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Circle Round Stories, 'The Magic Touch' | Ep. 159 (1)

'The Magic Touch' | Ep. 159 (1)

NARRATOR: There once were two brothers – twins, actually! Their names were Juma and Imani. Juma and Imani were raised by their mother – a kind, generous woman whom her sons loved with all their heart.

When the twins grew up, and it was time for them to go out and make their way in the world, something unexpected happened. Mother fell ill – so ill she had to take to her bed.

JUMA: Oh, Mother! Imani and I can't leave you like this!

IMANI: Juma's right! We must stay here! And take care of you!

MOTHER: That's very sweet, my sons. But I don't want to stop you from making your way in the world!

NARRATOR: Mother turned to Juma.

MOTHER: Juma. You were born a handful of minutes before Imani was… so how about you go out into the world first, while Imani stays home and takes care of me. Once I'm well again, he can follow you.

JUMA: Of course, Mother. That's a fine idea!

NARRATOR: So Juma kissed his family goodbye, then set out on a sailboat across the sea.

He had been drifting on the waves for a few days when he spotted an island.

JUMA: Ooooh! Look at this beautiful place! I don't see any people, but get a load of those fruit trees! Their branches are dripping with bright-red fruit! This could be a nice place to stop for a while.

NARRATOR: Juma went ashore and began picking and eating fruit.

JUMA: (as he chews) Mmmm! This fruit is delicious! So sweet! So juicy! But oh - there are pits inside! Definitely don't want to eat those! I'll just spit them out. (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground)

NARRATOR: But the moment the pits hit the ground… an unbelievable sight met Juma's eyes.

JUMA: Could it be?!? Each pit is growing into a whole new fruit tree! In the blink of an eye! It's getting taller… and taller… and now it's as tall as all the other trees! And it's bursting with bright-red fruit! I've never seen anything like this!

NARRATOR: Juma grabbed some barrels from his boat, and began loading them up with fruit.

JUMA: I'm going to bring this magical fruit to another island. With the way these trees grow, I'll have an endless supply to sell!

NARRATOR: Juma hoisted his sails and put his boat back to sea. After a few days, he came to an island that was brimming with people. He made his way to the bustling marketplace and set out his barrels of fruit.

JUMA: (calling out, salesman-like) Magical fruit here! Get your magical fruit! Spit out the pit and watch a new tree grow in a flash!

NARRATOR: It wasn't long before a curious crowd gathered. But when Juma went to demonstrate the magical powers of his fruit – chewing a handful of them… then spitting out the pits…

JUMA: (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground)

NARRATOR: …nothing happened!

JUMA: So sorry, ladies and gentlemen. Perhaps those pieces of fruit weren't ripe enough. Let me try again.

NARRATOR: So he did! He grabbed another handful of fruit and began to chew. But once more, when he spit the pits out…

JUMA: (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground)

NARRATOR: …nothing happened!

PERSON 1: Ah, this guy is a phony!

PERSON 2: A fake!

PERSON 3: A total fraud!

PERSON 4: We knew your “magical fruit” was too good to be true!

NARRATOR: Juma was flummoxed.

JUMA: But ladies and gentlemen! I assure you! I am not a phony! On the island where I picked this fruit, it worked like a charm! I swear! I just spit the pits out and right there before my very eyes –

NARRATOR: Before Juma could say another word, he felt someone grab his shoulder.

GUARD: So you're the one making up stories about “magical fruit,” huh?

NARRATOR: Juma whirled his head around. Standing before him was a burly man in uniform.

GUARD: Listen, pal. I am part of the Queen's royal guard. And it is my duty to tell you that on this island we are honest! Because Her Royal Majesty despises dishonesty! She loathes lying! She forbids any fibs!

JUMA: But I'm not telling any fibs! And I'm not lying! I'm telling you, this fruit –

GUARD: Enough arguing, mister! I'm taking you to the palace dungeon and putting you behind bars. Queen's orders.

[SOT: dungeon cell door closes]

NARRATOR: Meanwhile, back at home, Mother and Imani were completely unaware of Juma's misfortune. Instead, the pair was in high spirits, because Mother had finally recovered from her illness!

