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E-Books (english-e-reader), The Fisherman and the Giant

The Fisherman and the Giant

Once there was a poor fisherman. He never caught many fish and so he had no money. On some days he did not catch any fish. He couldn't buy food for his wife and three children. They only ate fish!

Usually he caught very small fish, but one day he caught a dead horse. 'Today is a bad day,' he thought.

Angrily, he began to fish again. This time he caught a bag of old cups. Sadly, he threw them back in the water. 'What can I do?' he said. 'I am a poor man. I want to sell fish. I want to buy food for my children.'

He tried again. This time he caught an old jar. It looked green, but then he looked again. It was dirty. So he washed it and it was gold. There were some words on the top of the jar, but he couldn't read.

The fisherman jumped up happily. 'I can sell this now,' he said.

'Today is a good day.'

He looked at the jar carefully. 'Perhaps there is something inside,' he thought. 'I'll open it.' So he opened the jar and looked inside. Suddenly white smoke came out of the jar and a great giant appeared. The fisherman was very afraid. The giant spoke.

'Now, fisherman. I am going to kill you.'

'Why?' cried the fisherman. 'What did I do?'

'You opened the jar. For that I am going to kill you. How do you want to die? I can kill you with my hands, or I can throw you into the sea.'

'But why do you have to kill me?'

'I will tell you,' said the giant. 'One day, the King of the Giants was very angry with me. I took his youngest and loveliest daughter for a walk by the sea and he didn't like it. So he put me in this jar. I could not get out because he wrote his name on the top of the jar. I could hear him from inside the jar. "Because you love the sea, you dog," he cried, "you can live in it!" And he threw me in the water.

'I was in the jar for days and weeks. "One day somebody will open this bottle," I thought. "And I will make them into a great king or queen." But after a hundred years, nobody opened the bottle. So I thought, "I will make them into a king or queen but not a great king or queen." After 200 years, I thought, "Where is this person? Now I will make them rich, but I will not make them a king or queen." After 300 years, I was very angry." When somebody opens the jar, I will kill them," I thought. You are that person, Fisherman. How do you want to die?'

'I have one question,' said the fisherman. 'Will you answer it?'

'I will,' said the giant, 'but ask quickly.'

'Were you in that jar?'

'Yes, I was,' answered the giant. 'You saw me.'

'But you are so big. Your hand is as big as the jar. Think before you speak. Is there nothing inside your head?'

The giant was not very clever. 'I will show you,' he said angrily. Suddenly he disappeared into white smoke again, and the smoke went inside the jar. 'You see!' he called from inside. The fisherman quickly put the top back on the jar.

'Hah! Now, Giant,' he said. 'I will throw the jar back into the sea. Perhaps somebody will find you in another 300 years.'

'Please open the jar,' called the Giant. 'I will make you a rich man.'

'No. You will kill me,' answered the fisherman.

'No, I won't,' said the giant. 'I won't. I'll make you very, very rich.'

The fisherman thought for a minute. 'All right, then,' he said, and opened the jar. White smoke came out of the jar and the giant appeared again. He quickly threw the jar into the sea.

'Thank you,' he said to the fisherman. 'I will not forget this. Come with me.' The fisherman followed the giant round the city walls and over a mountain. There they came to a great blue and gold sea. In the water there were many fish.

'Now, catch something. I will watch you,' said the giant. In no time, the fisherman caught three fish - three beautiful red, white and gold fish. 'Take these fish to your king,' said the giant. 'He will give you a lot of money for them.'

The giant disappeared, and blue and gold smoke went into the ground.

When the king saw the fish, he said to the fisherman, 'Those are beautiful fish! I will give you gold for them.' Then he said to his servant, 'Take these fish to the cook. We will eat them today.'

The fisherman took his gold home to his family. They ate a wonderful dinner of bread, meat, fruit, vegetables and no fish. For the first time in their lives, they were not hungry.

The king's cook put the fish over the fire. They started to cook. Suddenly, the smoke from the fire went blue and gold and a strange woman appeared in the kitchen. She spoke to the fish.

'Fish, fish! Are you doing your work?' The fish did not answer. Then their heads went up, and they said, 'We are, and we are happy.' The strange woman pushed the fish into the fire. The smoke from the fire went blue and gold and the woman disappeared into it.

