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ESLPod Daily English 1-100, Daily English 11

Daily English 11

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 11: Getting Ready for Bed and Going to Sleep

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode number eleven.

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California.

In this episode, the last of our 10-part special series on daily English, I'll talk about getting ready for bed and going to sleep.

Let's get started!

[Start of story]

At 10:30, I decide to get ready for bed.

When I was little, my mother would read me a bedtime story.

I'm looking forward to having that ritual with my own kids someday.

I go into the bathroom and turn on the tap.

I wash my face, and dry it with my towel.

I floss and brush my teeth.

I have to admit that by this time, I'm beat, and so is my wife.

She cleans up when I've finished up.

In the meantime, I walk into the bedroom and get undressed.

I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and I put on my pyjamas.

Wearing my slippers, I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water to put next to the bed in case I need it during the night.

I pull back the covers, fluff my pillow, and climb into bed.

I set my alarm clock for 6:15, and turn off the overhead light.

I lay my head down and pull up the covers, kissing my wife goodnight.

Some nights I have trouble falling asleep, but tonight, I didn't need to count any sheep.

I nod off right away and before long, I'm fast asleep.

[End of story]

This episode is called "Getting Ready for Bed and Going to Sleep.

"At 10:30, I decide to get ready for bed," to do the things I need to do so I can go to sleep.

"When I was little, my mother would read me a bedtime story.

" “Bedtime” (bedtime) – all one word – is, of course, the time that you go to bed - that you go to your bed so you can sleep.

A bedtime story is a story you would tell a child to help them fall asleep.

Many children like to be told a bedtime story.

These are often what we would call “fairy tales” (fairy) “tales” (tales).

A “tale” is just another word for a story, and a fairy tale is a story about something that isn't true, usually with imaginary characters.

"I'm looking forward to having that ritual with my own kids someday.

" "I'm looking forward to having that ritual.

" A “ritual” (ritual) is something that you do on a regular schedule or at a regular time every day or maybe every week or every month, and you do the exact same things in the exact same order.

We also use that word, ritual, when we are talking about some religious ceremonies.

Some religious events have certain rules - certain order - a certain order that they follow, and that is a ritual.

"I go into the bathroom and I turn on the tap.

" The “tap” (tap) is the same as the faucet.

Well, you turn on the tap so the water comes out.

"I wash my face, and dry it with my towel.

" I dry my face - I make it dry using a “towel” (towel) which is a cloth that you use to dry yourself, or to clean yourself.

I floss my teeth and I brush them.

"I have to admit that by this time, I'm beat.

" "I have to admit" is an expression that we use when you're going to say something that maybe you don't want to say - you don't want to tell the truth.

In fact, there's also an expression, "to tell the truth.

" So, I have to admit means I have to say - to tell the truth.

"By this time," meaning by 10:30 - "by this time, I'm beat.

" To be beat, "beat," means to be very tired.

Someone says, "Oh, I'm beat," they've been working all day or they've, like me, been watching television all day, and now I'm beat - I'm tired.

Of course, I don't watch television all day, just part of the day!

Well, my wife is also beat.

In the story I say, "I'm beat, and so is my wife," meaning my wife is also very tired.

"She cleans up when I've finished up.

" Once again, you see those two-word verbs.

To clean up is, in this case, to clean your face, to brush your teeth; to get yourself clean is to clean up.

“To finish up” is really the same as to finish, but we love in English to use those prepositions as part of these two word verbs.

So, I finish up, meaning I finish doing what I need to do, and then my wife goes into the bathroom and cleans up.

"In the meantime," meaning while my wife is doing that.

"In the meantime" (meantime) – all one word – I walk into the bedroom and get undressed.

" So, when my wife is in the bathroom, "I walk" - at the same time - "into the bedroom and I get undressed.

" “To get undressed” is the opposite of to get dressed.

So, if you get undressed, you take off your clothes.

"I put my dirty clothes" - the clothes I was wearing - "in the hamper and I put on my pyjamas.

" A “hamper” (hamper) as a noun, is a place, usually in your bedroom or bathroom, where you put dirty clothes or dirty towels; we call that a hamper.

“To hamper,” as a verb, means something different.

“To hamper someone” means to get in their way - to prevent them from doing something.

But as a noun, a hamper, or a clothes hamper, is a place, usually it's a big plastic box with a top on it, or it could be made of wood, and that's where you put your dirty clothes.

And then, at some point during the week, I hope, you wash your clothes so you can have clean clothes again.

Unless, of course, you're not married, in which case, if you are a man and single, you may not wash your clothes that much.

Well, I have "my dirty clothes in my hamper," and since I don't have any clothes on, remember I have undressed, "I put on my pyjamas.

" “Pajamas” (pajamas) are sometimes abbreviated as “PJs” (PJ) – PJs.

Your pajamas, or PJs, are the clothes that you wear when you are going to bed.

For example, I have pajamas that say Superman on it, and I wear my Superman pajamas to bed.

Doesn't everyone?

Well, in addition to putting on my pajamas, I also put on my slippers.

A “slipper” (slipper) is a shoe that you wear usually just inside the house.

So, when you are getting ready for bed and you want to walk around the house, you don't put your shoes on, you would put some slippers on.

Some people wear slippers in their house, especially if the floors are cold, and they'll put the slippers on at night and have them on at night as they walk around in their house or in the morning.

Well, "Wearing my slippers, I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water," and I want to put that water "next to my bed in case I need it during the night.

" So, if I need to drink water at night, I have a glass of water next to me.

"I pull back the covers.

" The “covers” (covers) are the blanket, the comforter, and the top sheets.

We take those things and we have to pull them back.

To pull back means to take them and move them towards the bottom of the bed so that you can get in, and after you get in, you're going to pull the covers up.

So, you pull back the covers to get into the bed, and then you pull them up to cover you again so you can stay warm.

"I pull back my covers," and I "fluff my pillow.

" The pillow is what I put my head on.

“To fluff” (fluff) means to make your pillow bigger by hitting it very softly on the sides.

So, you take your pillow and you put one hand on each side of the pillow and you move your hands back and forth toward each other and away from each other, and that allows the pillow to be a little bigger - to be a little softer.

"I fluff my pillow, and I climb into bed.

" Notice that verb “to climb” (climb) into bed.

It means the same as to get into bed.

We might use that particular verb, to climb into, if we are very tired, for example.

You can also use it just to mean to get into bed.

So, I "climb into bed.

