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E-Books (english-e-reader), Amazing Women by Helen Parker (3)

Amazing Women by Helen Parker (3)


Many people wanted me to have a bigger political role, but I had to say no. I was already working too hard, sometimes more than 20 hours a day. And the problems I saw every day were making me ill. My husband asked me to take more rest, but the poor and sick people needed my help. I couldn't stop.

I was taken to hospital several times and lost a lot of weight. I was also in a lot of pain and the pain got worse and worse. I wanted to help my husband, but it wasn't possible. I wanted to see our country become a better place, but unfortunately this didn't happen. I was only 33 years old when I died, but people around the world still remember me. And many people in Argentina still think of me as their Evita.

er six

Nancy Wake

c. 1912 - 2011

The woman who became a spy in the Second World War

I fought with the French Resistance against the Germans in the Second World War. I got weapons for the Resistance fighters and helped fighters to escape. I was part of the final victory against the Germans in 1945.

I was born in New Zealand, but I grew up in Sydney, Australia. When I was 16 years old, I left home and got a job as a nurse in the Australian countryside. In 1932, I received a surprise - 200 pounds from my aunt. It was a lot of money at that time and I decided to spend it. I went to Sydney Harbour and bought a ticket to North America.

I enjoyed the journey on the ship and then travelled around the USA and Canada. When I wasn't travelling, I worked as a waitress to earn some money. After a while, I moved to Britain. I wanted to work on a newspaper, so I studied to become a newspaper reporter.

I got my first job on a newspaper in Paris, where I learned to speak French. I went to Germany and Austria for the newspaper. I saw the terrible things that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party were doing in their country. I realized then that the Nazis were very dangerous. And they wanted to rule the whole of Europe.


In 1940, the Germans attacked France and occupied most of the country. I was already living in the south of France, where I married my first husband, a businessman, Henri Fiocca. We both hated the Nazis and wanted to help in the war against them.

I began to work for the French Resistance in Marseille. I delivered secret messages to the Resistance fighters and I also helped fighters to escape. The Germans tried to catch me. I used false papers and changed my appearance so they didn't recognize me. In 1943, the Germans caught me, but luckily I escaped.

It was too dangerous for me to stay in France. I had to leave my husband and go over the Pyrenees mountains to Spain. From Spain, I escaped to London and joined the British army. I was a little surprised when the British wanted me to become a spy. They wanted me to be part of a secret army, which helped the French Resistance.

The training with the British army was very hard and I worked night and day to learn the special skills. I learned how to look after injured fighters. I also learned to kill. And so I became a spy and set off on my first mission to France.


I arrived in France on 29th April 1944. At first, the French Resistance didn't believe that I could help them. They didn't think that a woman could be a fighter. A Resistance leader told one of his men, 'This woman could be an enemy. Ask her to go for a walk with you. When no one is around, kill her!' They didn't realize I could speak French. I understood everything.

When we went for the walk, I told the man, 'If you attack me, I will kill you first.' He believed me and took me back to the camp. At last, the Resistance allowed me to join them. I got weapons from Britain and also took part in their attacks against the Germans. We blew up railway lines and stole German weapons. On one occasion, I killed a German soldier. On another, I killed a Resistance fighter who was working for the Germans.


Our attacks against the Germans were very successful, but it was difficult to keep everything secret. Many local people were frightened of the German soldiers and sometimes they gave the Germans information about our plans. On one occasion, someone told the Germans about our secret radio transmitter. Our radio operator destroyed our codes so the Germans didn't discover our secrets.

I cycled 500 kilometres to get new codes. When German soldiers stopped me, I told them, 'I'm going to visit my aunt who's very ill.' After three days, I got the codes. Everyone said that I was very brave, but I didn't think about that. I had to do it. It was part of my job.

With the new codes, I could send secret messages to Britain. We could receive new weapons and start our attacks again. Our attacks were important. They stopped the progress of around 50,000 German soldiers. These soldiers weren't able to fight the British army, which was arriving in the north of France.


