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English Learning for Curious Minds, Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [1]

Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw.

Now, I'm sure that you're all familiar with the story of Robin Hood and his Merry Men from

the numerous films, books and TV series based on this heroic outlaw's feats or achievements.

Instead, what I'd like to focus on today is the True Story of Robin Hood.

In today's episode we are going to go on a time-travelling journey back to 14th

century England where we'll unravel the traditional tale of Robin Hood against

a backdrop of rebellion, corruption, war and even a suspected royal muder.

There's plenty to discover, so it's time to learn about The True Story of Robin Hood.

The first question you might be asking yourself is whether

there is, indeed, any truth to the story of Robin Hood.

Was there actually a man called Robin Hood?

Did he steal from the rich and give to the poor?

Was there a terrible Sheriff of Nottingham?

And, ultimately, is there any truth to this story?

These are some excellent questions, to which historians don't always agree on the answer.

But they are very interesting to explore, so that is what we are going to do in this episode.

As with any mystery, we have to consider the evidence available to us if

we're going to discover whether or not there really was a real Robin Hood.

Today, the character that we call Robin Hood is known as Robin of Locksley.

In modern versions, our noble born hero has been dispossessed of his property, his property

has been taken from him, while fighting abroad in the religious wars known as the Crusades.

He becomes an outlaw, living in Sherwood Forest with his Merry Men, rescuing

his love interest Maid Marian from unwanted suitors, the men who want to marry

her and, perhaps most famously, stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

This familiar version of Robin Hood is actually very far removed, very

different to the earliest surviving text that we have about Robin Hood, a

text which dates back to the early 16th century called: A Gest of Robyn Hode.

A gest, by the way, means an adventurous story.

This first record of Robin Hood provides us with plenty of

clues about the true story of Robin Hood, so let's dive into it.

The original version features a low-born freeman who, in typical fashion

for a hero of his time, commits plenty of gory, or bloody, crimes.

This Robin Hood steals from the rich, the highly unpopular and greedy

abbot at St Mary's Abbey, although he doesn't really give to the poor.

He does, however, adhere to a certain code of ethics, of moral

duty, in contrast to the money-grabbing clergymen, or monks, in St.

Mary's Abbey.

While Robin Hood is presented as a low-born outlaw, a criminal,

living in Barnsdale Forest, he is also shown to have superior morals.

What's more, Robin Hood's actions in the text have a restorative effect - he

rights wrongs through a sort of rough justice which highlights even further

the hypocritical, or the false, insincere, nature of the ruling classes.

In the Gest, in the original story, Robin Hood's men bring a knight to dine with him.

When the knight is asked to pay for his meal, he tells the truth to Robin Hood - he

has no money apart from the low amount of 10 shillings, a shilling being a

historical coin equivalent to twelve pence, a tiny and inadequate amount of money.

The knight goes on to tell Robin Hood of his misfortunes and how

the abbot is about to seize lands his lands for a debt of £400 that must be repaid to the abbey before sunset, before the end of the day.

Robin Hood asks if the knight has any friends who can help him with this debt.

No, the knight replies.

Before, when he was rich he had plenty of friends; now that he is poor, he has none.

Robin Hood then asks if he has anyone who could

Provide collateral, as security that he will repay the debt.

No, the knight replies again.

There is nobody who can provide him with any collateral,

except for the Virgin Mary who has never let him down.

Robin Hood is deeply devoted to the Virgin Mary and upon hearing these words

he immediately agrees to lend the knight the £400 that he so desperately needs.

£400, by the way, would be today's equivalent of hundreds of thousands of Euros.

As the day begins to draw to a close, the greedy abbot is waiting for the

deadline to pass so that he can take the knight's land and make a huge profit.

However, thanks to Robin Hood, the knight arrives and repays the money just in time.

Later on in the story when Robin Hood is awaiting his repayment from the knight,

a monk passes through Barnsdale Forest and is stopped by Robin Hood's men.

He behaves discourteously, or impolitely, towards Robin Hood and lies about how much money he has.

Robin Hood finds out that the monk comes from St Mary's Abbey and that he has £800

on him - Robin Hood takes this money from the monk, effectively doubling his money.

After all, the Virgin Mary was his collateral, so, to Robin Hood's

eyes, the monk from St Mary's had brought him his repayment.

When the knight finally arrives to repay his debt, Robin Hood refuses to accept the

payment, saying that he has already been reimbursed, or repaid, by the monk from St Mary's.

What's more, Robin Hood orders his men to pay the knight £400.

All in all, Robin Hood does not gain or lose any money in the story, rather he rights the

wrongs by rewarding the truthful knight and taking from the greedy, disrespectful monks.

The Gest also tells of how one of Robin Hood's men,

Little John, ends up serving the Sheriff of Nottingham.

When Little John is poorly treated by the sheriff's staff, he

retaliates, he reacts, and steals the sheriff's silverware and his money.

Little John gives the money and silverware to Robin Hood, then he tricks

the sheriff into an ambush, where Robin Hood and his men are lying in wait.

After a night sleeping rough in the forest, Robin Hood allows the sheriff to leave

provided that he swears never to harm Robin Hood or his men again, which he does.

Later in the story, the Sheriff of Nottingham breaks his

oath, his promise, not to harm Robin Hood and his men.

The sheriff organises an archery competition in an attempt to capture Robin Hood.

However, Robin Hood manages to escape and seeks refuge, he

seeks shelter, with the same knight that he previously helped.

This knight is captured by the sheriff, before being rescued by Robin Hood.

With news of an uprising spreading and Robin Hood's increasing notoriety, or

infamy, being famous for the wrong reasons, the King ends up travelling to the area.

Upon meeting Robin Hood in disguise, the King grants mercy to Robin

Hood, he pardons him, as well as his followers and the knight.

Robin Hood enters the King's service as an archer and joins the Royal Court.

A year later, homesick Robin Hood returns to visit Barnsdale

Forest, only to be killed by the Prioress of Kirklees.

The prioress is, in fact, a relative of Robin Hood.

She gruesomely lets him slowly bleed to death when he seeks medical treatment at her priory.