MOTHER: (healthy again) Imani, now that I'm feeling fit as a fiddle, it's your turn to make your way in the world. Now go out there and make me proud!

IMANI: You bet I will, Mother!

NARRATOR: So, like his twin brother before him, Imani kissed his mother goodbye, then headed out in his boat.

Little did he know that ahead of him lay some stormy seas… and some unimaginable adventures!

[theme music in]

NARRATOR: What do you think will happen to Imani? And what about his twin brother, Juma? Will he ever go free?

We'll find out, after a quick break.

[theme music out]


[theme music in]

NARRATOR: Welcome back to Circle Round. I'm Rebecca Sheir. Today our story is called “The Magic Touch.”

[theme music out]

NARRATOR: Before the break, twin brothers Juma and Imani set off to make their ways in the world. Juma went first, and wound up in jail. But Imani didn't know that! So when it was his turn to leave home and go traveling, he was in high spirits as he hopped into his boat and took to the sea.

[SOT: storm at sea]

NARRATOR: Unfortunately, the sea was not kind to Imani. The clouds rolled in, the wind picked up, and sheets of rain surged down from the sky. After being tossed for days across the choppy, foam-topped waves, Imani ran aground on a cold, rocky island.

IMANI: Look at this place! So bleak and dreary! I definitely don't want to stay long, but the sea is too rough to head out again. I'll wait for the skies to clear and have a snack. All that sailing has me famished!

NARRATOR: Imani plopped down on a rock and reached into his bag for a pot of cooked millet. But just as he was spooning the grain into his mouth...

BIRD: Excuse me, sir? Any chance you could share some of that?

NARRATOR: Imani looked up. Perched on a cliff above him was a black and white bird. Its body was scrawny and its feathers were rough and matted.

IMANI: Was that you talking just now, bird? Or did those crazy waves toss my boat and my brains?! ?

BIRD: Oh, it was me, alright. And I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but the storm stranded me on this desolate island and I haven't eaten in days!

NARRATOR: The bird fluttered down and perched on Imani's shoulder. Imani gave the scraggly creature a pat.

IMANI: I'd be happy to share my millet with you, bird. And please – call me Imani!

NARRATOR: The ravenous bird stuck its beak into the pot and gobbled up all the millet.

BIRD: Wow! That hit the spot! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow!

NARRATOR: Then the bird spread its wings and took off across the island.

Imani felt his stomach growl; he was still hungry! So he reached into his bag and fished out a small jar of honey. But just as he was about to suck down a spoonful…

ANT: Pardon me, sir? Any chance you could share some of that?

NARRATOR: Imani looked down. There, on the ground, was an ant! Its little black body was all shriveled, and it seemed to be walking with a limp.

IMANI: Was that you talking just now, ant? Or am I hearing things?

ANT: Oh, it was me, alright. And I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but I am downright famished! This island is so rocky and barren, and I've had a devil of a time finding anything to eat!

NARRATOR: The ant wiggled its antennae. Imani knelt down and gave the creature a smile.

IMANI: I'd be happy to share my honey with you, ant. And please – call me Imani!

NARRATOR: Imani drizzled all of his honey on the ground, and the ant went to work lapping up the sticky, sweet stuff.

ANT: Mmm! That was just what I needed! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow!

NARRATOR: Then the ant scurried away.

Imani rummaged through his bag and found a cup of rice. But just as he was about to stick a fistful into his mouth…

JINN: I beg your pardon, sir? Any chance you could share some of that?

NARRATOR: Imani looked up. Floating in the air before him was a jinn! His mother had told many tales about these supernatural spirits, but this was the first time Imani had actually seen one!

IMANI: Woah! Was that you talking just now, jinn? Or am I so hungry I'm hallucinating?! ?

JINN: Yup! It was me! I hope I didn't freak you out, sir, but evil spirits have banished me to this island and it's an absolute wasteland! I've been without food for days!

NARRATOR: Imani gave the jinn a sympathetic nod.

IMANI: I'd be happy to share my rice with you, jinn. And please – call me Imani!

NARRATOR: The jinn took hold of the rice and poured every single grain down its gullet.

