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TED, M. Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two surv

M. Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two surv

00:12Every day, I listen to harrowing stories of people fleeing for their lives, across dangerous borders and unfriendly seas. But there's one story that keeps me awake at night, and it's about Doaa.

00:29A Syrian refugee, 19 years old, she was living a grinding existence in Egypt working day wages. Her dad was constantly thinking of his thriving business back in Syria that had been blown to pieces by a bomb.And the war that drove them there was still raging in its fourth year. And the community that once welcomed them there had become weary of them. And one day, men on motorcycles tried to kidnap her.Once an aspiring student thinking only of her future, now she was scared all the time.

01:13But she was also full of hope, because she was in love with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem.Bassem was also struggling in Egypt, and he said to Doaa, "Let's go to Europe; seek asylum, safety I will work, you can study -- the promise of a new life" And he asked her father for her hand in marriage 01:37But they knew to get to Europe they had to risk their lives, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea,putting their hands in smugglers', notorious for their cruelty. And Doaa was terrified of the water. She always had been. She never learned to swim.

02:01It was August that year, and already 2,000 people had died trying to cross the Mediterranean, but Doaa knew of a friend who had made it all the way to Northern Europe, and she thought, "Maybe we can, too. "So she asked her parents if they could go, and after a painful discussion, they consented, and Bassem paid his entire life savings -- 2,500 dollars each -- to the smugglers. 02:29It was a Saturday morning when the call came, and they were taken by bus to a beach, hundreds of people on the beach. They were taken then by small boats onto an old fishing boat, 500 of them crammed onto that boat, 300 below, 500 above There were Syrians, Palestinians, Africans, Muslims and Christians, 100 children, including Sandra -- little Sandra, six years old -- and Masa, 18 months. There were families on that boat, crammed together shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet Doaa was sitting with her legs crammed up to her chest, Bassem holding her hand.

03:15Day two on the water, they were sick with worry and sick to their stomachs from the rough sea

03:22Day three, Doaa had a premonition. And she said to Bassem, "I fear we're not going to make it. I fear the boat is going to sink." And Bassem said to her, "Please be patient. We will make it to Sweden, we will get married and we will have a future." 03:42Day four, the passengers were getting agitated They asked the captain, "When will we get there?" He told them to shut up, and he insulted them. He said, "In 16 hours we will reach the shores of Italy." They were weak and weary Soon they saw a boat approach -- a smaller boat, 10 men on board, who started shouting at them, hurling insults, throwing sticks, asking them to all disembark and get on this smaller, more unseaworthy boat. The parents were terrified for their children, and they collectively refused to disembark. So the boat sped away in anger, and a half an hour later, came back and started deliberately ramming a hole in the side of Doaa's boat, just below where she and Bassem were sitting And she heard how they yelled, "Let the fish eat your flesh!" And they started laughing as the boat capsized and sank.

04:56The 300 people below deck were doomed. Doaa was holding on to the side of the boat as it sank, and watched in horror as a small child was cut to pieces by the propeller. Bassem said to her, "Please let go,or you'll be swept in and the propeller will kill you, too" And remember -- she can't swim. But she let go and she started moving her arms and her legs, thinking, "This is swimming." And miraculously, Bassem found a life ring. It was one of those child's rings that they use to play in swimming pools and on calm seas And Doaa climbed onto the ring, her arms and her legs dangling by the side. Bassem was a good swimmer, so he held her hand and tread water. Around them there were corpses. Around 100 people survived initially, and they started coming together in groups, praying for rescue But when a day went by and no one came, some people gave up hope, and Doaa and Bassem watched as men in the distance took their life vests off and sank into the water.

06:18One man approached them with a small baby perched on his shoulder, nine months old -- Malek He was holding onto a gas canister to stay afloat, and he said to them, "I fear I am not going to survive. I'm too weak. I don't have the courage anymore." And he handed little Malek over to Bassem and to Doaa, and they perched her onto the life ring. So now they were three, Doaa, Bassem and little Malek

06:50And let me take a pause in this story right here and ask the question: why do refugees like Doaa take these kinds of risks? Millions of refugees are living in exile, in limbo. They're living in countries from a war that has been raging for four years.

07:16Even if they wanted to return, they can't. Their homes, their businesses, their towns and their cities have been completely destroyed. This is a UNESCO World Heritage City, Homs, in Syria So people continue to flee into neighboring countries, and we build refugee camps for them in the desert Hundreds of thousands of people live in camps like these, and thousands and thousands more, millions, live in towns and cities. And the communities, the neighboring countries that once welcomed them with open arms and hearts are overwhelmed. There are simply not enough schools, water systems, sanitation. Even rich European countries could never handle such an influx without massive investment. The Syria war has driven almost four million people over the borders, but over seven million people are on the run inside the country That means that over half the Syrian population has been forced to flee. Back to those neighboring countries hosting so many. They feel that the richer world has done too little to support them. And days have turned into months, months into years A refugee's stay is supposed to be temporary.