The king and his servant came into the kitchen. 'I am waiting for the fish. Where are they?' he said to the cook. He saw that the fish were in the fire and he could not eat them. The cook told him about the strange woman. The king wanted to see the woman so he sent for the fisherman. 'Bring me three more fish!' he said.

When the fisherman came back with three more fish, the king gave him more gold. The cook put the fish over the fire. This time the smoke from the fire went red and gold and a big man with red hair appeared.

'Fish, fish! Are you doing your work?' The fish answered, 'We are, we are! And we are happy!' And the same thing happened. The man pushed the fish into the fire and disappeared into the red and gold smoke.

The king did not speak for a minute. This was magic! Then he turned to the fisherman. 'Where do you get these fish?' he asked.

'I get them from a sea of blue and gold water over the mountain.'

'Do you know this sea?' the king asked his servant.

'No. I often go across the mountain, but there is no blue and gold sea.'

'Will you take us there?' the king asked the fisherman.

The king and his men followed the fisherman over the mountain to the sea of blue and gold and there they saw the wonderful fish. The fish were jewels in the water.

'Wait here,' said the king. He took two men and went round the sea. There they came to a great house of red stone. All round the house were gardens of wonderful flowers. There was no answer at the door. But it was open so the king went in. He saw many beautiful rooms but no people. He came into a very large room with high windows. Somebody spoke: 'When will I die? I don't want to live.'

The king saw a young man at the other end of the room. He was on the floor with a coat over his feet.

'I know you are a king,' said the young man, 'but I cannot stand up.' The king took away the coat and saw that his feet were fine white stone.

'What is this?' cried the king. 'Why do you have stone feet? Why do the fish talk? Why does a man with red hair appear from nowhere in my kitchen? What is happening? Tell me.'

'I will tell you,' said the young man. 'Please sit down and listen. There was once a great city in this place. My father was king of that city, and I was a prince. Then my father died and I was the king. I married a beautiful woman. She was my queen but she did not love me. She loved a servant. When I learnt about him, I wanted to kill that servant. We had a fight. I hurt him but I didn't kill him. He could not use his legs.

'My wife was very angry. She can do magic and she changed my feet to white stone. Then I could not use my legs. That was not the end of it. Three mountains and a blue and gold sea appeared in place of the city. She changed the men and women of the city into fish.

'There is a little house of white stone in the garden of this house. The servant lives there. He cannot walk. My wife visits him every day.'

The king went into the garden and thought for some time. Then he went to the house of white stone. He found the servant inside and killed him. He put the servant under the bed and then climbed onto it. He pulled the servant's jacket over his face. Sometime later, the queen came in.

'Are you happy, my dearest servant?' she asked.

'No,' said the king. 'I cannot sleep. Somebody is crying. The young king is crying because of his stone feet.'

The queen went to the young king and threw some magic water over his feet. He stood up and walked.

Then she came back to the house of white stone. 'And I cannot sleep,' the king said, 'because the men and women of the city cry at night. They do not want to be fish.'

So the queen went to the blue and gold sea. She said some magic words. A great city appeared all round her. Men and women ran happily through the streets and in and out of the houses. Then the queen came back to the house of white stone.

'Are you happy now, my dear servant?' she asked.

'Yes, my love,' he said. 'Come near me.' She came near him. 'Come nearer. I want to put my arms round you.' She came nearer his bed. He put his arms round her. In one hand he had a knife, and he killed her.

He went back to the young king. 'Your queen is dead. The city and its people are living.'

The older king and the young king were friends after that. One city helped the other city. But nobody ate fish again.

The fisherman and his family were happy. The two kings sent them gold and beautiful things. They were never hungry again.