JINN: Yum! That was perfect! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow!

NARRATOR: Then the jinn disappeared with a poof.

[SOT: poof]

IMANI: Well that was crazy! I met a talking bird… an ant… I even met a jinn! But I'm so hungry I could pass out – and it's obvious I won't find any food in this dismal place. Now that the skies have cleared, I'll get back in my boat and move on.

NARRATOR: So Imani hoisted his sails and took off across the calm, peaceful water.

Before long he caught sight of another island… and to his delight, it was covered with…

IMANI: …Fruit trees!

NARRATOR: Now, as you might guess, this was the exact same island that his brother Juma had found!

But Imani didn't know that! So he docked his boat, sprinted to the fruit trees, and stuffed handfuls of the bright-red fruit into his mouth.

IMANI: This fruit is delectable! But wait - it has pits inside! Better spit them out. (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground)

NARRATOR: Of course, the moment Imani spit out the pits, and the pits hit the ground, you know what happened, right?

IMANI: Would you look at that?!?? ?

NARRATOR: They instantly blossomed into new trees!

IMANI: My goodness! Not only is this fruit delicious, juicy, and sweet, but it's magic! I'll bring a bunch with me to my next destination. I bet it could come in very handy.

NARRATOR: But just as Imani went to fetch some barrels from his boat…

JINN: [SOT: reverbed] Imani, wait!

NARRATOR: Imani flicked his head around. He couldn't see anyone, but he could have sworn he heard the jinn! The supernatural spirit with whom he'd shared his rice on the desolate, barren island!

IMANI: Jinn?? Is that you??? Are you here?

JINN: [SOT: reverbed] Not exactly… I'm still stuck on that bleak, forlorn island! But I've used my powers to watch over you ever since you left! And since I promised I'd repay you for your kindness, I must tell you – that fruit you're picking… it won't grow just anywhere!

IMANI: It won't?

JINN: [SOT: reverbed] No! It will only grow on the soil of the island where you're standing right now! If you take the fruit with you, you must take some of the soil with you, too. Only then will the fruit work its magic and grow before your very eyes.

'The Magic Touch' | Ep. 159 (1) Die magische Berührung' | Ep. 159 (1) El toque mágico' | Ep. 159 (1) ザ・マジック・タッチ」|第159話 (1) '마법의 터치' | 159화 (1) "Magiczny dotyk" | Ep. 159 (1) 'O Toque Mágico' | Ep. 159 (1) "Чарівний дотик" | Випуск 159 (1) 神奇的触觉》 | 第 159 集 (1)

**NARRATOR:** There once were two brothers – twins, actually! Their names were Juma and Imani. Juma and Imani were raised by their mother – a kind, generous woman whom her sons loved with all their heart. Juma und Imani wurden von ihrer Mutter aufgezogen - einer freundlichen, großzügigen Frau, die ihre Söhne von ganzem Herzen liebten.

When the twins grew up, and it was time for them to go out and make their way in the world, something unexpected happened. Als die Zwillinge heranwuchsen und es für sie an der Zeit war, auszuziehen und ihren Weg in der Welt zu gehen, geschah etwas Unerwartetes. Mother fell ill – so ill she had to take to her bed. Die Mutter wurde krank - so krank, dass sie sich ins Bett legen musste.

**JUMA:** Oh, Mother! JUMA: Oh, Mutter! Imani and I can't leave you like this! Imani und ich können dich nicht so zurücklassen!

**IMANI:** Juma's right! We must stay here! And take care of you!

**MOTHER:** That's very sweet, my sons. But I don't want to stop you from making your way in the world! Aber ich will dich nicht daran hindern, deinen Weg in der Welt zu gehen!

**NARRATOR:** Mother turned to Juma. Die Mutter wandte sich an Juma.

**MOTHER:** Juma. You were born a handful of minutes before Imani was… so how about you go out into the world first, while Imani stays home and takes care of me. Du wurdest eine Handvoll Minuten vor Imani geboren... wie wäre es also, wenn du zuerst in die Welt hinausgehst, während Imani zu Hause bleibt und sich um mich kümmert. Once I'm well again, he can follow you. Sobald ich wieder gesund bin, kann er dir folgen.

