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The Ten News, May the Fourth Be With You 😉

May the Fourth Be With You 😉

Judah 0:02

Oh my, Jedi! Oren, we're finally in the Ten News studio. Oh, look at this megaphone. Tracy said we can take over the show today, so I think we can do whatever we want!

Ryan Willard 0:14

You do not realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training with our combined strength. We can make this podcast amazing and bring order to the Ten News. But you know, I am your head writer! No, really, I'm Ryan Willard, the head writer here so you guys are supposed to listen to what I say.

Judah 0:57

Oh, hey, Ryan. Okay, fine. But can we use lightsabers?

Ryan Willard 1:01

Obviously. May the Fourth be with you. Now, do the intro so we can start the show.

Judah 1:10

What up Ten'ers? Judah here.

Oren 1:11

And Oren!

Judah 1:12

And, we're taking over for Star Wars Day. It's Wednesday, May 4th, and this is the Ten News.

Sound Bit 1:22

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Judah 1:29

Star Wars day is like Christmas for fans of Star Wars.

Oren 1:33

Why is Star Wars Day on May 4th? Is it because of the line, May the Fourth be with you!

Judah 1:38

That's exactly right, Oren. Fans started saying May the Fourth be with you and the day became a holiday.

Oren 1:44

So the whole holiday started with fans?

Judah 1:47

Yep, Star Wars is one of the most successful film series ever made. There are nine main films and a few spin offs. They're also Star Wars TV shows, books, video games, toys, and LEGO sets. Want to watch all 9 main movies, pace yourself. It's going to take about 20 hours. Holy moly, and you have to decide in which order to watch them in. If you haven't seen any Star Wars movies, you should check them out. But check with your grownups first to see which ones are right for you. Hey, Tessa, what are you doing?

Tessa Flannery 2:12

Hi, Judah and Oren. Just fixing a few things on R2. There we go.

Judah 2:19

What's your favorite Star Wars movie?

Tessa Flannery 2:21

I'd say mine is Return of the Jedi. I know I know. Everyone says Empire Strikes Back is supposedly the best one but I have a special place in my heart for those Ewoks.

Judah 2:34

Awesome choice. My favorite movies also return a Jedi. It's just those fuzzy little ewoks, they're so cute.

Tessa Flannery 2:41

Right? What's that baby eight. You need me to plug you in. Okay, I'm coming back in a bit boys.

Oren 2:50

Star wars has so many cool characters. My favorite is Yoda.

Judah 2:54

There are Jedi Knights, evil Sith Lords, droids cool creatures and of course Yoda. Help you I can, yes. This year, fans are celebrating Star Wars Day with special treats and crafts, wearing costumes and drinking blue milk. You can get a recipe to make your own blue milk in the shownotes or by visiting thetennews.com. According to the dictionary, a fan is a person who has a strong interest in a particular person or thing. Star Wars fans take it to the next level. We've got five fans who took their love of Star Wars to hyperspace. Take it away Ryan.

Ryan Willard 3:37

First, the fan with a Guinness world record for the biggest Star Wars collection is Steve Sansweet, the owner of Rancho ObiWan a museum of Star Wars collectibles in California. The museum has around 500,000 items. Next in our list, the fan who built the world's first retractable lightsaber, and it's not a plastic toy, it's real. Earlier this year Alex Birkin a YouTuber and Star Wars fan built a retractable three-foot plasma blade that can cut through steel. Cosplay is when people dress up as their favorite characters and Julian Checkley took it to the next level with his world record for tallest Star Wars cosplay costume depicting a character from The Force Awakens named Grom gar the costume is almost nine feet tall and took 100 days to build. And in February 12-year-old Star Wars fans had in haste set a Guinness world record for the fastest build time have a Lego micro Millennium Falcon. He finished the 101-piece build in one minute and 59 seconds never heard of the millennium fall. It's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. This year, a new world record might be set. Brack Lee from Colorado has worn a different Star Wars shirt every day since May 2021. If you're worried about how much laundry he has to do, you can relax he owns over 400 Star Wars shirts.

Sound Bit 4:59

The force is with you, young skywalker.

Oren 5:04

Hey Tessa, you have any fun facts about Star Wars?