08:49Back to Doaa and Bassem in the water. It was their second day, and Bassem was getting very weak And now it was Doaa's turn to say to Bassem, "My love, please hold on to hope, to our future. We will make it." And he said to her, "I'm sorry, my love, that I put you in this situation. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you" And he released himself into the water, and Doaa watched as the love of her life drowned before her eyes. 09:34Later that day, a mother came up to Doaa with her small 18-month-old daughter, Masa. This was the little girl I showed you in the picture earlier, with the life vest Her older sister Sandra had just drowned, and her mother knew she had to do everything in her power to save her daughter. And she said to Doaa, "Please take this child. Let her be part of you. I will not survive." And then she went away and drowned

10:10So Doaa, the 19-year-old refugee who was terrified of the water, who couldn't swim, found herself in charge of two little baby kids. And they were thirsty and they were hungry and they were agitated, and she tried her best to amuse them, to sing to them, to say words to them from the Quran. Around them, the bodies were bloating and turning black The sun was blazing during the day. At night, there was a cold moon and fog It was very frightening. On the fourth day in the water, this is how Doaa probably looked on the ring with her two children.

10:52A woman came on the fourth day and approached her and asked her to take another child -- a little boy, just four years old. When Doaa took the little boy and the mother drowned, she said to the sobbing child,"She just went away to find you water and food." But his heart soon stopped, and Doaa had to release the little boy into the water.

11:22Later that day, she looked up into the sky with hope, because she saw two planes crossing in the sky.And she waved her arms, hoping they would see her, but the planes were soon gone

11:38But that afternoon, as the sun was going down, she saw a boat, a merchant vessel. And she said, "Please, God, let them rescue me" She waved her arms and she felt like she shouted for about two hours And it had become dark, but finally the searchlights found her and they extended a rope,astonished to see a woman clutching onto two babies. 12:05They pulled them onto the boat, they got oxygen and blankets, and a Greek helicopter came to pick them up and take them to the island of Crete.

12:15But Doaa looked down and asked, "What of Malek?" And they told her the little baby did not survive --she drew her last breath in the boat's clinic. But Doaa was sure that as they had been pulled up onto the rescue boat, that little baby girl had been smiling.

12:38Only 11 people survived that wreck, of the 500. There was never an international investigation into what happened. There were some media reports about mass murder at sea, a terrible tragedy, but that was only for one day. And then the news cycle moved on.

13:03Meanwhile, in a pediatric hospital on Crete, little Masa was on the edge of death She was really dehydrated Her kidneys were failing Her glucose levels were dangerously low. The doctors did everything in their medical power to save them, and the Greek nurses never left her side, holding her, hugging her, singing her words. My colleagues also visited and said pretty words to her in Arabic.Amazingly, little Masa survived.

13:39And soon the Greek press started reporting about the miracle baby, who had survived four days in the water without food or anything to drink, and offers to adopt her came from all over the country.

13:56And meanwhile, Doaa was in another hospital on Crete, thin, dehydrated. An Egyptian family took her into their home as soon as she was released. And soon word went around about Doaa's survival, and a phone number was published on Facebook. Messages started coming in

14:21"Doaa, do you know what happened to my brother? My sister? My parents? My friends? Do you know if they survived?" 14:34One of those messages said, "I believe you saved my little niece, Masa." And it had this photo This was from Masa's uncle, a Syrian refugee who had made it to Sweden with his family and also Masa's older sister Soon, we hope, Masa will be reunited with him in Sweden, and until then, she's being cared for in a beautiful orphanage in Athens.

15:09And Doaa? Well, word went around about her survival, too. And the media wrote about this slight woman, and couldn't imagine how she could survive all this time under such conditions in that sea, and still save another life. The Academy of Athens, one of Greece's most prestigious institutions, gave her an award of bravery, and she deserves all that praise, and she deserves a second chance. But she wants to still go to Sweden. She wants to reunite with her family there. She wants to bring her mother and her father and her younger siblings away from Egypt there as well, and I believe she will succeed She wants to become a lawyer or a politician or something that can help fight injustice. She is an extraordinary survivor.

16:14But I have to ask: what if she didn't have to take that risk? Why did she have to go through all that? Why wasn't there a legal way for her to study in Europe? Why couldn't Masa have taken an airplane to Sweden? Why couldn't Bassem have found work? Why is there no massive resettlement program for Syrian refugees, the victims of the worst war of our times? The world did this for the Vietnamese in the 1970s Why not now? Why is there so little investment in the neighboring countries hosting so many refugees? And why, the root question, is so little being done to stop the wars, the persecution and the poverty that is driving so many people to the shores of Europe? Until these issues are resolved, people will continue to take to the seas and to seek safety and asylum.