Now, this is a very basic summary of the earliest surviving text about Robin Hood, but

we can already identify plenty of clues that can help us to narrow down our search for

the real Robin Hood, and we can come up with a fairly precise historical time and place.

These details will allow us to ascertain, or to make sure, to verify, whether or

not some of the most popular real life Robin Hood suspects are indeed plausible.

As you may have noticed earlier, the location we are

looking for is not Sherwood Forest, but Barnsdale Forest.

For reference, Barnsdale is an area in South and West Yorkshire, not so far from Nottingham.

While the original text is clear about the location,

coming up with a date requires a bit of detective work.

Let's put together the pieces of the puzzle.

Robin Hood, even in today's version, is a highly skilled archer and much is

made of his archery skills, they are admired, and highly desirable qualities.

So, we are looking for a time when archery really started

to take off, when it was a sought-after skill in Britain.

To narrow things down further, let's add in an important detail from the Gest.

We are also told that the King is in the area.

So, if we can find any evidence of a King visiting near to the

Barnsdale area, we'll have a good idea of when the story is set.

On the 16th March 1322, some 60 km north of Barnsdale, there was a large

battle called the Battle of Boroughbridge, where a group of rebellious barons,

headed by a man called Thomas of Lancaster, fought against King Edward II.

King Edward II of England had a short, disastrous reign that ended in his forced abdication

in 1327, when he was made to renounce or give up his throne in favour of his son, Edward III.

He was subsequently held prisoner before

dying in uncertain circumstances at Berkeley Castle later on that year, in 1327.

Anyway, back to Boroughbridge, back to the battle of Boroughbridge,

Thomas of Lancaster lost the battle, in part due to heavy archery

fire from the King's longbowmen, as well as being greatly outnumbered.

He was taken to Pontefract Castle, a nearby castle, where he was executed.

I know that's a lot of names and details for you, but it is important to our quest for the truth.

The reason I shared this with you is that all of this proves, or suggests, that the King

was in the area in 1322 with his archers, which lends credibility to the story that the

real Robin Hood was actually pardoned, he was forgiven, and then recruited by the King.

With a clear date and precise location backed up by historical

records, we are a step closer to finding the real Robin Hood.

Out of all of the possible suggestions that have been made by historians

as to who the real Robin Hood could be, only one person really fits in

with both the earliest surviving text and the matching historical data.

And that person is… a man named Robert Hood of Wakefield.

Obviously, we cannot be 100% certain, but in terms of making a plausible guess, Robert

Hood of Wakefield is a prime suspect, he is one of the best matches that we have.

Robin was a common diminutive name for Robert.

And if you are wondering about Wakefield, well that also fits

in perfectly, being located just north west of Barnsdale.

So, if there is a good chance of Robin Hood having been a real person, Robert Hood of Wakefield is

as close as we're going to get to finding him, short of discovering any new miraculous evidence.

That said, while Robert Hood may be our best bet, that is our most

probable choice, there are a couple of other contenders who also have some

interesting details with similarities to the Gest or the historical data.

A man called Robert Hod of York features in legal records dating back to 1226.

While this is a lot earlier than the time frame we were originally considering,

there is written evidence that this Robert Hod became an outlaw after

his possessions were confiscated to pay back money that he owed to St.

Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [1] Folge 245: Die wahre Geschichte von Robin Hood [1] Episode 245: The True Story of Robin Hood [1] Episodio 245: La verdadera historia de Robin Hood [1] Épisode 245 : La véritable histoire de Robin des Bois [1] Episodio 245: La vera storia di Robin Hood [1] 第245話 ロビン・フッドの真相ロビン・フッドの真実の物語【1 Odcinek 245: Prawdziwa historia Robin Hooda [1] Episódio 245: A Verdadeira História de Robin Hood [1] Эпизод 245: Правдивая история Робин Гуда [1] 245. Bölüm Robin Hood'un Gerçek Hikayesi [1] Епізод 245: Справжня історія Робіна Гуда [1]. 第245集罗宾汉正传【1】 第245集:罗宾汉的真实故事[1] 第245集:羅賓漢的真實故事[1]

Hello, hello hello, and welcome to English Learning for Curious Minds, by Leonardo English.

The show where you can listen to fascinating stories, and learn weird and

wonderful things about the world at the same time as improving your English.

I'm Alastair Budge, and today we are going to be talking about Robin Hood, the legendary outlaw. ||||||||||||||||kanun kaçağı ||||||||||||||||fuera de la ley ||||||||||||||||законопоруш 我是 Alastair Budge,今天我们要谈论的是传奇歹徒罗宾汉。

Now, I'm sure that you're all familiar with the story of Robin Hood and his Merry Men from |||||||||||||||alegre|| Nun, ich bin mir sicher, dass Sie alle mit der Geschichte von Robin Hood und seinen lustigen Männern vertraut sind Maintenant, je suis sûr que vous connaissez tous l'histoire de Robin Hood et de ses Merry Men de Я впевнений, що ви всі знайомі з історією про Робіна Гуда та його веселих людей з 现在,我相信你们都熟悉罗宾汉和他的快乐男人的故事

the numerous films, books and TV series based on this heroic outlaw's feats or achievements. ||||||||||||feitos||feitos |||||||||||kanun dışı|başarıları, kahramanlıkları|| |||||||||||forajido héroe||| |||||||||||розбійника|подвигів||досягнення 以这位英雄亡命之徒的壮举或成就为背景的众多电影、书籍和电视剧。

Instead, what I'd like to focus on today is the True Story of Robin Hood. Stattdessen möchte ich mich heute auf die wahre Geschichte von Robin Hood konzentrieren. Натомість, сьогодні я хотів би зосередитися на правдивій історії Робіна Гуда.