Tessa Flannery 5:07

Hi, Oren. I do indeed have a fun fact from behind the scenes. Did you know that Jabba the Hutt The villain from Return of the Jedi was originally going to be? Human? You're kidding me. It's true in Star Wars A New Hope we first meet Java, but that's actually an old deleted scene that had a CGI Java added in. Why? In the original scene, Java was a human actor. Not nearly as scary as a slimy worm dude.

Oren 5:42

He's like a big nasty Frog. Yuck! Back to you, Judah.

Judah 5:47

We know Ten'ers are big fans of Star Wars, so we worked hard to come up with a super trivia, trivia question. When did Boba Fett make his Star Wars debut? Was it a) Star Wars A New Hope? b) Star Wars The Holiday Special or c) the Mandalorian? Did you get it? The answer is B. The Star Wars Holiday Special is kind of a joke to Star Wars fans but it's the first time we see the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett.

Sound Bit 6:11

The ship you seek is nearby. Are the Imperial troops near this planet? They are here friends and growing more powerful.

Judah 6:30

So for that reason, and probably that reason alone. The Star Wars Holiday Special is an important part of the Star Wars universe. Whatever.

Oren 6:40

That's our show for you today. But, before we go, we have a quick note for the grown-ups.

Ryan Willard 6:45

Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeaertRadio. The Ten News creative team is having a lightsaber battle and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Adam Barnard, and Tessa Flannery. Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan.

Judah 7:16

And, I'm Jedi Master Judah, and thanks for listening to the Ten News. And of course, May the fourth be with you!

May the Fourth Be With You 😉 ||Star Wars Day||| عسى أن يكون الرابع معك 😉 Möge der Vierte mit Ihnen sein 😉 Que el Cuatro sea contigo 😉 Que le 4 soit avec vous 😉 4日があなたとともにありますように Tegul ketvirtoji būna su jumis 😉 Niech czwarty będzie z Tobą 😉 Que o dia 4 esteja convosco 😉 Пусть Четвертый будет с вами 😉 Dördüncü Gün Sizinle Olsun 😉 愿四号与你同在😉 愿国庆与你同在 😉

**Judah  0:02** يهوذا 0:02

Oh my, Jedi! ||Oh my, hero! أوه يا جدي! Oren, we're finally in the Ten News studio. a person's name||||||| أورين ، نحن أخيرًا في استوديو Ten News. Oh, look at this megaphone. ||||loudspeaker أوه ، انظر إلى هذا مكبر الصوت. Şu megafona bak. 哦,看看这个扩音器。 Tracy said we can take over the show today, so I think we can do whatever we want! Tracy allowed us||||||||||||||||| قال تريسي أنه يمكننا تولي العرض اليوم ، لذلك أعتقد أنه يمكننا فعل ما نريد! Tracy disse que podemos assumir o show hoje, então acho que podemos fazer o que quisermos! Tracy bugün programı devralabileceğimizi söyledi, yani sanırım ne istersek yapabiliriz! Tracy说我们今天可以接管这个节目,所以我想我们可以为所欲为!

**Ryan Willard  0:14** Ryan Willard speaking|Ryan's surname رايان ويلارد 0:14

You do not realize your importance. أنت لا تدرك أهميتك. Sie sind sich Ihrer Bedeutung nicht bewusst. Você não percebe sua importância. Öneminizin farkında değilsiniz. 你没有意识到自己的重要性。 You have only begun to discover your power. لقد بدأت للتو في اكتشاف قوتك. Gücünüzü daha yeni keşfetmeye başladınız. 你才刚刚开始发现你的力量。 Join me and I will complete your training with our combined strength. انضم إلي وسأكمل تدريبك بقوتنا المشتركة. Bana katılın ve eğitiminizi birleşik gücümüzle tamamlayayım. 加入我,我将用我们的力量完成你们的训练。 We can make this podcast amazing and bring order to the Ten News. يمكننا أن نجعل هذا البودكاست مذهلاً وأن نجعل صحيفة Ten News منظمة. Bu podcast'i harika hale getirebilir ve Ten News'e düzen getirebiliriz. 我们可以让这个播客变得精彩,并为十大新闻带来秩序。 But you know, I am your head writer! لكنك تعلم ، أنا كاتب رأسك! Mas você sabe, eu sou seu escritor principal! Ama biliyorsun, ben senin baş yazarınım! 但你知道,我是你的首席作家! No, really, I'm Ryan Willard, the head writer here so you guys are supposed to listen to what I say. |||||||writer||||||expected to|||||| لا ، حقًا ، أنا ريان ويلارد ، الكاتب الرئيسي هنا ، لذا من المفترض أن تستمعوا إلى ما أقوله. Nein, wirklich, ich bin Ryan Willard, der Chefautor hier, also sollt ihr auf das hören, was ich sage. Hayır, gerçekten, ben Ryan Willard, buranın baş yazarıyım, bu yüzden benim söylediklerimi dinlemeniz gerekiyor. 不,真的,我是 Ryan Willard,这里的首席作家,所以你们应该听我说的话。

