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TED, Could future devices read images from our brains?

Could future devices read images from our brains?

I had brain surgery 18 years ago, and since that time, brain science has become a personal passion of mine. I'm actually an engineer. And first let me say, I recently joined Google's Moonshot group, where I had a division, the display division in Google X, and the brain science work I'm speaking about today is work I did before I joined Google and on the side outside of Google.

0:36 So that said, there's a stigma when you have brain surgery. Are you still smart or not? And if not, can you make yourself smart again?

0:48 After my neurosurgery, part of my brain was missing, and I had to deal with that. It wasn't the grey matter, but it was the gooey part dead center that makes key hormones and neurotransmitters. Immediately after my surgery, I had to decide what amounts of each of over a dozen powerful chemicals to take each day, because if I just took nothing, I would die within hours. Every day now for 18 years -- every single day -- I've had to try to decide the combinations and mixtures of chemicals, and try to get them, to stay alive. There have been several close calls.

1:28 But luckily, I'm an experimentalist at heart, so I decided I would experiment to try to find more optimal dosages because there really isn't a clear road map on this that's detailed. I began to try different mixtures, and I was blown away by how tiny changes in dosages dramatically changed my sense of self, my sense of who I was, my thinking, my behavior towards people. One particularly dramatic case: for a couple months I actually tried dosages and chemicals typical of a man in his early 20s, and I was blown away by how my thoughts changed. (Laughter) I was angry all the time, I thought about sex constantly, and I thought I was the smartest person in the entire world, and —(Laughter)— of course over the years I'd met guys kind of like that, or maybe kind of toned-down versions of that. I was kind of extreme. But to me, the surprise was, I wasn't trying to be arrogant. I was actually trying, with a little bit of insecurity, to actually fix a problem in front of me, and it just didn't come out that way.

2:44 So I couldn't handle it. I changed my dosages. But that experience, I think, gave me a new appreciation for men and what they might walk through, and I've gotten along with men a lot better since then.

2:57 What I was trying to do with tuning these hormones and neurotransmitters and so forth was to try to get my intelligence back after my illness and surgery, my creative thought, my idea flow. And I think mostly in images, and so for me that became a key metric -- how to get these mental images that I use as a way of rapid prototyping, if you will, my ideas, trying on different new ideas for size, playing out scenarios. This kind of thinking isn't new. Philiosophers like Hume and Descartes and Hobbes saw things similarly. They thought that mental images and ideas were actually the same thing. There are those today that dispute that, and lots of debates about how the mind works, but for me it's simple: Mental images, for most of us, are central in inventive and creative thinking.

3:53 So after several years, I tuned myself up and I have lots of great, really vivid mental images with a lot of sophistication and the analytical backbone behind them. And so now I'm working on, how can I get these mental images in my mind out to my computer screen faster? Can you imagine, if you will, a movie director being able to use her imagination alone to direct the world in front of her? Or a musician to get the music out of his head? There are incredible possibilities with this as a way for creative people to share at light speed. And the truth is, the remaining bottleneck in being able to do this is just upping the resolution of brain scan systems.

4:38 So let me show you why I think we're pretty close to getting there by sharing with you two recent experiments from two top neuroscience groups. Both used fMRI technology -- functional magnetic resonance imaging technology -- to image the brain, and here is a brain scan set from Giorgio Ganis and his colleagues at Harvard. And the left-hand column shows a brain scan of a person looking at an image. The middle column shows the brainscan of that same individual imagining, seeing that same image. And the right column was created by subtracting the middle column from the left column, showing the difference to be nearly zero. This was repeated on lots of different individuals with lots of different images, always with a similar result. The difference between seeing an image and imagining seeing that same image is next to nothing.

5:33 Next let me share with you one other experiment, this from Jack Gallant's lab at Cal Berkeley. They've been able to decode brainwaves into recognizable visual fields. So let me set this up for you. In this experiment, individuals were shown hundreds of hours of YouTube videos while scans were made of their brains to create a large library of their brain reacting to video sequences. Then a new movie was shown with new images, new people, new animals in it, and a new scan set was recorded. The computer, using brain scan data alone, decoded that new brain scan to show what it thought the individual was actually seeing. On the right-hand side, you see the computer's guess, and on the left-hand side, the presented clip. This is the jaw-dropper. We are so close to being able to do this. We just need to up the resolution. And now remember that when you see an image versus when you imagine that same image, it creates the same brain scan.