In today's episode we are going to go on a time-travelling journey back to 14th

century England where we'll unravel the traditional tale of Robin Hood against ||||açığa çıkarmak||||||| ||||розкриємо||||||| ||||desvendar|||século|||| yüzyıl İngiltere'sinde Robin Hood'un geleneksel hikayesini çözeceğiz.

a backdrop of rebellion, corruption, war and even a suspected royal muder. |||isyan||||||||suikast |fondo||||||||||asesinato real |фон||повстання|||||на фоні|||вбивство кор vor dem Hintergrund von Rebellion, Korruption, Krieg und sogar einem mutmaßlichen Königsmörder. 反乱、汚職、戦争、そして王家の泥仕合の疑惑が背景にある。 на тлі повстання, корупції, війни і навіть підозри у підкупі короля. 叛乱、腐败、战争,甚至涉嫌皇室谋杀的背景。

There's plenty to discover, so it's time to learn about The True Story of Robin Hood. |muito|||||||||||||| Є|||відкрити для себе|||||||||||| Тут є багато цікавого, тож саме час дізнатися про "Правдиву історію Робіна Гуда".

The first question you might be asking yourself is whether

there is, indeed, any truth to the story of Robin Hood. ||||||||про|| ロビン・フッドの話は、本当に真実なのだろうか。 чи є правда в історії про Робіна Гуда.

Was there actually a man called Robin Hood? ||||||Робін| Чи існував насправді чоловік на ім'я Робін Гуд?

Did he steal from the rich and give to the poor? ||||the||||||бідним Чи він краў у багатих і даваў біднякам?

Was there a terrible Sheriff of Nottingham? ||||Şerif|| ||||Шериф|| Чи був страшний шериф Ноттінгема?

And, ultimately, is there any truth to this story? І, зрештою, чи є правда в цій історії?

These are some excellent questions, to which historians don't always agree on the answer. これらの質問は、歴史家が必ずしもその答えに同意していない、素晴らしい質問です。 Bunlar, tarihçilerin cevapları konusunda her zaman hemfikir olmadıkları mükemmel sorulardır. Це чудові питання, на які історики не завжди мають спільну відповідь.

But they are very interesting to explore, so that is what we are going to do in this episode.

As with any mystery, we have to consider the evidence available to us if Jako u každé záhady musíme vzít v úvahu důkazy, které máme k dispozici Wie bei jedem Geheimnis müssen wir die uns zur Verfügung stehenden Beweise berücksichtigen, wenn

we're going to discover whether or not there really was a real Robin Hood. zjistíme, zda skutečně existoval skutečný Robin Hood. werden wir herausfinden, ob es wirklich einen echten Robin Hood gab oder nicht. ロビン・フッドは本当にいたのか、その真相に迫ります。

Today, the character that we call Robin Hood is known as Robin of Locksley. |||||||||||||Locksley |||||||||||||Локслі |||||||||||||Locksley

In modern versions, our noble born hero has been dispossessed of his property, his property ||||soylu|||||mülkünden mahrum|||mülk|| |||||||||desposeído||||| ||||благородний||||||||майно|| V moderních verzích byl náš vznešený rozený hrdina zbaven svého majetku, svého majetku In den modernen Versionen wurde unser edel geborener Held seines Besitzes beraubt, seines Besitzes В сучасних версіях нашого шляхетного народженого героя позбавили його майна, його майна 在现代版本中,我们出身高贵的英雄被剥夺了他的财产,他的财产

has been taken from him, while fighting abroad in the religious wars known as the Crusades. ||||||бою||||релігійних|||||Хрестові походи byl mu odebrán, když bojoval v zahraničí v náboženských válkách známých jako křížové výpravy. wurde ihm genommen, als er im Ausland in den als Kreuzzüge bekannten Religionskriegen kämpfte. яке було відібрано в нього, поки він боровся за кордоном у релігійних війнах, відомих як Хрестові походи. 在被称为十字军东征的宗教战争中出国作战时,他被带走了。

He becomes an outlaw, living in Sherwood Forest with his Merry Men, rescuing ||||||Sherwood Ormanı||||||kurtarma yapmak |||||в||||||друзями|рятуючи Stává se psancem, žije v Sherwoodském lese se svými Merry Men a zachraňuje Er wird ein Geächteter, der mit seinen Merry Men im Sherwood Forest lebt und die Menschen rettet. Він стає поза законом, живучи в лісі Шервуд з його Веселими людьми, рятуючи

his love interest Maid Marian from unwanted suitors, the men who want to marry ||||Maid Marian|||aşıklar|||||| |||||||pretendientes|||||| ||||||indesejados|pretendentes|||||| jeho milostný zájem Maid Marian od nechtěných nápadníků, mužů, kteří se chtějí oženit seine Geliebte Maid Marian vor unerwünschten Freiern, den Männern, die sie heiraten wollen, zu schützen his love interest Maid Marian from unwanted suitors, the men who want to marry его любовный интерес - дева Мэриан - от нежелательных ухажеров, мужчин, которые хотят жениться на нем. його любовний інтерес покоївки Маріанни від небажаних залицяльників, чоловіків, які хочуть одружитися 他的爱人女仆玛丽安来自不想要的追求者,那些想要结婚的男人

her and, perhaps most famously, stealing from the rich to give to the poor. ji a, možná nejslavnější, krást od bohatých dát chudým. und, vielleicht am berühmtesten, von den Reichen zu stehlen, um es den Armen zu geben. її та, можливо, найвідоміше, крадіжка у багатих, щоб віддати бідним.

This familiar version of Robin Hood is actually very far removed, very ||||||||||віддалена| Tato známá verze Robina Hooda je ve skutečnosti velmi vzdálená, velmi Diese bekannte Version von Robin Hood ist eigentlich sehr weit entfernt, sehr Robin Hood'un bu tanıdık versiyonu aslında çok uzak, çok Ця знайома версія Робіна Гуда насправді дуже далека, дуже

different to the earliest surviving text that we have about Robin Hood, a |||||||||||diferente| liší se od nejstaršího dochovaného textu, který máme o Robinu Hoodovi, a відрізняється від найраніших збережених текстів, які ми маємо про Робіна Гуда, а

text which dates back to the early 16th century called: A Gest of Robyn Hode. |||||||||||hikaye||Robin Hood|Robin Hood |||||||||||Gest||| Текст, який датується початком 16 століття, називається: "Жест Робіна Хода". 可追溯到 16 世纪初的文字称为:罗宾·霍德的杰作。

A gest, by the way, means an adventurous story. |||||||aventurosa| |gesta||||||| |історія||||||| Eine Geste bedeutet übrigens eine abenteuerliche Geschichte. Гест, до речі, означає пригодницьку історію.