**Judah  0:57**

Oh, hey, Ryan. Okay, fine. But can we use lightsabers? ||||energy swords ولكن هل يمكننا استخدام السيف الضوئي؟ 但我们可以使用光剑吗?

**Ryan Willard  1:01** ريان ويلارد 1:01

Obviously. May the Fourth be with you. قد يكون رابع معك. Que a quarta esteja com você. Now, do the intro so we can start the show. الآن ، قم بعمل المقدمة حتى نتمكن من بدء العرض. Machen Sie jetzt das Intro, damit wir mit der Sendung beginnen können.

**Judah  1:10**

What up Ten'ers? ||Tennis enthusiasts ما يصل Ten'ers؟ Was geht, Zehn? Judah here.

**Oren  1:11**

And Oren!

**Judah  1:12**

And, we're taking over for Star Wars Day. |||||Star|| ونحن نتولى زمام الأمور في يوم حرب النجوم. Und wir übernehmen den Star Wars Day. It's Wednesday, May 4th, and this is the Ten News. إنه الأربعاء الرابع من مايو ، وهذه هي العشرة أخبار.

**Sound Bit  1:22**

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

**Judah  1:29**

Star Wars day is like Christmas for fans of Star Wars. |||||||enthusiasts||| يوم Star Wars هو مثل عيد الميلاد لمحبي Star Wars.

**Oren  1:33**

Why is Star Wars Day on May 4th? لماذا يصادف يوم حرب النجوم يوم 4 مايو؟ Is it because of the line, May the Fourth be with you! هل بسبب الخط يكون الرابع معك! Ist es wegen der Zeile "May the Fourth be with you! É por causa da linha, que o quarto esteja com você!

**Judah  1:38**

That's exactly right, Oren. هذا صحيح تمامًا ، أورين. Fans started saying May the Fourth be with you and the day became a holiday. بدأ المعجبون يقولون أن الرابع من مايو معك وأصبح اليوم عطلة. Die Fans begannen, "May the Fourth be with you" zu sagen, und der Tag wurde zu einem Feiertag.

**Oren  1:44**

So the whole holiday started with fans? إذن العطلة بأكملها بدأت مع المعجبين؟

**Judah  1:47**

Yep, Star Wars is one of the most successful film series ever made. نعم ، Star Wars هي واحدة من أنجح سلاسل الأفلام على الإطلاق. There are nine main films and a few spin offs. ||||||||related side stories|spin-off movies Es gibt neun Hauptfilme und einige Nebenfilme. They're also Star Wars TV shows, books, video games, toys, and LEGO sets. |||||||||||building block sets| Want to watch all 9 main movies, pace yourself. Wenn Sie alle 9 Hauptfilme sehen wollen, sollten Sie sich Zeit nehmen. It's going to take about 20 hours. Holy moly, and you have to decide in which order to watch them in. |Oh my goodness|||||||||||| Heiliger Strohsack, und Sie müssen sich entscheiden, in welcher Reihenfolge Sie sie sehen wollen. If you haven't seen any Star Wars movies, you should check them out. But check with your grownups first to see which ones are right for you. ||||parents or guardians||||||||| Hey, Tessa, what are you doing? |a person's name|||| Hey, Tessa, was machst du da?

**Tessa Flannery  2:12** |Surname

Hi, Judah and Oren. Just fixing a few things on R2. Ich habe nur ein paar Dinge an R2 repariert. There we go. Das war's.

**Judah  2:19**

What's your favorite Star Wars movie?

