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Mixer, Clean Freaks

Clean Freaks

-Tres, United States.

Clean freak? Those guys don't exist anymore. I'm a neo-clean freak. I cannot leave my house without scrubbing my bathroom floors, without washing down the kitchen, washing my dishes, even you know, scrubbing under my sinks. That little area where you put your plastic or what have you, so everything has to be cleaned. I usually wear gloves, see! I'm wearing gloves now.

-Rina, Canada.

Am I a clean freak? Yes, I definitely am a clean freak. I hate when my place is messy, particularly kitchens. I don't like when my kitchen is dirty because it makes the whole house look messy and I like it when other people pay me the same respect and have their places clean when I'm over because I think it's rude if you're place is messy and you have company, and I, it drives me nuts, if I, if my room is messy. I don't know, I just like it, I like clean and tidy and organized.

-Jeannie, United States.

OK, am I a neat freak? No! Not at all. My room is always messy. It usually kind of mirrors what is going on in my mind. If my room is junky my mind is junky as well, so every now and then I try to clean my room just to make things neat in my own mind again.

-Jim, England.

I don't think I'm a clean freak. I would describe my mother as a clean freak. Her hobby is hoovering and dusting. Uh, not really, but she likes to keep the house very clean. I suppose I'm a clean freak for myself. I always have a shower every day.

-Marion, Ireland.

I'm definitely not a clean freak. In fact I find it quite difficult to deal with clean freaks. I like to be clean but I don't go overboard with it, so my house is sometimes messy, but I know where everything is most of the time. And I tidy up maybe every couple of weeks depending how messy my house gets. I don't like it too messy.

-Todd, United States.

Ah, am I a clean freak? No. I'm a total slob. I'm about the biggest slob that I know. When people come over to my apartment, they're disgusted all the time. I have trash all over the place. I let it get out of control. I leave dishes in the sink all the time. I have my dirty clothes in a pile in the corner of my room. This is not a knock on my poor mother, because my mother is very, very clean and she raised me to be clean, and I don't know, something went wrong, and I'm just a total slob.

Clean Freaks Clean Freaks فریکس های پاک Clean Freaks Anormais Limpos Чистые уроды Temiz Ucubeler 清洁怪人

-Tres, United States.

Clean freak? |مهووس بالنظافة Un maniaque de la propreté ? Those guys don't exist anymore. |أولئك الأشخاص||| Diese Typen gibt es nicht mehr. Ces types n'existent plus. I'm a neo-clean freak. I cannot leave my house without scrubbing my bathroom floors, without washing down the kitchen, washing my dishes, even you know, scrubbing under my sinks. ||||||تنظيف|||||||||||||||تنظيف|||أحواض الغسيل Ich kann mein Haus nicht verlassen, ohne meine Badezimmerböden zu schrubben, ohne die Küche zu putzen, mein Geschirr zu spülen und sogar unter meinem Waschbecken zu schrubben. Je ne peux pas quitter ma maison sans récurer le sol de ma salle de bains, sans laver la cuisine, sans faire la vaisselle, et même, vous savez, sans récurer sous mes éviers. That little area where you put your plastic or what have you, so everything has to be cleaned. Der kleine Bereich, in dem man sein Plastik oder was auch immer aufbewahrt, muss also gereinigt werden. Cette petite zone où vous mettez votre plastique ou autre, tout doit être nettoyé. I usually wear gloves, see! I'm wearing gloves now.

-Rina, Canada.

Am I a clean freak? Yes, I definitely am a clean freak. Oui, je suis un maniaque de la propreté. I hate when my place is messy, particularly kitchens. |||||||لا سيما| Ich hasse es, wenn es bei mir zu Hause unordentlich ist, vor allem in der Küche. I don't like when my kitchen is dirty because it makes the whole house look messy and I like it when other people pay me the same respect and have their places clean when I'm over because I think it's rude if you're place is messy and you have company, and I, it drives me nuts, if I, if my room is messy. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||يجن جنوني||||||| Ich mag es nicht, wenn meine Küche schmutzig ist, denn dann sieht das ganze Haus unordentlich aus, und ich mag es, wenn andere Leute mir den gleichen Respekt erweisen und ihre Wohnung sauber halten, wenn ich zu Besuch bin, denn ich finde es unhöflich, wenn deine Wohnung unordentlich ist und du Besuch hast, und es macht mich wahnsinnig, wenn ich, wenn mein Zimmer unordentlich ist. Je n'aime pas que ma cuisine soit sale parce que cela donne l'impression que toute la maison est en désordre et j'aime que les autres me respectent et que leur maison soit propre quand je suis là parce que je pense que c'est impoli si votre maison est en désordre et que vous avez de la compagnie, et je, ça me rend folle si ma chambre est en désordre. I don't know, I just like it, I like clean and tidy and organized. |||||||||||مرتب|| Ich weiß nicht, ich mag es einfach, ich mag es sauber und ordentlich und organisiert. Je ne sais pas, c'est juste que j'aime ça, j'aime la propreté, l'ordre et l'organisation.