17:27And what happens next? Well, that is largely Europe's choice. And I understand the public fears. People are worried about their security, their economies, the changes of culture. But is that more important than saving human lives? Because there is something fundamental here that I think overrides the rest, and it is about our common humanity. No person fleeing war or persecution should have to die crossing a sea to reach safety.


18:13One thing is for sure, that no refugee would be on those dangerous boats if they could thrive where they are. And no migrant would take that dangerous journey if they had enough food for themselves and their children. And no one would put their life savings in the hands of those notorious smugglers if there was a legal way to migrate.

18:36So on behalf of little Masa and on behalf of Doaa and of Bassem and of those 500 people who drowned with them, can we make sure that they did not die in vain? Could we be inspired by what happened, and take a stand for a world in which every life matters?

19:03Thank you.


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M. Fleming: A boat carrying 500 refugees sunk at sea. The story of two surv M. Fleming: Ein Boot mit 500 Flüchtlingen an Bord ist auf See gesunken. Die Geschichte von zwei Überlebenden M. Fleming: Un barco con 500 refugiados hundido en el mar. La historia de dos M. Fleming : Un bateau transportant 500 réfugiés a coulé en mer. L'histoire de deux survivants M. Fleming: Una barca che trasportava 500 rifugiati affondata in mare. La storia di due sopravvissuti M.フレミング500人の難民を乗せたボートが海に沈んだ。生き残った2人の物語 M. Fleming: Um barco que transportava 500 refugiados afundou-se no mar. A história de dois sobreviventes М. Флеминг: Судно с 500 беженцами, затонувшее в море. История двух выживших เอ็ม. เฟลมมิง: เรือบรรทุกผู้ลี้ภัย 500 คนจมลงทะเล เรื่องราวของสองผู้รอดชีวิต M. Fleming: 500 mülteciyi taşıyan bir tekne denizde battı. Hayatta kalan iki mültecinin hikayesi. M. Fleming:一艘载有 500 名难民的船在海上沉没。两个幸存者的故事

00:12Every day, I listen to harrowing stories of people fleeing for their lives, across dangerous borders and unfriendly seas. ||||to||||individuals|||||||||| 00: 12 Todos los días escucho historias desgarradoras de personas que huyen por sus vidas, a través de fronteras peligrosas y mares hostiles. But there’s one story that keeps me awake at night, and it’s about Doaa. Pero hay una historia que me mantiene despierto por la noche, y se trata de Doaa. Но есть одна история, которая не дает мне спать по ночам, и это история о Доа. แต่มีเรื่องหนึ่งที่ทำให้ฉันตื่นในตอนกลางคืน และนั่นเป็นเรื่องเกี่ยวกับโดอา

00:29A Syrian refugee, 19 years old, she was living a grinding existence in Egypt working day wages. |||||||||difficult, exhausting|harsh life||||| 00: 29Un refugiado sirio, de 19 años de edad, vivía una dura vida en Egipto trabajando los salarios de día. 00:29 Сирийская беженка, 19 лет, она влачила жалкое существование в Египте, работая на дневной зарплате. Her dad was constantly thinking of his thriving business back in Syria that had been blown to pieces by a bomb.And the war that drove them there was still raging in its fourth year. Su padre estaba pensando constantemente en su próspero negocio en Siria que había sido destruido por una bomba. Y la guerra que los llevó allí todavía estaba en su cuarto año. And the community that once welcomed them there had become weary of them. Y la comunidad que una vez los acogió allí se había cansado de ellos. And one day, men on motorcycles tried to kidnap her.Once an aspiring student thinking only of her future, now she was scared all the time. Y un día, hombres en motocicletas intentaron secuestrarla. Una vez que un estudiante aspirante pensaba solo en su futuro, ahora estaba asustada todo el tiempo. И однажды мужчины на мотоциклах попытались похитить ее. Когда-то она была притязательной студенткой, думающей только о своем будущем, теперь же ей постоянно было страшно.

01:13But she was also full of hope, because she was in love with a fellow Syrian refugee named Bassem.Bassem was also struggling in Egypt, and he said to Doaa, "Let’s go to Europe; seek asylum, safety I will work, you can study -- the promise of a new life" And he asked her father for her hand in marriage ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Let's|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 01: 13Pero ella también estaba llena de esperanza, porque estaba enamorada de un refugiado sirio llamado Bassem.Bassem también estaba luchando en Egipto, y le dijo a Doaa: "Vamos a Europa; busca asilo, seguridad, trabajaré, se puede estudiar: la promesa de una nueva vida ". Y él le pidió a su padre su mano en matrimonio. 01:37But they knew to get to Europe they had to risk their lives, traveling across the Mediterranean Sea,putting their hands in smugglers', notorious for their cruelty. 01: 37Pero sabían que para llegar a Europa tenían que arriesgar sus vidas, viajar a través del mar Mediterráneo, poner sus manos en manos de contrabandistas, notorios por su crueldad. And Doaa was terrified of the water. Y Doaa estaba aterrorizada del agua. She always had been. She never learned to swim.