**JUMA:** Of course, Mother. That's a fine idea!

**NARRATOR:** So Juma kissed his family goodbye, then set out on a sailboat across the sea.

He had been drifting on the waves for a few days when he spotted an island. Er war schon einige Tage auf den Wellen getrieben, als er eine Insel entdeckte.

**JUMA:** Ooooh! Look at this beautiful place! I don't see any people, but get a load of those fruit trees! Ich sehe keine Menschen, aber sieh dir diese Obstbäume an! Their branches are dripping with bright-red fruit! Ihre Zweige hängen voller leuchtend roter Früchte! This could be a nice place to stop for a while. Dies könnte ein schöner Ort sein, um eine Weile zu verweilen.

**NARRATOR:** Juma went ashore and began picking and eating fruit. Juma ging an Land und begann, Früchte zu pflücken und zu essen.

**JUMA:** (as he chews) Mmmm! This fruit is delicious! So sweet! So juicy! But oh - there are pits inside! Aber oh - da sind Gruben drin! Definitely don't want to eat those! Die will ich auf keinen Fall essen! I'll just spit them out. Ich werde sie einfach ausspucken. (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground) (aus dem Stegreif Spucke auf den Boden spucken)

**NARRATOR:** But the moment the pits hit the ground… an unbelievable sight met Juma's eyes. ERZÄHLER: Doch in dem Moment, als die Kerne den Boden berührten… bot sich Jumas Augen ein unglaubliches Schauspiel.

**JUMA:** Could it be?!? JUMA: Kann das sein?!? Each pit is growing into a whole new fruit tree! Aus jedem Kern wächst ein ganz neuer Obstbaum! In the blink of an eye! In einem Wimpernschlag! It's getting taller… and taller… and now it's as tall as all the other trees! Er wird immer höher... und höher... und jetzt ist er so hoch wie alle anderen Bäume! And it's bursting with bright-red fruit! Und sie ist voll von leuchtend roten Früchten! I've never seen anything like this! So etwas habe ich noch nie gesehen!

**NARRATOR:** Juma grabbed some barrels from his boat, and began loading them up with fruit. Juma holte einige Fässer aus seinem Boot und begann, sie mit Früchten zu beladen.

**JUMA:** I'm going to bring this magical fruit to another island. JUMA: Ich werde diese magische Frucht auf eine andere Insel bringen. With the way these trees grow, I'll have an endless supply to sell! So wie diese Bäume wachsen, werde ich einen endlosen Vorrat zum Verkaufen haben!

**NARRATOR:** Juma hoisted his sails and put his boat back to sea. Juma hisste die Segel und ließ sein Boot wieder in See stechen. After a few days, he came to an island that was brimming with people. Nach einigen Tagen kam er zu einer Insel, auf der es von Menschen wimmelte. He made his way to the bustling marketplace and set out his barrels of fruit. Er machte sich auf den Weg zum belebten Marktplatz und stellte seine Fässer mit Obst ab.

**JUMA:** (calling out, salesman-like) Magical fruit here! JUMA: (ruft aus, wie ein Verkäufer) Hier gibt es magische Früchte! Get your magical fruit! Spit out the pit and watch a new tree grow in a flash! Spucke die Grube aus und sieh zu, wie im Handumdrehen ein neuer Baum wächst!

**NARRATOR:** It wasn't long before a curious crowd gathered. Es dauerte nicht lange, bis sich eine neugierige Menschenmenge versammelte. But when Juma went to demonstrate the magical powers of his fruit – chewing a handful of them… then spitting out the pits… Aber als Juma die magischen Kräfte seiner Früchte demonstrieren wollte, indem er eine Handvoll davon kaute und dann die Kerne ausspuckte...

**JUMA:** (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground) JUMA: (ad-lib spuckt Gruben auf den Boden)

**NARRATOR:** …nothing happened! ...ist nichts passiert!

**JUMA:** So sorry, ladies and gentlemen. JUMA: Es tut mir sehr leid, meine Damen und Herren. Perhaps those pieces of fruit weren't ripe enough. Vielleicht waren die Obststücke nicht reif genug. Let me try again. Lassen Sie es mich noch einmal versuchen.