6:39 So this was done with the highest-resolution brain scan systems available today, and their resolution has increased really about a thousandfold in the last several years. Next we need to increase the resolution another thousandfold to get a deeper glimpse. How do we do that? There's a lot of techniques in this approach. One way is to crack open your skull and put in electrodes. I'm not for that. There's a lot of new imaging techniques being proposed, some even by me, but given the recent success of MRI, first we need to ask the question, is it the end of the road with this technology? Conventional wisdom says the only way to get higher resolution is with bigger magnets, but at this point bigger magnets only offer incremental resolution improvements, not the thousandfold we need. I'm putting forward an idea: instead of bigger magnets, let's make better magnets. There's some new technology breakthroughs in nanoscience when applied to magnetic structures that have created a whole new class of magnets, and with these magnets, we can lay down very fine detailed magnetic field patterns throughout the brain, and using those, we can actually create holographic-like interference structures to get precision control over many patterns, as is shown here by shifting things. We can create much more complicated structures with slightly different arrangements, kind of like making Spirograph.

8:10 So why does that matter? A lot of effort in MRI over the years has gone into making really big, really huge magnets, right? But yet most of the recent advances in resolution have actually come from ingeniously clever encoding and decoding solutions in the F.M. radio frequency transmitters and receivers in the MRI systems. Let's also, instead of a uniform magnetic field, put down structured magnetic patterns in addition to the F.M. radio frequencies. So by combining the magnetics patterns with the patterns in the F.M. radio frequencies processing which can massively increase the information that we can extract in a single scan. And on top of that, we can then layer our ever-growing knowledge of brain structure and memory to create a thousandfold increase that we need. And using fMRI, we should be able to measure not just oxygenated blood flow, but the hormones and neurotransmitters I've talked about and maybe even the direct neural activity, which is the dream.

9:18 We're going to be able to dump our ideas directly to digital media. Could you imagine if we could leapfrog language and communicate directly with human thought? What would we be capable of then? And how will we learn to deal with the truths of unfiltered human thought? You think the Internet was big. These are huge questions. It might be irresistible as a tool to amplify our thinking and communication skills. And indeed, this very same tool may prove to lead to the cure for Alzheimer's and similar diseases.

9:58 We have little option but to open this door. Regardless, pick a year -- will it happen in five years or 15 years? It's hard to imagine it taking much longer. We need to learn how to take this step together.

10:14 Thank you.

10:16 (Applause)

Could future devices read images from our brains? Có thể||||||| Könnten zukünftige Geräte Bilder aus unseren Gehirnen lesen? ¿Podrán los dispositivos del futuro leer imágenes de nuestro cerebro? Les futurs appareils pourraient-ils lire les images de notre cerveau ? 未来の機器が脳から画像を読み取る可能性は? Ar ateities prietaisai galėtų skaityti vaizdus iš mūsų smegenų? Czy przyszłe urządzenia mogą odczytywać obrazy z naszych mózgów? Poderão os dispositivos do futuro ler imagens do nosso cérebro? Смогут ли будущие устройства считывать изображения с нашего мозга? Gelecekteki cihazlar beynimizdeki görüntüleri okuyabilir mi? Чи зможуть майбутні пристрої зчитувати зображення з нашого мозку? 未来的设备可以读取我们大脑中的图像吗?