This first record of Robin Hood provides us with plenty of

clues about the true story of Robin Hood, so let's dive into it. ||||||||||поринемо в|| pistas||||||||||mergulhar||

The original version features a low-born freeman who, in typical fashion |||||||вільна людина|||| Původní verze představuje svobodného muže nízkého původu, který je typickým způsobem In der Originalfassung geht es um einen Bürger aus einfachen Verhältnissen, der in typischer Manier La versione originale vede protagonista un liberto di bassa estrazione che, in modo tipico オリジナル版では、下層階級の自由民が登場し、典型的なファッションで В оригинальной версии фигурирует низкорожденный вольноотпущенник, который, в типичной манере Orijinal versiyonda, tipik bir şekilde Оригінальна версія містить низькорідного вільного чоловіка, який, у типовій манері 原始版本以一个出身低微的自由人为特色,他以典型的方式

for a hero of his time, commits plenty of gory, or bloody, crimes. |||||||||sangrientos||| ||||||işler|||kanlı||| |||||||||sanguinolentos||| ||||||вчиняє|||||кривавий| pro hrdinu své doby spáchá spoustu krvavých nebo krvavých zločinů. begeht für einen Helden seiner Zeit zahlreiche blutige Verbrechen. Zamanının bir kahramanına göre çok sayıda kanlı suç işlemiştir. для героя свого часу, вчиняє безліч кривавих або криваво-горорних злочинів.

This Robin Hood steals from the rich, the highly unpopular and greedy |||çalıyor|||||||| |||||||||||ganancioso ||||||багатих||||| Dieser Robin Hood bestiehlt die Reichen, die höchst unpopulären und gierigen Цей Робін Гуд краде у багатих, неймовірно непопулярних і жадібних 这个罗宾汉从富人、极不受欢迎和贪婪的人那里偷窃

abbot at St Mary's Abbey, although he doesn't really give to the poor. başrahip|||||||||||| abade|||||||||||| opat v St Mary's Abbey, i když chudým ve skutečnosti nedává. Abt der Abtei St. Mary's, obwohl er nicht wirklich an die Armen spendet. настоятель абатства Святої Марії, хоча насправді він не дає бідним. 圣玛丽修道院院长,尽管他并没有真正施舍给穷人。

He does, however, adhere to a certain code of ethics, of moral |||bağlı kalmak||||||||ahlaki |||дотримується|||||||| Dodržuje však určitý etický kodex, morálku Er hält sich jedoch an einen bestimmten ethischen und moralischen Kodex 然而,他确实遵守某种道德准则,道德准则

duty, in contrast to the money-grabbing clergymen, or monks, in St. |||||||clérigos|||| |||||||din adamları||rahipler|| |||||||духовенство||монахи|| dever||||||gananciosos|dever, em contraste com os clérigos gananciosos, ou monges, em São|||| povinnost, na rozdíl od penězožravých duchovních neboli mnichů v St. Pflicht, im Gegensatz zu den geldgierigen Geistlichen, oder Mönchen, in St. 职责,与圣彼得堡那些贪财的牧师或僧侣形成鲜明对比。

Mary's Abbey.

While Robin Hood is presented as a low-born outlaw, a criminal, Robin Hood wird als niederer Geächteter, als Krimineller dargestellt, У той час як Робін Гуд представлений як розбійник низького походження, злочинець, 虽然罗宾汉被描绘成一个出身低微的歹徒、罪犯,

living in Barnsdale Forest, he is also shown to have superior morals. ||Barnsdale||||||||| žijící v Barnsdale Forest, je také prokázáno, že má vynikající morálku. im Wald von Barnsdale lebt, wird auch gezeigt, dass er eine höhere Moral hat. Живучи в лісі Барнсдейл, він також демонструє чудові моральні якості.

What's more, Robin Hood's actions in the text have a restorative effect - he |||Robin Hood'un||||||||| Počínání Robina Hooda v textu navíc působí regeneračně – on Darüber hinaus haben Robin Hoods Handlungen im Text eine erholsame Wirkung - er Більше того, дії Робіна Гуда в тексті мають відновлювальний ефект - він

rights wrongs through a sort of rough justice which highlights even further |hatalar||||||||vurgular daha fazla|| |injusticias|||||||||| práva křivdy prostřednictvím jakési drsné spravedlnosti, která ještě více zdůrazňuje Unrecht durch eine Art grobe Gerechtigkeit ausgleicht, die noch mehr hervorhebt 荒っぽい正義感で悪を糺し、その結果、よりいっそう悪に磨きがかかる。 corrige erros por meio de uma espécie de justiça bruta que destaca ainda mais исправляет ошибки с помощью своего рода грубого правосудия, которое еще больше подчеркивает правильних і неправильних через своєрідне грубе правосуддя, яке ще більше підкреслює

the hypocritical, or the false, insincere, nature of the ruling classes. |ikiyüzlü||||samimiyetsiz||||| |||||insincero||||| |||||falsa||||| pokrytecká nebo falešná, neupřímná povaha vládnoucích tříd. die heuchlerische oder falsche, unaufrichtige Natur der herrschenden Klassen. a natureza hipócrita, ou falsa, insincera, das classes dominantes. лицемірна, або фальшива, нещира природа правлячих класів.

In the Gest, in the original story, Robin Hood's men bring a knight to dine with him. ||||||||||||caballero|||| |||||||||homens|||cavaleiro||jantar|| |||||||Робін|||||||пообідати|| V Gest, v původním příběhu, muži Robina Hooda přivedou rytíře, aby s ním povečeřeli. ゲストの中では、原作ではロビン・フッドの部下が騎士を連れてきて食事をする。 В оригінальній історії люди Робіна Гуда приводять лицаря на вечерю до себе в Гест.