I set my alarm clock for 6:15," - for 6:15 in the morning, of course - "and I turn off the overhead light.

" The “overhead” (overhead) – all one word – is a light that is on the top of your room - on the ceiling of the room.

The top of the room is called the “ceiling” (ceiling).

So, an overhead light is on the top of the ceiling - or on the ceiling, and I turn the overhead light off.

"I lay my head down.

" “To lay” (lay) here means to put something down.

Usually we use that verb when we are talking about people or a part of your body.

"I lay my head down and I pull up the covers," so I am warm, and because I'm such a great husband, I kiss "my wife goodnight.

" “To kiss someone goodnight,” means to kiss them and in a sense, to say goodnight to them.

"Some nights I have trouble falling asleep.

" “To fall (fall) asleep (asleep)” means to go to sleep - to start sleeping.

Sometimes "I have trouble falling asleep, but tonight, I didn't need to count any sheep.

" The expression “to count sheep” (sheep) is used because we traditionally when we are trying to fall asleep, some people say that it helps if you try counting numbers, so you start with one, two, three, four.

And, for some reason, I don't know why, it is traditional to count sheep.

Sheep are a type of animal.

A sheep is an animal that you take the hair off of, and you use the hair of the sheep to make clothing, for example.

I don't need to count sheep because I'm very tired.

If you are not tired or you have difficulty falling asleep, you might want to try counting sheep.

One, two, three, four, and by the time you reach five million you should be asleep!

"I nod off right away.

" “To nod (nod) off” – two words – means the same as to fall asleep.

It's just another way of saying fall asleep, "I nod off.

" Sometimes people will use that expression when they're at a meeting and it is very boring at work, and you may say to someone, "I almost nodded off" - I almost fell asleep.

That usually happens to my students when I am teaching.

"Before long," meaning in a very short time – "before long, I'm fast asleep.

" “To be fast (fast) asleep” means to be completely asleep.

There's a similar expression that means the same, “to be sound asleep” (sound).

“To be sound asleep” means that you are sleeping completely, it will not be easy to wake you up.

Daily English 11 Täglich Englisch 11 Inglés diario 11 Anglais quotidien 11 Inglese quotidiano 11 デイリーイングリッシュ11 데일리 영어 11 Dagelijks Engels 11 Inglês diário 11 Daily English 11 Günlük İngilizce 11 Щоденна англійська 11 日常英语11 日常英語11

Welcome to English as a Second Language Podcast number 11: Getting Ready for Bed and Going to Sleep ||||||||||Prepared|||||| ||||||||||Pronto||cama|||| Bienvenido al podcast de inglés como segunda lengua número 11: Prepararse para ir a la cama e irse a dormir

This is English as a Second Language Podcast episode number eleven. ||||||||||onze Este es el undécimo episodio del English as a Second Language Podcast. 這是英語作為第二語言播客的第十一集。

I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. ||ev sahibi||||||||||||||||| I'm your host, Dr. Jeff McQuillan, coming to you from the Center for Educational Development in beautiful Los Angeles, California. Soy su anfitrión, el Dr. Jeff McQuillan, y vengo desde el Centro de Desarrollo Educativo de la bella ciudad de Los Ángeles, California. 我是你的主持人,Jeff McQuillan博士,來自美麗的加利福尼亞州洛杉磯的教育發展中心。

In this episode, the last of our 10-part special series on daily English, I'll talk about getting ready for bed and going to sleep. En este episodio, el último de nuestra serie especial de 10 partes sobre el inglés cotidiano, hablaré sobre cómo prepararse para ir a la cama e irse a dormir. 在這一集中,我將談論準備上床睡覺和入睡的事項,這是我們10部分特別系列的最後一集,有關日常英語的內容。

Let's get started! 讓我們開始吧!

[Start of story] [故事開始]

At 10:30, I decide to get ready for bed. ||rozhodnu se||||| |||||||para a cama A las 10:30, decido prepararme para ir a la cama. 在10:30,我決定準備睡覺。

When I was little, my mother would read me a bedtime story. ||||||||||uyku zamanı| ||||||costumava|ler|||hora de dormir| Als ich klein war, würde meine Mutter mir eine Gute-Nacht-Geschichte vorlesen. Cuando era pequeño, mi madre me leía un cuento antes de dormir. Коли я був маленьким, мама читала мені казку на ніч. 當我小的時候,我的母親會給我讀睡前故事。

I'm looking forward to having that ritual with my own kids someday. ||||||儀式||||| ||||||ritüel|||||bir gün |ansioso|ansioso||ter||ritual|||próprios|filhos|um dia Ich freue mich darauf, dieses Ritual eines Tages mit meinen eigenen Kindern zu haben. Tengo muchas ganas de tener ese ritual con mis propios hijos algún día. Я з нетерпінням чекаю, що колись проведу цей ритуал зі своїми дітьми. 我期待有一天能和我的孩子們一起享受這個儀式。

I go into the bathroom and turn on the tap. |||||||||水龍頭 |||||||||musluk |||||||||수도꼭지 |||||||||torneira Ich gehe ins Badezimmer und drehe den Wasserhahn auf. Voy al baño y abro el grifo. Я иду в ванную и открываю кран. 我走進浴室,打開水龍頭。

I wash my face, and dry it with my towel. Me lavo la cara y la seco con mi toalla. 我洗臉,然後用毛巾擦乾。

I floss and brush my teeth. Uso hilo dental y cepillo mis dientes. 我使用牙線並刷牙。

I have to admit that by this time, I'm beat, and so is my wife. |||tenho que admitir||||neste momento||exausto||||| |||||||||累了||||| |||||||||yorgunum||||| |||||||||지쳤다||||| |||priznati||||||izčrpan||||| |||||||||vyčerpaný||||| Ich muss zugeben, dass ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt am Ende bin, und meine Frau auch. Tengo que admitir que a estas alturas estoy agotado, al igual que mi esposa. Должен признать, что к этому времени я уже избит, как и моя жена. Мушу визнати, що на той час я вже був виснажений, як і моя дружина. 我必須承認,到這個時候,我已經筋疲力盡了,我的妻子也是。

She cleans up when I've finished up. |청소하다||||| |ela limpa|terminado||||terminado Sie räumt auf, wenn ich fertig bin. Ella limpia cuando he terminado. Вона прибирає, коли я закінчую. 我完成後,她會打掃乾淨。