I had brain surgery 18 years ago, and since that time, brain science has become a personal passion of mine. |||Hirnoperation||||||||||||||| Me sometí a una cirugía cerebral hace 18 años, y desde ese momento, la ciencia del cerebro se ha convertido en mi pasión personal. 18 年前,我接受了腦部手術,從那時起,腦科學就成了我個人的愛好。 I’m actually an engineer. 我其實是工程師。 And first let me say, I recently joined Google’s Moonshot group, where I had a division, the display division in Google X, and the brain science work I’m speaking about today is work I did before I joined Google and on the side outside of Google. Y primero permítanme decir, recientemente me uní al grupo Moonshot de Google, donde tenía una división, la división de pantallas en Google X, y el trabajo de ciencia cerebral del que estoy hablando hoy es el trabajo que hice antes de unirme a Google y en el exterior. de google. És először hadd mondjam el, nemrég csatlakoztam a Google Moonshot csoportjához, ahol volt egy részletem, a Google X kijelző divíziója, és az agytudományi munka, amiről ma beszélek, az a munka, amelyet a Google-hoz való csatlakozás előtt tettem, és a külső oldalon a Google 首先我要說的是,我最近加入了Google 的Moonshot 小組,在那裡我有一個部門,Google X 中的顯示部門,而我今天所說的腦科學工作是我在加入Google 之前以及在外面所做的工作谷歌的。

0:36 So that said, there’s a stigma when you have brain surgery. 0:36 Entonces, dicho esto, hay un estigma cuando tienes una cirugía cerebral. 0:36 Ez azt jelenti, hogy stigma van, ha agyműtétünk van. 0:36 也就是說,進行腦部手術時會受到恥辱。 Are you still smart or not? ¿Sigues siendo inteligente o no? And if not, can you make yourself smart again? Y si no, ¿puedes volverte inteligente?

0:48 After my neurosurgery, part of my brain was missing, and I had to deal with that. 0:48 Después de mi neurocirugía, faltaba parte de mi cerebro y tuve que lidiar con eso. 0:48 Az idegsebészet után hiányzott az agyam egy része, és ezzel kellett foglalkoznom. 0:48 神經外科手術後,我的部分腦部缺失了,我必須面對這個問題。 It wasn’t the grey matter, but it was the gooey part dead center that makes key hormones and neurotransmitters. |||||||||schleimige Teil||||||||| |||||||||sticky||||||||| |||||||||kleista||||||||| No era la materia gris, sino el punto muerto y pegajoso que produce las hormonas y los neurotransmisores clave. Nem a szürke anyag volt, hanem a gooey rész holtpontja, amely a kulcsfontosságú hormonokat és neurotranszmittereket hozza létre. 產生關鍵荷爾蒙和神經傳導物質的不是灰質,而是中心的黏稠部分。 Immediately after my surgery, I had to decide what amounts of each of over a dozen powerful chemicals to take each day, because if I just took nothing, I would die within hours. ||||||||||||||z każdego|||||||||||||||||| 手術後,我必須立即決定每天服用十幾種強效化學物質的劑量,因為如果我什麼都不服用,我就會在幾小時內死亡。 Every day now for 18 years -- every single day -- I’ve had to try to decide the combinations and mixtures of chemicals, and try to get them, to stay alive. 18 年來的每一天——每一天——我都必須嘗試決定化學物質的組合和混合物,並嘗試獲取它們,以維持生命。 There have been several close calls. 曾經有過幾次千鈞一髮的情況。

1:28 But luckily, I’m an experimentalist at heart, so I decided I would experiment to try to find more optimal dosages because there really isn’t a clear road map on this that’s detailed. |||||||||||||||||||dawkowanie|||||||||||| 1:28 但幸運的是,我本質上是一個實驗主義者,所以我決定透過實驗來尋找更佳的劑量,因為確實沒有詳細的清晰路線圖。 I began to try different mixtures, and I was blown away by how tiny changes in dosages dramatically changed my sense of self, my sense of who I was, my thinking, my behavior towards people. One particularly dramatic case: for a couple months I actually tried dosages and chemicals typical of a man in his early 20s, and I was blown away by how my thoughts changed. Egy különösen drámai eset: néhány hónapon keresztül valóban kipróbáltam a 20-as évek elején egy emberre jellemző adagokat és vegyszereket, és minket elrobbant a gondolataim megváltozása. (Laughter) I was angry all the time, I thought about sex constantly, and I thought I was the smartest person in the entire world, and —(Laughter)— of course over the years I’d met guys kind of like that, or maybe kind of toned-down versions of that. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||abgeschwächte Versionen|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||stonowane|||| (Risas) Estaba enfadado todo el tiempo, pensaba en el sexo constantemente, y pensaba que era la persona más inteligente del mundo, y (Risas), por supuesto, a lo largo de los años había conocido a gente así. O tal vez un poco de versiones atenuadas de eso. (Nevetés) Mindig dühös voltam, állandóan gondolkodtam a szexről, és azt hittem, hogy a legokosabb ember vagyok az egész világon, és - (nevetés) - természetesen az évek során ilyen jellegű srácokkal találkoztam, vagy talán valamiféle enyhített változata. I was kind of extreme. But to me, the surprise was, I wasn’t trying to be arrogant. |||||||||||arogancki I was actually trying, with a little bit of insecurity, to actually fix a problem in front of me, and it just didn’t come out that way. |||||||||niepewność|||||||||||||||||

