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The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Chapter 8 Part 3

Chapter 8 Part 3

At two o'clock Gatsby put on his bathing-suit and left word with the butler that if anyone phoned word was to be brought to him at the pool. He stopped at the garage for a pneumatic mattress that had amused his guests during the summer, and the chauffeur helped him to pump it up. Then he gave instructions that the open car wasn't to be taken out under any circumstances—and this was strange, because the front right fender needed repair.

Gatsby shouldered the mattress and started for the pool. Once he stopped and shifted it a little, and the chauffeur asked him if he needed help, but he shook his head and in a moment disappeared among the yellowing trees.

No telephone message arrived, but the butler went without his sleep and waited for it until four o'clock—until long after there was anyone to give it to if it came. I have an idea that Gatsby himself didn't believe it would come, and perhaps he no longer cared. If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about… like that ashen, fantastic figure gliding toward him through the amorphous trees.

The chauffeur—he was one of Wolfshiem's protégés—heard the shots—afterwards he could only say that he hadn't thought anything much about them. I drove from the station directly to Gatsby's house and my rushing anxiously up the front steps was the first thing that alarmed anyone. But they knew then, I firmly believe. With scarcely a word said, four of us, the chauffeur, butler, gardener, and I hurried down to the pool.

There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other. With little ripples that were hardly the shadows of waves, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool. A small gust of wind that scarcely corrugated the surface was enough to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of transit, a thin red circle in the water.

It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson's body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete.

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Chapter 8 Part 3 Kapitel 8 Teil 3 Capítulo 8 Parte 3 Capitolo 8 Parte 3 第8章 その3 Rozdział 8 Część 3 Capítulo 8 Parte 3

At two o'clock Gatsby put on his bathing-suit and left word with the butler that if anyone phoned word was to be brought to him at the pool. Um zwei Uhr zog Gatsby seinen Badeanzug an und hinterließ dem Butler die Nachricht, dass man ihn am Pool aufsuchen solle, falls jemand anrufe. Alle due Gatsby si mise il costume da bagno e lasciò detto al maggiordomo che se qualcuno avesse telefonato glielo avrebbe portato in piscina. He stopped at the garage for a pneumatic mattress that had amused his guests during the summer, and the chauffeur helped him to pump it up. |||||||colchón inflable|colchón inflable|||divirtió a||||la|verano pasado|||chofer||||inflar|| Er hielt in der Garage an, um eine Luftmatratze zu holen, die seine Gäste im Sommer unterhalten hatte, und der Chauffeur half ihm, sie aufzupumpen. Si fermò in garage per prendere un materasso pneumatico che aveva divertito i suoi ospiti durante l'estate, e l'autista lo aiutò a gonfiarlo. Then he gave instructions that the open car wasn't to be taken out under any circumstances—and this was strange, because the front right fender needed repair. ||||||||||||||||||||||||guardabarros delantero|| Poi diede istruzioni che l'auto aperta non doveva essere portata fuori in nessun caso - e questo era strano, perché il parafango anteriore destro doveva essere riparato.

Gatsby shouldered the mattress and started for the pool. |a porté||||||| |cargó sobre||colchón||||| Gatsby si mise in spalla il materasso e si avviò verso la piscina. Once he stopped and shifted it a little, and the chauffeur asked him if he needed help, but he shook his head and in a moment disappeared among the yellowing trees. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||jaunissant| ||||movió||||||chofer|||||||||||||||||||amarilleando| Einmal hielt er an und schob ihn ein wenig, und der Chauffeur fragte ihn, ob er Hilfe brauche, aber er schüttelte den Kopf und verschwand im Nu zwischen den vergilbten Bäumen. Una volta si fermò e si spostò un po', e l'autista gli chiese se avesse bisogno di aiuto, ma lui scosse la testa e in un attimo scomparve tra gli alberi ingialliti.