02:01It was August that year, and already 2,000 people had died trying to cross the Mediterranean, but Doaa knew of a friend who had made it all the way to Northern Europe, and she thought, "Maybe we can, too. 02: 01 Era agosto de ese año, y ya habían muerto 2,000 personas tratando de cruzar el Mediterráneo, pero Doaa conocía a una amiga que había llegado hasta el norte de Europa, y pensó: "Tal vez nosotros también podamos. "So she asked her parents if they could go, and after a painful discussion, they consented, and Bassem paid his entire life savings -- 2,500 dollars each -- to the smugglers. "Entonces ella le preguntó a sus padres si podían irse, y después de una dolorosa discusión, consintieron, y Bassem pagó toda su vida (2.500 dólares cada uno) a los contrabandistas. "Она спросила родителей, могут ли они поехать, и после мучительного обсуждения они согласились, а Бассем заплатил контрабандистам все свои сбережения - по 2 500 долларов каждому. 02:29It was a Saturday morning when the call came, and they were taken by bus to a beach, hundreds of people on the beach. 02: 29 Era un sábado por la mañana cuando llegó la llamada, y fueron llevados en autobús a una playa, cientos de personas en la playa. They were taken then by small boats onto an old fishing boat, 500 of them crammed onto that boat, 300 below, 500 above There were Syrians, Palestinians, Africans, Muslims and Christians, 100 children, including Sandra -- little Sandra, six years old -- and Masa, 18 months. Fueron llevados luego en botes pequeños a un viejo bote de pesca, 500 de ellos se amontonaron en ese bote, 300 abajo, 500 arriba. Sirios, palestinos, africanos, musulmanes y cristianos, 100 niños, incluyendo a Sandra - pequeña Sandra, seis años viejo - y masa, 18 meses. There were families on that boat, crammed together shoulder to shoulder, feet to feet Doaa was sitting with her legs crammed up to her chest, Bassem holding her hand. Había familias en ese bote, apretadas hombro con hombro, pies con pies, Doaa estaba sentada con las piernas contra su pecho, Bassem sosteniendo su mano.

03:15Day two on the water, they were sick with worry and sick to their stomachs from the rough sea 03: 15Día dos en el agua, estaban enfermos de preocupación y enfermos hasta el estómago por el mar agitado

03:22Day three, Doaa had a premonition. |||||premonition 03: 22Día tres, Doaa tuvo una premonición. And she said to Bassem, "I fear we’re not going to make it. Y ella le dijo a Bassem: "Me temo que no lo vamos a lograr. I fear the boat is going to sink." Temo que el barco se vaya a hundir ". And Bassem said to her, "Please be patient. We will make it to Sweden, we will get married and we will have a future." Llegaremos a Suecia, nos casaremos y tendremos un futuro ". 03:42Day four, the passengers were getting agitated They asked the captain, "When will we get there?" day||||||restless||||||||| He told them to shut up, and he insulted them. ||||||||offended| Les dijo que se callaran, y los insultó. Он сказал им заткнуться и оскорбил их. He said, "In 16 hours we will reach the shores of Italy." They were weak and weary Soon they saw a boat approach -- a smaller boat, 10 men on board, who started shouting at them, hurling insults, throwing sticks, asking them to all disembark and get on this smaller, more unseaworthy boat. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||get off|||||||| Estaban débiles y cansados. Pronto vieron que se acercaba un bote: un bote más pequeño, con 10 hombres a bordo, que comenzaron a gritarles, lanzando insultos, lanzando palos, pidiéndoles que desembarcaran y subieran a este bote más pequeño y menos apto para navegar. The parents were terrified for their children, and they collectively refused to disembark. Los padres estaban aterrorizados por sus hijos, y se negaron colectivamente a desembarcar. So the boat sped away in anger, and a half an hour later, came back and started deliberately ramming a hole in the side of Doaa’s boat, just below where she and Bassem were sitting And she heard how they yelled, "Let the fish eat your flesh!" |||||in||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Así que el bote se alejó con ira, y media hora más tarde, regresó y comenzó a hacer un agujero en el costado del bote de Doaa, justo debajo de donde ella y Bassem estaban sentados. Ella escuchó cómo gritaban: "Dejen que los peces coman tu carne! " Alors le bateau a filé de colère, et une demi-heure plus tard, il est revenu et a commencé à percuter délibérément un trou dans le côté du bateau de Doaa, juste en dessous de l'endroit où elle et Bassem étaient assis Et elle a entendu comment ils ont crié: "Laissez le poisson manger ta chair! " And they started laughing as the boat capsized and sank. |||||||overturned|| Y se echaron a reír cuando el bote volcó y se hundió.