2:44 So I couldn’t handle it. ||nie mogłem|| I changed my dosages. But that experience, I think, gave me a new appreciation for men and what they might walk through, and I’ve gotten along with men a lot better since then. |||||||||neue Wertschätzung|||||||||||||||||||

2:57 What I was trying to do with tuning these hormones and neurotransmitters and so forth was to try to get my intelligence back after my illness and surgery, my creative thought, my idea flow. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||Operation|||||| |||||||dostosowywanie|||||||||||||||||||||||||| And I think mostly in images, and so for me that became a key metric -- how to get these mental images that I use as a way of rapid prototyping, if you will, my ideas, trying on different new ideas for size, playing out scenarios. |||||||||||||kluczowy wska||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y creo que sobre todo en imágenes, y para mí eso se convirtió en una métrica clave: cómo obtener estas imágenes mentales que uso como una forma de creación rápida de prototipos. Si lo desea, mis ideas, probar diferentes ideas nuevas para el tamaño, jugar. fuera de los escenarios. This kind of thinking isn’t new. Philiosophers like Hume and Descartes and Hobbes saw things similarly. They thought that mental images and ideas were actually the same thing. Pensaron que las imágenes e ideas mentales eran en realidad lo mismo. There are those today that dispute that, and lots of debates about how the mind works, but for me it’s simple: Mental images, for most of us, are central in inventive and creative thinking. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||erfinderisch||| |||||dispute = to argue against|||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||kwestionować|||||||||||||||||||||||||twórczym|||

3:53 So after several years, I tuned myself up and I have lots of great, really vivid mental images with a lot of sophistication and the analytical backbone behind them. |||||||||||||||vivid||||||||||||| And so now I’m working on, how can I get these mental images in my mind out to my computer screen faster? Can you imagine, if you will, a movie director being able to use her imagination alone to direct the world in front of her? Or a musician to get the music out of his head? There are incredible possibilities with this as a way for creative people to share at light speed. And the truth is, the remaining bottleneck in being able to do this is just upping the resolution of brain scan systems. ||||||wąskie gardło|||||||||||||||

4:38 So let me show you why I think we’re pretty close to getting there by sharing with you two recent experiments from two top neuroscience groups. Both used fMRI technology -- functional magnetic resonance imaging technology -- to image the brain, and here is a brain scan set from Giorgio Ganis and his colleagues at Harvard. And the left-hand column shows a brain scan of a person looking at an image. The middle column shows the brainscan of that same individual imagining, seeing that same image. And the right column was created by subtracting the middle column from the left column, showing the difference to be nearly zero. This was repeated on lots of different individuals with lots of different images, always with a similar result. The difference between seeing an image and imagining seeing that same image is next to nothing.