No telephone message arrived, but the butler went without his sleep and waited for it until four o'clock—until long after there was anyone to give it to if it came. ||||||mayordomo|||||||||||||||||||||||| Es kam keine telefonische Nachricht an, aber der Butler verzichtete auf seinen Schlaf und wartete bis vier Uhr morgens auf die Nachricht - und das, obwohl es längst niemanden mehr gab, dem er sie hätte geben können, wenn sie gekommen wäre. Non arrivò nessun messaggio telefonico, ma il maggiordomo non dormì e lo aspettò fino alle quattro, fino a quando non ci fu nessuno a cui consegnarlo, se fosse arrivato. I have an idea that Gatsby himself didn't believe it would come, and perhaps he no longer cared. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass Gatsby selbst nicht daran geglaubt hat, dass es so weit kommen würde, und vielleicht hat es ihn auch nicht mehr interessiert. Ho l'idea che Gatsby stesso non credesse che sarebbe arrivato, e forse non gli importava più. If that was true he must have felt that he had lost the old warm world, paid a high price for living too long with a single dream. ||||||||||||||cálido||||||||||||| Se questo era vero, doveva sentire di aver perso il vecchio mondo caldo, di aver pagato un prezzo alto per aver vissuto troppo a lungo con un unico sogno. He must have looked up at an unfamiliar sky through frightening leaves and shivered as he found what a grotesque thing a rose is and how raw the sunlight was upon the scarcely created grass. ||||||||||aterradoras|||tembló|||encontró que||||||||||crudo||||||escasamente creada|| Er muss durch beängstigendes Laub in einen unbekannten Himmel geblickt und gezittert haben, als er feststellte, was für ein groteskes Ding eine Rose ist und wie roh das Sonnenlicht auf dem kaum entstandenen Gras war. Avrà guardato un cielo sconosciuto attraverso foglie spaventose e avrà rabbrividito nel constatare quanto sia grottesca una rosa e quanto fosse cruda la luce del sole sull'erba appena nata. A new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about… like that ashen, fantastic figure gliding toward him through the amorphous trees. ||||||||||||||||||||||glissant|||||| ||||||||||||||flotaban|por casualidad||||cenicienta|||deslizándose|||||amorfos| Eine neue Welt, materiell, ohne real zu sein, in der arme Geister, die Träume wie Luft atmeten, zufällig umherschwebten ... wie diese aschfahle, fantastische Gestalt, die durch die amorphen Bäume auf ihn zukam. Un mondo nuovo, materiale senza essere reale, dove poveri fantasmi, che respiravano i sogni come l'aria, andavano alla deriva per caso... come quella figura cenerina e fantastica che scivolava verso di lui attraverso gli alberi amorfi.

The chauffeur—he was one of Wolfshiem's protégés—heard the shots—afterwards he could only say that he hadn't thought anything much about them. |||||||protegidos|||||||||||||||| Der Chauffeur - er war einer von Wolfshiems Schützlingen - hörte die Schüsse und konnte hinterher nur sagen, dass er sich nichts dabei gedacht habe. L'autista - che era uno dei protetti di Wolfshiem - sentì gli spari e in seguito poté solo dire che non ci aveva pensato più di tanto. I drove from the station directly to Gatsby's house and my rushing anxiously up the front steps was the first thing that alarmed anyone. |||||||||||apresurada|||||||||||| Ich fuhr vom Bahnhof direkt zu Gatsbys Haus, und mein ängstliches Hinaufeilen der Haustreppe war das erste, was alle alarmierte. Dalla stazione andai direttamente a casa di Gatsby e la mia corsa ansiosa sui gradini d'ingresso fu la prima cosa che allarmò tutti. But they knew then, I firmly believe. Aber sie wussten es damals, davon bin ich überzeugt. With scarcely a word said, four of us, the chauffeur, butler, gardener, and I hurried down to the pool. |||||||||chofer|mayordomo||||||||

There was a faint, barely perceptible movement of the water as the fresh flow from one end urged its way toward the drain at the other. ||||||||||||||||||||||desagüe||| Es gab eine schwache, kaum wahrnehmbare Bewegung des Wassers, als der frische Strom von einem Ende zum Abfluss am anderen Ende drängte. C'era un movimento debole e appena percettibile dell'acqua, mentre il flusso fresco da un'estremità si dirigeva verso lo scarico all'altra. With little ripples that were hardly the shadows of waves, the laden mattress moved irregularly down the pool. ||vagues légères||||||||||||||| ||ondulaciones|||||||||cargada|colchón||||| Die beladene Matratze bewegte sich mit kleinen Wellen, die kaum die Schatten von Wellen waren, unregelmäßig das Becken hinunter. Con piccole increspature che non erano certo l'ombra di onde, il materasso carico si muoveva irregolarmente lungo la vasca. A small gust of wind that scarcely corrugated the surface was enough to disturb its accidental course with its accidental burden. ||ráfaga|||||onduló|||||||||||||carga accidental Ein kleiner Windstoß, der die Oberfläche kaum berührte, reichte aus, um den zufälligen Lauf mit seiner zufälligen Last zu stören. Una piccola folata di vento, che a malapena increspava la superficie, fu sufficiente a disturbare il suo accidentale percorso con il suo accidentale fardello. The touch of a cluster of leaves revolved it slowly, tracing, like the leg of transit, a thin red circle in the water. ||||un grupo|||giró||||||||tránsito||||||| Die Berührung eines Blätterbüschels ließ es langsam kreisen und zeichnete, wie das Bein des Transits, einen dünnen roten Kreis im Wasser. Il tocco di un grappolo di foglie lo fece ruotare lentamente, tracciando, come la gamba di un transito, un sottile cerchio rosso nell'acqua.

It was after we started with Gatsby toward the house that the gardener saw Wilson's body a little way off in the grass, and the holocaust was complete. |||||||||||||vio|||||||||||||| Nachdem wir uns mit Gatsby auf den Weg zum Haus gemacht hatten, sah der Gärtner Wilsons Leiche etwas abseits im Gras, und der Holocaust war komplett. Fu dopo che ci avviammo con Gatsby verso la casa che il giardiniere vide il corpo di Wilson un po' lontano nell'erba, e l'olocausto fu completo.