the story, but this janitor is working at this underground government facility. She cleans the floors next to this giant fish tank. She never knows actually what's inside, but one day, this merman comes up to the glass and she sees him. She instantly falls in love. The beautiful part is, is that he can't speak. He can't speak English, right? But the beautiful part is she's actually deaf. She can't hear, so this beautiful, amazing relationship kind of blossoms from them. She teaches him sign language. Oh, it's unbelievable. I recommend it.

Hana: It's like a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, yeah? Kind of.

Ben: Maybe. I mean, that's not like they weren't ... They weren't star-crossed lovers, per se, but, no, it was definitely an interesting love story. Yeah, that's the last movie I saw, recently.

Hana: What about horror movies?

Ben: I actually like this movie called It. It's based on a book written by this horror author, Stephen King. Maybe you've heard of Stephen King.

Hana: Oh, yes, yes, yes. He's a famous writer, yeah?

Hana: Mm-hmm

Ben: Yeah, this is actually a story about a .... It's kind of a sci-fi horror mix, so it's like, of course it's one of my favorites. It's about this alien that comes to this town and takes a form as a clown, an evil clown, every 65 years. He wakes up from his deep sleep and he's hungry, because he needs to eat. He takes his form as a clown and terrorizes this town every 65 years. The movie takes place in the 19, let's see, I think it's the 1970's. That's the time when the monster wakes up. This group of kids starts figuring it out, "What's happening in our town?" It's kind of a coming of age tale in a horror movie. I don't know, it's really interesting. I hope I didn't ruin it. I'm not going to tell you the ending, of course.

Hana: Okay. I'm not a big fan of horror movies. It makes me kind of ... Not to go to toilets or not to go to bathroom.

Ben: Alright.

114.Movie Take 114.ムービーテイク 114.Фильм "Дубль 114\. Зйомка фільму

Hana: Okay, so let's talk about movies. Хана: Гаразд, давайте поговоримо про фільми.

Ben: Okay.

Hana: What kind of movie do you like? Хана: Яке кіно тобі подобається?

Ben: Well, my favorite genres are actually, let's see, science fiction, sci-fi, and horror. Бен: Ну, мої улюблені жанри насправді, давайте подивимося, наукова фантастика, фантастика та жахи.

Hana: Horror?

Ben: Yeah.

Hana: What was the last movie you watched? Хана: Який останній фільм ти подивилася? Do you remember?

Ben: The last movie I watched was a science fiction. Бен: Останній фільм, який я дивився, був науково-фантастичним. It was called The Shape of Water. Він називався «Форма води».

Hana: Okay. Never heard, never seen, yeah. Ніколи не чув, ніколи не бачив, так.

Ben: Well, I can you a little about it, if want to hear. Бен: Ну, я можу тобі трохи про це, якщо хочеш почути.

Hana: Yeah, yes. Please do.

Ben: Okay, so it's actually a love story about a janitor and a merman. Бен: Гаразд, це насправді історія кохання про двірника та купала.

Hana: Okay. Yeah.

Ben: A merman, like, you know ...

Hana: Mermaid. Mermaid, yeah.

Ben: Mermaid, yeah, merman. Бен: Русалка, так, русалка. It's actually ... I don't want to give away too much of the story, but this janitor is working at this underground government facility. Насправді... Я не хочу розповідати про цю історію, але цей двірник працює в цьому підземному державному закладі. She cleans the floors next to this giant fish tank. Вона миє підлогу біля цього гігантського акваріума. She never knows actually what's inside, but one day, this merman comes up to the glass and she sees him. Вона ніколи не знає, що насправді всередині, але одного разу цей русал підходить до склянки, і вона бачить його. She instantly falls in love. Вона миттєво закохується. The beautiful part is, is that he can't speak. Найприємніше те, що він не може говорити. He can't speak English, right? Він не може говорити англійською, правда? But the beautiful part is she's actually deaf. Але найприємніше те, що вона насправді глуха. She can't hear, so this beautiful, amazing relationship kind of blossoms from them. Вона не чує, тому ці прекрасні, дивовижні стосунки ніби розквітають з них. She teaches him sign language. Oh, it's unbelievable. I recommend it.

Hana: It's like a modern version of Romeo and Juliet, yeah? Хана: Це як сучасна версія Ромео і Джульєтти, так? Kind of.

Ben: Maybe. I mean, that's not like they weren't ... They weren't star-crossed lovers, per se, but, no, it was definitely an interesting love story. Я маю на увазі, це не те, що вони не були... Вони не були зірковими коханцями, як такі, але, ні, це точно була цікава історія кохання. Yeah, that's the last movie I saw, recently.

Hana: What about horror movies?

Ben: I actually like this movie called It. Бен: Мені насправді подобається цей фільм під назвою «Це». It's based on a book written by this horror author, Stephen King. Він заснований на книзі автора жахів Стівена Кінга. Maybe you've heard of Stephen King. Можливо, ви чули про Стівена Кінга.

Hana: Oh, yes, yes, yes. He's a famous writer, yeah? Він відомий письменник, так?

Hana: Mm-hmm

Ben: Yeah, this is actually a story about a .... It's kind of a sci-fi horror mix, so it's like, of course it's one of my favorites. Бен: Так, насправді це історія про... Це щось на кшталт науково-фантастичних фільмів жахів, тож, звичайно, це одне з моїх улюблених. It's about this alien that comes to this town and takes a form as a clown, an evil clown, every 65 years. Це про інопланетянина, який кожні 65 років приходить у це місто і приймає вигляд клоуна, злого клоуна. He wakes up from his deep sleep and he's hungry, because he needs to eat. Він прокидається від глибокого сну і голодний, тому що йому потрібно їсти. He takes his form as a clown and terrorizes this town every 65 years. Він приймає вигляд клоуна і тероризує це місто кожні 65 років. The movie takes place in the 19, let's see, I think it's the 1970's. Дія фільму розгортається в 19, давайте подивимося, я думаю, що це 1970-ті. That's the time when the monster wakes up. Це час, коли монстр прокидається. This group of kids starts figuring it out, "What's happening in our town?" Ця група дітей починає з’ясовувати: «Що відбувається в нашому місті?» It's kind of a coming of age tale in a horror movie. Це свого роду казка про дорослішання у фільмі жахів. I don't know, it's really interesting. I hope I didn't ruin it. Сподіваюся, я його не зіпсував. I'm not going to tell you the ending, of course. Кінцівку я вам, звичайно, не скажу.

Hana: Okay. I'm not a big fan of horror movies. It makes me kind of ... Not to go to toilets or not to go to bathroom. Це змушує мене... не ходити в туалет чи ванну.

Ben: Alright.