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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 14

Daily English 14

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 14 – Going to the Post Office.

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 14.

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

On this podcast, we're going to go to the post office.

Let's get started.

[start of story]

For me, things never go very smoothly at the local post office.

I've learned that if you want to mail a letter, you'll have no problems.

But if things get more complicated than that, well, watch out!

Yesterday I went there to mail a small package and pick up a book of stamps.

I wait my turn in line, and when I get up to the window, the clerk says, "What can I do for you?" "Well," I say, "I need a book – no make that a roll – of stamps.

And I need to send this package priority to San Francisco.

" "You want insurance with that?" he asks me.

"Uh, I don't know, what do you recommend?" "Well," he says, "you can send it priority with tracking if you want to see when it gets there, you can send it insured if the contents are valuable, or you can do both.

"Okay, I'll take the insurance.

" "Then step aside to fill out the insurance form," he says, "and bring it back up to me when you're finished.

" With that, I was waved aside to fill out my form.

"Next in line!" the clerk calls.

When I finish filling out the form, I wait patiently until the gentleman being waited on in front of me is finished, and then step back up to the window.

"Sorry," the clerk says, "I'm on break now.

She can help you at the next window.

Maybe it would be quicker just to drive my package to San Francisco.

[end of story]

In talking about my trip to the post office I said that, “Things never go very smoothly.

” “To go smoothly” (smoothly) means to take place without problems.

For example, if someone asks you, “How did your visit to the doctor go?” You could say, “Oh, it went smoothly,” meaning I didn't have any problems.

Everything was just fine.

I said that, “If you want to mail a letter at my post office, you'll have no problems.

” “To mail a letter” means to send a letter.

A letter is typically a piece of paper inside of an envelope.

“But if things get more complicated,” I say, “well, watch out.

” “Watch out” is an expression we use to mean “be careful.

” What I'm saying here is that if you want to do something other than mail a letter, which is a very simple thing, then you might have problems.

I continue the story by saying, “Yesterday, I went there to mail a small package and to pick up a book of stamps.

” There are two terms we use in talking about stamps.

One is a “book of stamps” and the other is a “roll (roll) of stamps.

” A “book of stamps” is a small, little book, although it's not really a book.

Basically, it's a small package of about 20 stamps.

A “roll of stamps” has a hundred stamps, but all of the stamps are connected to each other and they're wrapped around until they're in a small circle, what we call a “roll.

” I said that I wanted to pick up or buy a book of stamps.

I also said I want to mail a small package.

A “package” (package) is something you are sending that is bigger than a simple letter with an envelope.

A package is usually in a box, a small box, a large box – any kind of box.

You send a package when you are sending something, usually larger than can fit into a small envelope.

Then I began to tell the story of what happened exactly at the post office.

When we tell a story in English, we many times, use something called the historical present, which is the present tense of the verb, even though you are talking about something in the past.

“Historical” comes from “history” – something that has happened already.

Even though I'm describing something that happened in the past, in this case, it was yesterday, I still use the present tense in telling the story.

The idea is that, it gives it a little more immediacy.

It feels like it's happening right now.

So, in telling the story, I begin by saying, “I wait my turn in line.

” “To wait your turn in line” means to wait for the person in front of you or the people in front of you, to go first.

If there is a line, you have to wait for the people in front of you who arrived before you did.

I say, “I wait my turn in line and when I get up to the window, the clerk says to me, “What can I do for you?'' The “window” here is not a window on the side of a building or a house that you look outside through.

A “window” here just means the place where the person working for the post office, the clerk, stands in order to help you.

You go up to this person who's standing usually behind what we would call a “counter.

” It's basically a large, narrow desk.

You have one person on one side, the clerk, the employee of the post office and you're on the other side doing what you are there to do – buying stamps or sending packages and so forth.

So, I walk up to the window and the clerk asks me “What can I do for you?” This is just a nice way of saying, “How can I help you?” I say “I need a book – no, make that a roll – of stamps.

” The expression, “make that” means change what I just said.

So, when I say “I need a book – no, make that a roll – of stamps” I mean that I just made a mistake.

I didn't mean to say a “book of stamps.

” I meant to say, a “roll of stamps.

” So, it's a way of correcting yourself as you are speaking.

I say that, “I need a roll of stamps and I need to send this package priority to San Francisco.

” “Priority” is one way of sending a package in the United States.

It depends on how fast you want your letter or package to arrive somewhere.

There are many different ways of sending letters and packages.