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The Fisherman and the Giant ||||giant El pescador y el gigante 漁師と巨人

Once there was a poor fisherman. |||||poor angler |||||pobre pescador かつて貧しい漁師がいました。 He never caught many fish and so he had no money. ||captured|||||||| ||||||||tenía|| Er hat nie viele Fische gefangen und hatte daher kein Geld. Nunca pescaba mucho y por eso no tenía dinero. 彼はあまり魚を捕まえることができず、それでお金がありませんでした。 On some days he did not catch any fish. Algunos días no pescó nada. ある日は、彼は魚を1匹も捕まえられなかった。 He couldn't buy food for his wife and three children. No podía comprar comida para su mujer y sus tres hijos. 彼は妻と3人の子供たちのために食料を買うことができなかった。 They only ate fish! ¡Sólo comían pescado! 彼らは魚しか食べませんでした!

Usually he caught very small fish, but one day he caught a dead horse. |||||||||||||large surprise catch Normalerweise fing er sehr kleine Fische, aber eines Tages fing er ein totes Pferd. Normalmente pescaba peces muy pequeños, pero un día pescó un caballo muerto. いつもはとても小さな魚を捕まえていたのですが、ある日、死んだ馬を捕まえました。 'Today is a bad day,' he thought. Hoy es un mal día", pensó. '今日は悪い日だ', と彼は思った。

Angrily, he began to fish again. Enfadado, empezó a pescar de nuevo. 怒って、彼は再び釣りを始めた。 This time he caught a bag of old cups. Esta vez cogió una bolsa de tazas viejas. Cette fois, il a attrapé un sac de vieux gobelets. 今度は古いカップの袋を釣り上げた。 Sadly, he threw them back in the water. Lamentablemente, los volvió a tirar al agua. 残念ながら、彼はそれらを水に投げ返しました。 'What can I do?' ¿Qué puedo hacer? '何ができるだろう?' he said. と彼は言いました。 'I am a poor man. Soy un hombre pobre. 私は貧乏な男です。 I want to sell fish. Quiero vender pescado. 私は魚を売りたいです。 I want to buy food for my children.' Quiero comprar comida para mis hijos'. 私は子供たちのために食べ物を買いたいです。

He tried again. Lo intentó de nuevo. 彼はもう一度試みた。 This time he caught an old jar. ||||||kavanoz ||||||frasco antiguo 今度は古い瓶を捕まえた。 It looked green, but then he looked again. Parecía verde, pero luego volvió a mirar. それは緑色に見えたが、再び見ると違った。 It was dirty. Estaba sucio. それは汚れていました。 So he washed it and it was gold. Así que lo lavó y era de oro. だから彼はそれを洗って金になりました。 There were some words on the top of the jar, but he couldn't read. Había algunas palabras en la parte superior del tarro, pero no podía leerlas. 壷の上にいくつかの言葉がありましたが、彼は読めませんでした。

The fisherman jumped up happily. El pescador saltó de alegría. 漁師はうれしそうに飛び上がりました。 'I can sell this now,' he said. 「これで売れます」と。

'Today is a good day.' '今日はいい日だ。'

He looked at the jar carefully. 彼は丁寧に瓶を見つめた。 'Perhaps there is something inside,' he thought. Quizá haya algo dentro", pensó. '中に何かが入っているかもしれない。'と彼は考えた。 'I'll open it.' Lo abriré. So he opened the jar and looked inside. Así que abrió el frasco y miró dentro. Suddenly white smoke came out of the jar and a great giant appeared. |||||||||||dev | De repente salió humo blanco de la tinaja y apareció un gran gigante. 突然、壺から白い煙が出て、偉大な巨人が現れました。 The fisherman was very afraid. El pescador tenía mucho miedo. 漁師はとても恐れました。 The giant spoke. El gigante habló. 巨人が話しました。

'Now, fisherman. 'さあ、漁師。 I am going to kill you.' Voy a matarte. お前を殺すぞ。'

'Why?' cried the fisherman. 'What did I do?' ¿Qué he hecho?