In September 1944, I received orders to go to Paris. In Paris, I helped the British and French armies in the final months of the war. On 8th May 1945, we heard the wonderful news. The war was over and the victory was ours!

I wanted to return home to my husband. I was shocked to discover that he was dead. He was killed by the Germans in 1943. It was time for me to start a new life.

I went back to Australia and tried to become a politician. I wasn't successful and life seemed boring after the war. I then moved to the UK for several years and I got an office job with the British secret service.

I was happy to receive many honours for my work in the war, such as the George Medal from the British. And at the end of my life, I felt proud to be part of one of the most important victories in history. The victory brought peace and freedom to Europe.


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Amazing Women by Helen Parker (3) Erstaunliche Frauen von Helen Parker (3) Mujeres asombrosas de Helen Parker (3) Des femmes étonnantes par Helen Parker (3) Donne straordinarie di Helen Parker (3) ヘレン・パーカーの「アメージング・ウィメン」 (3) Niesamowite kobiety Helen Parker (3) Mulheres Incríveis de Helen Parker (3) Удивительные женщины Хелен Паркер (3) Helen Parker'dan İnanılmaz Kadınlar (3) "Дивовижні жінки" Гелен Паркер (3)


Many people wanted me to have a bigger political role, but I had to say no. I was already working too hard, sometimes more than 20 hours a day. And the problems I saw every day were making me ill. My husband asked me to take more rest, but the poor and sick people needed my help. ||požiadal ma||||||||chudobní|||||| I couldn't stop.

I was taken to hospital several times and lost a lot of weight. ||||||||||||váha 병원에 여러 번 실려 갔고 체중이 많이 줄었습니다. I was also in a lot of pain and the pain got worse and worse. Я также испытывал сильную боль, и боль становилась все сильнее и сильнее. I wanted to help my husband, but it wasn't possible. Я хотела помочь мужу, но это было невозможно. I wanted to see our country become a better place, but unfortunately this didn't happen. Chtěl jsem, aby se naše země stala lepším místem, ale bohužel se tak nestalo. 私は私たちの国がより良い場所になることを望んでいましたが、残念ながらこれは実現しませんでした。 Я хотел, чтобы наша страна стала лучше, но, к сожалению, этого не произошло. I was only 33 years old when I died, but people around the world still remember me. |||||||||||||stále|| Když jsem zemřel, bylo mi pouhých 33 let, ale lidé na celém světě si mě stále pamatují. And many people in Argentina still think of me as their Evita. A mnoho lidí v Argentině mě stále považuje za svou Evitu.

er six er six

Nancy Wake

c. 1912 - 2011

The woman who became a spy in the Second World War Žena, která se za druhé světové války stala špionkou

I fought with the French Resistance against the Germans in the Second World War. |||||Odboj|proti||Nemcov||||| I got weapons for the Resistance fighters and helped fighters to escape. ||||||bojovníci||||| 저항군 전사들을 위한 무기를 구하고 전사들의 탈출을 도왔습니다. I was part of the final victory against the Germans in 1945. Ich habe 1945 am Endsieg gegen die Deutschen teilgenommen. 저는 1945년 독일군과의 마지막 승리의 일원이었습니다.

I was born in New Zealand, but I grew up in Sydney, Australia. When I was 16 years old, I left home and got a job as a nurse in the Australian countryside. In 1932, I received a surprise - 200 pounds from my aunt. It was a lot of money at that time and I decided to spend it. ||||z|||||||||| I went to Sydney Harbour and bought a ticket to North America.

I enjoyed the journey on the ship and then travelled around the USA and Canada. When I wasn't travelling, I worked as a waitress to earn some money. ||||||||čašníčka|||| Když jsem necestovala, pracovala jsem jako servírka, abych si vydělala nějaké peníze. 旅行をしていないときは、ウェイトレスとしてお金を稼いでいました。 After a while, I moved to Britain. I wanted to work on a newspaper, so I studied to become a newspaper reporter.