**NARRATOR:** So he did! He grabbed another handful of fruit and began to chew. Er schnappte sich eine weitere Handvoll Obst und begann zu kauen. But once more, when he spit the pits out… Aber als er die Gruben wieder ausspuckte...

**JUMA:** (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground) JUMA: (ad-lib spuckt Gruben auf den Boden)

**NARRATOR:** …nothing happened!

**PERSON 1:** Ah, this guy is a phony! PERSON 1: Ah, dieser Typ ist ein Schwindler!

**PERSON 2:** A fake!

**PERSON 3:** A total fraud! PERSON 3: Ein totaler Betrüger!

**PERSON 4:** We knew your “magical fruit” was too good to be true! PERSON 4: Wir wussten, dass Ihre "magische Frucht" zu gut war, um wahr zu sein!

**NARRATOR:** Juma was flummoxed. |||verwirrt

**JUMA:** But ladies and gentlemen! I assure you! Das versichere ich Ihnen! I am not a phony! Ich bin kein Schwindler! On the island where I picked this fruit, it worked like a charm! I swear! Ich schwöre es! I just spit the pits out and right there before my very eyes – Ich spucke die Gruben aus, und zwar direkt vor meinen Augen.

**NARRATOR:** Before Juma could say another word, he felt someone grab his shoulder. Bevor Juma ein weiteres Wort sagen konnte, spürte er, wie ihn jemand an der Schulter packte.

**GUARD:** So you're the one making up stories about “magical fruit,” huh? WÄCHTER: Sie sind also derjenige, der sich Geschichten über "magische Früchte" ausdenkt, hm?

**NARRATOR:** Juma whirled his head around. Standing before him was a burly man in uniform. |||||stämmiger|||

**GUARD:** Listen, pal. Wache: Hör zu, Kumpel. I am part of the Queen's royal guard. Ich gehöre zur königlichen Garde der Königin. And it is my duty to tell you that on this island we are honest! Und es ist meine Pflicht, Ihnen zu sagen, dass wir auf dieser Insel ehrlich sind! Because Her Royal Majesty despises dishonesty! Weil Ihre Königliche Majestät Unehrlichkeit verabscheut! She loathes lying! |verabscheut| She forbids any fibs! |||Lügen

**JUMA:** But I'm not telling any fibs! ||||||Lügen And I'm not lying! I'm telling you, this fruit –

**GUARD:** Enough arguing, mister! I'm taking you to the palace dungeon and putting you behind bars. Ich bringe dich in den Palastkerker und sperre dich hinter Gitter. Queen's orders.

**[SOT: dungeon cell door closes]**

**NARRATOR:** Meanwhile, back at home, Mother and Imani were completely unaware of Juma's misfortune. Zu Hause wussten Mutter und Imani nichts von Jumas Missgeschick. Instead, the pair was in high spirits, because Mother had finally recovered from her illness! Stattdessen war das Paar in Hochstimmung, denn Mutter hatte sich endlich von ihrer Krankheit erholt!

**MOTHER:** (healthy again) Imani, now that I'm feeling fit as a fiddle, it's your turn to make your way in the world. MUTTER: (wieder gesund) Imani, jetzt, wo ich mich fit wie ein Turnschuh fühle, bist du dran, deinen Weg in der Welt zu machen. Now go out there and make me proud! Jetzt geh da raus und mach mich stolz!

**IMANI:** You bet I will, Mother!

**NARRATOR:** So, like his twin brother before him, Imani kissed his mother goodbye, then headed out in his boat. Wie sein Zwillingsbruder vor ihm gab Imani seiner Mutter einen Abschiedskuss und fuhr dann mit seinem Boot hinaus.

Little did he know that ahead of him lay some stormy seas… and some unimaginable adventures! Er ahnte nicht, dass vor ihm eine stürmische See lag ... und einige unvorstellbare Abenteuer!

**[theme music in]**

**NARRATOR:** What do you think will happen to Imani? And what about his twin brother, Juma? Will he ever go free? Wird er jemals frei kommen?

We'll find out, after a quick break.