In the meantime, I walk into the bedroom and get undressed. ||mezitím||||||||svléknu se ||同時||||||||脫衣 ||bu arada||||||||soyunmuş ||그동안||||||||옷을 벗다 ||enquanto isso||caminho||no|quarto||pego|despido In der Zwischenzeit gehe ich ins Schlafzimmer und ziehe mich aus. Mientras tanto, entro en el dormitorio y me desvisto. Тем временем я иду в спальню и раздеваюсь. Тим часом я заходжу в спальню і роздягаюся. 同時,我走進臥室脫衣服。

I put my dirty clothes in the hamper and I put on my pyjamas. |coloquei||roupas sujas||||cesto||||||pijama |||||||籃子||||||睡衣 |||||||sepet||||||pijamalar |||||||바구니|||||| |||||||koš za perilo|||||| |||||||koš na prádlo|||||| Ich lege meine schmutzige Kleidung in den Wäschekorb und ziehe meinen Pyjama an. Pongo mi ropa sucia en el cesto y me pongo el pijama. Я складываю свою грязную одежду в корзину и надеваю пижаму. Я складаю брудний одяг у кошик для сміття і вдягаю піжаму. 我把髒衣服放進籃子裡,然後穿上我的睡衣。

Wearing my slippers, I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water to put next to the bed in case I need it during the night. ||拖鞋||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||terlikler||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||경우에 대비하여|||||| usando|minhas|chinelos|||para||||||||água||colocar||||||||||durante|| ||copate||||||||||||||||||||||||| Mit Pantoffeln gehe ich in die Küche, um ein Glas Wasser zu holen, das ich neben das Bett stellen kann, falls ich es nachts brauche. En pantuflas, voy a la cocina a buscar un vaso de agua para poner al lado de la cama en caso de que lo necesite durante la noche. スリッパを履いたままキッチンへ行き、夜中に必要な水を汲んでベッドの横に置いた。 Взувши капці, я йду на кухню за склянкою води, щоб поставити її біля ліжка на випадок, якщо вона мені знадобиться вночі. 穿著拖鞋,我走進廚房拿一杯水,以便晚上如果需要的話能放在床邊。

I pull back the covers, fluff my pillow, and climb into bed. |puxo|para trás||cobertores|fofo||travesseiro||subo||cama |||||蓬鬆|||||| |||||kabartmak||||tırmanmak|| |||||부풀리다|||||| |||||napihnem|||||| ||||přikrývky|nap fluff|||||| Ich ziehe die Decke zurück, schüttle mein Kissen auf und steige ins Bett. Aparto las sábanas, ahueco la almohada y me meto en la cama. Я відкидаю ковдру, збиваю подушку і залажу в ліжко. 我掀開被子,拍拍我的枕頭,然後爬上床。

I set my alarm clock for 6:15, and turn off the overhead light. ||||||||||天花板| ||||||||||tavan lambası| |configuro|||||e|desligo|desligo||de teto| ||||||||||stropna luč| Ich stelle meinen Wecker auf 6:15 und schalte das Deckenlicht aus. Pongo mi despertador a las 6:15 y apago la luz del techo. Я ставлю будильник на 6:15 і вимикаю верхнє світло. 我把鬧鐘調到6:15,然後關掉頭頂的燈。

I lay my head down and pull up the covers, kissing my wife goodnight. |||머리|||||||||| |yatıyorum|||||||||öpüyorum||| |deito||cabeça|abaixo|e|||||beijando||| Ich lege meinen Kopf hin, ziehe die Decke hoch und gebe meiner Frau einen Gutenachtkuss. Recuesto la cabeza y levanto las sábanas, dándole un beso de buenas noches a mi esposa. 我把頭靠下來,掀起被子,吻了我的妻子,說晚安。

Some nights I have trouble falling asleep, but tonight, I didn't need to count any sheep. ||||problémy|usnout|||||||||| |||||||||||||||羊 |geceler||||||||||||||koyun algumas|noites|||problemas|adormecendo|adormecido|||||||alguma noite||ovelhas |||||||||||||||ovce An manchen Abenden kann ich schlecht einschlafen, aber heute Abend musste ich keine Schafe zählen. Algunas noches tengo problemas para conciliar el sueño, pero esta noche no necesité contar ninguna oveja. Іноді вночі мені важко заснути, але сьогодні мені не потрібно було рахувати овець. 有些夜晚我難以入睡,但今晚,我不需要數羊。

I nod off right away and before long, I'm fast asleep. |adormeço||||||pouco tempo|||adormecido |點頭||||||||| |başımı eğer||||||||| |고개를 끄덕이다||||||||| |Takoj zaspim||||||||| |kývnu||||||||| Ich nicke sofort ein und schlafe schnell ein. Me quedo dormido de inmediato y en poco tiempo, estoy profundamente dormido. すぐにうとうとし、いつの間にかぐっすり眠ってしまった。 Я одразу ж задрімав і незабаром міцно заснув. 我立刻就打瞌睡,不久後,我就陷入了深沉的睡眠。

[End of story]

This episode is called "Getting Ready for Bed and Going to Sleep. Diese Folge heißt „Bettfertig machen und schlafen gehen. Este episodio se titula "Prepararse para ir a la cama e irse a dormir". 這一集叫做「準備上床睡覺」。

"At 10:30, I decide to get ready for bed," to do the things I need to do so I can go to sleep. "A las 10:30, decido prepararme para ir a la cama", hacer las cosas que tengo que hacer para poder irme a dormir. 「在10:30,我決定準備上床睡覺,」做我需要做的事情,以便我可以去睡覺。

"When I was little, my mother would read me a bedtime story. "Cuando era pequeña, mi madre me leía un cuento antes de dormir. 「當我小的時候,我的母親會給我讀睡前故事。」

" “Bedtime” (bedtime) – all one word – is, of course, the time that you go to bed - that you go to your bed so you can sleep. " "Bedtime" (hora de acostarse) -todo una palabra- es, por supuesto, la hora a la que te acuestas, a la que vas a tu cama para poder dormir. "「就寢時間」(bedtime)— 當然是指你上床睡覺的時間。

A bedtime story is a story you would tell a child to help them fall asleep. ||||||||||||||adormecer| Un cuento antes de dormir es una historia que se cuenta a un niño para ayudarle a conciliar el sueño. 就寢故事是你會告訴孩子的故事,以幫助他們入睡。

Many children like to be told a bedtime story. |||||povedana||| A muchos niños les gusta que les cuenten un cuento antes de dormir. 許多孩子喜歡聽就寢故事。