04:56The 300 people below deck were doomed. 04: 56 Las 300 personas bajo cubierta fueron condenadas. 04: 56Les 300 personnes sous le pont étaient condamnées. Doaa was holding on to the side of the boat as it sank, and watched in horror as a small child was cut to pieces by the propeller. Doaa se aferraba al costado del bote mientras se hundía, y observó con horror cómo la hélice cortaba a un niño pequeño en pedazos. Doaa se tenait sur le côté du bateau alors qu'il coulait, et regarda avec horreur un petit enfant coupé en morceaux par l'hélice. Bassem said to her, "Please let go,or you’ll be swept in and the propeller will kill you, too" And remember -- she can’t swim. Bassem le dijo: "Por favor, déjalo, o te arrastrarán y la hélice también te matará". Y recuerda: ella no puede nadar. Бассем сказал ей: «Пожалуйста, отпусти, или тебя унесет, и пропеллер убьет и тебя». И помните — она не умеет плавать. But she let go and she started moving her arms and her legs, thinking, "This is swimming." Pero lo soltó y comenzó a mover los brazos y las piernas, pensando: "Esto es nadar". And miraculously, Bassem found a life ring. Y milagrosamente, Bassem encontró un anillo de vida. It was one of those child’s rings that they use to play in swimming pools and on calm seas And Doaa climbed onto the ring, her arms and her legs dangling by the side. Era uno de esos anillos infantiles que solían jugar en piscinas y en mares tranquilos. Y Doaa se subió al anillo, con los brazos y las piernas colgando a los lados. Bassem was a good swimmer, so he held her hand and tread water. Bassem era un buen nadador, por lo que él le cogió la mano y pisó el agua. Бассем хорошо плавал, поэтому он взял ее за руку и поплыл по воде. Around them there were corpses. A su alrededor había cadáveres. Around 100 people survived initially, and they started coming together in groups, praying for rescue But when a day went by and no one came, some people gave up hope, and Doaa and Bassem watched as men in the distance took their life vests off and sank into the water. Inicialmente, alrededor de 100 personas sobrevivieron, y comenzaron a unirse en grupos, orando por el rescate. Pero cuando pasó un día y nadie vino, algunas personas perdieron la esperanza, y Doaa y Bassem observaron cómo los hombres en la distancia se quitaban el chaleco salvavidas. se hundió en el agua. Environ 100 personnes ont survécu au départ, et elles ont commencé à se rassembler en groupes, priant pour le sauvetage.Mais quand un jour s'est passé et que personne n'est venu, certaines personnes ont perdu espoir, et Doaa et Bassem ont regardé les hommes au loin enlever leur gilet de sauvetage et a coulé dans l'eau.

06:18One man approached them with a small baby perched on his shoulder, nine months old -- Malek He was holding onto a gas canister to stay afloat, and he said to them, "I fear I am not going to survive. 06: 18 Un hombre se les acercó con un pequeño bebé posado en su hombro, de nueve meses de edad: Malek. Estaba sosteniendo un recipiente de gas para mantenerse a flote, y les dijo: "Me temo que no voy a sobrevivir. 06: 18Un homme s'est approché d'eux avec un petit bébé perché sur son épaule, âgé de neuf mois - Malek Il tenait une cartouche de gaz pour rester à flot, et il leur a dit: «J'ai peur de ne pas survivre. I’m too weak. I don’t have the courage anymore." Ya no tengo el coraje ". And he handed little Malek over to Bassem and to Doaa, and they perched her onto the life ring. Y le entregó al pequeño Malek a Bassem y a Doaa, y la colocaron en el anillo de la vida. So now they were three, Doaa, Bassem and little Malek

06:50And let me take a pause in this story right here and ask the question: why do refugees like Doaa take these kinds of risks? 06: 50 Y permítanme hacer una pausa en esta historia aquí y hacer la pregunta: ¿por qué los refugiados como Doaa asumen este tipo de riesgos? Millions of refugees are living in exile, in limbo. Millones de refugiados viven en el exilio, en el limbo. Des millions de réfugiés vivent en exil, dans les limbes. They’re living in countries from a war that has been raging for four years. Viven en países de una guerra que se ha librado durante cuatro años. Они живут в странах, где уже четыре года бушует война.

