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Mixer, Athletes and Pay.

Athletes and Pay.

Jeannie, United States

I think professional athletes do make too much money, just by comparison with other professions, for example teachers, who I think are a lot more important with the job that they do. They don't get paid enough and then you have people who are just playing a game and they get paid so much money and I think it's a little unfair.

Kate, New Zealand

I think athletes, they don't make too much money, because they're playing exactly what, they're playing their favorite sports and they enjoy what they do. However, I heard about the NHL in Canada, the hockey, and their asking for more money, and more money, and I think it's, they should just take the money that they have because they get a lot of money already. They shouldn't keep asking for more money.

Jim, England

I think athletes make far too much money, especially footballers. This is soccer players for those people who speak American English. I think that people like nurses, doctors, teachers, they should be getting more money, not people who play sport.

Rina, Canada

I think professional players do deserve the money they get. They're protraying their image publicly and risking their bodies to entertain us and there's a lot of money that goes into it, why shouldn't they reap the benefits. Why should the owners, or the people that are making profits in other areas, when they're doing all the work, reap all the benefits.

Al, England

Yes, I certainly think, especially professional footballers earn much too much money. One guy called Rio Ferdinand just singed a contract for 110,000 pounds, per week and that's more money than I'll ever earn in my entire life, so I don't think that's fair.

-Todd, United States.

Ah, no, I don't think they make too much money. I think athletes deserve all the money they get. I mean they make a lot of money, and it seems crazy that they make so much money, but the bottom line is so many people watch their games buy their jerseys. Buy tickets to follow them, listen to them on radio, so they bring in a lot of revenue, and they are the reason that people watch them so they should get all the money that they earn. Maybe they should give a little more to charity, or give some of the money back to the communities, but yeah, I think they deserve the money they get.

Athletes and Pay. アスリート|| Athleten und Bezahlung. Atletas y retribución. ورزشکاران و پرداخت. Athlètes et salaires. Atleti e retribuzione. アスリートと給料 Atletas e remuneração. Спортсмены и зарплата. Sporcular ve Pay. 运动员与薪酬 運動員和報酬。

Jeannie, United States ジーニー|| Jeannie, Birleşik Devletler

I think professional athletes do make too much money, just by comparison with other professions, for example teachers, who I think are a lot more important with the job that they do. |||professionaalsed sportlased|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||بالمقارنة مع|||المهن الأخرى||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||比較|||職業||||||||||||||||| Je pense que les athlètes professionnels gagnent trop d'argent, juste en comparaison avec d'autres professions, par exemple les enseignants, qui sont à mon avis beaucoup plus importants dans le cadre de leur travail. プロのアスリートは、例えば教師など、他の職業と比較してお金を得すぎていると思います。教師は、彼らが行う仕事においてずっと重要だと思います。 Bence profesyonel sporcular çok fazla para kazanıyor, sadece diğer mesleklerle, örneğin yaptıkları işle çok daha önemli olduklarını düşündüğüm öğretmenlerle kıyasladığımda. 我认为职业运动员确实赚了太多钱,只是与其他职业相比,例如教师,我认为他们对他们所做的工作更为重要。 They don't get paid enough and then you have people who are just playing a game and they get paid so much money and I think it's a little unfair. |||||||||||||mängivad|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||غير عادل |||||||||||||||遊び|||||||||||||| 彼らは十分なお金を得ていないのに、単にゲームをしている人たちがそんなにお金をもらっていて、少し不公平だと思います。 Não recebem o suficiente e depois há pessoas que estão apenas a jogar um jogo e recebem tanto dinheiro que acho que é um pouco injusto. 他们没有得到足够的报酬,然后你有一些人只是在玩游戏,他们得到了这么多钱,我认为这有点不公平。