**[theme music out]**


**[theme music in]**

**NARRATOR:** Welcome back to Circle Round. I'm Rebecca Sheir. Today our story is called “The Magic Touch.”

**[theme music out]**

**NARRATOR:** Before the break, twin brothers Juma and Imani set off to make their ways in the world. Juma went first, and wound up in jail. |||und|||| But Imani didn't know that! So when it was his turn to leave home and go traveling, he was in high spirits as he hopped into his boat and took to the sea.

**[SOT: storm at sea]**

**NARRATOR:** Unfortunately, the sea was not kind to Imani. The clouds rolled in, the wind picked up, and sheets of rain surged down from the sky. Die Wolken zogen auf, der Wind frischte auf, und es regnete in Strömen vom Himmel. After being tossed for days across the choppy, foam-topped waves, Imani ran aground on a cold, rocky island. |||||||wellig||||||auf Grund||||| Nachdem sie tagelang durch die kabbeligen, schaumgekrönten Wellen getrieben wurde, lief Imani auf einer kalten, felsigen Insel auf Grund.

**IMANI:** Look at this place! IMANI: Seht euch diesen Ort an! So bleak and dreary! I definitely don't want to stay long, but the sea is too rough to head out again. Ich möchte auf keinen Fall lange bleiben, aber die See ist zu rau, um wieder hinauszufahren. I'll wait for the skies to clear and have a snack. All that sailing has me famished! |||||hungrig Das viele Segeln hat mich hungrig gemacht!

**NARRATOR:** Imani plopped down on a rock and reached into his bag for a pot of cooked millet. |||||||||||||||||Hirse Imani ließ sich auf einen Felsen plumpsen und griff in seine Tasche nach einem Topf mit gekochter Hirse. But just as he was spooning the grain into his mouth... |||||löffeln||||| Doch gerade als er das Getreide in den Mund löffeln wollte...

**BIRD:** Excuse me, sir? Any chance you could share some of that? Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie etwas davon weitergeben können?

**NARRATOR:** Imani looked up. Imani sah auf. Perched on a cliff above him was a black and white bird. Auf einer Klippe über ihm saß ein schwarz-weißer Vogel. Its body was scrawny and its feathers were rough and matted. ||||||||||verfilzt Sein Körper war abgemagert und sein Gefieder war rau und verfilzt.

**IMANI:** Was that you talking just now, bird? IMANI: Hast du das gerade gesagt, Vogel? Or did those crazy waves toss my boat and my brains?! Oder haben diese verrückten Wellen mein Boot und mein Hirn umgeworfen?! ?

**BIRD:** Oh, it was me, alright. BIRD: Oh, das war ich, ja. And I'm sorry to bother you, sir, but the storm stranded me on this desolate island and I haven't eaten in days! Und es tut mir leid, Sie zu stören, Sir, aber der Sturm hat mich auf dieser einsamen Insel gestrandet und ich habe seit Tagen nichts mehr gegessen!

**NARRATOR:** The bird fluttered down and perched on Imani's shoulder. ||||||||Imanis| Der Vogel flatterte herunter und setzte sich auf Imanis Schulter. Imani gave the scraggly creature a pat. |||zottelig|||

**IMANI:** I'd be happy to share my millet with you, bird. IMANI: Ich würde gerne meine Hirse mit dir teilen, Vogel. And please – call me Imani! Und bitte - nennen Sie mich Imani!

**NARRATOR:** The ravenous bird stuck its beak into the pot and gobbled up all the millet. ||gieriger||||||||||||| Der gefräßige Vogel steckte seinen Schnabel in den Topf und verschlang die ganze Hirse.

**BIRD:** Wow! That hit the spot! Das war ein Volltreffer! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. Ich weiß Ihre Freundlichkeit zu schätzen, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow! Und ich verspreche - eines Tages werde ich mich irgendwie revanchieren!

**NARRATOR:** Then the bird spread its wings and took off across the island. Dann breitete der Vogel seine Flügel aus und flog über die Insel.