07:16Even if they wanted to return, they can’t. Their homes, their businesses, their towns and their cities have been completely destroyed. This is a UNESCO World Heritage City, Homs, in Syria So people continue to flee into neighboring countries, and we build refugee camps for them in the desert Hundreds of thousands of people live in camps like these, and thousands and thousands more, millions, live in towns and cities. Esta es una ciudad declarada Patrimonio de la Humanidad por la UNESCO, Homs, en Siria. Así que la gente continúa huyendo a los países vecinos y construimos campos de refugiados para ellos en el desierto. Cientos de miles de personas viven en campos como estos, y miles y miles más, millones. Vive en pueblos y ciudades. And the communities, the neighboring countries that once welcomed them with open arms and hearts are overwhelmed. Y las comunidades, los países vecinos que una vez los recibieron con los brazos y los corazones abiertos, se sienten abrumados. И сообщества, соседние страны, которые когда-то приветствовали их с распростертыми объятиями и сердцем, переполнены. There are simply not enough schools, water systems, sanitation. Simplemente no hay suficientes escuelas, sistemas de agua, saneamiento. Even rich European countries could never handle such an influx without massive investment. Incluso los países europeos ricos nunca podrían manejar tal afluencia sin una inversión masiva. The Syria war has driven almost four million people over the borders, but over seven million people are on the run inside the country That means that over half the Syrian population has been forced to flee. La guerra de Siria ha llevado a casi cuatro millones de personas a cruzar las fronteras, pero más de siete millones de personas huyen dentro del país. Eso significa que más de la mitad de la población siria se ha visto obligada a huir. Back to those neighboring countries hosting so many. |||adjacent|countries||| De vuelta a los países vecinos que albergan tantos. Вернемся к тем соседним странам, принимающим так много. They feel that the richer world has done too little to support them. They|||||||||||| Sienten que el mundo más rico ha hecho muy poco para apoyarlos. And days have turned into months, months into years A refugee’s stay is supposed to be temporary. Y los días se han convertido en meses, meses en años. Se supone que la estadía de un refugiado es temporal.

08:49Back to Doaa and Bassem in the water. It was their second day, and Bassem was getting very weak And now it was Doaa’s turn to say to Bassem, "My love, please hold on to hope, to our future. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||to|||| Era su segundo día, y Bassem se estaba debilitando. Ahora fue el turno de Doaa de decirle a Bassem: "Mi amor, espera para nuestro futuro. We will make it." Lo haremos." And he said to her, "I’m sorry, my love, that I put you in this situation. Y él le dijo: "Lo siento, mi amor, que te puse en esta situación. I have never loved anyone as much as I love you" And he released himself into the water, and Doaa watched as the love of her life drowned before her eyes. Nunca he amado a nadie tanto como a ti "Y él se lanzó al agua, y Doaa vio como el amor de su vida se ahogaba ante sus ojos. 09:34Later that day, a mother came up to Doaa with her small 18-month-old daughter, Masa. 09: 34 Más tarde, un día, una madre se acercó a Doaa con su pequeña hija de 18 meses, Masa. This was the little girl I showed you in the picture earlier, with the life vest Her older sister Sandra had just drowned, and her mother knew she had to do everything in her power to save her daughter. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||do|||||||| Esta era la niña que te mostré en la imagen anterior, con el chaleco salvavidas que su hermana mayor Sandra acababa de ahogar, y su madre sabía que tenía que hacer todo lo posible para salvar a su hija. And she said to Doaa, "Please take this child. Let her be part of you. I will not survive." And then she went away and drowned Y luego se fue y se ahogó.

10:10So Doaa, the 19-year-old refugee who was terrified of the water, who couldn’t swim, found herself in charge of two little baby kids. 10: 10Así que Doaa, la refugiada de 19 años que estaba aterrorizada por el agua, que no sabía nadar, se encontró a cargo de dos niños pequeños. And they were thirsty and they were hungry and they were agitated, and she tried her best to amuse them, to sing to them, to say words to them from the Quran. Tenían sed, tenían hambre y estaban agitados, y ella hizo todo lo posible por divertirlos, cantarles, decirles palabras del Corán. Around them, the bodies were bloating and turning black The sun was blazing during the day. Alrededor de ellos, los cuerpos se hinchaban y se volvían negros. El sol ardía durante el día. At night, there was a cold moon and fog It was very frightening. On the fourth day in the water, this is how Doaa probably looked on the ring with her two children. En el cuarto día en el agua, así es como Doaa probablemente miró el anillo con sus dos hijos.

10:52A woman came on the fourth day and approached her and asked her to take another child -- a little boy, just four years old. 10: 52Una mujer vino el cuarto día y se le acercó y le pidió que se llevara a otro niño, un niño pequeño de solo cuatro años. When Doaa took the little boy and the mother drowned, she said to the sobbing child,"She just went away to find you water and food." But his heart soon stopped, and Doaa had to release the little boy into the water. Pero su corazón pronto se detuvo, y Doaa tuvo que liberar al niño en el agua.