These are often what we would call “fairy tales” (fairy) “tales” (tales). ||||||||pohádky||| |||||||仙女|||| ||||||||masallar||| |||||||fadas|contos||| Suelen ser lo que llamaríamos "cuentos de hadas" (fairy) "cuentos" (tales). Часто це те, що ми називаємо "казками" (fairy) "оповідками" (tales). 這些通常被我們稱為「童話」(fairy)「故事」(tales)。

A “tale” is just another word for a story, and a fairy tale is a story about something that isn't true, usually with imaginary characters. |||||||||||||||||||||||虛構的| ||||||||||||hikaye||||||||||||karakterler |conto||||||||||||||||||||||imaginário|personagens Un "cuento" es sólo otra palabra para una historia, y un cuento de hadas es una historia sobre algo que no es verdad, normalmente con personajes imaginarios. "Казка" - це просто інше слово для позначення історії, а казка - це історія про те, що не є правдою, зазвичай з вигаданими персонажами. 「故事」只是另一個用於描述故事的詞,而童話則是講述不真實的故事,通常包含虛構的角色。

"I'm looking forward to having that ritual with my own kids someday. ||||||의식||||| "Estoy deseando tener ese ritual con mis propios hijos algún día. 「我期待有一天能和我的孩子們一起進行這個儀式。」

" "I'm looking forward to having that ritual. " "Ich freue mich auf dieses Ritual. " "Estoy deseando tener ese ritual. " "我期待著進行那個儀式。

" A “ritual” (ritual) is something that you do on a regular schedule or at a regular time every day or maybe every week or every month, and you do the exact same things in the exact same order. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||순서 |||||||||||takvim|||||||||||||||||||tam||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||mês|||||exata||||||| " Un "ritual" (ritual) es algo que haces en un horario regular o a una hora regular cada día o quizás cada semana o cada mes, y haces exactamente las mismas cosas en el mismo orden. " 一個「儀式」(ritual)是指你在固定的時間表上,或每天、每週或每月的固定時間做的事情,而你會按照完全相同的順序做完全相同的事情。

We also use that word, ritual, when we are talking about some religious ceremonies. ||||||||||||náboženských| |||||||||||||儀式 ||||||||||||religioso|cerimônias También utilizamos esa palabra, ritual, cuando hablamos de algunas ceremonias religiosas. 當我們談論一些宗教儀式時,我們也會使用「儀式」這個詞。

Some religious events have certain rules - certain order - a certain order that they follow, and that is a ritual. ||události||||určité|||||||následují||||| ||||||belirli|||||||||||| ||eventos|||regras||||||||seguem|||||ritual Algunos eventos religiosos tienen ciertas reglas - cierto orden - un cierto orden que siguen, y eso es un ritual. Деякі релігійні події мають певні правила - певний порядок, якого вони дотримуються, і це є ритуал. 某些宗教活動有特定的規則 - 特定的秩序 - 他們遵循的一定的秩序,而這就是儀式。

"I go into the bathroom and I turn on the tap. ||||||||||kohoutek ||||||||||수도꼭지 "Entro en el baño y abro el grifo. "我進入浴室,並打開水龍頭。

" The “tap” (tap) is the same as the faucet. ||||||||kohoutek |水龍頭||||||| ||||||||torneira " El "tap" (grifo) es lo mismo que el grifo. " "Кран" (tap) - це те ж саме, що і кран. "水龍頭 (tap) 和水龍頭 (faucet) 是一樣的。

Well, you turn on the tap so the water comes out. Bueno, abres el grifo para que salga el agua. 好吧,你打開水龍頭讓水流出來。

"I wash my face, and dry it with my towel. "Me lavo la cara y me la seco con la toalla. "Я вмиваюся і витираю обличчя рушником. "我洗我的臉,然後用毛巾把它擦乾。

" I dry my face - I make it dry using a “towel” (towel) which is a cloth that you use to dry yourself, or to clean yourself. "Ich trockne mein Gesicht ab - ich mache es trocken mit einem "Handtuch" (Tuch), das ein Tuch ist, das man benutzt, um sich abzutrocknen oder sich zu reinigen. " Me seco la cara - lo hago con una "toalla" (toallita) que es un paño que se utiliza para secarse, o para limpiarse. "我擦乾我的臉 - 我用一條“毛巾”(towel)把它弄乾,毛巾是一種用來擦乾或清潔自己的布。

I floss my teeth and I brush them. |čistím mezizubně|||||| |치실|||||| Ich benutze Zahnseide und putze mir die Zähne. Me paso el hilo dental y me cepillo los dientes. 我會使用牙線清潔牙齒,然後刷牙。

"I have to admit that by this time, I'm beat. |||||||||exausto "Ich muss zugeben, dass ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt kaputt bin. "Tengo que admitir que a estas alturas, estoy agotado. "Мушу визнати, що на той час я вже був виснажений. "我必須承認,到了這個時候,我已經累了。

" "I have to admit" is an expression that we use when you're going to say something that maybe you don't want to say - you don't want to tell the truth. |||přiznat|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||kabul etmek|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||verdade " "Tengo que admitirlo" es una expresión que utilizamos cuando vas a decir algo que quizá no quieres decir, no quieres decir la verdad. " "Мушу визнати" - це вираз, який ми використовуємо, коли ви збираєтеся сказати щось, чого, можливо, не хочете говорити - не хочете говорити правду. ""我必須承認"是我們用來表達當你要說一些可能不想說的話 - 你不想說出真相時的表達。

In fact, there's also an expression, "to tell the truth. |||||||||pravda In der Tat gibt es auch den Ausdruck "die Wahrheit sagen". De hecho, también existe la expresión "decir la verdad". Насправді, є ще такий вислів: "казати правду". 事實上,還有一個表達方式,"說實話。"

" So, I have to admit means I have to say - to tell the truth. ||||přiznat||||||||| " Por lo tanto, tengo que admitir los medios que tengo que decir - decir la verdad. 「だから、私が言わなければならないことを認めなければならない。 "所以,我必須承認這意味著我必須說 - 說實話。"

"By this time," meaning by 10:30 - "by this time, I'm beat. "A esta hora", es decir, a las 10:30, "a esta hora, estoy agotado". "До цього часу", тобто до 10:30 - "до цього часу я вже виснажений. "到這個時候,"意指到10:30 - "到這個時候,我累壞了。"

" To be beat, "beat," means to be very tired. |||vyčerpaný||||| |||cansado||||| " Estar vencido, "vencido", significa estar muy cansado. " Бути побитим, "побитим", означає бути дуже втомленим. "累"(beat)意味着非常疲憊。

Someone says, "Oh, I'm beat," they've been working all day or they've, like me, been watching television all day, and now I'm beat - I'm tired. ||||||||||||||||||||||cansado|| Alguien dice: "Oh, estoy agotado", han estado trabajando todo el día o, como yo, han estado viendo la televisión todo el día, y ahora estoy agotado, cansado. 有人說:"哦,我累了",他們可能整天都在工作,或者像我一樣,整天都在看電視,現在我累了 - 我很疲倦。

Of course, I don't watch television all day, just part of the day! Por supuesto, no veo la televisión todo el día, ¡sólo parte del día! 當然,我不是整天都看電視,只是一天中的一部分時間!