When the knight is asked to pay for his meal, he tells the truth to Robin Hood - he Коли лицаря просять заплатити за їжу, він говорить правду Робіну Гуду - він

has no money apart from the low amount of 10 shillings, a shilling being a |||||||||||şilin|| |||||||||||chelin|| |||||||||||шилінг|| nemá žádné peníze kromě nízké částky 10 šilinků, šilink je a не має грошей, окрім невеликої суми в 10 шилінгів, причому шилінг - це

historical coin equivalent to twelve pence, a tiny and inadequate amount of money. |||||||||недостатня||| historická mince v ekvivalentu dvanácti pencí, nepatrné a nedostatečné množství peněz. історична монета, еквівалентна дванадцяти пенсам, крихітна і неадекватна сума грошей. 相当于十二便士的历史硬币,数量很少且不足。

The knight goes on to tell Robin Hood of his misfortunes and how ||||||||||desgracias|| Rytíř dále vypráví Robinu Hoodovi o svém neštěstí a o tom, jak se opat chystá zmocnit jeho

the abbot is about to seize lands his lands for a debt of £400 that must be repaid to the abbey before sunset, before the end of the day. |||||embargar|||||||||||reembolsada||||||||||| |abade|||||||||||||||||||||||||| pozemky za dluh ve výši 400 liber, který musí být splacen opatství před západem slunce, před koncem dne. абат збирається захопити його землі за борг у 400 фунтів стерлінгів, який потрібно повернути абатству до заходу сонця, до кінця дня. 土地欠下 400 英镑的债务,必须在日落前、一天结束前偿还给修道院。

Robin Hood asks if the knight has any friends who can help him with this debt. ||pergunta|||||||||||||

No, the knight replies.

Before, when he was rich he had plenty of friends; now that he is poor, he has none.

Robin Hood then asks if he has anyone who could

Provide collateral, as security that he will repay the debt. Stellen Sie eine Sicherheit zur Verfügung, die gewährleistet, dass er die Schulden zurückzahlen wird. 提供抵押品,作为他偿还债务的担保。

No, the knight replies again.

There is nobody who can provide him with any collateral, 没有人可以为他提供任何抵押品,

except for the Virgin Mary who has never let him down. ||||||||exceto|| außer der Jungfrau Maria, die ihn nie im Stich gelassen hat. ただし、聖母マリアは彼を失望させたことがない。 Onu hiç hayal kırıklığına uğratmayan Meryem Ana hariç. окрім Діви Марії, яка ніколи його не підводила. 除了从未让他失望过的圣母玛利亚。

Robin Hood is deeply devoted to the Virgin Mary and upon hearing these words Robin Hood ist der Jungfrau Maria zutiefst zugetan und als er diese Worte hört Robin Hood est profondément dévoué à la Vierge Marie et en entendant ces mots 罗宾汉对圣母玛利亚深信不疑,听到这些话后

he immediately agrees to lend the knight the £400 that he so desperately needs.

£400, by the way, would be today's equivalent of hundreds of thousands of Euros. Bu arada 400 sterlin bugün yüz binlerce Avro'ya denk geliyor.

As the day begins to draw to a close, the greedy abbot is waiting for the |||||||||||abad codicioso|||| à medida que|o|||||||||ganancioso|abade|||| Als sich der Tag dem Ende zuneigt, wartet der gierige Abt auf die 日が暮れ始めると、欲張りな修道院長が待ち構えているのは À medida que o dia começa a chegar ao fim, o abade ganancioso está à espera do Gün sona ermeye başladığında, açgözlü başrahip

deadline to pass so that he can take the knight's land and make a huge profit. |||||||||şövalyenin||||||

However, thanks to Robin Hood, the knight arrives and repays the money just in time. |||||||||öder|||||

Later on in the story when Robin Hood is awaiting his repayment from the knight, |||||||||bekleyen||geri ödeme||| |||||||||||reembolso||| Позже в этой истории Робин Гуд ожидает возврата долга от рыцаря, Hikâyenin ilerleyen bölümlerinde Robin Hood şövalyeden alacağını beklemektedir, 在故事的后期,当罗宾汉在等待骑士的回报时,

a monk passes through Barnsdale Forest and is stopped by Robin Hood's men. Bir keşiş Barnsdale Ormanı'ndan geçer ve Robin Hood'un adamları tarafından durdurulur.

He behaves discourteously, or impolitely, towards Robin Hood and lies about how much money he has. ||saygısızca||kaba bir şekilde||||||||||| ||descortésmente||||||||||||| Robin Hood'a karşı nezaketsiz ya da kaba davranır ve ne kadar parası olduğu konusunda yalan söyler.

Robin Hood finds out that the monk comes from St Mary's Abbey and that he has £800 Robin Hood erfährt, dass der Mönch aus der Abtei St. Mary's kommt und 800 Pfund besitzt. Robin Hood keşişin St Mary's Abbey'den geldiğini ve 800 sterlininin olduğunu öğrenir

on him - Robin Hood takes this money from the monk, effectively doubling his money. |||||||||||iki katına çıkarma|| Robin Hood nimmt dieses Geld von dem Mönch und verdoppelt damit sein Geld. 在他身上 - 罗宾汉从和尚那里拿走了这笔钱,实际上使他的钱翻了一番。

After all, the Virgin Mary was his collateral, so, to Robin Hood's Schließlich war die Jungfrau Maria sein Pfand, so dass Robin Hoods В конце концов, Дева Мария была его залогом, так что для Робин Гуда

eyes, the monk from St Mary's had brought him his repayment. Augen hatte der Mönch von St. Mary's ihm seine Rückzahlung gebracht. の目には、セント・メリーズの修道士が返済のために持ってきたと映った。 І ось, нарешті, монах з церкви Святої Марії приніс йому відплату. 眼睛,圣玛丽的修士已经给他带来了回报。

When the knight finally arrives to repay his debt, Robin Hood refuses to accept the Als der Ritter schließlich eintrifft, um seine Schulden zurückzuzahlen, weigert sich Robin Hood, dies anzunehmen

payment, saying that he has already been reimbursed, or repaid, by the monk from St Mary's. |||||||geri ödendi|||||||| |||||||reembolsado|||||||| |||||||reembolsado||reembolsado|||||| Zahlung und sagte, dass er bereits von dem Mönch aus St. Mary's erstattet oder zurückgezahlt wurde. Mary'den gelen keşiş tarafından zaten geri ödendiğini ya da geri ödendiğini söyleyerek ödeme yaptı.