'You opened the jar. 'Has abierto el tarro. For that I am going to kill you. そのために私はあなたを殺すつもりです。 How do you want to die? どのように死にたいですか? I can kill you with my hands, or I can throw you into the sea.' 私は手であなたを殺すこともできますし、海に投げ込むこともできます。

'But why do you have to kill me?' '¿Pero por qué tienes que matarme?' 「でも、なぜ私を殺さなければならないのですか?」

'I will tell you,' said the giant. Te lo diré", dijo el gigante. 「巨人は言いました。」 'One day, the King of the Giants was very angry with me. |a certain day|||||||||| Un día, el Rey de los Gigantes se enfadó mucho conmigo. “巨人の王様はある日、私にとても怒っていました。” I took his youngest and loveliest daughter for a walk by the sea and he didn't like it. |||||más hermosa|||||||||||| Llevé a su hija más joven y encantadora a dar un paseo junto al mar y no le gustó. “彼の一番年少で一番美しい娘と海辺を散歩に連れて行ったから彼は気に入らなかった。” So he put me in this jar. Así que me puso en este frasco. “だから彼は私をこの瓶に入れた。” I could not get out because he wrote his name on the top of the jar. No pude salir porque escribió su nombre en la parte superior del frasco. 彼は瓶の上に彼の名前を書いたので、私は出ることができませんでした。 I could hear him from inside the jar. Podía oírle desde dentro del tarro. 私は瓶の中から彼の声が聞こえた。 "Because you love the sea, you dog," he cried, "you can live in it!" "Porque amas el mar, perro", gritó, "¡puedes vivir en él!". "Parce que tu aimes la mer, espèce de chien, s'écrie-t-il, tu peux y vivre ! "海が好きだからだ、お前は犬だからだ!"と彼は叫んだ。 And he threw me in the water. Y me tiró al agua. そして彼は私を水に投げ込んだ。

'I was in the jar for days and weeks. 'Estuve en el tarro durante días y semanas. 「私は何日も何週間も瓶の中にいた。」 "One day somebody will open this bottle," I thought. "Algún día alguien abrirá esta botella", pensé. 「いつか誰かがこの瓶を開けるだろうと思った。」 "And I will make them into a great king or queen." "Y los convertiré en un gran rey o reina". 「そして、その人を偉大な王か女王にしようと思った。」 But after a hundred years, nobody opened the bottle. Pero después de cien años, nadie abrió la botella. しかし、100年後、誰もその瓶を開けなかった。 So I thought, "I will make them into a king or queen but not a great king or queen." Así que pensé: "Los convertiré en rey o reina, pero no en un gran rey o reina". だから私は思った、「彼らを王か女王にするが、偉大な王か女王にはしないだろう。」 After 200 years, I thought, "Where is this person? Después de 200 años, pensé: "¿Dónde está esta persona? 200年後、私は思った、「この人はどこにいるのだろう?」 Now I will make them rich, but I will not make them a king or queen." Ahora los haré ricos, pero no los haré reyes ni reinas". 今、私は彼らを金持ちにしますが、王や女王にはしません。」 After 300 years, I was very angry." Después de 300 años, estaba muy enfadado". 300年後、私はとても怒っていました。 When somebody opens the jar, I will kill them," I thought. Cuando alguien abra el tarro, lo mataré", pensé. だれかが壺を開けたら、私は彼らを殺すつもりだと思った。 You are that person, Fisherman. Tú eres esa persona, Fisherman. あなたがその人、漁師だ。 How do you want to die?' ¿Cómo quieres morir? 「どのように死にたいですか?」

'I have one question,' said the fisherman. 漁師が言いました。 'Will you answer it?' "¿Vas a contestar? 「それに答えてくれますか?」

'I will,' said the giant, 'but ask quickly.' Lo haré", dijo el gigante, "pero pídelo rápido". 「そうします」と巨人は言いました。

'Were you in that jar?' "¿Estabas en ese frasco? Tu étais dans ce bocal ? 「あなたはその瓶の中にいましたか?」

'Yes, I was,' answered the giant. 'You saw me.' Me viste.

'But you are so big. 'Pero eres tan grande. Your hand is as big as the jar. Tu mano es tan grande como el tarro. あなたの手は瓶と同じ大きさです。 Think before you speak. Piensa antes de hablar. あなたが話す前に考えます。 Is there nothing inside your head?' |||||cabeza ¿No tienes nada en la cabeza? あなたの頭の中には何もありませんか?

