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Green-Eyed English Podcast, Podcast: Typhoon Running

Podcast: Typhoon Running

Hello and welcome to Green-Eyed English, a podcast for intermediate English speakers. Interesting topics, with real, understandable spoken English. I'm Dan Green and today I want to tell you a story… a story about a run I will never forget.

Although I was born in the UK, I've lived abroad now for more than a decade, more than 10 years. Some of that time was in Hong Kong, where I worked as a teacher. I first moved to Hong Kong because I was really interested in the city's culture and history. For a long time, I've loved watching Hong Kong movies from the 80s and 90s, for example. Also, I have a Master's degree in Asia Pacific studies, and one of the best parts of that degree was learning about China's history.

So, I moved to Hong Kong and was looking forward to renting a nice apartment on a crazy high floor and looking out on the city lights every night…

…but… Hong Kong is expensive! Extremely expensive... damn expensive! If you want to live in the city, you either need to be very rich or you need to live in a tiny apartment. And when I say tiny, I mean tiny. Some apartments in Hong Kong are about the same size as a parking space…

So, to cut a long story short, I rented an apartment in a place called Tai Po. Tai Po is in the north of Hong Kong, in an area called the New Territories, quite close to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. It is less crowded than the main city and cheaper because it is about 30 minutes by train from Hong Kong Island. An old school friend of mine also lives in Tai Po, so he recommended it, and it was cool living close to him again after many years.

Now, one nice thing about Tai Po is that is has lots of outside space, so there are lots of places to run. In particular, there is a beautiful, long running route from Tai Po all the way down to a place called Tai Wai. This run is along a beautiful natural harbour, and then follows a river all the way down to the mountains at Tai Wai, where you have to either stop or get on a train to go under the mountains.

To be honest, around that time in my life, I was struggling with alcohol. I was drinking too much and having times when my mood was very low. So, I started running more. Running to feel better, running to drink less, and, well… just running to escape life really. Although running did not stop me drinking alcohol completely, it did improve things.

I remember one Sunday morning run very clearly. I remember it because I had been drinking the night before. And when I say drinking, I mean drinking heavily. I woke up feeling awful… the usual hangover problems: headache, dry mouth, tiredness. But, worse than that, I also remember feeling really down, really depressed.

So, I drank a big cup of water, put on my running shoes, and started running.

It was still early and the sun was still not up when I started. I felt sick, my head was spinning, and my legs were stiff, but stepping outside felt good. I ran down the hill from my apartment and went towards the harbour. As I reached the water, the sun started to come up and everything suddenly became beautiful: the water started to shine red and orange, like it was on fire; I suddenly saw that the small islands had low clouds sitting on them, and a light wind started blowing into my face.

Immediately, despite all the pain, all the guilt, all the alcohol, I felt happy to be alive again.

However, because I was drunk the night before, I had forgotten that a typhoon was coming. A typhoon is a powerful storm and they are very common in Hong Kong. In fact, Hong Kong has a typhoon warning signal from 1 to 8, where 1 is a very weak strong and 8 is an extremely strong storm and very dangerous. That light wind that I was enjoying was actually the start of a dangerous typhoon.

As I ran, the wind started to get stronger. The sky clouded over, too, and it started raining. At this point, I probably should have noticed that no one else was outside, but I didn't… I kept running, and running, and running, and the weather kept getting worse and worse. Soon, I had my head down because the wind was hurting my eyes, and I was dripping wet.

But… I kept on running. By this time, I had realised that it was a typhoon, but that didn't stop me… I was too lost in the run. It felt like nature was washing away my hangover and it felt amazing. I felt more alive than ever before. By the time I reached the end of the run, trees were being blown about and branches were breaking off, so I was lucky that the mountains at Tai Wai stopped me from continuing. When I went into a train station to catch a train back home, I looked a mess - soaking wet, cold, crazy hair – but I was smiling. I remember people in the train station looking at me like I was a madman.

Since then, I still run, and I have had some other amazing runs. But that is the one run I will never forget. And I hope that I get to have another experience like it in the future, although perhaps not in a typhoon… running in a storm like that is pretty dangerous, and I don't recommend you do it. Unless, perhaps, like my drinking at the time, you are doing something far more dangerous.