I got my first job on a newspaper in Paris, where I learned to speak French. 저는 파리의 한 신문사에서 첫 직장을 얻었고 그곳에서 프랑스어를 배웠습니다. I went to Germany and Austria for the newspaper. |||||Rakúsko||| 신문을 위해 독일과 오스트리아에 다녀왔어요. I saw the terrible things that Adolf Hitler and his Nazi party were doing in their country. ||||||Adolf Hitler|Adolf Hitler|||nacistická strana|||||| 저는 아돌프 히틀러와 그의 나치당이 자국에서 저지른 끔찍한 일을 목격했습니다. I realized then that the Nazis were very dangerous. |||||Nacisti||| And they wanted to rule the whole of Europe.


In 1940, the Germans attacked France and occupied most of the country. ||||||obsadili|||| I was already living in the south of France, where I married my first husband, a businessman, Henri Fiocca. ||||||||||||||||podnikateľ|Henri Fiocca|Henri Fiocca To už jsem žila na jihu Francie, kde jsem se provdala za svého prvního manžela, podnikatele Henriho Fioccu. We both hated the Nazis and wanted to help in the war against them. 私たちは両方ともナチスを嫌い、彼らとの戦争を助けたかったのです。

I began to work for the French Resistance in Marseille. |||||||Odboj||Marseille I delivered secret messages to the Resistance fighters and I also helped fighters to escape. |doručil som|||||Odbojovým bojovníkom|||||||| The Germans tried to catch me. I used false papers and changed my appearance so they didn't recognize me. In 1943, the Germans caught me, but luckily I escaped. ||||||našťastie||

It was too dangerous for me to stay in France. I had to leave my husband and go over the Pyrenees mountains to Spain. ||||||||||Pyreneje|hory Pyreneje|| 私は夫を離れてピレネー山脈を越えてスペインに行かなければなりませんでした。 From Spain, I escaped to London and joined the British army. スペインからロンドンに逃げ込み、イギリス軍に加わりました。 I was a little surprised when the British wanted me to become a spy. 영국이 저에게 스파이가 되라고 했을 때 조금 놀랐어요. They wanted me to be part of a secret army, which helped the French Resistance.

The training with the British army was very hard and I worked night and day to learn the special skills. I learned how to look after injured fighters. 부상당한 선수들을 돌보는 방법을 배웠습니다. Я научился ухаживать за ранеными бойцами. I also learned to kill. And so I became a spy and set off on my first mission to France. 그렇게 저는 스파이가 되어 프랑스로 첫 임무를 떠났습니다. И вот я стал шпионом и отправился на свое первое задание во Францию.


I arrived in France on 29th April 1944. At first, the French Resistance didn't believe that I could help them. 最初、フランスのレジスタンスは私が彼らを助けることができるとは信じていませんでした。 They didn't think that a woman could be a fighter. 彼らは女性が戦闘機になるとは思っていませんでした。 Они не думали, что женщина может быть бойцом. A Resistance leader told one of his men, 'This woman could be an enemy. Jeden z vůdců odboje řekl jednomu ze svých mužů: "Tato žena by mohla být nepřítel. レジスタンスのリーダーは彼の部下の一人に言った、「この女性は敵かもしれない。 Один из лидеров Сопротивления сказал одному из своих людей: "Эта женщина может быть врагом. Ask her to go for a walk with you. Požádejte ji, aby s vámi šla na procházku. When no one is around, kill her!' They didn't realize I could speak French. Nevěděli, že umím francouzsky. I understood everything.