**Tessa Flannery  2:21**

I'd say mine is Return of the Jedi. I know I know. Everyone says Empire Strikes Back is supposedly the best one but I have a special place in my heart for those Ewoks. |||||||||||||||||||||cute forest creatures

**Judah  2:34**

Awesome choice. My favorite movies also return a Jedi. It's just those fuzzy little ewoks, they're so cute. ||||||||adorable

**Tessa Flannery  2:41**

Right? What's that baby eight. Was ist die kleine Acht? You need me to plug you in. Okay, I'm coming back in a bit boys. Okay, ich bin gleich wieder da, Jungs.

**Oren  2:50**

Star wars has so many cool characters. My favorite is Yoda. |||the Jedi Master

**Judah  2:54**

There are Jedi Knights, evil Sith Lords, droids cool creatures and of course Yoda. |||warrior protectors||dark side users|powerful dark leaders|robotic assistants|||||| Help you I can, yes. Ich kann Ihnen helfen, ja. This year, fans are celebrating Star Wars Day with special treats and crafts, wearing costumes and drinking blue milk. ||||enjoying the festivities||||||||||character outfits|||| In diesem Jahr feiern die Fans den Star Wars Day mit besonderen Leckereien und Basteleien, tragen Kostüme und trinken blaue Milch. Este ano, os fãs estão comemorando o Star Wars Day com guloseimas e artesanatos especiais, vestindo fantasias e bebendo leite azul. You can get a recipe to make your own blue milk in the shownotes or by visiting thetennews.com. |||||||||||||episode notes||||The Ten News| Você pode obter uma receita para fazer seu próprio leite azul nas notas do show ou visitando thetennews.com. According to the dictionary, a fan is a person who has a strong interest in a particular person or thing. Star Wars fans take it to the next level. We've got five fans who took their love of Star Wars to hyperspace. ||||||||||||extreme levels Take it away Ryan. Nimm es weg, Ryan. Tira isso Ryan.

**Ryan Willard  3:37**

First, the fan with a Guinness world record for the biggest Star Wars collection is Steve Sansweet, the owner of Rancho ObiWan a museum of Star Wars collectibles in California. |||||world record|||||||||||person's last name||||Ranch or estate|Star Wars museum||||||collectible items|| The museum has around 500,000 items. Next in our list, the fan who built the world's first retractable lightsaber, and it's not a plastic toy, it's real. |||||||||||able to retract|retractable energy sword|||||||| Earlier this year Alex Birkin a YouTuber and Star Wars fan built a retractable three-foot plasma blade that can cut through steel. ||||a YouTuber||content creator||||||||||superheated ionized gas|||||| No início deste ano, Alex Birkin, um YouTuber e fã de Star Wars, construiu uma lâmina de plasma retrátil de um metro que pode cortar aço. Cosplay is when people dress up as their favorite characters and Julian Checkley took it to the next level with his world record for tallest Star Wars cosplay costume depicting a character from The Force Awakens named Grom gar the costume is almost nine feet tall and took 100 days to build. Character dress-up|||||||||||Julian Checkley|a cosplayer||||||||||||most elevated||||outfit|||||||The Force Awakens||Grom gar|Grommgar|||||||||||| Cosplay é quando as pessoas se vestem como seus personagens favoritos e Julian Checkley levou isso para o próximo nível com seu recorde mundial de traje de cosplay mais alto de Star Wars representando um personagem de O Despertar da Força chamado Grom gar o traje tem quase nove pés de altura e levou 100 dias construir. And in February 12-year-old Star Wars fans had in haste set a Guinness world record for the fastest build time have a Lego micro Millennium Falcon. ||||||||||in a rush||||||||quickest completion time||||||small-scale model|Millennium Falcon spaceship|Lego spaceship model E em fevereiro, os fãs de Star Wars de 12 anos de idade estabeleceram com pressa um recorde mundial do Guinness para o tempo de construção mais rápido com um Lego micro Millennium Falcon. He finished the 101-piece build in one minute and 59 seconds never heard of the millennium fall. Er beendete den 101-teiligen Bau in einer Minute und 59 Sekunden, ohne je vom Jahrtausendwechsel gehört zu haben. It's a ship that made the Kessel run in less than 12 parsecs. ||spacecraft||||Kessel route|||||distance measurement unit É uma nave que fez o Kessel correr em menos de 12 parsecs. This year, a new world record might be set. Brack Lee from Colorado has worn a different Star Wars shirt every day since May 2021. a person's name|||||||||||||| Brack Lee aus Colorado trägt seit Mai 2021 jeden Tag ein anderes Star Wars-Shirt. If you're worried about how much laundry he has to do, you can relax he owns over 400 Star Wars shirts. |||||||||||||||possesses|||| Wenn Sie sich Sorgen machen, wie viel Wäsche er zu waschen hat, können Sie beruhigt sein, denn er besitzt über 400 Star Wars-Hemden.