So, how about you? Got an experience that you will never forget? Leave me a comment or send me a message – I'd love to hear from you!

Finally, if you are a language learner, you should visit my website at greeneyedenglish.com where you can download a learning pack for this episode. It has a transcript, a glossary of interesting language, and notes on useful phrases and grammar.

Nice talking to you. Bye bye!

Podcast: Typhoon Running Podcast: Der Taifun läuft Podcast: Typhoon Running Podcast: Typhoon Running Podcast : Typhoon Running ポッドキャスト台風ランニング 팟캐스트: 태풍 달리기 Podcast: Typhoon Running Podcast: Corrida do Tufão Подкаст: Бегущий тайфун Podcast: Typhoon Running Podcast: Tayfun Koşusu Подкаст: Тайфун, що біжить 播客:台风奔跑 播客:颱風奔跑

Hello and welcome to Green-Eyed English, a podcast for intermediate English speakers. Sveiki, sveiki atvykę į Green-Eyed English – podcast'ą, skirtą vidutiniškai angliškai kalbantiems. Pozdravljeni in dobrodošli v Green-Eyed English, podkastu za srednje govoreče angleško govoreče. Interesting topics, with real, understandable spoken English. Įdomios temos, tikra, suprantama šnekamoji anglų kalba. Zanimive teme, s pravo, razumljivo govorjeno angleščino. I'm Dan Green and today I want to tell you a story… a story about a run I will never forget. Aš esu Danas Greenas ir šiandien noriu papasakoti jums istoriją... istoriją apie bėgimą, kurio niekada nepamiršiu. Sem Dan Green in danes vam želim povedati zgodbo ... zgodbo o teku, ki ga ne bom nikoli pozabil.

Although I was born in the UK, I've lived abroad now for more than a decade, more than 10 years. |||||||||im Ausland||||||||| 私はイギリスで生まれましたが、今は10年以上、海外に住んでいます。 Nors gimiau JK, užsienyje gyvenu daugiau nei dešimtmetį, daugiau nei 10 metų. Čeprav sem rojen v Združenem kraljestvu, zdaj živim v tujini že več kot desetletje, več kot 10 let. Some of that time was in Hong Kong, where I worked as a teacher. Nekaj časa sem bil v Hong Kongu, kjer sem delal kot učitelj. I first moved to Hong Kong because I was really interested in the city's culture and history. Iš pradžių persikėliau į Honkongą, nes labai domėjausi miesto kultūra ir istorija. Najprej sem se preselil v Hongkong, ker sta me res zanimali kultura in zgodovina mesta. For a long time, I've loved watching Hong Kong movies from the 80s and 90s, for example. Pavyzdžiui, ilgą laiką mėgau žiūrėti Honkongo filmus iš 80-ųjų ir 90-ųjų. Že dolgo rada gledam na primer hongkonške filme iz 80. in 90. let. Also, I have a Master's degree in Asia Pacific studies, and one of the best parts of that degree was learning about China's history. Be to, turiu Azijos ir Ramiojo vandenyno studijų magistro laipsnį, o viena geriausių šio laipsnio dalių buvo Kinijos istorijos pažinimas. Imam tudi magisterij iz azijsko-pacifiških študij in eden najboljših delov te diplome je bilo spoznavanje zgodovine Kitajske.

So, I moved to Hong Kong and was looking forward to renting a nice apartment on a crazy high floor and looking out on the city lights every night… Ich bin also nach Hongkong gezogen und habe mich darauf gefreut, eine schöne Wohnung in einem wahnsinnig hohen Stockwerk zu mieten und jeden Abend auf die Lichter der Stadt zu schauen... Así que me mudé a Hong Kong y tenía muchas ganas de alquilar un bonito apartamento en un piso muy alto y contemplar las luces de la ciudad todas las noches... Taigi, persikėliau į Honkongą ir nekantriai laukiau, kada išsinuomosiu gražų butą beprotiškai aukštame aukšte ir kiekvieną vakarą žvelgsiu į miesto šviesas... Tako sem se preselila v Hong Kong in se veselila, da bom lahko najela prijetno stanovanje v noro visokem nadstropju in vsako noč gledala na mestne luči ... 所以,我搬到了香港,期待着在一个疯狂的高楼层租一套漂亮的公寓,每晚都能看到城市的灯光......

