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ESOL and New Scots stories, Coming to the UK

Coming to the UK

My name is Ali I was born in Afghanistan. It is a hot, desert country. When I was six years old, my family left Afghanistan and moved to England. We could not take a plane, so we went by boat. First we had to drive to Turkey in a car, and then we took the boat. The journey was dangerous and took a long time.

When we got to England, it was December and it was raining. I had no idea it could be so cold!

At that time, I didn't know how to speak English, and nobody in England speaks Farsi, my native language. It was difficult to make friends at school. Luckily, there was a boy from Iran where they also speak Farsi. He helped me a lot when I first arrived, and he's still my best friend. His name is Bahar.

Coming to the UK قادم إلى المملكة المتحدة Ankunft im Vereinigten Königreich Venir al Reino Unido Venir au Royaume-Uni イギリスへ 영국에 오기 Przyjazd do Wielkiej Brytanii A chegar ao Reino Unido Приход в Великобританию Birleşik Krallık'a Geliyor Приїзд до Великобританії 即将来到英国

My name is Ali I was born in Afghanistan. اسمي علي ولدت في أفغانستان. Mein Name ist Ali und ich wurde in Afghanistan geboren. My name is Ali I was born in Afghanistan. Me llamo Ali y nací en Afganistán. Je m'appelle Ali, je suis né en Afghanistan. Мене звуть Алі, я народився в Афганістані. It is a hot, desert country. Es ist ein heißes, wüstenhaftes Land. It is a hot, desert country. Це жарка пустельна країна. When I was six years old, my family left Afghanistan and moved to England. Als ich sechs Jahre alt war, verließ meine Familie Afghanistan und zog nach England. When I was six years old, my family left Afghanistan and moved to England. Cuando tenía seis años, mi familia se fue de Afganistán y se mudó a Inglaterra. Quando eu tinha seis anos, minha família deixou o Afeganistão e se mudou para a Inglaterra. Коли мені було шість років, моя родина покинула Афганістан і переїхала до Англії. We could not take a plane, so we went by boat. Wir konnten kein Flugzeug nehmen, also sind wir mit dem Boot gefahren. We could not take a plane, so we went by boat. Ми не могли сісти на літак, тому поїхали на човні. First we had to drive to Turkey in a car, and then we took the boat. Zuerst mussten wir mit dem Auto in die Türkei fahren, und dann haben wir das Boot genommen. First we had to drive to Turkey in a car, and then we took the boat. Primero tuvimos que conducir a Turquía en un automóvil y luego tomamos el bote. Спочатку до Туреччини треба було доїхати на машині, а потім вже на човні. The journey was dangerous and took a long time. Die Reise war gefährlich und dauerte sehr lange. The journey was dangerous and took a long time. Подорож була небезпечною і тривалою.

When we got to England, it was December and it was raining. Als wir in England ankamen, war es Dezember und es regnete. When we got to England, it was December and it was raining. Коли ми приїхали до Англії, був грудень і йшов дощ. I had no idea it could be so cold! Ich hatte keine Ahnung, dass es so kalt sein kann! I had no idea it could be so cold! ¡No tenía idea de que pudiera hacer tanto frío! Я й гадки не мав, що може бути так холодно!

At that time, I didn't know how to speak English, and nobody in England speaks Farsi, my native language. Damals konnte ich noch kein Englisch sprechen, und niemand in England spricht Farsi, meine Muttersprache. At that time, I didn't know how to speak English, and nobody in England speaks Farsi, my native language. У той час я не знав, як говорити англійською, а в Англії ніхто не розмовляє фарсі, моєю рідною мовою. It was difficult to make friends at school. Es war schwierig, in der Schule Freunde zu finden. It was difficult to make friends at school. У школі було важко дружити. Luckily, there was a boy from Iran where they also speak Farsi. Glücklicherweise gab es einen Jungen aus dem Iran, wo man auch Farsi spricht. Luckily, there was a boy from Iran where they also speak Farsi. Por suerte, había un chico de Irán, donde también hablan farsi. Por sorte, havia um menino do Irã, onde também falam farsi. На щастя, був хлопчик з Ірану, де теж говорять на фарсі. He helped me a lot when I first arrived, and he's still my best friend. Er hat mir sehr geholfen, als ich hier ankam, und er ist immer noch mein bester Freund. He helped me a lot when I first arrived, and he's still my best friend. Me ayudó mucho cuando llegué y sigue siendo mi mejor amigo. Він дуже допоміг мені, коли я тільки приїхав, і він досі мій найкращий друг. His name is Bahar. His name is Bahar.