The giant was not very clever. El gigante no era muy listo. 巨人はあまり賢くありませんでした。 'I will show you,' he said angrily. 「見せてやる」と彼は怒って言いました。 Suddenly he disappeared into white smoke again, and the smoke went inside the jar. De repente, volvió a desaparecer en humo blanco, y el humo se metió dentro del frasco. 突然、彼は再び白い煙の中に消え、その煙は壺の中に入って行った。 'You see!' he called from inside. llamó desde dentro. The fisherman quickly put the top back on the jar. El pescador volvió a tapar rápidamente el tarro. 漁師は急いで瓶のフタを閉めました。

'Hah! 'はっ! Now, Giant,' he said. さあ、ジャイアント。」と彼は言いました。 'I will throw the jar back into the sea. 'Tiraré la jarra de vuelta al mar. 「私は瓶を海に投げ返すでしょう。」 Perhaps somebody will find you in another 300 years.' Quizá alguien te encuentre dentro de otros 300 años'. 「もしかしたら、また300年後に誰かがあなたを見つけるかもしれません。」

'Please open the jar,' called the Giant. Por favor, abre el tarro", dijo el Gigante. 「巨人は瓶を開けてくださいと叫んだ。」 'I will make you a rich man.'

'No. You will kill me,' answered the fisherman.

'No, I won't,' said the giant. 'I won't. I'll make you very, very rich.'

The fisherman thought for a minute. El pescador se lo pensó un momento. 'All right, then,' he said, and opened the jar. White smoke came out of the jar and the giant appeared again. Salió humo blanco del frasco y el gigante apareció de nuevo. He quickly threw the jar into the sea. Rápidamente arrojó el frasco al mar.

'Thank you,' he said to the fisherman. Gracias", le dijo al pescador. 'I will not forget this. 私はこれを忘れません。 Come with me.' Ven conmigo. 私と一緒に来てください。 The fisherman followed the giant round the city walls and over a mountain. ||||||||murallas|||| El pescador siguió al gigante alrededor de las murallas de la ciudad y por encima de una montaña. 漁師は巨人に従い、市壁を回り、山を越えた。 There they came to a great blue and gold sea. Allí llegaron a un gran mar azul y dorado. そこで彼らは青と金色の大きな海にたどり着きました。 In the water there were many fish. En el agua había muchos peces. 水の中にはたくさんの魚がいました。

'Now, catch something. 'Ahora, coge algo. 'さあ、何かをつかまえて。 I will watch you,' said the giant. Te vigilaré", dijo el gigante. 巨人は言いました。私が見ています。 In no time, the fisherman caught three fish - three beautiful red, white and gold fish. En un abrir y cerrar de ojos, el pescador pescó tres hermosos peces rojos, blancos y dorados. すぐに、漁師は 3 匹の魚を捕まえました。3 匹の美しい赤、白、金の魚です。 'Take these fish to your king,' said the giant. Lleva estos peces a tu rey', dijo el gigante. 「これらの魚を王様のところへ持って行きなさい」と巨人は言いました。 'He will give you a lot of money for them.' 'Te dará mucho dinero por ellos'. 「彼はそれらのためにたくさんのお金をあげるだろう。」

The giant disappeared, and blue and gold smoke went into the ground. El gigante desapareció y un humo azul y dorado se adentró en el suelo. 巨人は消え、青と金の煙が地面に入った。

When the king saw the fish, he said to the fisherman, 'Those are beautiful fish! Cuando el rey vio los peces, dijo al pescador: "¡Qué peces tan bonitos! 王様がその魚を見ると、漁師に言いました。「それらは美しい魚だね!」 I will give you gold for them.' Te daré oro por ellos'. Then he said to his servant, 'Take these fish to the cook. |||||hizmetçi|||||| Luego dijo a su criado: "Lleva estos peces al cocinero. そして彼は使用人に言った、「この魚を料理人に持って行きなさい。 We will eat them today.' Nos los comeremos hoy'. 今日私たちはそれらを食べるだろう。」

The fisherman took his gold home to his family. El pescador se llevó el oro a casa con su familia. 漁師は家族に金を持ち帰った。 They ate a wonderful dinner of bread, meat, fruit, vegetables and no fish. 彼らはパン、肉、果物、野菜を食べ、魚はありませんでした素晴らしい夕食を食べました。 For the first time in their lives, they were not hungry. Por primera vez en su vida, no tenían hambre. 彼らの生活で初めて、彼らはお腹が空いていませんでした。