…but… Hong Kong is expensive! Extremely expensive... damn expensive! Itin brangu... velniškai brangu! If you want to live in the city, you either need to be very rich or you need to live in a tiny apartment. Jei nori gyventi mieste, turi būti labai turtingas arba turi gyventi mažame bute. Če želite živeti v mestu, morate biti zelo bogati ali pa morate živeti v majhnem stanovanju. And when I say tiny, I mean __tiny__. Some apartments in Hong Kong are about the same size as a parking space… Kai kurie apartamentai Honkonge yra maždaug tokio pat dydžio kaip automobilių stovėjimo aikštelė… Hong Kong'daki bazı daireler yaklaşık olarak bir park alanı büyüklüğünde...

So, to cut a long story short, I rented an apartment in a place called Tai Po. Entonces, para resumir, alquilé un departamento en un lugar llamado Tai Po. Taigi, trumpai tariant, išsinuomojau butą vietoje, vadinamoje Tai Po. Torej, če skrajšam zgodbo, sem najel stanovanje v kraju Tai Po. Uzun lafın kısası, Tai Po adında bir yerde bir daire kiraladım. Tai Po is in the north of Hong Kong, in an area called the New Territories, quite close to the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. Tai Po yra Honkongo šiaurėje, Naujosiomis teritorijomis vadinamoje vietovėje, visai netoli pietų Kinijos Šendženo miesto. Tai Po je na severu Hongkonga, na območju, imenovanem New Territories, precej blizu južnokitajskega mesta Shenzhen. It is less crowded than the main city and cheaper because it is about 30 minutes by train from Hong Kong Island. Está menos concurrida que la ciudad principal y es más barata porque está a unos 30 minutos en tren desde la isla de Hong Kong. Jis yra mažiau perkrautas nei pagrindinis miestas ir pigesnis, nes jis yra maždaug 30 minučių traukiniu nuo Honkongo salos. Je manj gneče kot glavno mesto in cenejše, ker je približno 30 minut vožnje z vlakom od otoka Hong Kong. An old school friend of mine also lives in Tai Po, so he recommended it, and it was cool living close to him again after many years. |||||||resides||||||||||||||||||| Mano senas mokyklos draugas taip pat gyvena Tai Po, todėl jis jį rekomendavo, ir po daugelio metų vėl buvo šaunu gyventi šalia jo. Moj stari šolski prijatelj prav tako živi v Tai Poju, zato ga je priporočil in bilo je super živeti spet blizu njega po mnogih letih. 我的一位老同学也住在大埔,所以他推荐了这里,多年后再次住在他附近很酷。

Now, one nice thing about Tai Po is that is has lots of outside space, so there are lots of places to run. Vienas malonus Tai Po dalykas yra tai, kad yra daug lauko erdvės, todėl yra daug vietų bėgioti. Ena dobra stvar pri Tai Poju je, da ima veliko zunanjega prostora, tako da je veliko krajev za tek. Şimdi, Tai Po'nun güzel bir yanı, çok fazla dış alana sahip olması, bu yüzden koşmak için çok fazla yer var. In particular, there is a beautiful, long running route from Tai Po all the way down to a place called Tai Wai. |specifically|||||||||||||||||||| Visų pirma, yra gražus, ilgas bėgimo maršrutas nuo Tai Po iki pat vietos, vadinamos Tai Wai. Predvsem je lepa, dolga tekaška pot od Tai Poja vse do kraja, imenovanega Tai Wai. Özellikle Tai Po'dan Tai Wai denilen yere kadar uzanan güzel ve uzun bir rota bulunmaktadır. This run is along a beautiful natural harbour, and then follows a river all the way down to the mountains at Tai Wai, where you have to either stop or get on a train to go under the mountains. Diese Strecke führt entlang eines wunderschönen Naturhafens und dann entlang eines Flusses bis hinunter in die Berge bei Tai Wai, wo man entweder anhalten oder in einen Zug steigen muss, um unter die Berge zu gelangen. Šis bėgimas eina palei gražų natūralų uostą, o tada eina upe iki pat Tai Wai kalnų, kur turite sustoti arba sėsti į traukinį, kad nusileistumėte po kalnais. Esta corrida é feita ao longo de um belo porto natural e depois segue um rio até às montanhas em Tai Wai, onde é preciso parar ou apanhar um comboio para passar por baixo das montanhas. Ta tek poteka vzdolž čudovitega naravnega pristanišča, nato pa sledi reki vse do gora v Tai Wai, kjer se morate bodisi ustaviti ali stopiti na vlak, da greste pod gore. Bu koşu güzel bir doğal liman boyunca devam etmekte ve daha sonra Tai Wai'deki dağlara kadar bir nehri takip etmektedir; burada ya durmanız ya da dağların altına gitmek için bir trene binmeniz gerekmektedir. 这条跑步路线是沿着一个美丽的天然港口,然后沿着一条河流一直到大围的山上,在那里你必须停下来或乘火车到山下。