What's more, Robin Hood orders his men to pay the knight £400. Außerdem befiehlt Robin Hood seinen Männern, dem Ritter 400 Pfund zu zahlen. Além do mais, Robin Hood ordena que seus homens paguem £ 400 ao cavaleiro. Dahası, Robin Hood adamlarına şövalyeye 400 sterlin ödemelerini emreder.

All in all, Robin Hood does not gain or lose any money in the story, rather he rights the Alles in allem gewinnt oder verliert Robin Hood in der Geschichte kein Geld, sondern er berichtigt das

wrongs by rewarding the truthful knight and taking from the greedy, disrespectful monks. |||||||||||saygısız| Unrecht, indem sie den ehrlichen Ritter belohnen und von den gierigen, respektlosen Mönchen nehmen. Doğru şövalyeyi ödüllendirerek ve açgözlü, saygısız keşişlerden alarak yanlışlar. справедливості, винагороджуючи правдивого лицаря і відбираючи у жадібних, нешанобливих монахів. 通过奖励诚实的骑士并从贪婪,无礼的僧侣那里夺走错误。

The Gest also tells of how one of Robin Hood's men,

Little John, ends up serving the Sheriff of Nottingham. Little John, endet im Dienste des Sheriffs von Nottingham. リトル・ジョンは、ノッティンガムの保安官に仕えることになる。 小约翰最终为诺丁汉警长服务。

When Little John is poorly treated by the sheriff's staff, he ||||||||şerifin|| ||||mal|||||| Als Little John von den Mitarbeitern des Sheriffs schlecht behandelt wird, ist er 当小约翰受到治安官的工作人员虐待时,他

retaliates, he reacts, and steals the sheriff's silverware and his money. intikam alır|||||||gümüş eşyalar||| se venga|||||||plata de mesa||| retalia|||||||talheres||| misilleme yapar, o da tepki gösterir ve şerifin gümüş takımlarını ve parasını çalar. 报复,他做出反应,并偷走了警长的银器和他的钱。

Little John gives the money and silverware to Robin Hood, then he tricks Little John gibt das Geld und das Tafelsilber an Robin Hood, dann trickst er

the sheriff into an ambush, where Robin Hood and his men are lying in wait. ||||emboscada|||||||||| ||||emboscada|||||||||| der Sheriff in einen Hinterhalt, wo Robin Hood und seine Männer auf der Lauer liegen. Şerif, Robin Hood ve adamlarının pusuya yattığı bir yerde.

After a night sleeping rough in the forest, Robin Hood allows the sheriff to leave Nach einer rauen Nacht im Wald erlaubt Robin Hood dem Sheriff zu gehen. Dopo una notte passata a dormire all'addiaccio nella foresta, Robin Hood permette allo sceriffo di andarsene. Depois de uma noite dormindo na floresta, Robin Hood permite que o xerife saia Robin Hood, ormanda zorlukla geçirdiği bir gecenin ardından şerifin gitmesine izin verir

provided that he swears never to harm Robin Hood or his men again, which he does. sağladığı|||yemin eder|||||||||||| |||jura|||||||||||| |||jura|||||||||||| unter der Bedingung, dass er schwört, Robin Hood und seinen Männern nie wieder etwas anzutun, was er auch tut. Robin Hood'a ya da adamlarına bir daha zarar vermeyeceğine yemin etmesi şartıyla.

Later in the story, the Sheriff of Nottingham breaks his

oath, his promise, not to harm Robin Hood and his men. yemin|||||||||| juramento|||||não prejudicar|||||

The sheriff organises an archery competition in an attempt to capture Robin Hood. ||organize eder||||||||yakalamak|| Şerif, Robin Hood'u yakalamak için bir okçuluk yarışması düzenler. Шериф організовує змагання зі стрільби з лука, намагаючись спіймати Робіна Гуда. 治安官组织了一场射箭比赛,试图抓住罗宾汉。

However, Robin Hood manages to escape and seeks refuge, he |||başarır|||||| |||||||procura|| Robin Hood gelingt jedoch die Flucht und er sucht Zuflucht. Ancak Robin Hood kaçmayı başarır ve bir sığınak arar.

seeks shelter, with the same knight that he previously helped. |busca abrigo||||||||

This knight is captured by the sheriff, before being rescued by Robin Hood. |||||||||rescatado||| Dieser Ritter wird vom Sheriff gefangen genommen, bevor er von Robin Hood gerettet wird. Este cavaleiro é capturado pelo xerife, antes de ser resgatado por Robin Hood. Bu şövalye Robin Hood tarafından kurtarılmadan önce şerif tarafından yakalanır. 这位骑士在被罗宾汉救出之前被治安官俘虏。

With news of an uprising spreading and Robin Hood's increasing notoriety, or ||||ayaklanma||||||kötü şöhret| |||||espalhando|||||| Als sich die Nachricht von einem Aufstand verbreitete und Robin Hoods Berühmtheit zunahm, oder С распространением новостей о восстании и растущей дурной славой Робин Гуда, или Ayaklanma haberlerinin yayılması ve Robin Hood'un şöhretinin artmasıyla З новинами про повстання, що поширюються, і зростаючою славою Робін Гуда, або 随着起义的消息传开和罗宾汉越来越臭名昭著,或者

infamy, being famous for the wrong reasons, the King ends up travelling to the area. şöhret|||||||||||||| Da der König aus den falschen Gründen berühmt ist, reist er schließlich in diese Gegend. Kötü şöhret, yanlış nedenlerle ünlü olmak, Kral'ın bölgeye seyahat etmesine neden olur.

Upon meeting Robin Hood in disguise, the King grants mercy to Robin ||||||||bağışlar, lütuflar||| |||||disfraz de|||||| |||||disfarce|||concede||| Als der König Robin Hood in Verkleidung trifft, gewährt er ihm Gnade. En rencontrant Robin Hood déguisé, le roi accorde sa miséricorde à Robin Dopo aver incontrato Robin Hood sotto mentite spoglie, il Re concede a Robin la sua misericordia Kılık değiştirmiş Robin Hood ile karşılaşan Kral, Robin'e merhamet gösterir

Hood, he pardons him, as well as his followers and the knight. ||perdona||||||||| Hood, er begnadigt ihn, sowie seine Anhänger und den Ritter. 胡德,他赦免了他,以及他的追随者和骑士。

Robin Hood enters the King's service as an archer and joins the Royal Court. Робін Гуд вступає на службу до короля в якості лучника і приєднується до королівського двору.