Well, my wife is also beat. |||||yorgun Bueno, mi esposa también está golpeada.

In the story I say, "I'm beat, and so is my wife," meaning my wife is also very tired. En la historia digo: "Estoy agotado, y mi mujer también", lo que significa que mi mujer también está muy cansada. 在故事中我說:"我累了,我的妻子也累了," 意思是我的妻子也很累。

"She cleans up when I've finished up. "Ella limpia cuando yo he terminado. "Вона прибирає, коли я закінчую. "當我整理完畢時,她會打掃清理。

" Once again, you see those two-word verbs. " Una vez más, ves esos verbos de dos palabras. "再次看到那兩個字的動詞。

To clean up is, in this case, to clean your face, to brush your teeth; to get yourself clean is to clean up. Aufräumen bedeutet in diesem Fall, sich zu waschen, sich die Zähne zu putzen; sich sauber machen bedeutet aufräumen. Limpiarse es, en este caso, limpiarse la cara, cepillarse los dientes; asearse es limpiarse. Привести себе в порядок - це, в даному випадку, вмитися, почистити зуби; привести себе в порядок - це очиститися. 在這種情況下,清理就是清潔你的臉,刷牙;讓自己乾淨就是清理。

“To finish up” is really the same as to finish, but we love in English to use those prepositions as part of these two word verbs. ||||||||||||||||||edatlarla||||||| "Abschließen" bedeutet eigentlich dasselbe wie beenden, aber im Englischen lieben wir es, diese Präpositionen als Teil dieser zweiteiligen Verben zu verwenden. "To finish up" es realmente lo mismo que terminar, pero en inglés nos encanta utilizar esas preposiciones como parte de estos verbos de dos palabras. "Закінчити" - це те саме, що й "закінчити", але в англійській мові ми любимо використовувати ці прийменники як частину цих двох дієслів. 「完成」和「結束」其實是同樣的意思,但我們喜歡在英語中把這些介詞作為這兩個單詞動詞的一部分來使用。

So, I finish up, meaning I finish doing what I need to do, and then my wife goes into the bathroom and cleans up. Also, ich beende meine Arbeit, was bedeutet, dass ich damit fertig bin, was ich tun muss, und dann geht meine Frau ins Badezimmer und macht sauber. Así que termino, es decir, termino de hacer lo que tengo que hacer, y entonces mi mujer va al baño y limpia. 所以,我完成,意味著我結束我需要做的事,然後我的妻子進入浴室清理。

"In the meantime," meaning while my wife is doing that. ||entretanto||||||| "Mientras tanto", es decir, mientras mi mujer hace eso. "Тим часом" - це означає, що поки моя дружина займається цим. 「與此同時」,指的是我妻子正在做那件事的時候。

"In the meantime" (meantime) – all one word – I walk into the bedroom and get undressed. |||||||||||臥室||| |||bu arada||||||||||| ||||||||||||||옷을 벗다 "Mientras tanto" (meantime) -todo una palabra- entro en el dormitorio y me desvisto. 「與此同時」(meantime)- 結合成一個單字 - 我走進臥室並脫衣服。

" So, when my wife is in the bathroom, "I walk" - at the same time - "into the bedroom and I get undressed. " Así que, cuando mi mujer está en el baño, "yo voy" -al mismo tiempo- "al dormitorio y me desnudo. 「因此,當我妻子在浴室時,我「走」(同時)走進臥室並脫衣服。

" “To get undressed” is the opposite of to get dressed. " "Desvestirse" es lo contrario de vestirse. " "脫衣服"是"穿衣服"的反義詞。

So, if you get undressed, you take off your clothes. Así que, si te desnudas, te quitas la ropa. 所以,如果你脫衣服,就是把衣服脫掉。

"I put my dirty clothes" - the clothes I was wearing - "in the hamper and I put on my pyjamas. ||||||||||||kirli sepeti|||||| ||||||||||||세탁 바구니|||||| ||||||||||||cesto|||||| ||||||||||||||||||睡衣 "Puse mi ropa sucia" -la ropa que llevaba puesta- "en el cesto y me puse el pijama. "我把髒衣服" - 我穿的衣服 - "放進衣籃,然後穿上我的睡衣。

" A “hamper” (hamper) as a noun, is a place, usually in your bedroom or bathroom, where you put dirty clothes or dirty towels; we call that a hamper. ||||||||||||||||||||||毛巾||||| |||||cesto|||um cesto||||quarto||banheiro|||||||sujas|toalhas||||| " Un "cesto" (hamper) como sustantivo, es un lugar, normalmente en tu dormitorio o cuarto de baño, donde pones la ropa sucia o las toallas sucias; lo llamamos cesto. " 垃圾桶(hamper)作為名詞,是一個地方,通常在你的臥室或浴室裡,用來放置髒衣服或髒毛巾;我們稱之為垃圾桶。

“To hamper,” as a verb, means something different. |prejudicar|||||| "Obstaculizar", como verbo, significa algo diferente. "Перешкоджати" як дієслово означає дещо інше. “妨礙”(to hamper)作為動詞,意思有所不同。

“To hamper someone” means to get in their way - to prevent them from doing something. |prejudicar|alguém||||||||prevenir|||| ||||||||||preprečiti|||| „Jemanden zu behindern“ bedeutet, sich ihm in den Weg zu stellen – ihn daran zu hindern, etwas zu tun. "Estorbar" significa interponerse en el camino de alguien, impedirle hacer algo. "Перешкоджати комусь" означає ставати на його шляху - заважати йому щось робити. “妨礙某人”(to hamper someone)意味著阻礙他們 - 防止他們做某事。