The faster it gets there, the more expensive it is.

The most common way of sending mail is what we call “first class mail.

” There's nothing special about it.

It'll get there, oh, depending on how far away the place you are sending it to, in a couple of days.

If you sent something Priority, usually, that means it will arrive in two to three days, even if it's on the other side of the country.

For example, if I send a package from Los Angeles to New York first class mail – regular mail, it may take up to a week to arrive.

But, if I send it Priority Mail, it will arrive in two to three days.

The fastest way of sending mail is “Express.

” “Express” usually arrives the next day.

I'm sending this package Priority to San Francisco.

The clerk then asked me, “You want insurance with that?” Notice the informal way he asks this question.

The correct, grammatical way would be, “Do you want insurance with that?” At least that would be the more formal way of phrasing the question.

He instead says, “You want insurance with that?” And by raising his voice at the end, you know he's asking a question.

I say “Uh, I don't know.

What do you recommend?” – meaning, “What do you suggest?” He says, “Well, you can send it Priority with tracking if you want to see when it gets there.

” “Tracking” (tracking) means that you are given a special number and you can go online, you can go on to the Internet, and check to see when that package arrived, when the post office employee, who delivers the package – we would call that person the “postal carrier” – he will enter the day and time that he delivered the package and you will get that information on the Internet, if you want it.

I say we call the person who delivers the mail the “postal carrier.

” We used to call it the “postman,” but people didn't like the word “man” because there were both men and women and so they've changed the term to “postal carrier” (carrier).

So, the clerk asked me if I want to send it Priority with tracking or if I want to send it insured.

“To send a package insured” (insured) means that you buy a special kind of insurance policy.

So, if something goes wrong – if the post office loses the package – you will get money back for your package.

You only want to do that if the contents of your package are valuable.

“Contents” refers to what is inside of the package, what you are actually sending.

It could be a bottle.

It could be a shoe.

It could be a computer.

“Valuable” means that it is worth a lot of money.

“I decide that I'll take the insurance,” meaning I will buy the insurance.

The clerk then says, “Step aside to fill out the insurance form.

” “To step aside” (aside) is a two-word phrasal verb, meaning to move to one side of where you are standing right now, so that someone else can walk up and be helped.

We would use this expression in a situation like this where you have a line of people waiting to be helped by a clerk or an employee of some organization.

So, I stepped to one side.

I move away from the window, in order to fill out or complete the insurance form.

The clerk says, after I finish filling out the insurance form, I should bring it back up to him.

“To bring it back” means to return it to him.

The clerk then waves me aside.

“To wave (wave) someone aside” is another two-word phrasal verb.

It means to move your arm, move your hand back and forth, to indicate to the person that you want them to step aside.

It's not a very polite thing to do typically, but it is not uncommon.

I say that “I'm waved aside and then the clerk says, ‘Next in line!'” The clerk is asking for the next person to walk up to the window in order to be served, in order to be helped.

Then, I finish filling out the form and I wait patiently until the gentleman – the adult man being waited on in front of me – is finished.

“To be waited” on means that someone is helping you.

So, there is a person in front of me at the window who is being helped by the clerk.

I'm waiting for this man to finish what he needs to do so that I can then be helped when he finishes.

I step back up to the window.

That means I walk back up to talk to the clerk.

The clerk says, however, “Sorry,” meaning I'm sorry, “I'm on break now.

” “To be on break” (break) means that you are not working anymore, that you are taking 15 or 20 minutes to relax.

In most jobs, if you work more than four hours, you get a break.

You get to stop work in the middle and relax a little.

That's what the clerk is going to do.

Daily English 14 Täglich Englisch 14 Inglés diario 14 Daily English 14 Inglese quotidiano 14 デイリーイングリッシュ14 데일리 영어 14 Inglês diário 14 Daily English 14 Günlük İngilizce 14 Щоденна англійська 14 日常英语14 日常英語14

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 14 – Going to the Post Office. Bem-vindos ao Podcast Inglês como Segunda Língua número 14 - Going to the Post Office. 歡迎來到英語作為第二語言播客第14集 – 去郵局。

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode 14. 這是英語作為第二語言播客第14集。

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. ||||||||||||||Eğitim Geli||||| 我是你的主持人,杰夫·麥奎倫博士,來自美麗的加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的教育發展中心。

On this podcast, we're going to go to the post office. 在這個播客中,我們要去郵局。

Let's get started. 讓我們開始吧。

[start of story] [故事開始]