The king's cook put the fish over the fire. El cocinero del rey puso el pescado al fuego. 王の料理人は魚を火の上に置きました。 They started to cook. Empezaron a cocinar. 料理を始めました。 Suddenly, the smoke from the fire went blue and gold and a strange woman appeared in the kitchen. De repente, el humo del fuego se volvió azul y dorado y una extraña mujer apareció en la cocina. Soudain, la fumée du feu est devenue bleue et dorée et une femme étrange est apparue dans la cuisine. 突然、火からの煙が青と金色に変わり、不思議な女性が台所に現れました。 She spoke to the fish. Habló con el pez. Elle s'adresse au poisson. 彼女は魚と話しました。

'Fish, fish! Poisson, poisson ! Are you doing your work?' ¿Estás haciendo tu trabajo? Faites-vous votre travail ? あなたはあなたの仕事をしていますか? The fish did not answer. El pez no respondió. Le poisson ne répond pas. Then their heads went up, and they said, 'We are, and we are happy.' Entonces levantaron la cabeza y dijeron: 'Estamos y somos felices'. Ils relevèrent la tête et dirent : "Nous sommes, et nous sommes heureux". そして彼らの顔が上を向いて、彼らは言った、「私たちは、そして幸せです。」 The strange woman pushed the fish into the fire. La extraña mujer empujó el pescado al fuego. L'étrange femme pousse le poisson dans le feu. 奇妙な女性は魚を火に押し込んだ。 The smoke from the fire went blue and gold and the woman disappeared into it. El humo del fuego se volvió azul y dorado y la mujer desapareció en él. La fumée du feu est devenue bleue et dorée et la femme y a disparu. 火から出る煙は青くて金色で、女性はその中に消えてしまった。

The king and his servant came into the kitchen. El rey y su criado entraron en la cocina. 王とその召使が台所に入ってきました。 'I am waiting for the fish. '私は魚を待っています。 Where are they?' どこにいるの?' he said to the cook. He saw that the fish were in the fire and he could not eat them. Vio que los peces estaban en el fuego y no podía comerlos. 彼は魚が火の中にあり、食べることができないのを見ました。 The cook told him about the strange woman. El cocinero le habló de la extraña mujer. 料理人は彼にその奇妙な女性について話した。 The king wanted to see the woman so he sent for the fisherman. El rey quiso ver a la mujer y mandó llamar al pescador. 王はその女性を見たかったので漁師を呼び寄せた。 'Bring me three more fish!' |||additional| 「もっと魚を3匹持ってきてくれ!」 he said.

When the fisherman came back with three more fish, the king gave him more gold. Cuando el pescador volvió con tres peces más, el rey le dio más oro. 漁師がさらに3匹の魚を持ち帰ると、王は彼にもっと金を与えた。 The cook put the fish over the fire. 料理人は魚を火の上に置いた。 This time the smoke from the fire went red and gold and a big man with red hair appeared. Esta vez el humo del fuego se volvió rojo y dorado y apareció un gran hombre pelirrojo. Cette fois, la fumée du feu est devenue rouge et or et un grand homme aux cheveux roux est apparu. 今度は火から上がる煙が赤くて金色になり、赤い髪の大男が現れた。

'Fish, fish! Are you doing your work?' The fish answered, 'We are, we are! 魚は答えました。 And we are happy!' そして私たちは幸せです!' And the same thing happened. そして同じことが起こりました。 The man pushed the fish into the fire and disappeared into the red and gold smoke. 男は魚を火の中に押し込んで、赤と金の煙の中に消えてしまった。

The king did not speak for a minute. El rey no habló durante un minuto. 王様は一瞬も口をききませんでした。 This was magic! ¡Esto fue mágico! Then he turned to the fisherman. Luego se volvió hacia el pescador. それから彼は漁師の方を向いた。 'Where do you get these fish?' "¿De dónde sacas estos peces? 「この魚はどこで手に入れるのですか?」 he asked. 彼は尋ねました。

'I get them from a sea of blue and gold water over the mountain.' 'Los saco de un mar de agua azul y dorada sobre la montaña'. 「山の向こうの青と金の海から手に入れます。」

'Do you know this sea?' the king asked his servant.