But as a noun, a hamper, or a clothes hamper, is a place, usually it's a big plastic box with a top on it, or it could be made of wood, and that's where you put your dirty clothes. ||||||||roupas|cesto de roupa||||||||||||tampa||||||||||||||||| Pero como sustantivo, una cesta, o un cesto de la ropa, es un lugar, normalmente es una gran caja de plástico con una tapa, o podría ser de madera, y ahí es donde pones tu ropa sucia. 但是作為名詞,洗衣籃,或稱為衣物籃,是一個地方,通常是一個有蓋的大塑膠箱,或者它可以是木製的,這是你放髒衣服的地方。

And then, at some point during the week, I hope, you wash your clothes so you can have clean clothes again. |||||||||espero||lave||||||||| Y luego, en algún momento de la semana, espero, lavas la ropa para volver a tener ropa limpia. 然後,在一周中的某個時刻,我希望,你能洗你的衣服,這樣你就可以再次擁有乾淨的衣服。

Unless, of course, you're not married, in which case, if you are a man and single, you may not wash your clothes that much. Pokud ne||||||||||||||||||||||| a menos que||||||||||||||||||||||| A menos, claro, que no estés casado, en cuyo caso, si eres hombre y soltero, puede que no laves tanto la ropa. Якщо, звичайно, ви не одружені, в такому випадку, якщо ви чоловік і неодружені, ви можете не прати одяг так часто. 當然,除非你沒有結婚,在這種情況下,如果你是一個單身男人,你可能不會那麼常洗衣服。

Well, I have "my dirty clothes in my hamper," and since I don't have any clothes on, remember I have undressed, "I put on my pyjamas. ||||||||kirli sepeti||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||como||||||||||||||| Bueno, tengo "la ropa sucia en el cesto", y como no llevo ropa, recuerda que me he desvestido, "me pongo el pijama". 好吧,我有「我的髒衣服在我的洗衣籃裡」,而且因為我沒有穿任何衣服,記得我已經脫光了,「我穿上我的睡衣。」

" “Pajamas” (pajamas) are sometimes abbreviated as “PJs” (PJ) – PJs. 睡衣||||縮寫|||| ||||파자마|||| pijamas||||abreviadas||PJs|"PJs"| ||||okrajšano kot "PJs"|||| " "Pijama" (pijama) se abrevia a veces como "PJs" (PJ) - PJs. " "Pajamas" (піжами) іноді скорочено називають "PJs" (PJ) - піжами. 「睡衣」(pajamas)有時簡稱為「PJs」(PJ) - PJs。

Your pajamas, or PJs, are the clothes that you wear when you are going to bed. |||pijamas|||||||||||| El pijama es la ropa que te pones para irte a la cama. 你的睡衣或PJs是你上床睡覺時穿的衣服。

For example, I have pajamas that say Superman on it, and I wear my Superman pajamas to bed. |||||||Superman|||||||||| Zum Beispiel habe ich Schlafanzüge, auf denen Superman steht, und ich trage meine Superman-Schlafanzüge zum Schlafen. Por ejemplo, tengo un pijama en el que pone Superman y me lo pongo para dormir. 例如,我有一套上面寫著超人的睡衣,我會穿著我的超人睡衣上床睡覺。

Doesn't everyone? Macht das nicht jeder? ¿No lo hace todo el mundo? みんなそうだろう? Не все? А хіба не всі так роблять? 難道不是每個人都這樣嗎?

Well, in addition to putting on my pajamas, I also put on my slippers. |||||||||||||terlik ||além||||||||||| Nun, zusätzlich zu meinen Schlafanzügen ziehe ich auch meine Hausschuhe an. Bueno, además de ponerme el pijama, también me puse las zapatillas. Ну, крім того, що я вдягаю піжаму, я також взуваю капці. 嗯,除了穿上我的睡衣,我還會穿上我的拖鞋。

A “slipper” (slipper) is a shoe that you wear usually just inside the house. |chinelo|||||||||||| 拖鞋是一種鞋子,通常是在家裡穿的。

So, when you are getting ready for bed and you want to walk around the house, you don't put your shoes on, you would put some slippers on. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||terlik| Also, wenn du dich fürs Bett fertig machst und im Haus herumlaufen möchtest, ziehst du keine Schuhe an, sondern Pantoffeln. Así, cuando te preparas para ir a la cama y quieres pasear por la casa, no te pones los zapatos, sino unas zapatillas. 所以,當你準備上床睡覺,想在家裡走動時,你不會穿上鞋子,而是會穿上拖鞋。

Some people wear slippers in their house, especially if the floors are cold, and they'll put the slippers on at night and have them on at night as they walk around in their house or in the morning. ||||||||||zeminler||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||pisos||||elas vão||||||||||||||||||||||| Einige Leute tragen Pantoffeln im Haus, besonders wenn der Boden kalt ist, und sie ziehen die Pantoffeln nachts an und tragen sie dann, während sie abends oder morgens im Haus herumlaufen. Algunas personas llevan zapatillas en casa, sobre todo si el suelo está frío, y se las ponen por la noche y las tienen puestas mientras pasean por su casa o por la mañana. 有些人在家裡穿拖鞋,尤其是在地板寒冷的情況下,他們會在晚上穿上拖鞋,並在家裡走動或者早上時穿著拖鞋。

Well, "Wearing my slippers, I go into the kitchen to get a glass of water," and I want to put that water "next to my bed in case I need it during the night. ||||||||||||||||||||||ao lado||||||||||| Nun, "Mit meinen Pantoffeln gehe ich in die Küche, um mir ein Glas Wasser zu holen," und ich möchte dieses Wasser "neben mein Bett stellen, falls ich es in der Nacht brauche." Pues bien, "con las zapatillas puestas, voy a la cocina a por un vaso de agua", y quiero poner esa agua "al lado de mi cama por si la necesito durante la noche". 嗯,"穿著我的拖鞋,我走進廚房去倒一杯水,"我想把那杯水放"在我的床邊,以防我半夜需要喝水。"

" So, if I need to drink water at night, I have a glass of water next to me. "Also, wenn ich nachts Wasser trinken muss, habe ich ein Glas Wasser neben mir." " Así que, si necesito beber agua por la noche, tengo un vaso de agua a mi lado. "所以,如果我半夜需要喝水,我床邊就有一杯水。"

"I pull back the covers. |puxo|para trás|| "Ich ziehe die Bettdecke zurück." "Retiro las mantas. "Я відкидаю ковдру. "我拉開被子。"