5:33 Next let me share with you one other experiment, this from Jack Gallant’s lab at Cal Berkeley. They’ve been able to decode brainwaves into recognizable visual fields. |||||fal mózgowych||rozpoznawalne|| So let me set this up for you. In this experiment, individuals were shown hundreds of hours of YouTube videos while scans were made of their brains to create a large library of their brain reacting to video sequences. Then a new movie was shown with new images, new people, new animals in it, and a new scan set was recorded. The computer, using brain scan data alone, decoded that new brain scan to show what it thought the individual was actually seeing. On the right-hand side, you see the computer’s guess, and on the left-hand side, the presented clip. This is the jaw-dropper. ||||szokujący wid Dit is de jaw-dropper. Вот это и есть тот самый "челюстной камень". We are so close to being able to do this. We just need to up the resolution. And now remember that when you see an image versus when you imagine that same image, it creates the same brain scan.

6:39 So this was done with the highest-resolution brain scan systems available today, and their resolution has increased really about a thousandfold in the last several years. |||||||||||||||||||||tausendfach||||| |||||||||||||||||||||a thousand times||||| Next we need to increase the resolution another thousandfold to get a deeper glimpse. |||||||||||||glimpse = brief look Далее нам нужно увеличить разрешение еще в тысячу раз, чтобы получить более глубокий взгляд. How do we do that? There’s a lot of techniques in this approach. One way is to crack open your skull and put in electrodes. ||||aufsägen||||||| |||||||cappello|||| I’m not for that. There’s a lot of new imaging techniques being proposed, some even by me, but given the recent success of MRI, first we need to ask the question, is it the end of the road with this technology? Conventional wisdom says the only way to get higher resolution is with bigger magnets, but at this point bigger magnets only offer incremental resolution improvements, not the thousandfold we need. ||||||||||||||||||||||schrittweise||||die||| I’m putting forward an idea: instead of bigger magnets, let’s make better magnets. There’s some new technology breakthroughs in nanoscience when applied to magnetic structures that have created a whole new class of magnets, and with these magnets, we can lay down very fine detailed magnetic field patterns throughout the brain, and using those, we can actually create holographic-like interference structures to get precision control over many patterns, as is shown here by shifting things. ||||Durchbrüche|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| We can create much more complicated structures with slightly different arrangements, kind of like making Spirograph. |||||||||||||||Spirographen-Muster ||||||||||układami||||| We kunnen veel meer gecompliceerde structuren maken met iets andere arrangementen, zoals het maken van Spirograph.

8:10 So why does that matter? A lot of effort in MRI over the years has gone into making really big, really huge magnets, right? |||||||||||||||||magnets| But yet most of the recent advances in resolution have actually come from ingeniously clever encoding and decoding solutions in the F.M. |||||||||||||cleverly innovative solutions||data representation||||||| |||||||||||||genialnie spryt||||dekodowanie||||| radio frequency transmitters and receivers in the MRI systems. Let’s also, instead of a uniform magnetic field, put down structured magnetic patterns in addition to the F.M. radio frequencies. So by combining the magnetics patterns with the patterns in the F.M. radio frequencies processing which can massively increase the information that we can extract in a single scan. And on top of that, we can then layer our ever-growing knowledge of brain structure and memory to create a thousandfold increase that we need. And using fMRI, we should be able to measure not just oxygenated blood flow, but the hormones and neurotransmitters I’ve talked about and maybe even the direct neural activity, which is the dream. |||||||||||oxygenreich||||||Und||||||||||||||| |||||||||||utlenowana|||||||||||||||||||||

9:18 We’re going to be able to dump our ideas directly to digital media. ||||||übertragen|||||| ||||w stanie|||||||| Could you imagine if we could leapfrog language and communicate directly with human thought? ||||||überspringen||||||| ||||||leapfrog||||||| ||||||to jump over||||||| What would we be capable of then? ||||zu leisten imstande|| And how will we learn to deal with the truths of unfiltered human thought? |||||do|||||||| You think the Internet was big. These are huge questions. It might be irresistible as a tool to amplify our thinking and communication skills. |||unwiderstehlich|||||verstärken||||| |||nieodparty|||||wzmocnić||||| And indeed, this very same tool may prove to lead to the cure for Alzheimer’s and similar diseases. ||||||||||||Heilung|||||

9:58 We have little option but to open this door. Regardless, pick a year -- will it happen in five years or 15 years? It’s hard to imagine it taking much longer. We need to learn how to take this step together.

10:14 Thank you.

10:16 (Applause)