A year later, homesick Robin Hood returns to visit Barnsdale |||nostálgico por|||||| |||com saudades de casa|||||| Um ano depois, Robin Hood com saudades de casa retorna para visitar Barnsdale. Bir yıl sonra, evini özleyen Robin Hood Barnsdale'i ziyaret etmek için geri döner

Forest, only to be killed by the Prioress of Kirklees. |||||||Kirklees'in başrahibesi||Kirklees Prioresi |||||||priora|| ||||na floresta, apenas para ser morto pela Prioressa de Kirklees.||||| Wald, nur um von der Priorin von Kirklees getötet zu werden. しかし、カークリーズの修道女に殺される。 Forest, apenas para ser morto pela prioresa de Kirklees. Ліс, тільки для того, щоб бути вбитим настоятелькою Кіркліса.

The prioress is, in fact, a relative of Robin Hood. ||||||parente||| A prioresa é, de fato, parente de Robin Hood. Baş rahibe aslında Robin Hood'un bir akrabasıdır. 事实上,院长是罗宾汉的亲戚。

She gruesomely lets him slowly bleed to death when he seeks medical treatment at her priory. |dehşet verici bir şekilde||||kanamak||||||||||manastır |de manera horrible||||||||||||||priorato |cruelmente|||||||||||||| Ela o deixa terrivelmente sangrando lentamente até a morte quando ele procura tratamento médico em seu priorado. Manastırda tıbbi tedavi görmek isteyen adamın yavaş yavaş kan kaybından ölmesine izin verir. Вона жахливо дозволяє йому повільно стікати кров'ю, коли він звертається за медичною допомогою до її монастиря. 当他在她的修道院寻求治疗时,她相当可怕地让他慢慢流血而死。

Now, this is a very basic summary of the earliest surviving text about Robin Hood, but Şimdi, bu Robin Hood hakkında günümüze ulaşan en eski metnin çok basit bir özeti, ancak 现在,这是关于罗宾汉的最早幸存文本的一个非常基本的总结,但是

we can already identify plenty of clues that can help us to narrow down our search for ||||||pistas||||||reduzir|||| können wir bereits viele Anhaltspunkte finden, die uns helfen können, unsere Suche einzugrenzen nous pouvons déjà identifier de nombreux indices qui peuvent nous aider à affiner notre recherche de

the real Robin Hood, and we can come up with a fairly precise historical time and place. |||||||||||bastante|||||

These details will allow us to ascertain, or to make sure, to verify, whether or ||||||belirlemek|||||||| Anhand dieser Angaben können wir feststellen bzw. sicherstellen, dass wir überprüfen können, ob 这些详细信息将使我们能够确定或确保核实,是否或

not some of the most popular real life Robin Hood suspects are indeed plausible. |||||||||||||plausibles nicht einige der beliebtesten Robin-Hood-Verdächtigen aus dem wirklichen Leben tatsächlich plausibel sind. Gerçek hayattaki en popüler Robin Hood şüphelilerinden bazıları gerçekten de akla yatkın değil.

As you may have noticed earlier, the location we are

looking for is not Sherwood Forest, but Barnsdale Forest.

For reference, Barnsdale is an area in South and West Yorkshire, not so far from Nottingham. Referans olarak, Barnsdale Güney ve Batı Yorkshire'da, Nottingham'dan çok uzak olmayan bir bölgedir.

While the original text is clear about the location, 虽然原文已经明确地点,

coming up with a date requires a bit of detective work. Для того чтобы придумать дату, нужно немного поработать детективом. 确定一个日期需要做一些侦探工作。

Let's put together the pieces of the puzzle. 让我们把拼图的各个部分拼凑起来。

Robin Hood, even in today's version, is a highly skilled archer and much is Robin Hood, mesmo na versão atual, é um arqueiro altamente habilidoso e muito é 罗宾汉,即使在今天的版本中,也是一位技艺高超的弓箭手,而且很多

made of his archery skills, they are admired, and highly desirable qualities. ||||||||||arzu edilen| ||||||||||desejáveis| feito de suas habilidades de arco e flecha, eles são admirados e qualidades altamente desejáveis. Okçuluk becerileri takdir edilen ve son derece arzu edilen niteliklerdir. 由于他的射箭技巧,他们令人钦佩,并且具有非常令人向往的品质。

So, we are looking for a time when archery really started 所以,我们正在寻找射箭运动真正开始的时间

to take off, when it was a sought-after skill in Britain. |||||||procurada|||| décoller, alors que c'était une compétence recherchée en Grande-Bretagne. взлететь, когда это было востребованным навыком в Великобритании. Britanya'da aranan bir beceri olduğunda, havalanmak için.

To narrow things down further, let's add in an important detail from the Gest. Um die Dinge weiter einzugrenzen, fügen wir ein wichtiges Detail aus dem Gest hinzu.

We are also told that the King is in the area.

So, if we can find any evidence of a King visiting near to the

Barnsdale area, we'll have a good idea of when the story is set. У районі Барнсдейла ми матимемо уявлення про те, де розгортається історія.

On the 16th March 1322, some 60 km north of Barnsdale, there was a large

battle called the Battle of Boroughbridge, where a group of rebellious barons, |||||||||||barones rebeldes |||||||||||barões die Schlacht von Boroughbridge, in der eine Gruppe rebellischer Barone, Boroughbridge Savaşı adı verilen savaşta, bir grup asi baron, битва під назвою "Битва при Боробриджі", де група повсталих баронів розбила групу повсталих баронів,

headed by a man called Thomas of Lancaster, fought against King Edward II. dirigido||||||||||||

King Edward II of England had a short, disastrous reign that ended in his forced abdication |||||||||||||||abdicación forzada İngiltere Kralı 2. Edward'ın kısa ve felaketle sonuçlanan saltanatı, tahttan çekilmek zorunda kalmasıyla sona erdi Король Англії Едуард II мав коротке, згубне правління, яке закінчилося його вимушеним зреченням від престолу

in 1327, when he was made to renounce or give up his throne in favour of his son, Edward III.