**Sound Bit  4:59**

The force is with you, young skywalker. ||||||young Jedi

**Oren  5:04**

Hey Tessa, you have any fun facts about Star Wars? Hey Tessa, hast du irgendwelche lustigen Fakten über Star Wars?

**Tessa Flannery  5:07**

Hi, Oren. I do indeed have a fun fact from behind the scenes. Did you know that Jabba the Hutt The villain from Return of the Jedi was originally going to be? ||||Jabba the Hutt||||antagonist|||||||||| Você sabia que Jabba, o Hutt, o vilão de O Retorno de Jedi originalmente seria? Human? You're kidding me. It's true in Star Wars A New Hope we first meet Java, but that's actually an old deleted scene that had a CGI Java added in. |||||||||||||||||removed segment|||||computer-generated imagery||| Es stimmt, dass wir in Star Wars - Eine neue Hoffnung zum ersten Mal auf Java treffen, aber das ist eigentlich eine alte, gelöschte Szene, in der ein CGI-Java eingefügt wurde. É verdade que em Star Wars A New Hope encontramos Java pela primeira vez, mas na verdade é uma cena deletada antiga que teve um Java CGI adicionado. Why? In the original scene, Java was a human actor. Not nearly as scary as a slimy worm dude. Nicht annähernd so furchterregend wie ein schleimiger Wurm-Typ. Não tão assustador quanto um cara de verme viscoso.

**Oren  5:42**

He's like a big nasty Frog. |||||Unpleasant creature Ele é como um grande sapo desagradável. Yuck! Back to you, Judah.

**Judah  5:47**

We know Ten'ers are big fans of Star Wars, so we worked hard to come up with a super trivia, trivia question. |||||||||||||||||||fun fact question|| When did Boba Fett make his Star Wars debut? |||Boba Fett|||||first appearance Was it a) Star Wars A New Hope? b) Star Wars The Holiday Special or c) the Mandalorian? |||||||||The Mandalorian Did you get it? Você entendeu? The answer is B. The Star Wars Holiday Special is kind of a joke to Star Wars fans but it's the first time we see the iconic bounty hunter Boba Fett. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||reward-seeking hunter||| A resposta é B. O Star Wars Holiday Special é uma piada para os fãs de Star Wars, mas é a primeira vez que vemos o icônico caçador de recompensas Boba Fett.

**Sound Bit  6:11**

The ship you seek is nearby. Are the Imperial troops near this planet? ||Empire's|||| They are here friends and growing more powerful.

**Judah  6:30**

So for that reason, and probably that reason alone. Aus diesem Grund, und wahrscheinlich nur aus diesem Grund. The Star Wars Holiday Special is an important part of the Star Wars universe. Whatever.

**Oren  6:40**

That's our show for you today. But, before we go, we have a quick note for the grown-ups.

**Ryan Willard  6:45**

Thanks for listening to the Ten News. Look out for new episodes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and extras on Saturdays. |||||||||bonus content|| The Ten News is a coproduction of Small But Mighty Media and Next Chapter Podcasts and is distributed by iHeaertRadio. |||||joint production||||||||||||||iHeartRadio The Ten News creative team is having a lightsaber battle and includes Tracey Crooks, Pete Musto, Ryan Willard, Adam Barnard, and Tessa Flannery. ||||||||||||Tracey Crooks|No translation needed||No translation needed.|||Adam Barnard|Adam Barnard||| Our production director is Jeremiah Tittle and our executive producers are Donald Albright and show creator Tracy Leeds Kaplan. ||||Jeremiah Tittle|surname|||senior producers|main contributors||a producer|Person's name|||show originator|||show creator

**Judah  7:16**

And, I'm Jedi Master Judah, and thanks for listening to the Ten News. And of course, May the fourth be with you!