Kate, New Zealand ||ニュージーランド ケイト、ニュージーランド

I think athletes, they don't make too much money, because they're playing exactly what, they're playing their favorite sports and they enjoy what they do. ||||||||||||ちょうど|||||||||||| Je pense que les athlètes ne gagnent pas beaucoup d'argent, parce qu'ils pratiquent exactement ce qu'ils font, c'est-à-dire leur sport favori, et qu'ils aiment ce qu'ils font. 私はアスリートたちはあまりお金を稼いでいないと思います。なぜなら、彼らは自分の好きなスポーツをプレイしていて、自分のやっていることを楽しんでいるからです。 Penso que os atletas não ganham muito dinheiro, porque estão a jogar exatamente o que, estão a jogar os seus desportos favoritos e gostam do que fazem. Bence sporcular çok fazla para kazanmıyorlar çünkü tam olarak neyi oynuyorlar, en sevdikleri sporları yapıyorlar ve yaptıklarından zevk alıyorlar. 我认为运动员,他们赚不到太多钱,因为他们在玩什么,他们在玩他们最喜欢的运动,他们喜欢他们所做的事情。 However, I heard about the NHL in Canada, the hockey, and their asking for more money, and more money, and I think it's, they should just take the money that they have because they get a lot of money already. |||||دوري الهوكي الوطني|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||NHL||||ホッケー|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Cependant, j'ai entendu parler de la NHL au Canada, du hockey, et du fait qu'ils demandent plus d'argent, et encore plus d'argent, et je pense qu'ils devraient simplement prendre l'argent qu'ils ont parce qu'ils ont déjà beaucoup d'argent. しかし、私はカナダのNHL(ナショナルホッケーリーグ)について聞きました。ホッケーの選手たちはさらにお金を求めていて、私は彼らはすでにたくさんのお金を得ているのだから、持っているお金を受け取るべきだと思います。 No entanto, ouvi falar da NHL no Canadá, o hóquei, e eles estão a pedir mais dinheiro, e mais dinheiro, e acho que deviam aceitar o dinheiro que têm porque já recebem muito dinheiro. 然而,我听说加拿大的 NHL、曲棍球以及他们要求更多的钱,更多的钱,我认为是的,他们应该只拿走他们拥有的钱,因为他们已经得到了很多钱。 They shouldn't keep asking for more money. 彼らはもっとお金を求め続けるべきではありません。 Não deviam estar sempre a pedir mais dinheiro. 他们不应该一直要求更多的钱。

Jim, England ジム| ジム、イングランド

I think athletes make far too much money, especially footballers. ||||はるかに||多すぎる|||サッカー選手 アスリートは特にサッカー選手に関して、あまりにも多くのお金を稼ぎすぎだと思います。 Penso que os desportistas ganham demasiado dinheiro, especialmente os futebolistas. Sporcuların, özellikle de futbolcuların çok fazla para kazandığını düşünüyorum. 我认为运动员赚的钱太多了,尤其是足球运动员。 This is soccer players for those people who speak American English. これはアメリカ英語を話す人々のためのサッカー選手のことです。 Trata-se de jogadores de futebol para as pessoas que falam inglês americano. Bu, Amerikan İngilizcesi konuşan insanlar için futbolculardır. 这是为那些说美式英语的人准备的足球运动员。 I think that people like nurses, doctors, teachers, they should be getting more money, not people who play sport. |||||看護師||||||||||||| Penso que pessoas como enfermeiros, médicos, professores, deveriam receber mais dinheiro, não pessoas que praticam desporto. Bence hemşireler, doktorlar, öğretmenler gibi insanlar daha fazla para almalı, spor yapanlar değil. 我认为像护士、医生、老师这样的人应该得到更多的钱,而不是从事体育运动的人。