Imani felt his stomach growl; he was still hungry! Imani spürte, wie sein Magen knurrte; er war immer noch hungrig! So he reached into his bag and fished out a small jar of honey. Also griff er in seine Tasche und fischte ein kleines Glas mit Honig heraus. But just as he was about to suck down a spoonful… Aber gerade als er einen Löffel runterschlucken wollte...

**ANT:** Pardon me, sir? ANT: Verzeihung, Sir? Any chance you could share some of that? Besteht die Möglichkeit, dass Sie etwas davon weitergeben können?

**NARRATOR:** Imani looked down. There, on the ground, was an ant! Da, auf dem Boden, lag eine Ameise! Its little black body was all shriveled, and it seemed to be walking with a limp. ||||||geschrumpft|||||||||

**IMANI:** Was that you talking just now, ant? IMANI: Hast du das gerade gesagt, Ameise? Or am I hearing things?

**ANT:** Oh, it was me, alright. And I'm sorry to interrupt, sir, but I am downright famished! Und es tut mir leid, Sie zu unterbrechen, Sir, aber ich bin regelrecht ausgehungert! This island is so rocky and barren, and I've had a devil of a time finding anything to eat! Diese Insel ist so felsig und karg, und ich hatte große Mühe, etwas zu essen zu finden!

**NARRATOR:** The ant wiggled its antennae. |||wackelte|| Die Ameise wackelte mit ihren Fühlern. Imani knelt down and gave the creature a smile.

**IMANI:** I'd be happy to share my honey with you, ant. IMANI: Ich würde gerne meinen Honig mit dir teilen, Ameise. And please – call me Imani!

**NARRATOR:** Imani drizzled all of his honey on the ground, and the ant went to work lapping up the sticky, sweet stuff. ||träufelte|||||||||||||||||||

**ANT:** Mmm! That was just what I needed! Das war genau das, was ich brauchte! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. Ich weiß Ihre Freundlichkeit zu schätzen, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow!

**NARRATOR:** Then the ant scurried away.

Imani rummaged through his bag and found a cup of rice. Imani kramte in seiner Tasche und fand eine Tasse Reis. But just as he was about to stick a fistful into his mouth… |||||||||eine Handvoll||| Aber gerade als er sich eine Handvoll in den Mund stecken wollte...

**JINN:** I beg your pardon, sir? Dschinn||||| Any chance you could share some of that?

**NARRATOR:** Imani looked up. Floating in the air before him was a jinn! ||||||||Dschinn Vor ihm in der Luft schwebte ein Dschinn! His mother had told many tales about these supernatural spirits, but this was the first time Imani had actually seen one! Seine Mutter hatte viele Geschichten über diese übernatürlichen Geister erzählt, aber dies war das erste Mal, dass Imani tatsächlich einen gesehen hatte!

**IMANI:** Woah! Was that you talking just now, jinn? Or am I so hungry I'm hallucinating?! ||||||halluzinieren ?

**JINN:** Yup! It was me! I hope I didn't freak you out, sir, but evil spirits have banished me to this island and it's an absolute wasteland! ||||||||||||verbannt|||||||||Ödland Ich hoffe, ich habe Sie nicht zu sehr erschreckt, Sir, aber böse Geister haben mich auf diese Insel verbannt und sie ist eine absolute Einöde! I've been without food for days! Ich habe schon seit Tagen nichts mehr gegessen!

**NARRATOR:** Imani gave the jinn a sympathetic nod.

**IMANI:** I'd be happy to share my rice with you, jinn. IMANI: Ich würde gerne meinen Reis mit dir teilen, Dschinn. And please – call me Imani!

**NARRATOR:** The jinn took hold of the rice and poured every single grain down its gullet. |||||||||||||||Schlund Der Dschinn griff nach dem Reis und schüttete jedes einzelne Korn in seinen Schlund.

**JINN:** Yum! That was perfect! I appreciate your kindness, Imani. And I promise – one day I'll repay you somehow!

**NARRATOR:** Then the jinn disappeared with a poof. Dann verschwand der Dschinn mit einem Puff.

**[SOT: poof]**

**IMANI:** Well that was crazy! I met a talking bird… an ant… I even met a jinn! Ich habe einen sprechenden Vogel getroffen... eine Ameise... Ich habe sogar einen Dschinn getroffen! But I'm so hungry I could pass out – and it's obvious I won't find any food in this dismal place. Aber ich bin so hungrig, dass ich ohnmächtig werden könnte - und es ist offensichtlich, dass ich an diesem trostlosen Ort kein Essen finden werde. Now that the skies have cleared, I'll get back in my boat and move on. Jetzt, wo sich der Himmel gelichtet hat, steige ich wieder in mein Boot und fahre weiter.