" The “covers” (covers) are the blanket, the comforter, and the top sheets. |||||毯子|||||| |as cobertores||||o cobertor||||||lençóis "Die „Bettdecken“ sind die Decke, die Bettdecke und die Bettlaken." " Las "fundas" (cubiertas) son la manta, el edredón y las sábanas superiores. "Pokrowce" (osłony) to koc, kołdra i górne prześcieradła. " "Покривала" (чохли) - це ковдра, ковдра і верхні простирадла. 「被套」(covers) 指的是毛毯、羽絨被和上面的床單。

We take those things and we have to pull them back. Ми беремо ці речі і мусимо їх повертати назад. 我們要把這些東西拉回來。

To pull back means to take them and move them towards the bottom of the bed so that you can get in, and after you get in, you're going to pull the covers up. ||||||||||朝向||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||para||fundo||||||||||||||||||||| Zurückziehen bedeutet, sie zu nehmen und sie zum unteren Ende des Bettes zu bewegen, damit du hineingehen kannst, und nachdem du hineingegangen bist, wirst du die Decke hochziehen. 拉回的意思是把它們移動到床的底部,以便你可以上床,等你上床後,你會把被子拉上來。

So, you pull back the covers to get into the bed, and then you pull them up to cover you again so you can stay warm. ||||||||||||||||||||||||ficar| Also ziehst du die Decken zurück, um ins Bett zu gehen, und dann ziehst du sie wieder hoch, um dich zu bedecken, damit du warm bleibst. Отже, ви відкидаєте ковдру, щоб залізти в ліжко, а потім знову накриваєтесь нею, щоб зігрітися. 所以,你掀開被子躺進床裡,然後再把被子拉上來覆蓋自己,以便保持溫暖。

"I pull back my covers," and I "fluff my pillow. |||我的|被子||||| |||||||fofo|| "Ich ziehe meine Decken zurück," und ich "fluffe mein Kissen." "Odsuwam kołdrę" i "puchnę poduszkę". "我掀開我的被子," 然後我 "拍打我的枕頭。

" The pillow is what I put my head on. "枕頭是我放頭的地方。

“To fluff” (fluff) means to make your pillow bigger by hitting it very softly on the sides. |부풀리다||||||||||||||| ||||||||||batendo|||suavemente||| "Розпушити" (збити) означає зробити подушку більшою, дуже м'яко вдаривши по ній з боків. 「使蓬鬆」(fluff)是指用手輕輕拍打枕頭的兩側來使其變得更大。

So, you take your pillow and you put one hand on each side of the pillow and you move your hands back and forth toward each other and away from each other, and that allows the pillow to be a little bigger - to be a little softer. ||||||||||||||||||||||||em direção||||||||||permite||||||||||||mais macio Also, du nimmst dein Kopfkissen und legst eine Hand auf jede Seite des Kissens und bewegst deine Hände hin und her aufeinander zu und voneinander weg, und das ermöglicht es dem Kissen, etwas größer zu sein - etwas weicher zu sein. Отже, ви берете подушку, кладете по одній руці на кожну сторону подушки і рухаєте руками вперед-назад до себе і від себе, і це дозволяє подушці стати трохи більшою - трохи м'якшою. 所以,你拿著枕頭,雙手分別放在枕頭的兩側,然後將雙手來回移動,這樣能讓枕頭變得稍微大一點 - 更加柔軟。

"I fluff my pillow, and I climb into bed. ||||||tırmanırım|| |fofo||||||| "Ich schüttel mein Kissen auf und steige ins Bett. "Я збиваю подушку і лягаю в ліжко. "我會把枕頭蓬鬆一下,然後爬上床。"

" Notice that verb “to climb” (climb) into bed. repare||||||| "Achte auf das Verb „steigen“ (climb) ins Bett. " Зверніть увагу на дієслово "забиратися" (лізти) в ліжко. " 注意動詞 "to climb"(爬)進入床上。

It means the same as to get into bed. Це означає те саме, що лягти в ліжко. 這意味著和 "get into bed" 是一樣的。

We might use that particular verb, to climb into, if we are very tired, for example. Wir könnten dieses bestimmte Verb verwenden, um zum Beispiel hineinzuklettern, wenn wir sehr müde sind. Ми можемо використовувати саме це дієслово, наприклад, залізти в ліжко, якщо ми дуже втомилися. 例如,如果我們非常疲倦,我們可能會使用那個特定的動詞 "to climb into"。

You can also use it just to mean to get into bed. Ви також можете використовувати його просто для того, щоб забратися в ліжко. 你也可以用它來表示上床睡覺。

So, I "climb into bed. 所以,我「爬進床裡。」

I set my alarm clock for 6:15," - for 6:15 in the morning, of course - "and I turn off the overhead light. |||||||||||||||||tavan| |||||||||||||||||de teto| 我把鬧鐘設為6:15," - 當然是早上的6:15 - " 然後我關掉了頂燈。

" The “overhead” (overhead) – all one word – is a light that is on the top of your room - on the ceiling of the room. |stropní||||||||||||||||||||| |천장 조명||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||teto||| |||||||||||||||||||stropu sobe||| " "Оверхед" (верхнє світло) - все це одне слово - це світло, яке знаходиться у верхній частині вашої кімнати - на стелі кімнати. 「頂燈」(overhead) – 全部是一個詞 – 是一種照明設備,它位於你房間的頂部 – 在房間的天花板上。

The top of the room is called the “ceiling” (ceiling). ||||||||teto| 房間的頂部稱為「天花板」(ceiling)。

So, an overhead light is on the top of the ceiling - or on the ceiling, and I turn the overhead light off. 所以,頂燈是在天花板的上方 - 或者說,在天花板上,而我把頂燈關掉。

"I lay my head down. |ponho|||abaixo "Ich lege meinen Kopf hin. 「我把頭放下了。

" “To lay” (lay) here means to put something down. |colocar||||||| " Burada "yatırmak" (lay) bir şeyi yere koymak anlamına gelmektedir. 「在這裡,“放置”(lay)是指將某物放下。

Usually we use that verb when we are talking about people or a part of your body. Normalerweise verwenden wir dieses Verb, wenn wir über Menschen oder einen Teil des Körpers sprechen. Genellikle bu fiili insanlar ya da vücudunuzun bir parçası hakkında konuşurken kullanırız. 通常我們使用這個動詞來談論人或你的身體的一部分。