He was subsequently held prisoner before ||||prisionero| In der Folge wurde er gefangen gehalten その後、囚われの身となり、不明なまま死亡した。 Daha sonra, daha önce esir tutulmuştur. 他随后被囚禁,然后在不确定的情况下死去

dying in uncertain circumstances at Berkeley Castle later on that year, in 1327.

Anyway, back to Boroughbridge, back to the battle of Boroughbridge,

Thomas of Lancaster lost the battle, in part due to heavy archery Thomas von Lancaster verlor die Schlacht, unter anderem wegen schwerer Bogenschüsse Томас Ланкастерский проиграл битву, отчасти из-за сильной стрельбы из лука. Lancasterli Thomas, kısmen ağır okçuluk nedeniyle savaşı kaybetti

fire from the King's longbowmen, as well as being greatly outnumbered. ||||arqueiros de longo alcance||||||em desvantagem Sie wurden von den Langbogenschützen des Königs beschossen und waren zudem zahlenmäßig stark unterlegen. Kral'ın uzun yaylılarının ateşinin yanı sıra sayıca da oldukça azdılar. 来自国王的长弓手的火力,以及寡不敌众。

He was taken to Pontefract Castle, a nearby castle, where he was executed. Er wurde zum nahe gelegenen Schloss Pontefract Castle gebracht, wo er hingerichtet wurde. 近くの城であるポンテフラクト城に連行され、処刑された。 Yakındaki bir kale olan Pontefract Kalesi'ne götürüldü ve burada idam edildi. 他被带到附近的一座城堡 Pontefract Castle,并在那里被处决。

I know that's a lot of names and details for you, but it is important to our quest for the truth. |||||||||||||||||missão||| あなたにとって、それは多くの名前と詳細であることは分かっていますが、真実を追求するために重要なことなのです。 Bunun sizin için çok fazla isim ve ayrıntı olduğunu biliyorum, ancak gerçeği arayışımız için önemli.

The reason I shared this with you is that all of this proves, or suggests, that the King 我与你分享这个的原因是所有这些都证明或暗示国王

was in the area in 1322 with his archers, which lends credibility to the story that the |||||||arqueros||da credibilidad|||||| était dans la région en 1322 avec ses archers, ce qui donne de la crédibilité à l'histoire selon laquelle le был в этом районе в 1322 году со своими лучниками, что придает достоверность истории о том, что

real Robin Hood was actually pardoned, he was forgiven, and then recruited by the King. |||||perdonado|||perdonado|||||| справжній Робін Гуд насправді був помилуваний, прощений, а потім завербований королем. 真正的罗宾汉实际上被赦免了,他被赦免了,然后被国王招募了。

With a clear date and precise location backed up by historical З чіткою датою і точним місцем розташування, підкріпленим історичними

records, we are a step closer to finding the real Robin Hood.

Out of all of the possible suggestions that have been made by historians Von all den möglichen Vorschlägen, die von Historikern gemacht wurden Tarihçiler tarafından yapılan tüm olası öneriler arasından

as to who the real Robin Hood could be, only one person really fits in

with both the earliest surviving text and the matching historical data. com o texto sobrevivente mais antigo e os dados históricos correspondentes.

And that person is… a man named Robert Hood of Wakefield.

Obviously, we cannot be 100% certain, but in terms of making a plausible guess, Robert

Hood of Wakefield is a prime suspect, he is one of the best matches that we have. Hood of Wakefield é o principal suspeito, ele é uma das melhores partidas que temos. Wakefield'lı Hood baş şüpheli, elimizdeki en iyi eşleşmelerden biri. 韦克菲尔德的胡德是主要嫌疑人,他是我们拥有的最好的比赛之一。

Robin was a common diminutive name for Robert. ||||diminutivo||| Robin war ein gebräuchlicher Verkleinerungsname für Robert. Robin, Robert için kullanılan yaygın bir küçültme adıydı. 罗宾是罗伯特的一个常见的小名字或熟悉的名字。

And if you are wondering about Wakefield, well that also fits ||||||||||se encaixa そして、もしあなたがウェイクフィールドについて疑問に思っているのなら、それはまた、フィットするものです。

in perfectly, being located just north west of Barnsdale.

So, if there is a good chance of Robin Hood having been a real person, Robert Hood of Wakefield is

as close as we're going to get to finding him, short of discovering any new miraculous evidence. so nah wie möglich an ihn heran, es sei denn, wir entdecken neue wundersame Beweise. так близко, как только мы сможем его найти, если не обнаружим новых чудесных доказательств. Yeni bir mucizevi kanıt keşfetmediğimiz sürece onu bulmaya en fazla bu kadar yaklaşabiliriz.

That said, while Robert Hood may be our best bet, that is our most Das heißt, dass Robert Hood zwar unsere beste Wahl sein mag, aber das ist unsere größte とはいえ、ロバート・フッドが最良の策かもしれませんが、それは私たちの最

probable choice, there are a couple of other contenders who also have some ||||||||candidatos||||

interesting details with similarities to the Gest or the historical data.

A man called Robert Hod of York features in legal records dating back to 1226.

While this is a lot earlier than the time frame we were originally considering, Das ist zwar viel früher als der Zeitrahmen, den wir ursprünglich in Betracht gezogen hatten,

there is written evidence that this Robert Hod became an outlaw after Es gibt schriftliche Belege dafür, dass dieser Robert Hod nach dem Tod seines Vaters zu einem Geächteten wurde.

his possessions were confiscated to pay back money that he owed to St. seine Besitztümer wurden beschlagnahmt, um Geld zurückzuzahlen, das er dem Heiligen Vater schuldete. St. Petersburg'a olan borcunu ödemek için mallarına el konuldu. Його майно конфіскували, щоб повернути гроші, які він заборгував Св.