11:22Later that day, she looked up into the sky with hope, because she saw two planes crossing in the sky.And she waved her arms, hoping they would see her, but the planes were soon gone 11: 22 Después de ese día, miró al cielo con esperanza, porque vio dos aviones que se cruzaban en el cielo. Y agitó los brazos, esperando que la vieran, pero los aviones pronto se habían ido.

11:38But that afternoon, as the sun was going down, she saw a boat, a merchant vessel. 11: 38Pero esa tarde, cuando el sol se ponía, vio un bote, un barco mercante. And she said, "Please, God, let them rescue me" She waved her arms and she felt like she shouted for about two hours And it had become dark, but finally the searchlights found her and they extended a rope,astonished to see a woman clutching onto two babies. Y ella dijo: "Por favor, Dios, que me rescaten". Agitó los brazos y sintió como si hubiera gritado durante unas dos horas. Se había oscurecido, pero finalmente los reflectores la encontraron y extendieron una cuerda, asombrados de ver una mujer agarrando a dos bebés. Et elle a dit: "S'il vous plaît, Dieu, laissez-les me sauver" Elle a agité ses bras et elle a eu l'impression de crier pendant environ deux heures Et il faisait noir, mais finalement les projecteurs l'ont trouvée et ils ont tendu une corde, étonnés de femme agrippée à deux bébés. 12:05They pulled them onto the boat, they got oxygen and blankets, and a Greek helicopter came to pick them up and take them to the island of Crete. 12: 05Los metieron en el bote, consiguieron oxígeno y mantas, y un helicóptero griego vino a recogerlos y llevarlos a la isla de Creta.

12:15But Doaa looked down and asked, "What of Malek?" 12: 15Pero Doaa miró hacia abajo y preguntó: "¿Qué hay de Malek?" And they told her the little baby did not survive --she drew her last breath in the boat’s clinic. Y le dijeron que el pequeño bebé no sobrevivió, ella aspiró por última vez en la clínica del bote. But Doaa was sure that as they had been pulled up onto the rescue boat, that little baby girl had been smiling. Pero Doaa estaba segura de que cuando habían subido al bote de rescate, esa pequeña bebé había estado sonriendo.

12:38Only 11 people survived that wreck, of the 500. There was never an international investigation into what happened. There were some media reports about mass murder at sea, a terrible tragedy, but that was only for one day. Hubo algunos informes de los medios de comunicación sobre asesinatos en masa en el mar, una tragedia terrible, pero eso fue solo por un día. And then the news cycle moved on. Y luego el ciclo de noticias siguió adelante.

13:03Meanwhile, in a pediatric hospital on Crete, little Masa was on the edge of death She was really dehydrated Her kidneys were failing Her glucose levels were dangerously low. The doctors did everything in their medical power to save them, and the Greek nurses never left her side, holding her, hugging her, singing her words. Los médicos hicieron todo lo posible para salvarlos, y las enfermeras griegas nunca se apartaron de ella, la abrazaron y la abrazaron, cantando sus palabras. My colleagues also visited and said pretty words to her in Arabic.Amazingly, little Masa survived. Mis colegas también la visitaron y le dijeron palabras bonitas en árabe. Sorprendentemente, la pequeña Masa sobrevivió.

13:39And soon the Greek press started reporting about the miracle baby, who had survived four days in the water without food or anything to drink, and offers to adopt her came from all over the country. 13: 39. Y pronto la prensa griega comenzó a informar sobre el bebé milagroso, que había sobrevivido cuatro días en el agua sin comer ni beber nada, y las ofertas para adoptarla vinieron de todo el país.

13:56And meanwhile, Doaa was in another hospital on Crete, thin, dehydrated. An Egyptian family took her into their home as soon as she was released. Una familia egipcia la llevó a su hogar tan pronto como fue liberada. And soon word went around about Doaa’s survival, and a phone number was published on Facebook. Y pronto se corrió la voz acerca de la supervivencia de Doaa, y se publicó un número de teléfono en Facebook. Messages started coming in

14:21"Doaa, do you know what happened to my brother? My sister? My parents? My friends? Do you know if they survived?" 14:34One of those messages said, "I believe you saved my little niece, Masa." 14:34 В одном из этих сообщений говорилось: «Я верю, что ты спас мою маленькую племянницу Масу». And it had this photo This was from Masa’s uncle, a Syrian refugee who had made it to Sweden with his family and also Masa’s older sister Soon, we hope, Masa will be reunited with him in Sweden, and until then, she’s being cared for in a beautiful orphanage in Athens. Y tenía esta foto. Era del tío de Masa, un refugiado sirio que había llegado a Suecia con su familia y también a la hermana mayor de Masa. Pronto, esperamos que Masa se reúna con él en Suecia y, hasta entonces, la están cuidando. En un hermoso orfanato en Atenas.