-Jeannie, United States.

OK, am I a neat freak? ||||حريص على النظافة|مهووس بالنظافة No! Not at all. My room is always messy. It usually kind of mirrors what is going on in my mind. عادة ما يكون ذلك بمثابة مرآة لما يدور في ذهني. Normalerweise spiegelt es das wider, was in meinem Kopf vor sich geht. Il reflète généralement ce qui se passe dans mon esprit. If my room is junky my mind is junky as well, so every now and then I try to clean my room just to make things neat in my own mind again. ||||فوضوي||||فوضوي||||||||||||||||||مرتب||||| Wenn mein Zimmer unordentlich ist, ist auch mein Geist unordentlich, also versuche ich hin und wieder, mein Zimmer aufzuräumen, um in meinem Geist wieder Ordnung zu schaffen. Si ma chambre est en désordre, mon esprit l'est aussi, alors de temps en temps, j'essaie de nettoyer ma chambre pour remettre de l'ordre dans mon esprit.

-Jim, England.

I don't think I'm a clean freak. I would describe my mother as a clean freak. Her hobby is hoovering and dusting. |||الكنس بالمكنسة||إزالة الغبار Son hobby est de passer l'aspirateur et de faire la poussière. Uh, not really, but she likes to keep the house very clean. I suppose I'm a clean freak for myself. |أعتقد|||||| I always have a shower every day. Ich dusche immer jeden Tag.

-Marion, Ireland.

I'm definitely not a clean freak. In fact I find it quite difficult to deal with clean freaks. En fait, je trouve qu'il est assez difficile de traiter avec les maniaques de la propreté. I like to be clean but I don't go overboard with it, so my house is sometimes messy, but I know where everything is most of the time. |||||||||أبالغ في|||||||||||||||||| Ich bin gerne sauber, aber ich übertreibe es nicht, deshalb ist mein Haus manchmal unordentlich, aber ich weiß meistens, wo alles ist. J'aime être propre, mais je n'en fais pas trop. Ma maison est donc parfois en désordre, mais je sais où tout se trouve la plupart du temps. And I tidy up maybe every couple of weeks depending how messy my house gets. Und ich räume vielleicht alle paar Wochen auf, je nachdem, wie unordentlich mein Haus ist. Et je range peut-être toutes les deux semaines, selon le degré de désordre de ma maison. I don't like it too messy.

-Todd, United States.

Ah, am I a clean freak? No. I'm a total slob. |||أنا فوضوي تمامًا. Je suis un vrai flemmard. I'm about the biggest slob that I know. Je suis le plus grand flemmard que je connaisse. When people come over to my apartment, they're disgusted all the time. ||||||||مشمئزين||| Quand les gens viennent chez moi, ils sont toujours dégoûtés. I have trash all over the place. ||لدي قمامة|||| J'ai des déchets partout. I let it get out of control. Ich habe es außer Kontrolle geraten lassen. Je l'ai laissé devenir incontrôlable. I leave dishes in the sink all the time. Je laisse tout le temps de la vaisselle dans l'évier. I have my dirty clothes in a pile in the corner of my room. This is not a knock on my poor mother, because my mother is very, very clean and she raised me to be clean, and I don't know, something went wrong, and I'm just a total slob. ||||انتقاد|||المسكينة|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Das ist kein Vorwurf an meine arme Mutter, denn meine Mutter ist sehr, sehr reinlich, und sie hat mich dazu erzogen, reinlich zu sein, und ich weiß nicht, irgendetwas ist schief gelaufen, und ich bin einfach eine totale Schlampe. Ce n'est pas une attaque contre ma pauvre mère, parce que ma mère est très, très propre et elle m'a élevé pour que je sois propre, et je ne sais pas, quelque chose a mal tourné, et je suis juste un vrai flemmard.