To be honest, around that time in my life, I was struggling with alcohol. Tiesą sakant, maždaug tuo metu savo gyvenime aš kovojau su alkoholiu. Para ser sincero, nessa altura da minha vida, debatia-me com o álcool. Če sem iskren, sem se v tistem obdobju svojega življenja boril z alkoholom. I was drinking too much and having times when my mood was very low. Ich habe zu viel getrunken und hatte Zeiten, in denen meine Stimmung sehr schlecht war. Per daug gėriau ir kartais buvo labai prasta nuotaika. Preveč sem pil in včasih sem imel zelo slabo razpoloženje. So, I started running more. Entonces, comencé a correr más. Taigi pradėjau daugiau bėgioti. Tako sem začel več teči. Running to feel better, running to drink less, and, well… just running to escape life really. Correr para sentirse mejor, correr para beber menos y, bueno... en realidad, simplemente correr para escapar de la vida. Bėgti, kad jaustumėtės geriau, bėgti, kad mažiau gertumėte, ir, na, tiesiog bėgti, kad pabėgtumėte nuo gyvenimo. Teči, da bi se počutil bolje, teči, da bi manj pil, in, no ... samo teči, da bi res pobegnil od življenja. Although running did not stop me drinking alcohol completely, it did improve things. Obwohl ich durch das Laufen nicht völlig vom Alkoholkonsum loskam, hat es die Situation verbessert. Nors bėgimas visiškai nesustabdė manęs gerti alkoholio, jis viską pagerino. Čeprav mi tek ni popolnoma preprečil pitja alkohola, je izboljšal stvari.

I remember one Sunday morning run very clearly. Labai aiškiai prisimenu vieną sekmadienio ryto bėgimą. Zelo jasno se spominjam nekega nedeljskega jutranjega teka. I remember it because I had been drinking the night before. Prisimenu tai, nes prieš tai išgėriau. Spominjam se, ker sem prejšnjo noč pil. And when I say drinking, I mean drinking heavily. Ir kai sakau, kad geriu, turiu galvoje daug gerti. In ko rečem, da pijem, mislim, da pijem veliko. I woke up feeling awful… the usual hangover problems: headache, dry mouth, tiredness. ||||terrible|||||||| Pabudau siaubingai... įprastos pagirių problemos: galvos skausmas, burnos džiūvimas, nuovargis. Zbudil sem se z groznim občutkom… običajne težave z mačkam: glavobol, suha usta, utrujenost. But, worse than that, I also remember feeling really down, really depressed. Bet, dar blogiau, aš taip pat prisimenu, kad jaučiausi labai prislėgtas, tikrai prislėgtas. Ampak kar je huje, spomnim se tudi, da sem bil zelo potrt, resnično depresiven.

So, I drank a big cup of water, put on my running shoes, and started running. Taigi, išgėriau didelį puodelį vandens, apsiaviau bėgimo batelius ir pradėjau bėgioti. Tako sem spil veliko skodelico vode, obul tekaške copate in začel teči.