When we went for the walk, I told the man, 'If you attack me, I will kill you first.' Když jsme šli na procházku, řekl jsem tomu muži: "Jestli mě napadneš, zabiju tě jako první. Когда мы пошли гулять, я сказал этому человеку: "Если ты нападешь на меня, я убью тебя первым". He believed me and took me back to the camp. At last, the Resistance allowed me to join them. I got weapons from Britain and also took part in their attacks against the Germans. 私はイギリスから武器を手に入れ、ドイツ人に対する彼らの攻撃にも参加しました。 영국에서 무기를 받았고 독일군에 대한 공격에도 참여했습니다. Я получал оружие из Великобритании, а также участвовал в их атаках против немцев. We blew up railway lines and stole German weapons. Wir haben Eisenbahnlinien gesprengt und deutsche Waffen gestohlen. Мы взрывали железнодорожные пути и похищали немецкое оружие. On one occasion, I killed a German soldier. ||príležitosť||||| Однажды я убил немецкого солдата. On another, I killed a Resistance fighter who was working for the Germans. 또 다른 날에는 독일군을 위해 일하던 레지스탕스 전사를 죽였습니다. В другом - я убил бойца Сопротивления, который работал на немцев.


Our attacks against the Germans were very successful, but it was difficult to keep everything secret. Many local people were frightened of the German soldiers and sometimes they gave the Germans information about our plans. ||||vystrašení|||||||||||||| On one occasion, someone told the Germans about our secret radio transmitter. ||príležitosť|||||||||vysielač rádia ある時、誰かが私たちの秘密の無線送信機についてドイツ人に話しました。 Our radio operator destroyed our codes so the Germans didn't discover our secrets. ||operátor rádiového spojenia|||||||||| 私たちの無線通信士は私たちのコードを破壊したので、ドイツ人は私たちの秘密を発見しませんでした。 Наш радист уничтожил наши коды, чтобы немцы не узнали наших секретов.

I cycled 500 kilometres to get new codes. |šiel som na bicykli||||| 新しいコードを取得するために500キロをサイクリングしました。 Я проехал на велосипеде 500 километров, чтобы получить новые коды. When German soldiers stopped me, I told them, 'I'm going to visit my aunt who's very ill.' ドイツの兵士が私を止めたとき、私は彼らに言った、「私は非常に病気の叔母を訪ねるつもりです」。 After three days, I got the codes. Po třech dnech jsem dostal kódy. 3日後、私はコードを手に入れました。 Everyone said that I was very brave, but I didn't think about that. ||||||odvážny|||||| 誰もが私はとても勇敢だと言っていましたが、それについては考えていませんでした。 I had to do it. It was part of my job.

With the new codes, I could send secret messages to Britain. We could receive new weapons and start our attacks again. Our attacks were important. They stopped the progress of around 50,000 German soldiers. These soldiers weren't able to fight the British army, which was arriving in the north of France. 이 병사들은 프랑스 북부에 도착한 영국군과 싸울 수 없었습니다. Эти солдаты не могли сражаться с британской армией, которая прибывала на север Франции.


In September 1944, I received orders to go to Paris. In Paris, I helped the British and French armies in the final months of the war. ||||||||armádam||||||| On 8th May 1945, we heard the wonderful news. The war was over and the victory was ours!

I wanted to return home to my husband. I was shocked to discover that he was dead. He was killed by the Germans in 1943. It was time for me to start a new life.

I went back to Australia and tried to become a politician. I wasn't successful and life seemed boring after the war. 저는 성공하지 못했고 전쟁 후 삶은 지루해 보였습니다. Я не был успешен, и жизнь после войны казалась скучной. I then moved to the UK for several years and I got an office job with the British secret service. |||||||niekoľko|||||||||||| Затем я на несколько лет переехал в Великобританию и устроился на офисную работу в британскую секретную службу.

I was happy to receive many honours for my work in the war, such as the George Medal from the British. 영국으로부터 조지 메달을 받는 등 전쟁에 참전한 공로로 많은 영예를 얻게 되어 기뻤습니다. And at the end of my life, I felt proud to be part of one of the most important victories in history. |||||||||hrdý||||||||||víťazstiev|| The victory brought peace and freedom to Europe.