'No. I often go across the mountain, but there is no blue and gold sea.' |||al otro lado|||||||||| 山を越えて行くことがよくありますが、青と金の海はありません。

'Will you take us there?' ¿Nos llevarás allí? 「私たちを連れて行ってくれますか?」 the king asked the fisherman. 王様が漁師に尋ねました。

The king and his men followed the fisherman over the mountain to the sea of blue and gold and there they saw the wonderful fish. ||||||||||the mountain|||||||||||||| |el rey||||||||||||||||||||||| o|||||||||||||||||||||||| El rey y sus hombres siguieron al pescador por la montaña hasta el mar azul y dorado y allí vieron el maravilloso pez. 王と彼の部下たちは漁師に従って山を越えて青と金の海に到達し、そこで素晴らしい魚を見ました。 The fish were jewels in the water. Los peces eran joyas en el agua. その魚たちは水中の宝石でした。

'Wait here,' said the king. 「ここで待っていてください」と王が言いました。 He took two men and went round the sea. Tomó a dos hombres y rodeó el mar. 彼は二人の男を連れて海を一周した。 There they came to a great house of red stone. Allí llegaron a una gran casa de piedra roja. そこで彼らは赤い石の大きな家に来ました。 All round the house were gardens of wonderful flowers. 家の周りには素晴らしい花々の庭が広がっていた。 There was no answer at the door. ドアには返事がなかった。 But it was open so the king went in. しかし、扉は開いていたので王様は中に入った。 He saw many beautiful rooms but no people. He came into a very large room with high windows. ||||||habitación||| Entró en una habitación muy grande con ventanas altas. Somebody spoke: 'When will I die? Alguien habló: "¿Cuándo moriré? 誰かが言った:「私はいつ死ぬの? I don't want to live.' 生きたくありま

The king saw a young man at the other end of the room. El rey vio a un joven en el otro extremo de la habitación. 王は部屋の反対側に若い男を見た。 He was on the floor with a coat over his feet. Estaba en el suelo con un abrigo sobre los pies. 彼は床の上にコートを足にかけていた。

'I know you are a king,' said the young man, 'but I cannot stand up.' Sé que eres un rey", dijo el joven, "pero no puedo levantarme". 「私はあなたが王であることを知っています」と若者は言いました。 The king took away the coat and saw that his feet were fine white stone. El rey le quitó la capa y vio que sus pies eran de piedra blanca y fina. 王様が上着を脱ぐと、足が白い石になっているのが見えました。

'What is this?' cried the king. shouted|| 'Why do you have stone feet? ¿Por qué tienes los pies de piedra? なぜあなたは石の足を持っているのですか? Why do the fish talk? ¿Por qué hablan los peces? なぜ魚が話すのですか? Why does a man with red hair appear from nowhere in my kitchen? |||||||||out of nowhere||my kitchen| |||||||||de la nada|||cocina ¿Por qué aparece de la nada un hombre pelirrojo en mi cocina? なぜ赤毛の男が私の台所にどこからともなく現れるのですか? What is happening? Tell me.'

'I will tell you,' said the young man. 'Please sit down and listen. polite request|||| There was once a great city in this place. Once|||||||| Hubo una vez una gran ciudad en este lugar. この場所にはかつて大きな都市がありました。 My father was king of that city, and I was a prince. Mi padre era rey de esa ciudad, y yo era un príncipe. Then my father died and I was the king. I married a beautiful woman. Me casé con una mujer hermosa. She was my queen but she did not love me. Era mi reina, pero no me amaba. She loved a servant. When I learnt about him, I wanted to kill that servant. ||supe|||||||| Cuando supe de él, quise matar a ese sirviente. We had a fight. Tuvimos una pelea. 私たちは戦いました。 I hurt him but I didn't kill him. He could not use his legs. No podía usar las piernas. 彼は脚を使えませんでした。