For me, things never go very smoothly at the local post office. ||||||順利地||||| ||||||rahatça||||| ||coisas||||suavemente||||| 私の場合、地元の郵便局で物事がスムーズに進むことはない。 Для меня в местном почтовом отделении дела никогда не идут очень гладко. 對我來說,當地的郵局事情從來都不太順利。

I've learned that if you want to mail a letter, you'll have no problems. ||||||||||você terá||| 手紙を出すなら、何の問題もないことを学んだ。 Я узнал, что если вы хотите отправить письмо по почте, у вас не будет проблем. 我已經學到了,如果你想寄一封信,你不會有任何問題。

But if things get more complicated than that, well, watch out! しかし、物事がそれ以上に複雑になったら、まあ、気をつけよう! Но если все станет сложнее, будьте осторожны! 但如果事情變得比這更複雜,那麼,小心點!

Yesterday I went there to mail a small package and pick up a book of stamps. |||||||||||||||郵票 |||||||||||||||pul kitapçığı |||||||||||||||selos 昨日、小さな荷物を郵送し、切手帳を受け取りに行った。 Вчера я пошел туда, чтобы отправить небольшой пакет и забрать книгу марок. 昨天我去那裡寄了一個小包裹,並取了一本郵票。

I wait my turn in line, and when I get up to the window, the clerk says, "What can I do for you?" 我在隊伍中等我自己的順序,當我走到窗口時,店員說:"我可以為您做些什麼?" "Well," I say, "I need a book – no make that a roll – of stamps. |||||||||||rolo|| 「切手の本が必要なんだ。 «Ну, — говорю, — мне нужна книга — не то что рулон — марок. "Що ж, - кажу я, - мені потрібна книжка - нехай це буде не рулон - марок. "嗯,"我說,"我需要一本——不,是一卷——郵票。"

And I need to send this package priority to San Francisco. |||||||優先||| |||||||우선 배송||| |||||||öncelikli|San Francisco'ya|San|San Francisco そして、この荷物をサンフランシスコに優先的に送る必要がある。 І мені потрібно відправити цей пакет пріоритетно в Сан-Франциско. 我需要將這個包裹以優先的方式寄往舊金山。

" "You want insurance with that?" ||sigorta|| " "Ви хочете застрахувати це?" "你要保險嗎?" he asks me. 他問我。

"Uh, I don't know, what do you recommend?" 「嗯,我不知道,你有什麼建議?」 "Well," he says, "you can send it priority with tracking if you want to see when it gets there, you can send it insured if the contents are valuable, or you can do both. |||||||||追蹤||||||||||||||投保|||內容||||||| |||||||||takipli||||||||||||||sigortalı|||içerikler||||||| |||||||||rastreamento||||||||||||||segurado|||conteúdo||valioso||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||z zavarovanjem|||vsebina pošiljke||dragocen||||| "Ну, - каже він, - ви можете відправити його пріоритетно з відстеженням, якщо хочете знати, коли воно надійде, ви можете відправити його застрахованим, якщо вміст цінний, або ж зробити і те, і інше. 「好吧,」他說,「如果你想知道它什麼時候到達,你可以選擇優先寄送並附上追蹤,如果內容物有價值,你可以選擇保險,或者兩者都可以。」

"Okay, I'll take the insurance. ||||sigorta ||pegarei||seguro 「好的,我選擇保險。」

" "Then step aside to fill out the insurance form," he says, "and bring it back up to me when you're finished. ||旁邊|||||||||||||||||| ||kenara geç|||||||||||||||||| |passo|para o lado||||||||||||de volta|||||| ||umakni se|||||||||||||||||| " "Тогда отойдите в сторону, чтобы заполнить бланк страховки, - говорит он, - и верните его мне, когда закончите. " "然後讓開填寫保險表格,"他說,"完成後把它帶回來給我。

" With that, I was waved aside to fill out my form. ||||揮手|被擱置一旁|||||表格 ||||el işaretiyle|kenara||||| ||||indicado|||||| ||||odrinjen na stran|||||| " С этими словами меня отодвинули в сторону, чтобы я заполнил свою анкету. " На цьому мене махнули рукою, щоб я заповнила анкету. " 有了這句話,我被揮手讓開去填寫我的表格。

"Next in line!" "Следующий в очереди!" "Наступний у черзі!" "下一位!" the clerk calls. 文員叫了。