It was still early and the sun was still not up when I started. Kai pradėjau, dar buvo anksti, o saulė dar nebuvo pakilusi. Bilo je še zgodaj in sonce še ni vzšlo, ko sem začel. I felt sick, my head was spinning, and my legs were stiff, but stepping outside felt good. ||||||sich drehte|||||steif||||| ||||||whirling|||||||||| 気分が悪くなり、頭がクラクラし、足がこわばったが、外に出ると気持ちがいい。 Man pykino, sukosi galva, o kojos buvo sustingusios, bet išėjus į lauką jaučiausi gerai. Bilo mi je slabo, vrtelo se mi je v glavi in noge so bile otrdele, a stopiti ven je bilo dobro. I ran down the hill from my apartment and went towards the harbour. Bajé corriendo la colina desde mi apartamento y fui hacia el puerto. Nubėgau nuo kalno iš savo buto ir nuėjau link uosto. Desci a colina do meu apartamento a correr e fui em direção ao porto. Iz stanovanja sem stekel po hribu navzdol in šel proti pristanišču. As I reached the water, the sun started to come up and everything suddenly became beautiful: the water started to shine red and orange, like it was on fire; I suddenly saw that the small islands had low clouds sitting on them, and a light wind started blowing into my face. Kai pasiekiau vandenį, pradėjo tekėti saulė ir staiga viskas pasidarė gražu: vanduo ėmė šviesti raudonai ir oranžiškai, tarsi liepsnotų; Staiga pamačiau, kad ant mažų salelių sėdėjo žemi debesys, o man į veidą pradėjo pūsti lengvas vėjas. Quando cheguei à água, o sol começou a nascer e tudo se tornou subitamente belo: a água começou a brilhar a vermelho e laranja, como se estivesse a arder; vi de repente que as pequenas ilhas tinham nuvens baixas pousadas sobre elas, e um vento ligeiro começou a soprar na minha cara. Ko sem prišel do vode, je sonce začelo vzhajati in vse je nenadoma postalo lepo: voda se je začela sijati rdeče in oranžno, kot da gori; Nenadoma sem videl, da na majhnih otokih sedijo nizki oblaki, in rahel veter mi je začel pihati v obraz. Suya ulaştığımda güneş doğmaya başladı ve her şey birden güzelleşti: su yanıyormuş gibi kırmızı ve turuncu parlamaya başladı; aniden küçük adaların üzerinde alçak bulutlar olduğunu gördüm ve hafif bir rüzgar yüzüme doğru esmeye başladı.

Immediately, despite all the pain, all the guilt, all the alcohol, I felt happy to be alive again. |trotz|||||||||||||||| |in spite of||||||sense of remorse|||||||||| Iš karto, nepaisant viso skausmo, visos kaltės, viso alkoholio, pasijutau laiminga, kad vėl gyvenu. Takoj, kljub vsej bolečini, vsej krivdi, vsemu alkoholu, sem se počutil srečnega, da sem spet živ. Anında, tüm acıya, tüm suçluluk duygusuna ve tüm alkole rağmen, yeniden hayatta olduğum için mutlu hissettim.

However, because I was drunk the night before, I had forgotten that a typhoon was coming. Tačiau, kadangi išvakarėse buvau girtas, buvau pamiršęs, kad artėja taifūnas. Ker pa sem bil prejšnji večer pijan, sem pozabil, da prihaja tajfun. Ancak bir gece önce sarhoş olduğum için bir tayfunun yaklaşmakta olduğunu unutmuştum. A typhoon is a powerful storm and they are very common in Hong Kong. Taifūnas yra galinga audra, kuri Honkonge yra labai paplitusi. Tajfun je močna nevihta in je v Hongkongu zelo pogosta. Tayfun güçlü bir fırtınadır ve Hong Kong'da çok yaygındır. In fact, Hong Kong has a typhoon warning signal from 1 to 8, where 1 is a very weak strong and 8 is an extremely strong storm and very dangerous. |||||||||||||||not intense|||||||||| Tiesą sakant, Honkonge įspėjamasis taifūno signalas yra nuo 1 iki 8, kur 1 yra labai silpnas stiprus, o 8 yra labai stipri audra ir labai pavojinga. Pravzaprav ima Hongkong opozorilni signal pred tajfunom od 1 do 8, kjer je 1 zelo šibka močna nevihta, 8 pa izjemno močna in zelo nevarna nevihta. Aslında Hong Kong'da 1'den 8'e kadar bir tayfun uyarı sinyali vardır. 1 çok zayıf güçlü, 8 ise son derece güçlü ve çok tehlikeli bir fırtına anlamına gelmektedir. That light wind that I was enjoying was actually the start of a dangerous typhoon. Der leichte Wind, den ich gerade genoss, war in Wirklichkeit der Beginn eines gefährlichen Taifuns. Tas lengvas vėjas, kuriuo mėgavausi, iš tikrųjų buvo pavojingo taifūno pradžia. Ta rahel veter, v katerem sem užival, je bil pravzaprav začetek nevarnega tajfuna. Keyif aldığım o hafif rüzgâr aslında tehlikeli bir tayfunun başlangıcıydı.