'My wife was very angry. Mi mujer estaba muy enfadada. 「妻はとても怒っていました。 She can do magic and she changed my feet to white stone. Ella puede hacer magia y cambió mis pies a piedra blanca. 彼女は魔法を使えるので、私の足を白い石に変えました。 Then I could not use my legs. Entonces no podía usar las piernas. That was not the end of it. Eso no fue todo. それは終わりではありませんでした。 Three mountains and a blue and gold sea appeared in place of the city. En lugar de la ciudad aparecieron tres montañas y un mar azul y dorado. 町の代わりに3つの山と青と金の海が現れました。 She changed the men and women of the city into fish. Transformó a los hombres y mujeres de la ciudad en peces. 彼女は町の男性や女性を魚に変えました。

'There is a little house of white stone in the garden of this house. 'Hay una casita de piedra blanca en el jardín de esta casa. この家の庭には、白い石で建てられた小さな家があります。 The servant lives there. その家には召使いが住んでいます。 He cannot walk. No puede caminar. 彼は歩くことができません。 My wife visits him every day.' Mi mujer le visita todos los días".

The king went into the garden and thought for some time. El rey se fue al jardín y se quedó pensando un rato. 王様は庭に出て、しばらく考えました。 Then he went to the house of white stone. Luego se dirigió a la casa de piedra blanca. それから彼は白い石の家に行きました。 He found the servant inside and killed him. Encontró al sirviente dentro y lo mató. 彼は中にいた召使いを見つけて殺した。 He put the servant under the bed and then climbed onto it. ||||||||||on top of| Puso al criado debajo de la cama y luego se subió a ella. 彼は召使いをベッドの下に隠し、その後ベッドの上に登った。 Położył sługę pod łóżkiem, a następnie wspiął się na nie. He pulled the servant's jacket over his face. Se tapó la cara con la chaqueta del criado. 彼は召使いのジャケットを顔にかけた。 Sometime later, the queen came in. Algún tiempo después, entró la reina. その後、女王が入ってきた。

'Are you happy, my dearest servant?' ||||beloved| "¿Eres feliz, mi querido siervo? 「幸せですか、私の最愛の召使い?」 she asked. 彼女は尋ねました。

'No,' said the king. 'I cannot sleep. Somebody is crying. 誰かが泣いている。 The young king is crying because of his stone feet.' 若い王は石の足のために泣いている。

The queen went to the young king and threw some magic water over his feet. La reina se acercó al joven rey y le arrojó un poco de agua mágica sobre los pies. 女王は若い王のところに行き、彼の足に魔法の水をかけた。 He stood up and walked. Se levantó y echó a andar.

Then she came back to the house of white stone. 'And I cannot sleep,' the king said, 'because the men and women of the city cry at night. Y no puedo dormir", dijo el rey, "porque los hombres y las mujeres de la ciudad lloran por la noche. They do not want to be fish.'

So the queen went to the blue and gold sea. She said some magic words. A great city appeared all round her. Una gran ciudad apareció a su alrededor. Men and women ran happily through the streets and in and out of the houses. Hombres y mujeres corrían alegremente por las calles y entraban y salían de las casas. 男性と女性が幸せそうに通りを駆け抜け、家々の中を出入りした。 Then the queen came back to the house of white stone. その後、女王は白い石の家に戻ってきた。

'Are you happy now, my dear servant?' '今、幸せですか、私の大切な召使いよ?' she asked.

'Yes, my love,' he said. 'Come near me.' She came near him. 'Come nearer. Acércate. I want to put my arms round you.' Quiero abrazarte". She came nearer his bed. Se acercó a su cama. 彼女は彼のベッドに近づいてきました。 He put his arms round her. 彼は彼女を抱きしめました。 In one hand he had a knife, and he killed her. 片手にはナイフを持っており、彼女を殺しました。

He went back to the young king. 'Your queen is dead. The city and its people are living.'

The older king and the young king were friends after that. その後、年配の王と若い王は友達になりました。 One city helped the other city. Una ciudad ayudó a la otra. 1つの都市がもう1つの都市を助けました。 But nobody ate fish again. しかし、誰ももう魚を食べませんでした。

The fisherman and his family were happy. 漁師と彼の家族は幸せだった。 The two kings sent them gold and beautiful things. Los dos reyes les enviaron oro y cosas hermosas. 2人の王が彼らに金や美しい物を送った。 They were never hungry again. 彼らはもう決して空腹にならなかった。

- THE END - o|