When I finish filling out the form, I wait patiently until the gentleman being waited on in front of me is finished, and then step back up to the window. |||填寫||||||耐心地|||紳士||||||||||||||||| |||preenchendo||||||pacientemente|||cavalheiro|sendo|esperado||||||||||passo|atrás|||| 當我填寫完表格後,我耐心等待前面那位先生結束服務,然後再走到窗口前。

"Sorry," the clerk says, "I'm on break now. "Вибачте, - каже клерк, - у мене зараз перерва". "抱歉,"文員說,"我現在在休息。"

She can help you at the next window. 彼女は次の窓口で助けてくれる。 她可以在下一個窗口幫助你。

Maybe it would be quicker just to drive my package to San Francisco. ||||更快|||||||| ||||mais rápido|||||||| Может быть, будет быстрее просто отвезти посылку в Сан-Франциско. Можливо, було б швидше просто відвезти мою посилку до Сан-Франциско. 也許開車把我的包裹送到舊金山會更快。

[end of story] [故事結束]

In talking about my trip to the post office I said that, “Things never go very smoothly. Розповідаючи про свою поїздку на пошту, я сказав: "Ніколи не буває дуже гладко. 在談到我去郵局的旅程時,我說過,「事情從來不會很順利。」

” “To go smoothly” (smoothly) means to take place without problems. " "Йти гладко" (гладко) означає проходити без проблем. 「順利進行」(smoothly) 的意思是指沒有問題地發生。

For example, if someone asks you, “How did your visit to the doctor go?” You could say, “Oh, it went smoothly,” meaning I didn't have any problems. Наприклад, якщо хтось запитає вас: "Як пройшов ваш візит до лікаря?". Ви можете сказати: "О, все пройшло гладко", маючи на увазі, що у мене не було жодних проблем. 例如,如果有人問你,「你去看醫生的情況如何?」你可以說「哦,進行得很順利」,這意味著我沒有遇到任何問題。

Everything was just fine. 一切都很好。

I said that, “If you want to mail a letter at my post office, you'll have no problems. 我說過,“如果你想在我的郵局寄信,你就不會有問題。”

” “To mail a letter” means to send a letter. “寄信”是指發送信件。

A letter is typically a piece of paper inside of an envelope. |||||||||||信封 |||||||||||envelope 信件通常是一張放在信封裡的紙。

“But if things get more complicated,” I say, “well, watch out. |||||||digo||| 「但如果事情變得更複雜,」我說,「那麼,小心點。」

” “Watch out” is an expression we use to mean “be careful. 「小心點」是一個我們用來表示「要小心」的表達方式。

” What I'm saying here is that if you want to do something other than mail a letter, which is a very simple thing, then you might have problems. |||||||||||||do que|||||||||||||| 我在這裡想說的是,如果你想做一些除了寄信以外的事情,那是一件非常簡單的事,那麼你可能會遇到問題。

I continue the story by saying, “Yesterday, I went there to mail a small package and to pick up a book of stamps. Я продолжаю рассказ: "Вчера я зашел туда, чтобы отправить небольшую посылку и взять книгу марок. 我繼續這個故事,說道:「昨天,我去了那裡寄一個小包裹,還有拿一本郵票冊。

” There are two terms we use in talking about stamps. Говоря о марках, мы используем два термина. 在談論郵票時,我們使用兩個術語。

One is a “book of stamps” and the other is a “roll (roll) of stamps. |||書|的|||||||||| Один - "книга марок", а другой - "рулон (рулон) марок". 一個是「郵票簿」,另一個是「郵票卷」。

” A “book of stamps” is a small, little book, although it's not really a book. |||||||||embora||||| 「郵票簿」是一個小小的書,雖然它其實不是真正的書。

Basically, it's a small package of about 20 stamps. 基本上||||||| 基本上,它是一小包大約 20 張郵票。

A “roll of stamps” has a hundred stamps, but all of the stamps are connected to each other and they're wrapped around until they're in a small circle, what we call a “roll. ||的||||||||||||||||||包裝|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||enrolado|||||||||||| У "рулоні марок" є сотня марок, але всі вони з'єднані одна з одною, і вони обертаються навколо, поки не опиняються в невеликому колі, яке ми називаємо "рулон". 一卷郵票有一百張郵票,但所有郵票都連接在一起,並且環繞成一個小圈,這就是我們所稱的“卷”。