As I ran, the wind started to get stronger. Bebėgant vėjas pradėjo stiprėti. Ko sem tekel, je veter začel postajati močnejši. The sky clouded over, too, and it started raining. ||became overcast|||||| El cielo también se nubló y empezó a llover. Dangus taip pat apėmė debesis ir pradėjo lyti. Tudi nebo se je pooblačilo in začelo je deževati. At this point, I probably should have noticed that no one else was outside, but I didn't… I kept running, and running, and running, and the weather kept getting worse and worse. ||||likely||||||||||||||||||||||||||| En este punto, probablemente debería haber notado que no había nadie más afuera, pero no lo hice... Seguí corriendo, corriendo y corriendo, y el clima empeoraba cada vez más. Šiuo metu turbūt turėjau pastebėti, kad lauke nėra kitų, bet aš ne... Aš vis bėgau, bėgau, bėgau, o oras vis blogėjo ir blogėjo. Na tej točki bi verjetno moral opaziti, da zunaj ni nikogar drugega, a nisem … Kar naprej sem tekel, tekel in tekel, vreme pa je postajalo vedno slabše. Soon, I had my head down because the wind was hurting my eyes, and I was dripping wet. ||||||||||||||||soaking wet| Pronto, tenía la cabeza gacha porque el viento me lastimaba los ojos y estaba empapado. Netrukus nuleidau galvą, nes vėjas skaudino akis, o aš buvau šlapia. Kmalu sem imel glavo dol, ker me je veter bolel v oči, in bil sem čisto moker.

But… I kept on running. Aber... ich lief weiter. Bet... Aš bėgau toliau. Ampak… še naprej sem tekel. Ama koşmaya devam ettim. By this time, I had realised that it was a typhoon, but that didn't stop me… I was too lost in the run. En ese momento, me di cuenta de que era un tifón, pero eso no me detuvo... Estaba demasiado perdido en la carrera. Iki to laiko jau supratau, kad tai taifūnas, bet tai manęs nesustabdė... Per daug pasiklydau bėgime. Takrat sem že ugotovil, da gre za tajfun, vendar me to ni ustavilo … Bil sem preveč izgubljen v teku. O zamana kadar bunun bir tayfun olduğunu fark etmiştim ama bu beni durdurmadı... Koşarken kendimi kaybetmiştim. It felt like nature was washing away my hangover and it felt amazing. Es fühlte sich an, als ob die Natur meinen Kater wegspülen würde, und das war ein tolles Gefühl. Sentí que la naturaleza me estaba quitando la resaca y se sintió increíble. Atrodė, kad gamta nuplauna mano pagirias ir tai buvo nuostabu. Zdelo se mi je, kot da mi je narava odplaknila mačka, in bilo je čudovito. Sanki doğa akşamdan kalmalığımı yıkıyormuş gibi hissettim ve bu harika bir duyguydu. I felt more alive than ever before. Jaučiausi gyvesnė nei bet kada anksčiau. Počutila sem se bolj živo kot kdajkoli prej. By the time I reached the end of the run, trees were being blown about and branches were breaking off, so I was lucky that the mountains at Tai Wai stopped me from continuing. Cuando llegué al final de la carrera, los árboles estaban siendo derribados y las ramas se estaban rompiendo, así que tuve suerte de que las montañas de Tai Wai me impidieran continuar. 走り終わるころには、木々が吹き飛ばされ、枝が折れていた。 Kai pasiekiau bėgimo pabaigą, medžiai skrodžiavo ir lūžo šakos, todėl man pasisekė, kad kalnai Tai Wai sustabdė mane nuo tolimesnės veiklos. Ko sem dosegel konec teka, je drevesa raznašalo in veje so se lomile, tako da sem imel srečo, da so me gore pri Tai Waiju ustavile pri nadaljevanju. 当我到达终点时,树木被吹倒,树枝被折断,所以我很幸运,大围的山脉阻止了我继续前进。 When I went into a train station to catch a train back home, I looked a mess - soaking wet, cold, crazy hair – but I was smiling. |||||||||||||||||drenched|||||||| Kai įėjau į traukinių stotį, kad suspėčiau į traukinį namo, atrodžiau netvarka – šlapi, šalti, pašėlusiais plaukais – bet šypsojausi. Ko sem šel na železniško postajo, da bi ujel vlak nazaj domov, sem bil videti zmešano – premočeni, mrzli, nori lasje – vendar sem se smehljal. I remember people in the train station looking at me like I was a madman. ||||||||||||||crazy person Prisimenu, kaip žmonės traukinių stotyje žiūrėjo į mane kaip į beprotį. Spomnim se ljudi na železniški postaji, ki so me gledali, kot da sem nor.