Rina, Canada リナ|

I think professional players do deserve the money they get. |||||يستحقون|||| |||||価値がある|||| Je pense que les joueurs professionnels méritent l'argent qu'ils reçoivent. Penso que os jogadores profissionais merecem o dinheiro que recebem. 我认为职业球员确实应该得到他们得到的钱。 They're protraying their image publicly and risking their bodies to entertain us and there's a lot of money that goes into it, why shouldn't they reap the benefits. |يُظهرون|||||||||يسلّوننا|||||||||||||||يجنوا الفوائد|| |表現している|||||危険を冒して||||楽しませる|||||||||||||||利益を得る|| Elles projettent leur image publiquement et risquent leur corps pour nous divertir, ce qui représente beaucoup d'argent, pourquoi ne devraient-elles pas en récolter les fruits ? 彼らは自分のイメージを公に表現し、私たちを楽しませるために体を犠牲にしており、そのためには多くのお金がかかっています。なぜ彼らがその利益を手に入れてはいけないのでしょうか。 Eles estão a exibir a sua imagem publicamente e a arriscar os seus corpos para nos entreterem e há muito dinheiro envolvido nisso, porque é que não hão-de colher os benefícios. 他们公开展示自己的形象,冒着身体危险来取悦我们,而且其中投入了大量资金,他们为什么不应该从中获益。 Why should the owners, or the people that are making profits in other areas, when they're doing all the work, reap all the benefits. |||المالكون|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||収穫する||| |||||||que|||||||||||||||| Pourquoi les propriétaires ou les personnes qui réalisent des bénéfices dans d'autres domaines, alors qu'ils font tout le travail, devraient-ils en tirer tous les avantages ? なぜオーナーや他の分野で利益を上げている人々が、彼らがすべての仕事をしているのに、すべての利益を手に入れるべきなのでしょうか。 Porque é que os proprietários, ou as pessoas que estão a fazer lucros noutras áreas, quando estão a fazer todo o trabalho, devem colher todos os benefícios? 为什么所有者或在其他领域获利的人在做所有工作时却要收获所有利益。

Al, England アル| アル、イングランド

Yes, I certainly think, especially professional footballers earn much too much money. Sim, penso que, sobretudo os futebolistas profissionais, ganham demasiado dinheiro. One guy called Rio Ferdinand just singed a contract for 110,000 pounds, per week and that's more money than I'll ever earn in my entire life, so I don't think that's fair. |||||||||||||||||||||||حياتي كلها|||||||عادل ||||フェルディナンド|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Um tipo chamado Rio Ferdinand acabou de assinar um contrato de 110.000 libras por semana e isso é mais dinheiro do que eu alguma vez ganharei em toda a minha vida, por isso não acho que isso seja justo. 一个叫 Rio Ferdinand 的人刚刚签了一份 110,000 英镑的合同,每周,这比我一生赚到的钱都多,所以我认为这不公平。

-Todd**,** United States.

Ah, no, I don't think they make too much money. Ah, não, não acho que eles ganhem muito dinheiro. I think athletes deserve all the money they get. Penso que os desportistas merecem todo o dinheiro que recebem. 我认为运动员应该得到他们得到的所有钱。 I mean they make a lot of money, and it seems crazy that they make so much money, but the bottom line is so many people watch their games buy their jerseys. ||||||||||||||||||||النتيجة النهائية|النتيجة النهائية||||||||||قمصان رياضية أعني أنهم يكسبون الكثير من المال، ويبدو من الجنون أنهم يكسبون الكثير من المال، ولكن خلاصة القول هي أن الكثير من الناس يشاهدون مبارياتهم ويشترون قمصانهم. Quer dizer, eles ganham muito dinheiro, e parece uma loucura que ganhem tanto dinheiro, mas o resultado final é que muitas pessoas vêem os seus jogos e compram as suas camisolas. 我的意思是他们赚了很多钱,他们赚这么多钱似乎很疯狂,但最重要的是有这么多人看他们的比赛买他们的球衣。 Buy tickets to follow them, listen to them on radio, so they bring in a lot of revenue, and they are the reason that people watch them so they should get all the money that they earn. |||||||||||||||||إيرادات||||||||||||||||||| Compram bilhetes para os seguir, ouvem-nos na rádio, por isso geram muitas receitas e são a razão pela qual as pessoas os vêem, pelo que devem receber todo o dinheiro que ganham. 买票跟随他们,在广播中收听他们,所以他们带来了很多收入,他们是人们观看他们的原因,所以他们应该得到他们赚的所有钱。 Maybe they should give a little more to charity, or give some of the money back to the communities, but yeah, I think they deserve the money they get. ||||||||||||||||||المجتمعات المحلية|||||||||| Talvez devessem dar um pouco mais para caridade, ou devolver algum do dinheiro às comunidades, mas sim, acho que merecem o dinheiro que recebem. 也许他们应该多捐一点给慈善机构,或者把一些钱回馈给社区,但是,是的,我认为他们应该得到这些钱。