” I said that I wanted to pick up or buy a book of stamps. 我說我想拿或買一本郵票。

I also said I want to mail a small package. |também|||||||| 我還說我想寄一個小包裹。

A “package” (package) is something you are sending that is bigger than a simple letter with an envelope. 「包裹」(package)是指你寄送的東西,大小超過簡單的信件和信封的範圍。

A package is usually in a box, a small box, a large box – any kind of box. 包裹通常放在盒子裡,小盒子、大盒子,或任何種類的盒子。

You send a package when you are sending something, usually larger than can fit into a small envelope. 當你寄送的東西通常比小信封能裝下的要大時,你就會寄送包裹。

Then I began to tell the story of what happened exactly at the post office. 然後我開始講述在郵局發生的事情。

When we tell a story in English, we many times, use something called the historical present, which is the present tense of the verb, even though you are talking about something in the past. ||||||||||||||zgodovinski sedanjik||||||||||||||||||| Когда мы рассказываем историю на английском языке, мы много раз используем так называемое историческое настоящее, то есть настоящее время глагола, даже если вы говорите о чем-то в прошлом. Коли ми розповідаємо історію англійською мовою, ми часто використовуємо так званий історичний теперішній час, тобто теперішній час дієслова, навіть якщо ми говоримо про щось у минулому. 當我們用英語講述故事時,我們很多時候會使用一種叫做歷史現在式的東西,即使你在講述的是過去的事情,它的動詞仍然是現在時。

“Historical” comes from “history” – something that has happened already. “歷史”一詞來自於“歷史”——已經發生過的事情。

Even though I'm describing something that happened in the past, in this case, it was yesterday, I still use the present tense in telling the story. |||||||||||||||||||||時態|||| |||||||||||||||||||||zamanı|||| |embora|||||||||||||||||||||||| 過去に起こったこと、この場合は昨日のことだが、それでも私は現在形を使って話をする。 即使我正在描述發生在過去的事情,在這個例子中,是昨天,我仍然使用現在時態來講述這個故事。

The idea is that, it gives it a little more immediacy. ||||||||||即時性 ||||||||||aciliyet ||||||||||즉각성 |||||||||mais|imediatidade ||||||||||neposrednost つまり、もう少し即時性を持たせるということだ。 Идея в том, что это придает немного больше непосредственности. Ідея полягає в тому, що це надає йому трохи більше безпосередності. 這個想法是讓它更具即時感。

It feels like it's happening right now. 這感覺就像是正在發生的事情。

So, in telling the story, I begin by saying, “I wait my turn in line. ||||故事|||||||||| 所以,在講述這個故事時,我開始說:「我在排隊等候。」

” “To wait your turn in line” means to wait for the person in front of you or the people in front of you, to go first. 「排隊等候」的意思是等待在你面前的人或前面的人先走。

If there is a line, you have to wait for the people in front of you who arrived before you did. 如果有隊伍,你必須等在你面前比你早到的人。

I say, “I wait my turn in line and when I get up to the window, the clerk says to me, “What can I do for you?'' The “window” here is not a window on the side of a building or a house that you look outside through. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||içinden 我說,「我在排隊等候我的順序,當我到達窗口時,櫃員對我說,『我可以為你做什麼?』這裡的『窗口』不是一個在建築物或房子旁邊的窗戶,讓你能夠往外看。

A “window” here just means the place where the person working for the post office, the clerk, stands in order to help you. ||||||||||||||||atendente|fica||ordem||| Під "вікном" тут мається на увазі місце, де стоїть працівник поштового відділення, клерк, щоб допомогти вам. 這裡的『窗口』只是指郵局工作人員,也就是櫃員,站在那裡以幫助你。

You go up to this person who's standing usually behind what we would call a “counter. |||||||站著|||||||| |||||||em pé||||||||balcão 你走到這個通常在我們所稱的『櫃檯』後面的人的面前。

” It's basically a large, narrow desk. ||||dar| |||grande|estreita| ||||ozka| " По суті, це великий вузький стіл. 這基本上是一張大而狹窄的桌子。

You have one person on one side, the clerk, the employee of the post office and you're on the other side doing what you are there to do – buying stamps or sending packages and so forth. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||pacotes|||e assim por diante 你一側有一位人員,郵局的職員,而你則在另一側做你來這裡的事——買郵票或寄包裹等等。

So, I walk up to the window and the clerk asks me “What can I do for you?” This is just a nice way of saying, “How can I help you?” I say “I need a book – no, make that a roll – of stamps. 所以,我走到窗口,職員問我:「我能為你做什麼?」這只是一種禮貌的說法,也就是「我怎麼可以幫你?」我說:「我需要一本——不,改成一捲——郵票。」

