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Driving is one of life's greatest pleasures.

There's nothing better than getting behind the wheel and going for a drive. I live in the countryside, so it's easy to get out onto an open road. I open the windows and turn the music up and then just drive and drive. I like driving to new areas and finding new roads. I find it very relaxing and great fun. I like the speed and the freedom. I even like driving in towns and cities, although not when traffic is really heavy. It's not much fun being stuck in a traffic jam half the day. Driving in different countries is great fun. I'm a little nervous at first, but I soon get to know the roads. People have different ways of driving in different countries. I don't like countries that have aggressive drivers.


Driving is one of life’s greatest pleasures.

There’s nothing better than getting behind the wheel and going for a drive. Není nic lepšího, než sednout za volant a vyrazit si zajezdit. ハンドルを握ってドライブに行くことほど良いものはありません。 I live in the countryside, so it’s easy to get out onto an open road. I open the windows and turn the music up and then just drive and drive. I like driving to new areas and finding new roads. I find it very relaxing and great fun. I like the speed and the freedom. I even like driving in towns and cities, although not when traffic is really heavy. 交通量が非常に多いときではありませんが、町や都市での運転も好きです。 It’s not much fun being stuck in a traffic jam half the day. Driving in different countries is great fun. I’m a little nervous at first, but I soon get to know the roads. Ze začátku jsem trochu nervózní, ale brzy poznávám silnice. People have different ways of driving in different countries. 人々はさまざまな国でさまざまな運転方法を持っています。 I don’t like countries that have aggressive drivers.