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ESOL and New Scots stories, Ayah's Busy Day

Ayah's Busy Day

Today is going to be a busy day. Ayah is going to cook breakfast at 8 o'clock. She is going to eat eggs, bread, tomatoes and cheese. Next, she is going to wash the plates, cups, and forks.

At 10 o'clock, Ayah is going to make the bed and clean the clothes. Ayah is going to relax at 12 o'clock. She is going to phone her sister. She is going to cook at 2 o'clock. After school, she is going to play with the children. She is going to iron at 7 o'clock. She is going to sleep at 9 o'clock.

Ayah’s Busy Day Ayah is|| Ayahs arbeitsreicher Tag El ajetreado día de Ayah La giornata impegnativa di Ayah アヤの多忙な一日 O dia atarefado da Ayah Напряженный день Аяха Ayah'ın Yoğun Günü Зайнятий день Аї 阿雅忙碌的一天

Today is going to be a busy day. A mai nap sűrű lesz. Bugün yoğun bir gün olacak. Сьогодні буде насичений день. Ayah is going to cook breakfast at 8 o'clock. Mother||||||| Ayah saat 8'de kahvaltı hazırlayacak. Ая збирається готувати сніданок о 8 годині. She is going to eat eggs, bread, tomatoes and cheese. |||||||||dairy product Yumurta, ekmek, domates ve peynir yiyecek. Вона збирається їсти яйця, хліб, помідори та сир. Next, she is going to wash the plates, cups, and forks. |||||||dishes||| Daha sonra tabakları, bardakları ve çatalları yıkayacak. Далі вона збирається помити тарілки, чашки та виделки.

At 10 o'clock, Ayah is going to make the bed and clean the clothes. Saat 10'da Ayah yatağı toplayacak ve kıyafetleri temizleyecek. О 10 годині Айя збирається застелити ліжко і почистити одяг. Ayah is going to relax at 12 o'clock. Ayah 12 órakor pihenésre indul. Ayah saat 12'de dinlenecek. Айя збирається відпочити о 12 годині. She is going to phone her sister. Fel fogja hívni a nővérét. Kız kardeşini arayacak. Вона збирається зателефонувати сестрі. She is going to cook at 2 o'clock. Két órakor főzni fog. Saat 2'de yemek yapacak. After school, she is going to play with the children. Iskola után a gyerekekkel fog játszani. Okuldan sonra çocuklarla oynayacak. Після школи вона збирається пограти з дітьми. She is going to iron at 7 o'clock. ||||press clothes|| Hét órakor megy vasalni. Saat 7'de ütü yapacak. Вона збирається прасувати о сьомій годині. 她七点钟要去熨衣服。 She is going to sleep at 9 o'clock. Kilenc órakor lefekszik aludni.