"I lay my head down and I pull up the covers," so I am warm, and because I'm such a great husband, I kiss "my wife goodnight. ||||||||||||||||||||ótimo|||beijo||| "Başımı uzatıp yorganı çekiyorum," böylece ısınıyorum ve harika bir koca olduğum için "karıma iyi geceler öpücüğü veriyorum. "我躺下來,拉起被子,"這樣我就覺得暖和,因為我是一位偉大的丈夫,所以我親吻"我的妻子,晚安。

" “To kiss someone goodnight,” means to kiss them and in a sense, to say goodnight to them. |beijar||||||||||sentido||||| " "Поцілувати когось на добраніч" означає поцілувати його і в певному сенсі побажати йому доброї ночі. " "吻某人晚安",這意味著親吻他們,並在某種意義上,對他們說晚安。

"Some nights I have trouble falling asleep. "有些夜晚我很難入睡。

" “To fall (fall) asleep (asleep)” means to go to sleep - to start sleeping. |adormecer||adormecido|adormecido|||||||| " "Засинати (засинати)" означає засинати - починати спати. 「入睡」的意思是開始睡覺。

Sometimes "I have trouble falling asleep, but tonight, I didn't need to count any sheep. às vezes|||||||||||||| 有時候「我入睡有困難,但今晚我不需要數羊。」

" The expression “to count sheep” (sheep) is used because we traditionally when we are trying to fall asleep, some people say that it helps if you try counting numbers, so you start with one, two, three, four. |ovce||||||||||||||||||||||||||počítání||||||||| ||||||||||tradicionalmente|||||||||||||||||contar|números||você|||||| 「數羊」這個表達方式是因為我們傳統上在嘗試入睡時,有些人說如果試著數數字會有幫助,因此你可以從一、二、三、四開始。

And, for some reason, I don't know why, it is traditional to count sheep. І чомусь, не знаю чому, традиційно прийнято рахувати овець. 而且,不知為何,數羊是傳統的做法。

Sheep are a type of animal. |||||animal Вівці - це вид тварин. 羊是一種動物。

A sheep is an animal that you take the hair off of, and you use the hair of the sheep to make clothing, for example. Ein Schaf ist ein Tier, dem man die Haare ausreißt, und man verwendet die Haare des Schafes, um zum Beispiel Kleidung herzustellen. 羊は毛を取る動物で、羊の毛を使って服を作ったりする。 Овца — это животное, с которого вы снимаете шерсть и используете шерсть овцы, например, для изготовления одежды. Вівця - це тварина, з якої знімають шерсть, і використовують її, наприклад, для пошиття одягу. 羊是一種動物,牠的毛可以被剃下,然後用羊毛來製作衣服,例如。

I don't need to count sheep because I'm very tired. 我不需要數羊,因為我非常疲倦。

If you are not tired or you have difficulty falling asleep, you might want to try counting sheep. ||||||||dificuldade||||||||| 如果你不累,或者你有困難入睡,你可能想嘗試數羊。

One, two, three, four, and by the time you reach five million you should be asleep! |||||||||chegar||milhão|||| Bir, iki, üç, dört ve beş milyona ulaştığınızda uyuyor olmalısınız! 一,二,三,四,等你數到五百萬的時候你應該就睡著了!

"I nod off right away. |고개를 끄덕이다||| "Hemen uyuyakalıyorum. "我立刻打瞌睡。

" “To nod (nod) off” – two words – means the same as to fall asleep. ||||iki||uykuya dalmak||||||uykuya dalmak |acenar||||||||||| " „Pomigniti (z dremežem)" - dve besedi - pomeni isto kot zaspati. " "To nod (nod) off" - iki kelime - uykuya dalmakla aynı anlama gelir. " "Дрімати" - два слова, які означають те саме, що й "засинати". "「打瞌睡(nod off)」- 兩個詞 - 意思和入睡相同。

It's just another way of saying fall asleep, "I nod off. To je le še en način reči zaspati, "Zaspal sem. 這只是一種表達入睡的方式,「我打瞌睡。」

" Sometimes people will use that expression when they're at a meeting and it is very boring at work, and you may say to someone, "I almost nodded off" - I almost fell asleep. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||點頭||||| ||||||||||reunião|||||entediante|||||||||||acenou||||caí|adormecido " Sometimes people will use that expression when they're at a meeting and it is very boring at work, and you may say to someone, "I almost nodded off" - I almost fell asleep. " Včasih ljudje uporabijo to izraz, ko so na sestanku in je zelo dolgočasno na delu, ter lahko rečeš nekomu, "Skoraj sem zamižal" - Skoraj sem zaspal. " Іноді люди використовують цей вираз, коли вони на зустрічі, а на роботі дуже нудно, і ви можете сказати комусь: "Я майже задрімав" - я мало не заснув. "有時人們會在會議上使用這個表達,當工作非常無聊時,你可能會對某人說,"我差點打瞌睡" - 我差點睡著。

That usually happens to my students when I am teaching. ||||||ne zaman||| ||acontece|||alunos|||| 這通常發生在我的學生身上,當我在教課時。

"Before long," meaning in a very short time – "before long, I'm fast asleep. |||||||||||hızla| "Čez malo," kar pomeni v zelo kratkem času - "čez malo, hitro zaspim." "Незабаром", тобто за дуже короткий час - "незабаром я засну". "不久之後," 意思是很短的時間內 - "不久之後,我就熟睡了。

" “To be fast (fast) asleep” means to be completely asleep. " „To be fast (fast) asleep“ bedeutet, vollkommen zu schlafen. «Крепко (быстро) спать» означает быть полностью спящим. "Biti hitro (trdno) zaspan" pomeni biti popolnoma zaspan. " "Швидко (міцно) спати" означає повністю засинати. 「快快入睡」的意思是完全入睡。

There's a similar expression that means the same, “to be sound asleep” (sound). ||podobný|pevně spát||||||||| Es gibt einen ähnlichen Ausdruck, der dasselbe bedeutet, „fest schlafen“ (fest). Obstaja podoben izraz, ki pomeni isto, "biti trdno zaspan" (zvok). Існує схожий вираз, який означає те саме: "міцно спати" (sound). 有一個相似的表達方式意思一樣,叫做「熟睡」(sound)。

“To be sound asleep” means that you are sleeping completely, it will not be easy to wake you up. „Fest schlafen“ bedeutet, dass du tief schläfst und es nicht einfach sein wird, dich aufzuwecken. "Міцно спати" означає, що ви міцно спите, вас буде нелегко розбудити. 「熟睡」的意思是你正在完全入睡,不容易被喚醒。