” The expression, “make that” means change what I just said. ||변경하다||||||| |||||mudança|||| "make that "という表現は、今言ったことを変えるという意味だ。 「make that」的意思是改變我剛剛說的話。

So, when I say “I need a book – no, make that a roll – of stamps” I mean that I just made a mistake. 所以,當我說「我需要一本–不,改成一卷–郵票」時,我是說我剛剛犯了一個錯誤。

I didn't mean to say a “book of stamps. 我不是想說「一本郵票」。

” I meant to say, a “roll of stamps. Я хотел сказать, «рулон марок». ” 我是想說,一「卷郵票」。

” So, it's a way of correcting yourself as you are speaking. |||||corrigindo||||| 「つまり、話している最中に自分を修正する方法だ。 ” 所以,這是一種在你說話時糾正自己的方式。

I say that, “I need a roll of stamps and I need to send this package priority to San Francisco. 我說,「我需要一卷郵票,我需要將這個包裹優先寄往舊金山。」

” “Priority” is one way of sending a package in the United States. " "Пріоритет" - це один із способів відправлення посилки в США. 『優先』是美國寄送包裹的一種方式。

It depends on how fast you want your letter or package to arrive somewhere. 這取決於你希望你的信件或包裹多快到達某地。

There are many different ways of sending letters and packages. 寄送信件和包裹的方式有很多種。

The faster it gets there, the more expensive it is. |||chega|||||| 運送越快,費用就越高。

The most common way of sending mail is what we call “first class mail. Найпоширеніший спосіб надсилання пошти - це те, що ми називаємо "першокласною поштою". 寄送郵件最常見的方式是我們所稱的「一級郵件」。

” There's nothing special about it. 「特別なことは何もない。 這並沒有什麼特別之處。

It'll get there, oh, depending on how far away the place you are sending it to, in a couple of days. 它會在幾天內送到,哦,這取決於你寄送的地方有多遠。

If you sent something Priority, usually, that means it will arrive in two to three days, even if it's on the other side of the country. |||||||||||||||||||||||||國家 プライオリティで送ったものは、通常、国の反対側であっても2~3日で届く。 如果你寄送的是優先郵件,通常這意味著它會在兩到三天內送達,即使它在國家的另一端。

For example, if I send a package from Los Angeles to New York first class mail – regular mail, it may take up to a week to arrive. 例如,如果我從洛杉磯寄一個包裹到紐約的普通郵件,可能需要一個星期才能送達。

But, if I send it Priority Mail, it will arrive in two to three days. 但是,如果我寄的是優先郵件,則會在兩到三天內送達。

The fastest way of sending mail is “Express. Самый быстрый способ отправки почты — «Экспресс». 寄送郵件最快的方法是「快遞」。

” “Express” usually arrives the next day. ||chega||| «Экспресс» обычно приезжает на следующий день. 「快遞」通常會在隔天送達。

I'm sending this package Priority to San Francisco. 我正在將這個包裹以優先方式寄往舊金山。

The clerk then asked me, “You want insurance with that?” Notice the informal way he asks this question. |||||||sigorta|||||||||| ||||||||||perceba||||||| 店員は私にこう尋ねた。 Потім клерк запитав мене: "Ви хочете застрахувати це?" Зверніть увагу, як неформально він ставить це питання. 接著,店員問我:「你想要保險嗎?」注意他這個問題的非正式問法。

The correct, grammatical way would be, “Do you want insurance with that?” At least that would be the more formal way of phrasing the question. ||||||||||||||||||||||措辭方式|| |||||||||seguro|||||||||||||formular|| ||||||||||||||||||||||oblikovanje vprašanja|| 正確且文法正確的方式應該是:「你想要保險嗎?」至少這樣算是比較正式的提問方式。

He instead says, “You want insurance with that?” And by raising his voice at the end, you know he's asking a question. ||||||||||提高||||||||||| |bunun yerine|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||elevando||||||||||| 他卻說:「你想要保險嗎?」而且最後提高聲音,你知道他在問問題。

I say “Uh, I don't know.