**NARRATOR:** So Imani hoisted his sails and took off across the calm, peaceful water. Also hisste Imani die Segel und fuhr über das ruhige, friedliche Wasser.

Before long he caught sight of another island… and to his delight, it was covered with… Schon bald erblickte er eine weitere Insel... und zu seiner Freude war sie bedeckt mit...

**IMANI:** …Fruit trees!

**NARRATOR:** Now, as you might guess, this was the exact same island that his brother Juma had found!

But Imani didn't know that! So he docked his boat, sprinted to the fruit trees, and stuffed handfuls of the bright-red fruit into his mouth. ||festgemacht|||||||||||||||||| Also legte er sein Boot an, sprintete zu den Obstbäumen und stopfte sich eine Handvoll der knallroten Früchte in den Mund.

**IMANI:** This fruit is delectable! IMANI: Diese Frucht ist köstlich! But wait - it has pits inside! Better spit them out. (ad-lib spitting pits onto ground)

**NARRATOR:** Of course, the moment Imani spit out the pits, and the pits hit the ground, you know what happened, right? |||||||||Kerne||||||||||| In dem Moment, in dem Imani die Gruben ausspuckte und die Gruben auf dem Boden aufschlugen, wisst ihr natürlich, was passiert ist, oder?

**IMANI:** Would you look at that?!?? ?

**NARRATOR:** They instantly blossomed into new trees!

**IMANI:** My goodness! Not only is this fruit delicious, juicy, and sweet, but it's magic! I'll bring a bunch with me to my next destination. Ich werde ein paar davon zu meinem nächsten Reiseziel mitnehmen. I bet it could come in very handy. Ich wette, das könnte sehr nützlich sein.

**NARRATOR:** But just as Imani went to fetch some barrels from his boat… Aber als Imani gerade einige Fässer aus seinem Boot holen wollte...

**JINN:** [SOT: reverbed] Imani, wait! ||hallend||

**NARRATOR:** Imani flicked his head around. Imani drehte seinen Kopf herum. He couldn't see anyone, but he could have sworn he heard the jinn! Er konnte niemanden sehen, aber er hätte schwören können, dass er den Dschinn gehört hat! The supernatural spirit with whom he'd shared his rice on the desolate, barren island! Der übernatürliche Geist, mit dem er seinen Reis auf der einsamen, unwirtlichen Insel geteilt hatte!

**IMANI:** Jinn?? Is that you??? Bist du das??? Are you here?

**JINN:** [SOT: reverbed] Not exactly… I'm still stuck on that bleak, forlorn island! JINN: [SOT: nachvertont] Nicht ganz... Ich sitze immer noch auf dieser trostlosen, verlassenen Insel fest! But I've used my powers to watch over you ever since you left! Aber ich habe meine Kräfte eingesetzt, um über dich zu wachen, seit du weg bist! And since I promised I'd repay you for your kindness, I must tell you – that fruit you're picking… it won't grow just anywhere! Und da ich Ihnen versprochen habe, mich für Ihre Freundlichkeit zu revanchieren, muss ich Ihnen sagen, dass die Früchte, die Sie pflücken, nicht einfach irgendwo wachsen!

**IMANI:** It won't? IMANI: Wird es nicht?

**JINN:** [SOT: reverbed] No! It will only grow on the soil of the island where you're standing right now! Er wächst nur auf dem Boden der Insel, auf der du gerade stehst! If you take the fruit with you, you must take some of the soil with you, too. Wenn man die Früchte mitnimmt, muss man auch etwas von der Erde mitnehmen. Only then will the fruit work its magic and grow before your very eyes. Nur dann wird die Frucht ihre Wirkung entfalten und vor Ihren Augen wachsen.