Since then, I still run, and I have had some other amazing runs. Od takrat še vedno tečem in imel sem še nekaj drugih neverjetnih tekov. O zamandan beri hala koşuyorum ve başka harika koşularım da oldu. But that is the one run I will never forget. Bet tai yra vienintelis bėgimas, kurio niekada nepamiršiu. Ampak to je tisti tek, ki ga ne bom nikoli pozabil. Ama bu asla unutamayacağım bir koşuydu. And I hope that I get to have another experience like it in the future, although perhaps not in a typhoon… running in a storm like that is pretty dangerous, and I don't recommend you do it. |||||||||similar event||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Und ich hoffe, dass ich in Zukunft noch einmal eine solche Erfahrung machen kann, wenn auch vielleicht nicht in einem Taifun... in einem solchen Sturm zu laufen ist ziemlich gefährlich, und ich empfehle es nicht. Ir tikiuosi, kad ateityje turėsiu dar vieną panašų įspūdį, nors galbūt ne per taifūną... bėgti per tokią audrą yra gana pavojinga, ir nerekomenduoju to daryti. In upam, da bom v prihodnosti doživel še eno podobno izkušnjo, čeprav morda ne v tajfunu … teči v takšni nevihti je zelo nevarno in vam tega ne priporočam. Unless, perhaps, like my drinking at the time, you are doing something far more dangerous. Es sei denn, Sie tun etwas viel Gefährlicheres, so wie ich damals getrunken habe. Nebent, kaip kad tuo metu išgėriau, jūs darote ką nors daug pavojingesnio. Razen, če morda, tako kot moje pitje v tistem času, počnete nekaj veliko bolj nevarnega.

So, how about you? Got an experience that you will never forget? ||Unforgettable event||||| Imate izkušnjo, ki je ne boste nikoli pozabili? Leave me a comment or send me a message – I'd love to hear from you! Pustite mi komentar ali mi pošljite sporočilo – vesel bi bil vašega mnenja! Bana bir yorum bırakın veya mesaj gönderin - sizden haber almak isterim!

Finally, if you are a language learner, you should visit my website at greeneyedenglish.com where you can download a learning pack for this episode. Nazadnje, če se učite jezikov, obiščite mojo spletno stran na greeneyedenglish.com, kjer lahko prenesete učni paket za to epizodo. It has a transcript, a glossary of interesting language, and notes on useful phrases and grammar. Ima prepis, glosar zanimivega jezika ter opombe o uporabnih frazah in slovnici.

Nice talking to you. Seninle konuşmak güzeldi. Bye bye!