What do you recommend?” – meaning, “What do you suggest?” He says, “Well, you can send it Priority with tracking if you want to see when it gets there. ||||||||önerirsin||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||제안해||||||||||||||||||| |||recomendar|||||||||||||||||||||||| 你有什麼推薦的嗎?” – 意思是,“你有什麼建議?” 他說,“好吧,如果你想知道包裹什麼時候到達,你可以選擇優先寄送並附上追蹤。

” “Tracking” (tracking) means that you are given a special number and you can go online, you can go on to the Internet, and check to see when that package arrived, when the post office employee, who delivers the package – we would call that person the “postal carrier” – he will enter the day and time that he delivered the package and you will get that information on the Internet, if you want it. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||郵件|||||||||||||郵政|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||rastreamento|||||||||||||||||||||||||||entrega|||||||||postal|transportador||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||poštni uslužbenec||||||||||||||||||||||||| 追蹤” (tracking) 意思是你會獲得一個特殊的號碼,你可以上網,查看那個包裹什麼時候到達,當送包裹的郵局員工 – 我們稱那個人為“郵遞員” – 他會錄入他送包裹的日期和時間,你如果想要的話,這些資訊會在互聯網上提供給你。

I say we call the person who delivers the mail the “postal carrier. |||||||||||우편| |||||||||correio||correio|carteiro 我說我們稱呼送郵件的人為“郵遞員”。

” We used to call it the “postman,” but people didn't like the word “man” because there were both men and women and so they've changed the term to “postal carrier” (carrier). ||||||郵差|||||||||||||||||||||||郵遞員| ||||||carteiro||||||||||||||||||||||carteiro|| 我們以前稱它為「郵差」,但人們不喜歡「差」這個詞,因為有男性和女性,所以他們將這個詞改為「郵務承運人」(carrier)。

So, the clerk asked me if I want to send it Priority with tracking or if I want to send it insured. |||||||||||||||||||||segurado そこで店員は、追跡付きのプライオリティで送りたいか、それとも保険付きで送りたいかと聞いてきた。 Клерк спросил меня, хочу ли я отправить посылку в приоритетном порядке с отслеживанием или застраховать ее. 所以,文員問我是否想以優先方式寄送並追蹤,或是想要寄送保險包裹。

“To send a package insured” (insured) means that you buy a special kind of insurance policy. ||||||||||||||segurado| "Отправить посылку застрахованной" (insured) означает, что вы покупаете специальный вид страхового полиса. 「寄送保險包裹」(insured)意味著你購買一種特殊的保險政策。

So, if something goes wrong – if the post office loses the package – you will get money back for your package. |||||||||perde|||||||||| 所以,如果發生了什麼問題——如果郵局丟失了包裹——您將會得到包裹的賠償金。

You only want to do that if the contents of your package are valuable. ||||||||içerik|||||değerli 只有當您包裹內的內容物有價值時,您才想這樣做。

“Contents” refers to what is inside of the package, what you are actually sending. “內容物”指的是包裹內部的東西,即您實際上要寄送的東西。

It could be a bottle. ||||pode ser uma garrafa ボトルかもしれない。 Это может быть бутылка. Це може бути пляшка. 它可能是一個瓶子。

It could be a shoe. Это может быть туфля. 它可能是一隻鞋子。

It could be a computer. Это может быть компьютер. 它可能是一台電腦。

“Valuable” means that it is worth a lot of money. |||||vale|||| «Ценный» означает, что он стоит больших денег. 「有價值」是指它的價值很高。

“I decide that I'll take the insurance,” meaning I will buy the insurance. ||||||||||||sigorta ||||||o seguro|||||| "Я решил, что возьму страховку", то есть куплю страховку. 「我決定我會投保」,意思是我會購買保險。

The clerk then says, “Step aside to fill out the insurance form. Затем клерк говорит: "Отойдите в сторону, чтобы заполнить бланк страховки. 然後店員說:『請站到一邊填寫保險表格。』

” “To step aside” (aside) is a two-word phrasal verb, meaning to move to one side of where you are standing right now, so that someone else can walk up and be helped. ” “讓步” (aside) 是一個由兩個單詞組成的短語動詞,意思是移動到你當前站立位置的一旁,以便讓其他人可以走上來並獲得幫助。

We would use this expression in a situation like this where you have a line of people waiting to be helped by a clerk or an employee of some organization. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||機構 我們會在這樣的情況下使用這個表達,當你有一排人等著被店員或某個組織的員工幫助。

So, I stepped to one side. ||dei um passo||| 所以,我側身讓開了。

I move away from the window, in order to fill out or complete the insurance form. 我從窗邊移開,以便填寫或完成保險表格。