15:09And Doaa? Well, word went around about her survival, too. Bueno, se corrió la voz acerca de su supervivencia, también. And the media wrote about this slight woman, and couldn’t imagine how she could survive all this time under such conditions in that sea, and still save another life. Y los medios de comunicación escribieron sobre esta ligera mujer, y no pudieron imaginar cómo podría sobrevivir todo este tiempo en tales condiciones en ese mar y aún así salvar otra vida. А СМИ писали об этой хрупкой женщине, и не представляли, как она смогла выжить все это время в таких условиях в том море, и еще спасти еще одну жизнь. The Academy of Athens, one of Greece’s most prestigious institutions, gave her an award of bravery, and she deserves all that praise, and she deserves a second chance. La Academia de Atenas, una de las instituciones más prestigiosas de Grecia, le otorgó un premio de valentía, y ella merece todos esos elogios, y merece una segunda oportunidad. But she wants to still go to Sweden. Pero ella todavía quiere ir a Suecia. She wants to reunite with her family there. She wants to bring her mother and her father and her younger siblings away from Egypt there as well, and I believe she will succeed She wants to become a lawyer or a politician or something that can help fight injustice. Ella también quiere traer a su madre, a su padre ya sus hermanos menores lejos de Egipto, y creo que tendrá éxito. Ella quiere ser abogada o política o algo que pueda ayudar a combatir la injusticia. She is an extraordinary survivor.

16:14But I have to ask: what if she didn’t have to take that risk? 16: 14Pero tengo que preguntar: ¿y si ella no tuviera que correr ese riesgo? Why did she have to go through all that? ¿Por qué tuvo que pasar por todo eso? Why wasn’t there a legal way for her to study in Europe? ¿Por qué no había una forma legal para que ella estudiara en Europa? Why couldn’t Masa have taken an airplane to Sweden? ¿Por qué no pudo Masa haber tomado un avión a Suecia? Why couldn’t Bassem have found work? Why is there no massive resettlement program for Syrian refugees, the victims of the worst war of our times? ¿Por qué no hay un programa de reasentamiento masivo para los refugiados sirios, víctimas de la peor guerra de nuestro tiempo? The world did this for the Vietnamese in the 1970s Why not now? Why is there so little investment in the neighboring countries hosting so many refugees? ¿Por qué hay tan poca inversión en los países vecinos que acogen a tantos refugiados? And why, the root question, is so little being done to stop the wars, the persecution and the poverty that is driving so many people to the shores of Europe? ¿Y por qué, la pregunta fundamental, es tan poco lo que se está haciendo para detener las guerras, la persecución y la pobreza que está llevando a tanta gente a las costas de Europa? Until these issues are resolved, people will continue to take to the seas and to seek safety and asylum. Hasta que se resuelvan estos problemas, las personas continuarán navegando y buscando seguridad y asilo.

17:27And what happens next? Well, that is largely Europe’s choice. Bueno, esa es en gran parte la elección de Europa. And I understand the public fears. People are worried about their security, their economies, the changes of culture. La gente está preocupada por su seguridad, sus economías, los cambios de cultura. But is that more important than saving human lives? Because there is something fundamental here that I think overrides the rest, and it is about our common humanity. Porque hay algo fundamental aquí que creo que reemplaza al resto, y se trata de nuestra humanidad común. Parce qu'il y a quelque chose de fondamental ici qui, je pense, l'emporte sur le reste, et il s'agit de notre humanité commune. No person fleeing war or persecution should have to die crossing a sea to reach safety.


18:13One thing is for sure, that no refugee would be on those dangerous boats if they could thrive where they are. 18: 13 Una cosa es segura, que ningún refugiado estaría en esos barcos peligrosos si pudieran prosperar donde están. And no migrant would take that dangerous journey if they had enough food for themselves and their children. And no one would put their life savings in the hands of those notorious smugglers if there was a legal way to migrate.

18:36So on behalf of little Masa and on behalf of Doaa and of Bassem and of those 500 people who drowned with them, can we make sure that they did not die in vain? 18: 36Así que, en nombre de la pequeña Masa y en nombre de Doaa y de Bassem y de las 500 personas que se ahogaron con ellas, ¿podemos asegurarnos de que no murieron en vano? Could we be inspired by what happened, and take a stand for a world in which every life matters? ¿Podríamos sentirnos inspirados por lo que sucedió, y tomar partido por un mundo en el que todas las vidas son importantes?

19:03Thank you.