The clerk says, after I finish filling out the insurance form, I should bring it back up to him. ||||||||||||||||||他 職員說,在我填寫完保險表格後,我應該把它帶回給他。

“To bring it back” means to return it to him. "Повернути" означає повернути йому. “帶回”指的是把它還給他。

The clerk then waves me aside. |||揮手示意|| |||acena|| |||pomaha mi na stran|| Затем клерк машет мне рукой. 店員隨後把我揮到一旁。

“To wave (wave) someone aside” is another two-word phrasal verb. "To wave (wave) someone aside" - еще один фразовый глагол, состоящий из двух слов. 「把某人揮到一旁(wave someone aside)」是另一個雙字短語。

It means to move your arm, move your hand back and forth, to indicate to the person that you want them to step aside. |||||||||||ileri geri|||||||||||| |||||braço|||||||||||||||||passo| Это означает движение рукой, движение вперед-назад, чтобы показать человеку, что вы хотите, чтобы он отошел в сторону. 這表示用手臂或手來回揮動,表示希望對方讓開。

It's not a very polite thing to do typically, but it is not uncommon. ||||nazik|||||||||olağan dışı |||||||||||||ni redko Обычно это не очень вежливый поступок, но это не редкость. Зазвичай це не дуже ввічливий вчинок, але це не рідкість. 這通常不是一件很有禮貌的事情,但也並不罕見。

I say that “I'm waved aside and then the clerk says, ‘Next in line!'” The clerk is asking for the next person to walk up to the window in order to be served, in order to be helped. ||||ignorado||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Я говорю, что "мне машут в сторону, а потом клерк говорит: "Следующий в очереди!"". Клерк просит следующего человека подойти к окну, чтобы его обслужили, чтобы ему помогли. 我說‘我被招手讓到一旁,接著櫃檯人員說,‘下一位!’櫃檯人員是在請下一個人走上窗邊以便得到服務,得到幫助。

Then, I finish filling out the form and I wait patiently until the gentleman – the adult man being waited on in front of me – is finished. ||||||||||sabırla||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||esperado||||||| |||||||||||||||||ki je|||||||| Затем я заканчиваю заполнять форму и терпеливо жду, пока джентльмен - взрослый мужчина, которого ждут передо мной, - закончит. 然後,我填寫完表格後,耐心地等到前面那位先生—那位正在被服務的成年人—完成。

“To be waited” on means that someone is helping you. "Чтобы вас ждали" означает, что кто-то помогает вам. 「等待」意味著有人在幫助你。

So, there is a person in front of me at the window who is being helped by the clerk. Итак, передо мной у окна стоит человек, которому помогает служащий. 所以,我面前有一個人正在窗口被櫃檯人員幫助。

I'm waiting for this man to finish what he needs to do so that I can then be helped when he finishes. |||||||||||||||||||||terminar Я жду, пока этот человек закончит то, что ему нужно сделать, чтобы потом, когда он закончит, помочь мне. 我正在等這個人完成他需要做的事情,以便他完成後我可以得到幫助。

I step back up to the window. 我又走回窗邊。

That means I walk back up to talk to the clerk. 這意味著我走回去和櫃檯人員交談。

The clerk says, however, “Sorry,” meaning I'm sorry, “I'm on break now. |||no entanto|||||||| Prodajalec pa reče: "Oprostite," kar pomeni, da mi je žal, "zdaj imam pavzo." 然而,櫃檯人員說:“抱歉,”意思是我很抱歉,“我現在正在休息。”

” “To be on break” (break) means that you are not working anymore, that you are taking 15 or 20 minutes to relax. |||||||||||mais|||||||| ” “Estar em pausa” significa que você não está mais trabalhando, que está tirando 15 ou 20 minutos para relaxar. "Imeti pavzo" pomeni, da ne delate več, da si vzamete 15 ali 20 minut za sprostitev. 「休息」(break) 意思是你不再工作,正在花 15 或 20 分鐘放鬆一下。

In most jobs, if you work more than four hours, you get a break. Na maioria dos empregos, se você trabalha mais de quatro horas, você tem direito a uma pausa. Pri večini del, če delate več kot štiri ure, dobite pavzo. 在大多數工作中,如果你工作超過四小時,你就會有一次休息。

You get to stop work in the middle and relax a little. Você pode parar de trabalhar no meio e relaxar um pouco. 你可以在工作中停下來,稍微放鬆一下。

That's what the clerk is going to do. それが店員の仕事だ。 那就是櫃檯人員要做的事情。